Chapter II

Edited 3/8/17

It wasn't until sunset that the two girls stopped playing. Hilaria never had this much fun before, there weren't many kids around.

Hilaria led Celestia to her room, her was colored in a light shade of purple. There were toys practically everywhere. Hilaria took a teddy bear and showed it to Celestia, "Look! That's the toy I got yesterday!"

Celestia laughed, "It's impressing that you keep that much toys in your room."

"I know, right? I am into collecting toy since I have nothing else to do." Hilaria confessed, earning a questioning look from Celestia.

"What do you mean? Can't you play with the other kids or spend time with your parents?"

Hilaria hesitated before answering, "I would love to, but they're too busy managing the kingdom to really spend time with me. There aren't many kids around my age, the ones that I meet are all rude and so full themselves. I'd rather not play with those kind of twats."

Celestia frowned, for someone who is just a few years old, Hilaria talked like she was in her teens or something. Not that she had any right to talk, she was in the same boat as her.

That's it!

"Well, we can always play together!" Celestia heard herself say, Hilaria looked at her with wide eyes. "You said you didn't have anything to do, right? We could always play together! Sneaking out of the mansion isn't too hard for you, or is it?" Celestia mocked, it seems she didn't learn her lesson the last time she actually sneaked out.

Hilaria raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest. "Of course it isn't, sneaking around is easy around those bastards of guards."

Celestia's smile widened, "We can play everyday in the city, I can't wait!" She exclaimed before a thought crossed her mind, "Why didn't mother and father leave to go home yet?"

"Oh, are you perhaps one of the guests?" Hilaria's eyes sparkled, Celestia nodded her head. "You're going to stay the night, apparently your parents have some work to do, that's what I heard anyways."

"But why didn't anyone inform me?"

"Do you seriously think they'd inform a two year old of everything?"

"Hey! Don't talk like you're any better!"

"I'm gonna be three next month!" Hilaria retorted, smirking.

"That's next month! Now you're just two like me!"

"But I'm still older than you!"

"What does-" the sound of thunder alarmed the girls, they held each other's hands with a horrified expressions.

"That scared me.." Celestia muttered, visibly relaxing herself as she sat on a soft chair.

Hilaria grinned, "Of course that scared you, you're such a kid."

Irked, Celestia said, "Oh? Do you mean how you clung to me when we heard the sound?"

"What? You were th- " Celestia froze. what's wrong?" Hilaria paused, then she waved her hands in front of Celestia.

Celestia didn't even blink. She was more interested to hear what the rukh were panicking about.

'Get out! Get out!'
'They're coming! They're coming!'

Celestia's eyes were wide, she wondered what was going on but she didn't have the time to think about that. She stood up without a warning, startling Hilaria. "Hilaria, we must leave immediately!" Celestia exclaimed. Though before Hilaria had the chance to respond, the door of her room slammed open, men who wore guard uniform entered. Celestia cursed, she definitely didn't like the dead look in their eyes.

"Wh-Who are you?" Hilaria stuttered, taking a few steps back. "Leave!" She gasped when she saw the guard that doesn't know the meaning of personal space.

"Shut up!" One of the men punched Hilaria in the stomach, she gasped, losing consciousness immediately.

The guard smirk, throwing Hilaria's body over his shoulder. "Leave Hilaria alone!" Celestia shouted, that was when the men first noticed that there was another child in the room. "What do you think you're doing with her?! You imbecile! Leave her alone!"

A man approached Celestia, who look at him in horror. But she won't let anyone hurt Hilaria, she wouldn't let them kidnap here! She doesn't deserve, no one deserves that. She maintained her calmness, refusing to let those men see how scared she was.

Celestia was thrown away by a kick, she hit the wall with a wince, then fell down. She then stood up again, refusing to give up on saving her first friend! "Release Hilaria, I won't forgive anyone who hurts her!"

