Chapter I

Edited 3/20/17

"I'll name her Celestia," a woman decided, she was laying on a bed. She had blonde hair, with green eyes. "She is our daughter, and our heaven." Her eyes were soft as she looked at her daughter. Many people surrounded her, including the father of the child she held in her arms. "What do you think, honey?"

The father of the child, was a handsome man. His blue eyes were staring at the child in his wife's arms. He was feeling like he was the luckiest man in the world to have gotten a healthy baby. "That's a beautiful name." The man nodded his head, not tearing his eyes off the child.

Celestia made a sound that was like laughing, she then tried to reach her hand to her father's. Her father was surprised by her act, so was the mother, but then reached a finger to her. Her hand wrapped around his finger, Celestia then started laughing. As if she was the happiest person in the world.

Everyone looked at the scene with wide eyes, the baby didn't cry at all. She didn't shed a single tear, she actually laughed. That was unheard of, it looked like a miracle.

Her mother's eyes were wide but she quickly regained her composure. Her grip on her baby tightened, she knew right then and there that she was a special child.

Too bad none of the present people could see the white birds surrounding the baby.


Age one

Celestia's parents were surprised at the amount of intelligence their daughter was showing. She would always stare at any book her parents carried. As if she found them interesting.

She couldn't talk yet, but when her parents told her that they would be away for the night and come back tomorrow for a business trip, Celestia would nod and give a thumb up. Her parents were from the royals of their country, the Kingdom of Soria. Thus they had important business to do every now and then.

That day, Celestia was getting bored. There was no one at their mansion who was the same age as her. She then decided to get out for a little bit. She had learned how to walk just fine, and thanks to her small frame, none of the maids noticed her.

The guards that were near the door were too busy eating their launch to notice her. She would have to tell her parents about how unreliable their guards were, that is after she learned how to talk.

She went to the city, she wore her least expensive clothes to blend in with the crowd. She knew if she wore her expensive ones, she will stand out, thus being targeted as a result.

Although it seemed she didn't need to wear expensive clothing to be targeted. There stood two scary men across the street eyeing her like she was a meal, she noticed their hands which were on their blades. Celestia froze, there weren't many people on the road, what was she gonna do now?

She run the opposite direction of where she saw them, soon enough she heard people running behind her. She couldn't fight them on her own, that was impossible, she was just one. She turned left, paling when she realizing she had come to dead end.

How cliché! She turned to see the same two men from earlier. "Did you think you could escape from us?"

Celestia knew that very second that she was now in deep shit. As the men walked closer and closer to where she was, she looked at the rukh that were flying around her in panic.

'Give us a command!'
'Danger! Danger!'

Give them a command? What did the rukh mean? Celestia closed her eyes, calculating all kind of possibilities she had to make it out without losing her freedom. After all they looked like slave traders.

Celestia's heart was pounding when she heard their footsteps that were so close to where she was. They were coming to take her, to sell her to people and do whatever the hell they please with her!

She mentally shook head, she mustn't be intimidated by them. That would just take every chance she has of escaping, even if she had very low chances, she at least had to try.

She imagined the sound of water, the hot sunlight. If only she had hot water.

A few days ago, she had heard from her father that only magicians could see the rukh, okay, maybe she kind of eavesdropped on his conversation with another person but that's the same thing.

Give us a command! Wait, maybe, just maybe she could! Now that she thinks of it, she could see the rukh. Did that mean that she was a magician? Well, she had to try to find out, right?

She whispered a command to the rukh, she pointed to one of the men. Even though she couldn't speak yet, the rukh seemed to understand what she meant. Immediately, hot water shot at him, he shouted in pain but then lost consciousness. He lay senseless on the ground. Celestia's eyes widened, did she just do that? There was no way that she was capable of such a thing!

She was breathing heavily, that was more tiring than she thought. She felt her power get sucked out of her, though she looked panicked when she saw the other man who was shaking from anger. "You little brat! I'm gonna kill you!"

Celestia closed her eyes, there was nothing she could do now. She wished she could apologize to her mother and father for leaving their mansion without permission. She thought she was still too young to die, she was just one! Just one!

Though harm never came to her, Celestia opened her right eye to see the other man unconscious next to the one she knocked out. That wasn't all, there stood another man with blonde hair, he wore green clothes and a hat, holding what seemed like a staff.

