Chapter VI
Age eight
"'Tia! Tia!" Exclaimed Shou as he jumped up and down, his red eyes pleading. "Teach me more about magic."
Celestia groaned, "Why don't you ask Yunan?" She says, she had already taught him how to make a borg, in addition to a few spells from what she knows. However, she wasn't an expert in magic... yet, therefore, it was harder for her to teach someone.
Yunan, however, was much more knowledgeable than her in magic. Surely he could teach Shou many more spells than she could.
Celestia had gotten a lot better in communicating with the rukh, she now could ask them to gain information for her. Something that she was sure would prove to be useful in the future.
They had returned to the Dark Continent where Yunan lives after a quick visit to Balbadd and Riem. And had stayed there ever since, visiting the Torran village every once in a while.
Celestia was busy reading the books she bought in Riem, she had been exposed to a pleasant surprise when she stumbled upon a library that was owned by a magician. Naturally, it had a decent amount of books about magic. Celestia ended up taking them all, which had left her without money.
But that was okay, she was satisfied at the books she bought and thankful again for whoever gave her her necklace. She had spent two months in reading those books, she had failed to count them, about one hundred or two. A few were in Torran, thought that was not a problem since Celestia discovered that she could read such a language.
Reading a language that you have never read before all of a sudden wasn't possible. It never happened, it wasn't supposed to happen even.
What was more abnormal than that was that Celestia felt a bit nostalgic as she read that language.
You don't remember?
No, it can't be about that again, right? She was sure she remembers everything ever since she was one. There wasn't supposed to be anything she doesn't remember, that was just..uncanny and strange.
If that was the case, then why was she feeling the other way around? Like there was really something else that she must remember, whatever that was.
How she was able to mature at a young age, how she was able to read and speak of a language she never heard before. How-
Celestia widened her eyes when she realized something.
How was Mila able to tell that she didn't remember something? Did she have a connection to her? When? She was sure she didn't see her before in her life. Mila wasn't supposed to know anything about that.
But she did, and that was making her more confused than how she originally was.
She was forcefully snapped out of her thought by a Shou's shout. She gave him a questioning look, "What's wrong?" Shou asked Celestia who gave him a smile.
"Nothing, I was just thinking for a bit. Sorry for making you worry." She says, patting his head.
"Where is Yun?" Shou asked Celestia who sighed.
"Didn't I tell you before, he went a few hours ago to run some 'errands', whatever it may be." She answers.
Celestia sighed, before going to the kitchen and making something for her and Shou to eat.
When Yunan arrived back late at night, he noticed a plate of food in the kitchen with a piece of note beside it.
Eat it when you come back, you know how to make hit warm with magic.
He smiled gently before digging in.
"What?" Celestia asked in surprise. "We're going to travel again?"
"Yup." Yunan said cheerfully.
"Where are we going to go?" Shou asked excitedly.
"Now that you mention it, I didn't think of that."
Both Celestia and Shou anime fell. "What?! You've got to be kidding me!" Celestia yelled.
"Now, now," Yunan tried to calm down the furious Tia. "How about packing first then we can choose where to go."
Celestia fumed, "All my things are in this necklace." She stated as Shou went to pack his things.
When he came back a while later, Yunan put his arms on Celestia and Shou's shoulders.
"Teleport." And they were nowhere to be seen in the wooden house.
The sun was shining brightly at where they had teleported to. It was a town near the harbor. Celestia could see the sea from where she was.
"Where are we now, Yunan?" she paused when she didn't see the neither the blonde or the black haired magis near her.
As she was searching for them, she passed by a booth selling beautiful instruments. Her gaze went to a beautiful guitar. She grinned, maybe she could..
Satisfied that she bought the guitar, Celestia stored it in her necklace when she wasn't being seen before resuming her search of the stupid magis.
She saw them entering a carriage from afar, needless to say without permission.
She touched the brim of her hat and brought it down a bit, what would she do now, it was possible that she would get lost by herself. She sighed before following them inside, did those idiots know that what they were doing is considered crime? She didn't think they was aware of the fact.