The men looked shocked at what the two year old just said before laughing, "You hear what that kid says?!" One of them laughed, turning from his comrades and looking at Celestia whose feet were shaking to keep her standing. It seems she hit a sharp object when she fell, her feet were bleeding, but she'll worry about that later.

"You still haven't learned you lesson?" A man said before kicking her, he stomped on her head. Celestia flinched, the rukh were frantically flying around her, whispering soothing words into her ear.

Celestia smiled, she didn't know how she would handle the situation of those cute white birds weren't there with her. She then stopped struggling all of a sudden, making it look as if she lost consciousness.

She was glad that the men bought it, when she was freed she jumped on her feet, then jumped on the man that was holding Hilaria. She wrapped her little arms around his neck from behind him, biting his shoulder.

The man shrieked, a girly shout filled the air. Hilaria fell from his shoulder as a result of his sudden movement. When he realized the source of his pain, he grabbed Celestia's arms, throwing her away, she hit the door of the room.

The men were surprised when they saw Celestia attempt to stand again. She stumbled, but didn't allow herself to fall. It was because of her knowing if she fell now, she wasn't the only one who was going to fall.

She then tried to walk towards them, it started to hurt moving her legs, but she didn't want to stop herself. She couldn't, how could she stop trying when she knew they would take Hilaria to somewhere far away.

Another man aimed a punch at her, Celestia didn't think she could handle another hit. Her heart was pounding when the door slammed open all of a sudden. Another person came and blocked the attack that would have caused a few broken bones to Celestia.

Celestia could only look at her savor's back, short blonde hair was all she saw before the world faded into darkness.


When she opened her eyes, she immediately sat up. That brought her mother's attention, who was sitting on a chair near her daughter bed. "Are you alright, dearest?"

"Hilaria, is Hilaria okay?" She rasped, her throat was dry, she felt as if she didn't talk for days. Her mother gave her a weird look, like she was calculating her.

Her mother sighed, "That's what you say when you wake up. God, what am I supposed to do with you?" She embraced Celestia, whose eyes widened in shock. "Do you know how worried I was? Do you know that you didn't wake up for three whole days? Do you realize how much I feared that I would.. lose you." She whispered the last part.

Celestia felt droplets of water fall on her shoulders, she then realized that it was her mother's. Her heart ached, what kind of daughter was she? She worried her mother sick, but didn't care about that, more like she didn't realize how worried her mother was.

Celestia wrapped her arms around her mother's shoulder, "I-I'm sowey.." she wailed, tears streaming from her eyes.

Her father entered the room, also witnessing the very first time Celestia had ever cried.

He then joined them in hugging both his wife and his daughter. Faint sobs were heard in the room, Celestia's mother patted her daughters back.


"Celestia!" The door opened, a lilac haired child entered the room and ran to the blonde's bed. "Are you alright? You haven't woken up for three days!"

Celestia nodded, "I'm alright." Celestia's parents left a while ago to take care of something, probably something concerning their company. Though Celestia could still feel the guilt, she didn't take her parents' feelings into mind, that alone is something she couldn't forgive herself for doing. Even if it wasn't on purpose.

The blonde was thinking too hard that she didn't notice another presence enter the room. "Thank you for saving my niece, Celestia-san."

A blonde man, with beautiful purple eyes, glanced down at Celestia. His face was soft and a bit feminine, his smile brightened the atmosphere around him.


"W-What? N-Niece?" Both the blonde male and lilac haired girl chuckled at Celestia's reaction.

Hilaria then stepped forward, "He doesn't look like it, does he? We get that a lot."

"Oh." That man was the king's younger brother. He looked like he was in his early twenties.

He smiled, "Do you need anything?" He asked gently.

"Uh, no thanks um,"

"Oh, how rude of me, I didn't introduce myself, I'm Lynn."

Celestia nodded. Lynn then excused himself, saying that he had some errands to run. Hilaria stared at her friend's bandages before averting her gaze. "I'm sorry."

The blonde's head snapped to the lilac haired girl. "You are sorry? For what? You didn't know anything wrong."