That wasn't what took her interest, the amount of white birds that were around that man was crazy. She had never seen someone like that before, the man looked at her and smiled. He then kneeled down so he was eye level with her, "It's dangerous for a little girl like yourself to be out of her house alone, you know?"

Celestia raised an eyebrow, "Ma!" That's what came out of her lips when she tried to say thank you.

He chuckled.

"My name is Yunan!" He introduced himself with a smile. "A wandering traveler, would you like me to walk you to your house?"

Celestia accepted her offer, nodding her head since she couldn't talk yet, he held her hands for her to not get lost, Celestia then started guiding him to what he guessed was her house. He gave her a curious look at her before speaking, "It's amazing that you could perform a spell that young!"

Celestia stared at him for a while, Yunan noticed the observing look she had. It was weird, Yunan never saw a child have that look, let alone a toddler.

Yunan sighed before looking up, a familiar mansion was before him. Though as they got closer, noises from the mansion got louder too.

"Where are you Lady Celestia?!"

"Lady Celestia!"

"Go search for her in the kitchen, I'm gonna search for her in her room again!"

Shouts of the panicked servants and guards were heard, Yunan watched Celestia with an amused look. Even though she couldn't talk yet, as he observed, she could understand what everyone around her was saying.

A guard spotted Yunan and Celestia from afar, "There she is!" He yelled, that caught the attention of all the servants and guards. Another guard rushed to Celestia, he then eyed Yunan suspiciously.

"Take good care of her," Yunan spoke, "She was about to be kidnapped when I saw her."

'Don't leave Yunan!'
'Stay away from that guard!'

As Yunan was trying to get the guard to understand the situation, a tug on his sleeves made him turn to Celestia. His eyes widened when he saw her terrified expression. Her grip tightened when the guard tried to take her away from Yunan.

Yunan then observed the guard, trying to figure out what scared little Celestia. The man looked normal though... except-

His eyes narrowed, Yunan could see the man's blade had a faint stain of blood. He wouldn't have noticed it if he didn't look closely. He could see the smirk that the guard tried so hard to conceal.

Yunan had no idea how Celestia knew that the man was a bad guy, but he was glad she did. Who knew what might have happened if he just handed her to the 'guard' and left?

Yunan's grip on his staff tightened as he gave the guard a fake smile. He pushed Celestia behind him, alarming the 'guard'. "What are you doing?" The guard asked, glaring at Yunan.

Yunan glared at the man, the man gritted his teeth before unsheathing his blade and aimed to slice Yunan's head. Yunan disappeared along with Celestia, making the man stumble when he attacked the air. Yunan then muttered a spell under his breath, the man was then knocked out.

The guards were that came looked at the scene with wide eyes. "What did you do?" One of them yelled.

Yunan turned to look at him, "He probably wasn't a guard." Yunan informed them, watching their eyes widen, though a bit of suspiciousness wasn't yet dispersed.

A maid then came running from the mansion, "Sir, one of the guards was found unconscious in one of the guest rooms, his guard armor, however, disappeared!"

The shocked guards looked at Yunan, when they finally figured out the situation, they bowed, "Thank you for saving Lady Celestia." One of the guards says, before guiding both Celestia and Yunan inside the mansion.

The guard offered Yunan to spend the night here, saying that he wanted him to meet Celestia's parents.

Yunan happily agreed.


"Celestia.." a voice whispered, it was familiar to her. Though she couldn't put her finger on where she heard it before.

She saw many white birds flying around her, surrounding her gently.

Then suddenly, all those white birds turned black. She felt her heart stop for a moment as she watched in horror the previously white birds flying away from her. Not a single white bird was left, they all turned black.

She felt lonely, she was alone in the middle of nowhere.

All alone.

"Do you wish to change that fate?" A voice inquired, Celestia didn't know where the voice came from. She looked around, but no one was there.

Though she knew the answer to the question that was asked. "Yes," she says. She was a bit surprised that she could freely talk since she couldn't quite catch the hang of it yet, but she continued her answer anyway. "If there is anything I could do to stop this, I will do it!"

She didn't need to see the owner of the voice to know that he was smiling. "I'm going to count on you then."

A bright light filled he void Celestia was in.


Yunan was about to get some rest when the rukh around him went for the door. Yunan raised a brow, wondering where the rukh wanted him to go. Although it was late, Yunan decided to follow the rukh around.

Yunan didn't know the rukh would lead him to Celestia's room.