She was irked to see them go inside one of the barrels, she dunno how could a barrel have room for both of them inside. She was about to yell at them when she heard footsteps approaching. If she was caught here they would think that she was trying to steel whatever was inside those barrels! What should she do now?
The sound of footsteps were getting closer, Celestia wiped sweat from her temple.
She did the very thing she never thought she would do her whole life, she hid inside one of the barrels too.
She felt someone step inside, walking around, perhaps checking something, before the footsteps went away. Now that she was inside the barrel she kind of understood why Yunan loves it. It's so dark and comf-
'STOP IT CELESTIA YOU'RE STARTING TO THINK LIKE HIM, WHICH IS CERTAINLY NOT HEALTHY!' She scolded herself inside her head, the carriage started moving, and Celestia started dozing off.
She was jolted awake by the sudden noises that had stopped after a few minutes.
"Are you sure?" A boy's voice asked.
Then people started entering the carriage, "These barrels contain the best we got this year-" two women opened two barrels at the same time.
Which both just happened to have Yunan and Shou, and Celestia inside in other one..
Celestia rubbed her eyes, "Too bright..." she muttered before grabbing the lid of the barrel from the woman and closed the barrel.
Though Yunan shifted his gaze from the old man with white hair, then to indigo haired teen, to a child, then to the woman that opened the barrel. Shou just blinked his eyes, curious why the people in front of him had horror expressions.
Yunan's cheeks were red as he groaned, "P-Please don't open the lid without permission!" He exclaimed, grabbing the lid from the woman, then closing the barrel.
"My name is Yunan, this is Celestia," he motioned with his head at the blonde that was sleeping on the indigo haired man's back. She was too sleepy when the indigo haired teen saved them that he decided to give her a piggy back ride. "And the little boy here is Shou." The wandering magi said motioning to the black haired magi that was sleeping on his back. "We are travelers. Thanks for clearing the misunderstanding before it became serious."
"Why were you in a place like that?" Sinbad asked out of curiosity, he was carrying a bag of the fresh food that he was rewarded with.
"Because its cramped and dark in the barrel." Yunan explained with happiness, his cheeks reddened. "It felt really comfortable!"
What a weirdo, Sinbad thought.
"Shut up Yun." Celestia muttered, trying her best to fully open her eyes to no avail. "What were you going to do if everyone thought you were a thief or worse?!"
"But you were also inside one." Sinbad dead panned.
Celestia felt an arrow pierce her on her head, her cheeks started reddening, "But that's because I was following Yun and then I.. I.." she trailed off, thinking of how to explained what happened.
"So you both love going inside barrels..." Sinbad mused, "Why w-" the indigo haired teen paused when saw saw Celestia's eyes starting to water. "Ah, sorry."
Celestia snapped, "YOU! I.. I.. I HATE YOU!" She shouted, jumping off the indigo haired boy and climbing to sit on Yunan's shoulder. Celestia was fuming and muttering colorful curses that she picked up from General Jennet. Yunan's expression turned horrified that a child knew such words.
Sinbad looked amused at the black haired magi that was sleeping on Yunan's back, and at the blonde girl that was zooming in and out of her sleep as she rested her head on Yunan's. "You're pretty strong considering that you're carrying two persons without even looking like it."
Yunan blinked, "But they're just children, they're not heavy at all." He said confused.
Sinbad sweat dropped but didn't say anything.
They continued their way in silence, attempting to break the silence, Yunan spoke, "By the way... Is it really alright for us to stay at your house?"
"Yeah, it's fine. It's natural to lend a hand to someone in trouble." He said before pointing to a village from afar, "Look, you can see it from here. This is my hometown, Tison village."
"It's Sinbad onii-chan!" Two toddlers - a boy and a girl - exclaimed, running to Sinbad who set the bag he was carrying down.
"Welcome back, Sinbad." An old woman greeted, "Did you find any work at the harbor?"
"It must be hard." Another woman commented.
Sinbad told them that he didn't get a job yet, but instead he got fresh fruits in which he gave the villagers some of it. He decided to sell what's left of the fruits after taking a small portion for his mother and himself. He needed money to buy medicine for his mother after all.