"B-But! They targeted me because I was a princess. Because I was princess you got hurt, and I- and I.." Hilaria wailed, she was so frustrated with herself, for being.. "And I was so weak!"

Weak, maybe that's why Celestia was helpless when the slave traders attempted to kidnap her. Maybe that was why she couldn't do anything other than depend on someone else for protection. Maybe that's why she couldn't do anything when men came three days ago to kidnap Hilaria.

She was weak, she didn't want to be someone who couldn't even protect herself. She wanted to be strong, she wanted to have the power to protect those precious to her.

"Then we just have to get strong together, right?" Celestia suggested, Hilaria glanced at the blonde before asking.


"That's what I'm gonna figure out soon, we might need some of sneaking out skills, if you know what I mean. Though it might take a while for me to find the right place. Are you in, princess?"

Hilaria furiously nodded her head.


Age three

Celestia was wondering around the city. It was one of those day that she snuck out. It had been months but she still couldn't figure a place where she and Hilaria could get stronger in.

Celestia sighed, if her parents discovered that she had been sneaking out when they weren't home, which was often, she would be in in big trouble. But she knew that it was worth it, she was tired of being helpless in dire situations.

Moreover, her parents just left for a business trip outside the country that would take at least a whole month. They couldn't notice if she was home or not, not these days anyway.

Men passed right beside her, judging by their muscles they were working out a lot. They entered a building that was close to where Celestia was. She was thinking whether to check out what that building was or not when she cursed and went inside after them. There was no harm in taking a peek inside.


Apparently, that wasn't the case. As soon as Celestia entered the big building, all the men's eyes snapped to glare at her. They really know how to make a person feel like he's home. Not.

"What do you want, kid?" A brunette inquired, he looked like he was in his mid thirties, the man gave an air of authority around him. Celestia blinked at the man, not knowing how to explain that she just came here just out of curiosity.

She glanced at the stares she was given by the other men, and it look like the others wouldn't let her even finish her answer without getting beaten up.

But it seemed like it was a good place, there were men doing push-ups on a specific corner of the big room, some other were doing pull-ups, there were some who were fighting each other too.

She looked at the brunette's eyes, this was definitely worth it. "I want you to train me."

Needless to say, this caused the whole place to erupt into loud laughter.

Celestia was fuming, her arms crossed over her chest just, she waited impatiently until the laughter died down, tapping her foot in annoyance.

What was the problem with her training?!

"Ahaha, you want to train? I've never heard a joke better than this one. How old are you, two?" The brunette chuckled, wiping unrealistic tears.

"I'm three!" She protested, bring up three fingers.

The brunette laughed, "Still a kid." He grinned, walking closer to the blonde.

Celestia gave him a glare, he smirked before slammed Celestia into the wall in a swift move, his hand wrapped around her throat. The blonde's eyes widened in surprise, she then looked up to meet her attacker's eyes, hers filled with determination. She wouldn't leave until she got what she wanted, she made sure that the brunette knew that.

"Release me." Her tone was calm, but something about her made the brunette's fingers slightly shake.

"Why do you want to learn how to fight?" The brunette inquired, his grip tightening. "What do you want to use that power for?"

Celestia paused, her thoughts traveled to her parents, and then to Hilaria. She did have much to fight for.

"I have people I need to protect." Her stern expression managed to effect everyone who looked at her. Who took her request as a joke now stared at her, contemplating whether to accept her request or refuse. Celestia took a deep breath, "I have always been a burden, someone who cannot take care of herself. But, I want to cling to every bit of power and kindness I could see. I think it's just then that I'll really be.. well, me."

The brunette glared at her for a moment, he then released her. As a result of not giving a warning, Celestia was about to hit her head but saved herself by landing on all fours. She gave the brunette a questioning look, silently demanding to know whether he accepted her in.. uh, whatever you call this building, or not.

Though he didn't give her an answer and looked at the others. No one had a playful look as they did when the blonde first announced her request. Her presence influenced everyone in the room, something beyond impressing for someone who is just three.