Imagine his surprised when he opened the room's door and saw her sleeping on her bed. It was rude of him to enter her room without her permission. He didn't have time to think about that though, Celestia was breathing heavily. She seemed to be in pain, Yunan ran quickly to her, he put his hand on her forehead.

Her head was burning, that was not good. He searched for a towel, he took a small cloth he found in her closet, damped it with water, and placed it on Celestia's forehead. For a while she seemed in distress, but then she started to ease little by little until she didn't look like she was in pain anymore.

Yunan sighed in relief, he had stayed in her room long enough. He must return to his room now that things were alright. The rukh must really care about Celestia, perhaps that she was the same as him.

When his hand touched the doorknob, a bright light made him pause. He looked at the source with wide eyes, the light subsided after a while then disappeared. When he looked at Celestia he saw a necklace around her neck that wasn't there just a moment ago!

That little girl never fails in making him confused, something he wasn't used to feel. Yunan wasn't the type of person to get easily confused. He took one last look before leaving her room.


"I can't thank you enough, Yunan." Celestia's mother said. "Thank you for saving our precious daughter."

Everybody could imagine the shock Celestia felt when she discovered that her parents and Yunan were acquaintances, maybe even friends.

Celestia's father nodded her head, "You did us a great favor, dear friend."

"I didn't do anything worth mentioning." Celestia mentally rolled her eyes at what Yunan said. There he goes being modest.

Celestia was more interested in how she got the necklace around her neck than whatever those three talked about.

"Isn't there anything we could do to repay you?" Her father asked him. Yunan looked baffled at Celestia's father's question, he was at a loss of words when an idea came to his mind.

"If you don't mind, I would like to train you daughter."


"What?!" Celestia father shouted, her mother wasn't in any better state either.

"Calm down." Yunan tried to calm the couple but it didn't work.

"Why must she go and train with you?" Her mother yelled.

"Celestia's fine just the way she is!"

The two kept rambling, Celestia had her hands on her ears, not wanting to hear any of the nonsense her parents were spouting. They had that bad habit to go on and on about whatever bothered them. She was about interested in what Yunan said though, why did he want her to train with him? She was just one! From what she could tell, Yunan was a strong person, and that the rukh loved him.

Anyone the rukh loved was her friend, that's why she was okay with whatever was going to happen. Though it wasn't easy for her parents to let her go.

"I know that this is hard to you two," he told Celestia's parent, who gave him confusing looks. "But it is something that has to be done. She will be in danger if she didn't, she wouldn't be able to defend herself if enemies attacked her."

"Why would my daughter be in danger, I know that we're from the royals of this country and all but that not enough of a reason to-"

"The danger that approaching is much more dangerous than you can imagine." Yunan said, alerting Celestia's parents. They wondered what he was talking about, they both knew that Yunan was a magi, so naturally if he said it was for their daughter, they couldn't really refuse. It didn't hurt to try, but deep down they knew they would have to do what Yunan said. If it was for their daughter's safety, they would do anything.

"When?" Her mother inquired, glaring at the magi. She knew she had no right in hating him, he was just looking out for her daughter, but she still didn't like the fact that he wanted to take her away from her.

"She's still young, when she gets five she'll be ready to learn." He said, watching the grim expressions on their faces. "Don't be sad, how old is she? One? She still has four years!"

Yunan then disappeared from the spot he stood in, this intrigued Celestia, though her parents looked uninterested. As if they had seen something similar before.

Her parents still didn't snap out of it, their frown attached to their faces. Celestia then held her mother's sleeves, then she held her dad's. Both of them looked at her with questioning looks. "Ma- ma! Pa-pa! D-Don't b-e sa-ad!" She stammered, her parents' eyes widened as they heard her say her very first words. They then both pulled her into a hug.

"Celestia, sorry we worried you!" Her mother cried.

"We love you, Celestia. If you have to travel away from us to be safe, then so be it." Her father said.

Celestia hugged them tighter, she sure was lucky to have such caring parents.


Age two

A few months after Celestia got two. Her parents decided it was the prefect time for her to visit the castle for the very first time. That would be after two days.


"Yes dearest?" Her mother gave her daughter a questioning glance.

"How are we related to the king?"

"Well, the previous king was your grandfathers' cousin." She answered, writing something on a piece of paper.

Celestia's parents were always busy, they had a company of their own that sell various things in the kingdom. Her family was pretty much well known, after the last accident the previous year, her parents strengthened the security in their mansion.