Celestia - who was sitting on Yunan's shoulder now - blinked her eyes. She hadn't thought that indigo headed boy was anything near responsible, she still hated him though. He was too rude for her to even stay neutral.
"By the way," the first woman grinned, glancing at Yunan Celestia, and Shou curiously. "Wouldn't you introduce us to your friends?"
"This is Yunan," Sinbad pointed at the blonde man, he then pointed at blonde child sitting on his shoulder, "And this is Celestia." Then to the black haired magi that was was now sitting on his other shoulder. When did he shift his position, Sinbad didn't know. "And that's Shou. They're travelers whom I helped at the harbor."
"They're.. they're.. foreigner..?!" A woman asked terrified.
"Nah, if it's Sinbad's decision, then it's fine with me." The first woman said, bringing her fist to her chest.
"Thank you, everyone." Yunan smiled, he then gave Celestia a look.
Celestia groaned, giving a glare to Sinbad. She then smiled gently at the woman, - not noticing the irked teen - and smiled gently. "Thanks you for having us, we hope to not cause you any trouble during our stay."
Sinbad looked at her weirdly, as if he didn't know that the blonde child could act.. nicely. He sighed, what did he do for the kid to hate him anyway?
With Yunan unfamiliar green clothes, Celestia's white and red outfit, and Shou's black and white ones. It wasn't a surprise for the kids to surround them looking at the three excitedly. "You're wearing weird clothes." A kid commented bluntly.
A kid started tugging Yunan's long braid, another one started pulling at his hat. This caused Shou to wrap his arms around Yunan's neck to keep him from falling. With Celestia clutching Shou's braid like her life depended on it. It just got worse when a kid then started to tug her long hair.
"Stop please." Yunan yelled embarrassed.
"Let go of my hair!" Celestia shouted, a hand holding Shou's braid, the other keeping her hat in place.
She was thankful when the woman and Sinbad scolded the kids.
"Kids!" Celestia grumbled after they were far enough from the scene.
Sinbad looked at her weirdly, "You're one too."
She stared at him, he stared at her, she stared, he stared, she stared, he tore his gaze away.
"Aha! I win!" She exclaimed happily, much to Sinbad's irritation. All she has been doing was annoying him, he was known for getting along with kids, so why couldn't he get along with Celestia? He paused when he saw Shou glare at him.
And Shou too. He added in his mind.
"You're deeply trusted in this village." Yunan told Sinbad after he, Shou, and Celestia, saw him helping the villagers here and here.
"Yeah," Sinbad smiled, "We had some differences but everything's fine now."
He then caught both blondes and the red eyes boy staring at him, "What?"
Yunan smiled, "Nothing."
Celestia was walking around the village, she had sneaked out of Sinbad's house without saying a word. She didn't need to anyway, she was only taking a walk around.
The kids around recognized her from when she first met them with Sinbad and surrounded her, "Sis! Want to play with us?"
"Please play with us!"
"Yeah! Let's play hide and seek!"
"No, that game is too boring let's play tag~!"
Celestia smiled, "I have an idea!" The kids' attention shifted to her, "How about I give you a show and a magic trick?"
The kids' eyes light up before nodding eagerly.
"Watch carefully," Celestia instructed, a hand on her necklace and the other behind her.
She brought a guitar from the hand behind her back, surprising the kids.
Celestia saw the same woman that had sang that song at the back of her mind, she sang another song. The words etching into Celestia's mind as if she knew the song all along. Including how to play on the guitar.
Why not?
"How about a song?" She asked.
The kids eyes sparkled before cheering.
Celestia laughed, "Well, here goes."
She started playing her guitar.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
" 🎶doushite doushite suki nan darou🎶
(Why, oh why do I love you so much? )
🎶konna ni namida afureteru🎶
(My tears overflow this much)
Celestia was unaware of the people that had stopped moving, including an indigo haired teen she met less than a while ago.
Her eyes were closed as she sang and played the guitar, getting consumed in the song.