"You start training tomorrow." The brunette announced, shocking everyone. Celestia grinned as she stood, she was finally going to get stronger! "Don't relax just yet!" The brunette shouted, alarming Celestia and making her stiffen. "You had just begun! You didn't achieve anything yet! We start at sunrise, we finish in the afternoon, everyday."

"Roger that," she beamed, she couldn't wait for the next day to come. She then remembered something, "Ah! I'm going to bring a friend with me tomorrow! See you 'whose name I don't know'!" She shouted before leaving the building in a heartbeat.

The men looked at their trainer, "Why did you accept her, boss?" One of the men asked in pure curiosity.

The brunette sighed before running a hand through his hair, "I liked the look in her eyes." He smirked.


"What?!" Celestia exclaimed, she had gone to the king's mansion at the same day. Imagine her reaction when Hilaria told her that there was no way for her to sneak away that much time everyday. "I'll sneak you out, but come on, with me! Didn't we agree that we will get stronger, together?"

Hilaria looked down, Celestia had a point, but how was she supposed to explain this to her father. Don't get her wrong, her father was a kind man, he was just a bit overprotective. Okay, maybe he was too overprotective that Hilaria knew he wouldn't allow her to go even if she asked.

Celestia couldn't accept that her friend wouldn't be able to train with her, "I'm gonna go and convince the King myself." The blonde announced, she walked hurriedly to the door, when she was about to slam the door open, it opened by itself. There stood the same blonde person from before.

What was his name again? Lynn?

"I'm sorry that I have accidentally heard your conversation. Though I could offer a solution, I'll talk with the my brother and King myself." Lynn offered, Celestia's eyes widened and she nodded her head.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She yelled, earning a chuckle from the blonde.

"It's nothing, after all going to training will benefit my niece as well, right?" He smiled gently, his purple eyes glancing at his niece who grinned at him.

"Thanks uncle. I appreciate it." Hilaria told her uncle who just waved, he then left the room. The breeze ruffled the girls' hair, Celestia turned to her friend, her eyes sparkling.

"Your uncle is awesome!" She breathed, Hilaria chuckled.

"He's always laid back, that's what makes him really stand out."

"Is that really it?" Celestia wondered, "He seemed to be really wise for someone his age."

Hilaria raised a brow in a playful manner, "Why do you make it sound like you're older than him? You're just three!"

"You're three too!" Celestia pouted, "Why do you always talk like you're an adult?"

Hilaria blinked, "You think so too? I actually think there's something really weird about us. Have you seen the other kids around our age? They don't act anything like us at all, they're dumber and just think of playing. Our thinking ways are totally different that made me think that what was different wasn't them, but..."

"..Us" Celestia finished, crossing her arms behind her head. "But that doesn't really matter, what if we just had grown up fast? Isn't that a good thing?"

Hilaria shook her head, she then leaned in and whispered, "Apparently, it isn't. I heard that my parents and yours were discussing how fast we both had grown up. How sad they were about it, my parents always wanted me to grow up into a fine woman. But now that I had grown up mentally they didn't like it, I don't know why."

Celestia tapped her chin, "I don't think their opinions really matter."


"No matter what they do, this life belongs to me," she motioned to her heart. "No matter what they do, they can't take it away from me, they might influence me to think about it differently, but that's it. I'm my own person." She then pointed at Hilaria, who looked astonished at what her friend was saying. "No matter how everyone thinks about you, you are your own person. So what if we both had grown up quickly? It's not like we had any control of that, that's just the way we are."

Lynn was standing outside the door, silently listening to what the two were talking about.

They are really something... now I have to convince my brother to allow Hilaria outside the mansion everyday, what a drag!

The blonde left his spot, he was always constantly surprised about how mature Hilaria was, but Celestia..

"I didn't think she was this interesting, I'm excited to see how they would change this kingdom. Maybe, just maybe their existence will change the whole world."