Other than a few failed kidnap attempts, nothing really happened. Celestia was grateful for that l because she had enough of that, the slave traders salvaged her to hell, the man who wanted to kidnap her right in front of Yunan did too. Celestia didn't know what she would do if she didn't meet Yunan, she would be.. she would be..

She didn't want to even think of what could have happened because of her carelessness that day. Although if she didn't get out of the mansion, the fake guard might have took that chance.

Anyway, as soon as Celestia started to talk freely, which was ten months ago, her parents started teaching her how to read and right. Her handwriting was a mess, she'll admit that. But she moved from the simple books to the normal ones. She still had trouble reading complicated books, though she was determined to start reading and understanding those soon too.

Her parents noticed Celestia's thirst for knowledge, they didn't say anything about it. A thirst for knowledge was a good thing. Whenever Celestia's parents wanted to talk to her they would find her at their library, they wouldn't be surprised if she actually finished reading all the books on there.

The next day, Celestia's wore a beautiful white dress for their visit. The mansion wasn't that far, it was just across the city near their mansion, which would be about a one hour ride by the horse.

The guards greeted them when they arrived, Celestia's parents left to greet the king, leaving Celestia alone. She took a walk around, the garden was beautiful in the mansion. Having lillies, roses, orchids, Dahlia, and many others.

Too busy watching the flowers, Celestia bumped into something, or someone. She still bled but didn't fall, she looked at the person and saw a beautiful girl around the same age as her. Her lilac colored hair flew perfectly with the wind. Her dark purple eyes glared at Celestia with annoyance. A few white birds surrounded her.

"Out of my way!" The girl shoved Celestia away, before they both heard someone call a name.

"Princess Hilaria!" A man shouted, the lilac haired girl, whom Celestia guessed was Hilaria hid behind Celestia.

"Hide me!" Hilaria squealed, her body was shaking as she hid. When the guard looked in Celestia's direction, she just whistled while looking at anywhere but at him.

Celestia noted how mean the guard looked, the princess seemed terrified of him which could only bring bad news. Celestia turned to the princess, she patted the princess's head, an attempt to calm her down, which thankfully worked.

"What's wrong?" Celestia asked gently, the mean look princess Hilaria had earlier disappeared, her eyes watered before hugging Celestia.

"He won't leave me alone!" She cried, "That guard was supposed to guard me but I actually need someone to guard me from him."

"Did he do anything to you?" Celestia questioned, her eyes darkening a bit.

"I don't know! When I see him I just.. I just.."

Celestia rolled her eyes, "You're delusional, he's just a guard, what could he do anyway?" Knowing that princess Hilaria is the only heir to the throne, everyone around her would naturally want to take her hand. But she looked the same age as Celestia, two.

"Am not!" Princess Hilaria yelled, still looking annoyed by what happened.

Celestia then tapped princess Hilaria's shoulder, "Tag, you're it!" She exclaimed before running away. "Could you catch me or your princess-ness would stop you?"

That irked princess Hilaria, she glared at Celestia before dashing after her. She was too fast that Celestia had to use her full speed to avoid being caught by her. The servants moved to the side, making a way for them to cross, Celestia run to the garden.

She panted before stopping for a second, that caused the princess to hit Celestia accidentally, they both fell as a result.

They lay near each other, princess Hilaria giggled at something Celestia said. Princess Hilaria then realized something. "Now that I think of it, I didn't catch your name yet."

Celestia grinned, "The name's Celestia, princess."

"Please stop it, I get enough of that from the guards and servants. Just call me Hilaria." She insists.

"As you wish, princess." Celestia teased with a glint in her eyes. Hilaria glared at her playfully before starting to tickle Celestia.

Lucky for Hilaria that Celestia was the ticklish type, she couldn't stop laughing, Celestia rolled right and left refusing to give in to Hilaria.

Hilaria chanted, "Say it, say it, say it."

Soon enough Celestia was laughing like a mad woman. "H-H-" Hilaria stopped for a second, thinking she was going to say it at last. "Hell no!"

Hilaria's smile fell, an evil smirk plastered on her face, "Then receive your punishment."

That was when Celestia threw another fit of laughter. She blamed her body for being ticklish.

Little did they know that they were being watched.


Hello guys! How was the first chapter? Do you love it? Like it? Dislike it? Hate it (Noo!)? Please tell me your opinions.

Don't forget to share!

~ Ashley

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