🎶ano koro wa ushinau mono ga oosugite nani mo utaenakatta 🎶
(Back in that time, there was so much to lose that I couldn't sing anything )
🎶sukoshi hanareta basho soko ga watashi no ibasho datta🎶
(A place just a little ways away--That was where I was)
🎶kimi no hitomi no oku ni ano hi samishisa wo mitsuketa 🎶
(That day, deep in your eyes, I saw the loneliness )
🎶futari niteru no kana? 🎶
(Are the two of us really alike? )
🎶kizukeba itsu mo tonari ni ite kureta🎶
(If I'd realized it, you were always by my side)
🎶doushite konna ni suki nan darou 🎶
(Why do I love you so much? )
🎶kimi no koe kanashii hodo hibiiteru yo 🎶
(Your voice rings inside me so much it makes me sad)
🎶ima made nani ga sasae datta ka 🎶
(Just what it was that supported me so much )
🎶tooku hanarete wakatta yo🎶
(From afar, I realize it now)
🎶nakinagara sagashi tsuzuketa maigo no kodomo no you ni 🎶
(Like a lost child, crying and searching)
🎶kedo soko ni wa eien nante aru wake nakute🎶
(But there was no such thing as forever)
🎶"dare mo shinjinakereba iin da yo" tsubuyaita ne 🎶
("It's okay if you don't believe in anyone" you whispered )
🎶futari niteta no kana? 🎶
(Were the two of us really alike? )
🎶ano toki kimi wo mamoru to kimeta no ni🎶
(And I decided then I would protect you)
🎶doushite omoide ni dekinai n darou 🎶
(Why can't I turn them to memories)
🎶toosugite chikasugite todokanai yo 🎶
(You're too far, too near for me to reach )
🎶"wasureyou" tte omoeba omou hodo 🎶
(The more I tell myself "I will forget" )
🎶kimi ga ookiku natteku yo🎶
(The larger you loom in my thoughts)
🎶doushite konna ni suki nan darou 🎶
(Why do I love you so much? )
🎶kimi no koe kanashii hodo hibiiteru yo 🎶
(Your voice rings (inside me) so much it makes me sad )
🎶ima made nani ga sasae datta ka 🎶
(Just what it was that supported me so much)
🎶tooku hanarete wakatta yo🎶
(I realize it now from afar)
🎶doushite kimi wo suki ni natta n darou 🎶
(Why do I love you so much? )
🎶kantan sugite kotae ni naranai🎶
(It's so easy I just can't answer)
"Eh?" Celestia looked to see many villagers surrounding her, some were sobbing, some looking at her with sad smiles.
When did they all gather around her?
Something slipped from her eyes, Celestia paused to touch her cheek. Why was she crying?
She saw a flash of the same blonde woman, though her face was blurry.
Why did that woman appear a lot in her mind?
"Celestia!" A voice called her, she turned to see the annoying indigo haired teen.
She pursed her lips, not knowing what to feel about him. "I was looking for you." He said, "Your father is worried about you."
Father? Ah, he meant Yunan. Celestia thought, "He's not my father!" She fumed, though she followed him nonetheless.
Celestia couldn't get any sleep, her thoughts drifted to that woman that appeared in Celestia's mind two times now.
Why did she seem so familiar, why could Celestia feel her emotions? No matter how hard she thought about it, it was weird.. that she was too familiar that Celestia feels she is stupid for not even knowing about it.
She turned her sleeping position to the other sight, she turned but then she saw Sinbad's face in front of hers. She quickly turned to her original position, her cheeks a bit reddened.
Why must she sleep next to that annoying boy?
Friends forever?
That voice was familiar to Celestia, where had she heard it before?
Celestia stood, for some reason she couldn't bring herself to sleep. She went outside the house, making sure not to make noises or wake up anyone.
She leaned against the wall of the house as she looked at the night sky. Stars were sparkling before her, the night sky looked beautiful, as always. It had a calm effect on her, it made her think of things in a better way, and t made her.. relax.
A faint noise was heard, Celestia didn't bother to look at the source as she spoke, "What are you doing at this time of night, Sinbad?"