Age five

"The winner in this match is Tia!" The announced shouted, the crowd cheered.

A match of a giant man, and little girl has been concluded with the girl winning.

A girl no older than five.

"Good work." A girl with with purple hair complimented the winner.

Tia flashed the purple haired girl a grin, "After all that training that we went through, it is only natural, Aria."

Hilaria's smiled widened, she was about to say something when the announcer declared the competitors of the next much, she just happened to be one of the two. "Watch my match."

The crowd cheered as a large man entered the ring, Hilaria mentally rolled her eyes. She then entered the ring with her hood on, she was thankful that the announcer didn't comment anything about her hood.

"Three, two, one.... Begin!"

The large man attacked first, aiming a punch to Hilaria's head, the latter did a back-flip, jumping away from the large man. She then tried to kick him in the stomach, but was locked by him.

She jumped away, her determined eyes never wavering.

The match continued going with countless attacks and blockings, it continued until the large man was breathing heavily out of exhaustion. Hilaria was sweating a bit, but was in a much better shape than the man.

With a final punch on the man's head, the man lost was knocked out.

"The winner is.. Aria!" The announced shouted, cheers erupted from the crowd. Hilaria got out of the ring, she and Celestia gave each other a high five.

It has been two months since they started participating in the matches, their talents in fighting began to be evident after just the first month of their training. It was hard to believe that the two girls were just five, but it was true.

Even though they were five they could defeat anyone who ever participated in the matches. They have never lost a match since they started taking them. Their boss, the one who trained them, was proud of their achievements. Though he still encourages the both of hem to continue training to grow even more powerful.

Hilaria was content with everything that was happening, not aware of her best friend becoming a little restless.

When Celestia arrived at the mansion, she discovered that her mother and father didn't arrive home yet. They had been busy traveling for business lately, when they discovered that she was training her physical strength they strongly protested. Though, eventually, they let it go.

Celestia was thinking that they didn't care about her after all, they agreed that she must leave with Yunan when she was only one. They started traveling a lot ever since they agreed.

She felt a bit angry, why couldn't they at least spend time with her before she had to leave.


Did she even have to leave? Couldn't she just refuse going with Yunan. She couldn't do that four years ago since she was only one and couldn't even talk then, but now... she definitely could!

That night..

When she was sleeping, she saw a woman. She was singing a nostalgic song, something Celestia felt like she had heard it before, but couldn't put her finger on where she did. Celestia couldn't see the woman's face clearly at the time, she just closed her eyes as she listened.

It was a beautiful melody, the words managed to move her heart.


The following day, when Celestia came back after wining a few matches, she went to her room at the mansion.

She couldn't inform Hilaria about the promise her parents made with Yunan. She couldn't. How could she tell her that she would be leaving her in a few months, or weeks, or even a few days!

Celestia sighed and went to her window, she opened it and stared at the city that wasn't too far.

She started recalling the words, singing them to the wind.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

🎶Rarara... Demo ne🎶

🎶Rarara... Demo ne🎶

🎶Kizuato wa wasurenai tame🎶
(In order to not forget my scars)

🎶Karada ni kokoro ni nokoshitsudzuketeru🎶
(I continue to leave them on my body and heart)

🎶Itasa wo tomonai wakatta koto wa🎶
(Bringing pain along with it, I understand that )

🎶Nido to kurikaeshi wa shinai deshou 🎶
(It won't repeat itself again )

🎶Dou ? 🎶
(What do you think ? )

🎶Demo ne dareka wo shinjiru koto ga ima🎶
(But you know, believing in someone now )

🎶Jibun-jishin shinjirareru akashi ne🎶
(Is proof that I can believe in myself )

🎶Mou ichido mou ichido shinjitai🎶
(I want to believe one more time, one more time )

🎶Kako wa kako konna namida mo iranai🎶
(The past is the past, and I don't need these kind of tears anymore )

🎶Koujichuu no ASUFARUTO ni tatasareteru💲
(Made to stand on asphalt that's under construction )