Sinbad scratched the back of his head, embarrassed that he had been caught. But he quickly regained his composure and cast a questioning look at the blonde child, "I could ask you the same thing, you know? Children must be asleep at this time of night."
How annoying can a person be? Celestia glared at Sinbad before looking away. "I can do whatever I want." She grumbled, "And that's none of your business." She turned to look into his eyes.
Sinbad sighed, "You are not nice, are you?"
Celestia ignored the indigo haired teen as she went inside his house. She heard a groan from behind her, she suppressed the urge to giggle at the teen behind her.
She then blacked out as soon as her head hit her pillow, seems she was more tired than she thought she was.
She discovered that when she was out as soon as her head hit the pillow.
When she woke up the next day, Sinbad was nowhere to be seen. She sighed in relief of not having to deal with him. She rubbed her eyes, trying to push her sleepiness aside.
"If something ever happens to Sin, I want you to be the one to guide him please." Celestia turned to see Yunan, and Elsa (Sinbad's mother) talking.
She felt like it was personal so she left them alone to talk.
As she wandered alone in the village..
"I am the Western Region Commander, Dragul." A voice boomed, Celestia walked closer to where was the voice coming from. Curiosity getting the best of her. "I'll only say it once more."
The female magi looked at the source of the voice, it was a young man with long dark green hair, cropped short around his face, amber eyes, and a single hanging earring on his left ear. The Dragul guy has his sword pointed toward Sinbad, who is on the ground.
"Sinbad of Tison village... you have received an official draft notice from the army." The green haired boy stated, his face was emotionless, yet you could feel his irritation. "In three days finish your preparations and enlist. Anything longer than that, and we'll come for you, understood?"
Celestia's brow twitched in irritation, who did that boy think he was anyway?
"And if I say no?" Sinbad asked, as if he had a death wish.
Dragul was about to kick him when a sudden wind rushed towards him, making him accidentally kicking the air, thus falling down.
Celestia smirked and quickly hid her staff before approaching the two figures that were in the center of the crowd. "Care to enlighten me and tell me why does he have to enlist, Dragul?" She muttered his name with annoyance clear in her tone, she didn't care who he was.
If anyone could tolerate this kind of treatment... then..
Dragul raised a brow at the eight year old magi. "It's his country, our country, defending it with our blood goes without saying."
He or she is not someone she can respect.
That's it, Celestia butt out laughing in his face. Causing the crowd to look at her in both surprise and confusion. Dragul glared at her, and she glared back more intensely.
Sinbad eyes were wide at the blonde girl. Was she standing up for him? He though she hated him. He was sure he did, then why was she..?
"You call this land a proper country, huh? It's one of the worst countries I have ever seen. And I've seen a lot. The people in control don't care about anything other than themselves. A country exist not for the one in control , it exist for its CITIZENS!" She yelled, the crowd went silent, nobody said a word. Celestia cross d her arms over her chest, scowling. "War after war, just for stealing other countries wealth. Don't you think it's over for this country, with he way things are going, I won't be surprised if Parthevia got annihilated in a few years or even less."
Gasps were heard, Celestia helped Sinbad up, ignoring the crowd and receiving his thanks. Dragul just rolled her eyes at the magi's speech before looking around the village, looking at the women and children. "There's isn't much workforce left in this village that's we can use. Just women and children. We'll have to report this to the higher ups."
Dragul was about to leave with his soldiers when Sinbad spoke, "Hey, just women and children? Not much workforce?! JUST WHAT DO YOU TAKE IS FOR?!" He indigo haired boy shouted in anger.
"Exactly what I said." Dragul said emotionlessly.
"He still doesn't get it.." Celestia shook her head in disappointment, to which Dragul scowled at her in irritation. She just grinned when she saw his reaction.
"The real workforce.. it the military service you say? THAT'S NOT A WORKFORCE AT ALL! My father was deployed and never came back. I... There's no way I'll EVER enlist!" Sinbad shouted at the top of his lungs.
"That's right!"
"Just as Sin said."
"We've always felt this way!"
The soldiers that were with Dragul panicked, asking him what they were supposed to do. However, Dragul smirked. Celestia narrowed her eyes upon noticing that.
"You can fuss all you want, but you can't escape drafting orders when they come. Right Sinbad? Understand? Parthevia requires your services." He then started talking about the existence of "a dungeon". And how they must get their hands on its power no matter what. "Sinbad, in the end.. your father was deployed after all, right?" He then turned away leaving. "In the end, that's how it is. You should know this."
"That's because you forced him to!!" Celestia yelled in defense, "Things would be too much easier for this country if you and whomever orders you disappear!" The blonde, female magi yelled in frustration.
Yunan, who was among the crowd, resisted the urge to face palm. She just exposed herself to a powerful person of Parthevia and not in a good way too.
"No way... no matter what we do, we can't escape the war."
"Even after everything Badr taught us..."
"I don't want you to go, big brother Sin!"
The villagers complained about how things turned out. The war was taking everything from them.
Celestia looked at the villager that was complaining, she sighed before walking away without anybody's notice.
The country wanted the power of a dungeon. Celestia had heard of a dungeon before. In fact, she read a book about that.
She had heard of what people called a strange building that rose from the sea. The first dungeon in this generation. Scientists and soldiers alike took an immediate interest in it and, before long, there were a plethora of researchers who came to investigate the strange phenomenon. Their curiosity soon led them to explore the dungeon. However, none from the ten thousand men who entered left with their lives, which caused people to refer to it as "the hole of death".
Excitement rushed through Celestia's veins, she wondered what a dungeon looked like from the inside.
If a number of ten thousand have been killed than it had to be at least challenging, right?
Celestia smirked, she knew just what to do.
"What?!" Celestia exclaimed in anger. "Why can't I come with you?" She spat, she was so furious right now.
"Just like I said," Sinbad crossed his arms over his chest eyeing the female magi. "I'm not taking a child with me the day after tomorrow."
Her eyebrow twitched, "I'm not a child!" She protested, "I'm eight! Eight!" She raised eight fingers as if to prove her point.
"And that's not supposed to make you a child?" Sinbad asked sternly before he looked at her with determined eyes, pointing a finger towards her. "You're staying away from the dungeon. Ten thousand men never came back, what makes you think that'll be different for you?"
Celestia gritted her teeth. Oh how she wanted to rip that boy apart with her magic. Though Yunan surely picked up the negative vibes coming out of her, she knew that when he touched her shoulder. A gesture for her to calm down.
Shou, who was sitting on Yunan's shoulder glared at Sinbad. "I don't like him!" He jumped off Yunan's shoulder before pointing at Sinbad. "The only thing he know is how to underestimate us. If only he knew that we are ma- mhmmm!" He was muffled by Celestia's hand, she then turned to look at Sinbad with a nervous laugh.
"Ma-Ma.. He means our ma-majestic abilities in physical fighting you see.." she stammered, shooting Shou a look.
The indigo haired boy raised a brow, was there something about them that he didn't know? Although he didn't question it, Celestia wasn't the type who would give up easily after all.
He sighed when he saw her fuming and muttering curses under her breath. Seriously, where she did learn those curses from anyway?
Celestia suddenly smirked, a light bulb appeared next to her. Sinbad'd lips twitched in irritation, he had never been so annoyed of a child before. She was definitely a first.
She had walked away, though not without flashing him a smug smile. She was followed by Shou who gave him a glare. Yunan just smiled innocently at him, patting the indigo haired boy's back when he sighed, tired of this.
"I know they might not seem that friendly but give them a chance. You'll definitely deem it as something worth it." Yunan beamed brightly, he had told him to be a king and conquer the dungeon a while before.
It didn't surprise him that Celestia wanted to explore his summoned dungeon, in fact he expected it. She had always showed deep interest whenever he told her about dungeon and explained to her what they were.
If something had surprised him, it was the way Sinbad reacted to Celestia. He tapped his chin after the said man left for some errands.
"This might get interesting." He muttered to himself, making sure it not be heard.
Though he knew,
It has already begun. The only thing that was left was time.
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