🎶Mitai ne ikiru tte koto wa🎶
(Living life is like shining )

🎶Arukidasu tte angai muzukashii🎶
(Walking is harder than I expected )

🎶Tachidomareba sugu katamaru kara hora🎶
(When I stand still, it hardens up right away, you see)

🎶Itsumo utagainagara mayoinagara🎶
(Always suspicious, always confused )

🎶Ame no naka jibun no michi sagashiteta🎶
(I was searching for my own road in the rain )

🎶Yagate anata ni tadoritsuku no🎶
(Soon I'll arrive at you )

🎶Asu no asa donna kasa mo mou iranai🎶
(Tomorrow morning I won't need any kind of umbrella anymore)

🎶Kanashimi yokubou uragiri zasetsu🎶
(Sadness, desire, betrayal, frustration )

🎶Yukikau kousaten🎶
(Coming and going at the intersection )

🎶Massugu susumu wa anata no hitomi no oku ni🎶
(I'm moving straight ahead, into your eyes )

🎶Aru aoshingou mitsumenagara kitto🎶
(As I stare at the green light, certainly )

🎶Anata wo shinjiru koto ga ima🎶
(Believing in you now)

🎶Jibun-jishin shinjirareru koto dakara🎶
(Is proof that I can believe in myself )

🎶Mou ichido mou ichido shinjitai🎶
(So I want to believe one more time, one more time )

🎶Kako wa kako kyou no namida mo iranai🎶
(The past is the past, and I don't need these today's tears anymore )

🎶Hito wa naze kotoba wo mochi warai kanashimu no🎶
(Why do people use words, laugh, and get sad )

🎶Mou ichido sukoshi kangaete mite🎶
(Think about it a little bit, one more time)

🎶Koi no you ni umaku ikanai 🎶
(Things don't go as well as love does )

🎶Hito wa naze kotoba wo mochi🎶
(Why do people use words )

🎶Mou ichido sukoshi kangaete mite🎶
(Think about it a little bit, one more time )

🎶Hito wa naze kotoba wo mochi🎶
( Why do people use words )

🎶Mou ichido sukoshi kangaete mite🎶
( Think about it a little bit, one more time )

"You have such a nice voice." A familiar voice complimented.

Celestia turned to see Yunan, he had a smile on his face. However Celestia frowned when she saw him.

She better tell him now..

"I won't go with you," she said, looking away. "I won't travel with you so leave."

Yunan shook his head, "I can't do that." He said.

Celestia raised a brow, "So what are you gonna do, kidnap me and take me with you?" She asked rudely, she knew it was wrong to talk to someone with such manners, but she was so mad she didn't care.

Yunan leaned down and put his hands on Celestia's shoulders, "I would never do anything like that to you, or anyone."

"Then why?"

Yunan sighed, "Look, I know that this is so hard for you. It's not easy to part with people who understand you, but it's hard for someone like you to stay in one place for a long time. That's why I wanted to take you away when you are just five."

"Someone like me?" Celestia repeated, not getting the meaning of Yunan's words.

Yunan released her shoulders, looking away. "Someone like us."

For some reason, he appeared very lonely to Celestia. Why did he have to be so sad? He was just smiling a second ago...

So why?

"Do you feel..." Celestia spoke, catching Yunan's attention. "Lonely..?"

Yunan's eyes widened, this kid, was she really even a kid? She knew and understood far more than what a child her age could.

However, Yunan answered her, "Maybe I am."

Celestia eyes were filled with curiosity, what would happen to her if she went with him? Will be stronger? Would she understand him better? Could he show her the world?

Her eyes sparkled when she thought of traveling around the world.

"I know you might be devastated since I asked your parents and not you so I'll ask again, would you like to start traveling with me, Celestia-san?"

Celestia hesitated a bit, but the rukh around her were encouraging her.

'Take his hand! Take his hand!'
'Go with him! Go!'

So she did just that. She held his hand, nodding her head.


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