Chapter Πέντε (Five)
The next day is filled with training and gearing up just as Lauren had said. The female of the trio practices her new abilities with the flashlight and bell that Luke gave her. She is now fully able to make the bell sound like an elephant, and let's just say the boys were a bit shocked when they first heard it.
Luke stocks up on any medical supplies he thinks they'll need, while also thinking of a good plan to take down the L.I.G.H.T. Agents. He is hunched over the map of Le Havre on the table, occasionally scratching his dirty blonde hair when he finds his plan won't work.
Troy is very thankful that he brought his backpack full of electronics. He busies himself by making an earpiece for Luke and more gadgets for the three of them. He likes the idea of the explosive spheres he used two days ago on the L.I.G.H.T. Agent guys, so he makes more of those and the shock orbs.
"Hey Lauren, are you good with any weapons?" Troy asks after he finishes making his tenth shock orb.
Lauren stops making the wall look like steel and goes into the kitchen. "Not exactly. When I was learning karate we would sometimes use a staff or rod, but that's about it."
"I just want you to have something to fight with. These people have guns so it would be a good sense of security to have a weapon." Troy takes off the science goggles he found in Luke's basement and looks at Lauren. "There's also some sort of metal in that case the we stole, but I can't match what type of metal it is. Maybe we can use it to make you something."
"That's amazing! As long as you don't make me a sword or something. Preferably something I'm good at using." Lauren suggests.
Troy scratches his chin, thinking. "I have an idea for what weapon, but I'll make it a surprise."
Luke looks up from the map of Le Havre. "Troy, I know you can do a lot of things with the equipment you have right now, but there's no way you could make her a weapon. You'd need the equipment in your office."
"Then we go to my office." Lauren shakes her head at Troy's rash thinking.
"Just because I wore a mask, doesn't mean they didn't recognize me. Who knows what would happen if they saw us while we are at the facility." Lauren leans on the wall behind her and crosses her arms, trying to think of another way to get some real weapons.
"It's our only shot, really. It would be child's play for them if we showed up without anything to defend ourselves with." Troy notices Lauren's still uncertain look and a thought occurs to him. "Lauren, you said that Tony Stark built his arc reactor in a cave while being watched by terrorists. Why is this any different? He made something he needed to survive in a highly dangerous situation. Now, you might not need a weapon, but I'm sure as hell no karate black belt. I know I'm going to want something to help protect Luke and myself."
Lauren smiles and grabs her keys from the table. "Then we'd better get going. If you're right, Troy, then the L.I.G.H.T. Agents will be departing at sundown tonight."
The three grab any equipment they might need and head out to the car. They were going to all pile into Luke's car, but he got the idea to drive separately just in case. Luke and Lauren pile into the aqua blue car while Troy takes Luke's small black one. After a good twenty minutes, they finally arrive at Troy's old work place once again.
"I'll ask the manager if I can set up a work place for us. Follow me." Troy leads the two inside the now bustling engineering facility. Luke and Lauren follow him like lost puppies. They end up in front of an office door on the third floor and Troy goes in, telling the other two to stay outside.
"I've only been in my father's work place a couple times, so this is all foreign to me," Lauren says to Luke who nods.
"I'm sorry, by the way, about your dad. We was a nice guy and helped out Troy a lot." Luke thinks back to when his best friend was working here. He knew Troy didn't like it, but he kept at it anyway, determined that this was his place in the world.
"So I've heard." Lauren looks behind her toward the door that Troy walked into. "He's very overprotective."
"Yeah well, that's to be expected." Lauren looks over at Luke, now intrigued, and he continues. "Troy didn't grow up in the friendliest house. So once he found a place where he felt belonged and loved, he opened up. He became very protective of the people he cares about."
Troy walks out of the office before Luke could continue. "Boss says we can work until eleven o'clock, which is fine because we're leaving at sundown anyway."
"Well then, lead the way!" Lauren says and they follow Troy to the workshop area. Now back in his domain, Troy gets working. He first takes Lauren's arm length measurements to make some sort of rod for her.
"What are you making?" Lauren asks as Troy dips a metal pole in the heater.
"I told you it's a surprise. Hand me that hammer." Troy points to a hammer on the table to Lauren's right and she quickly hands it to him. Lauren goes off to practice, but finds a closet on the side of the room full of clothes.
"I'll make my uniform more durable with the stuff you found. I'm petty good with sewing, since my mom was half Greek and taught me a bunch of stuff." The blonde turns back to the engineer and he nods.
Lauren takes off her soft leather top, leaving her in her black tank top. She takes the material from the case to see it's a weird, dark grey fabric. She begins her work, sewing the fabric into the top front and back of the leather. Once she's done, she holds it up to see the sleeves and bottom half of the leather reamin normal, but the top half of the front and back are now dark grey and more firm. She looks through the sewing supplies and her eye catches an aqua colored thread.
You are my Sigma, the sum of everything I love. Lauren remembers her mother's words. Determined, Lauren takes the thread and weaves an uppercase Sigma symbol on the front on top of the dark grey material, and a lowercase Sigma on the back. The aqua symbols seem to melt in with the weird fabric, making it more solid looking.
Lauren slips on her creation. The top half where she sewed in the weird material feels more like armor, but very light weight. Satisfied with her new symbol which rminds her of her mom, Lauren sighs in happiness. She walks over to where she set her cheaply made mask and decides it should be more comfortable.
The blonde female weaves more of the weird fabric from the case into the mask. She makes the holes for her eyes more solid, but then realizes she could use something on the mask to keep it from sliding across her face. Lauren gets an idea and sews the rest of the L.I.G.H.T. Agent's fabric into small uppercase Sigmas that hang below the eyes of the mask, hugging her cheekbones. She ties the mask around her eyes. With the new material in the mask, she doesn't have to worry about it getting untied. The uppercase Sigmas form around her cheeks just as she intended.
Luke stays on his side of the room, finishing and making more shock and explosive orbs. He also builds some magnetic and flash orbs. The magnetic and flash orbs can return back to you if you're close enough and can also create a bright flash to hopefully stun the enemy. After the flash goes off though, it needs to recharge before it can flash again.
"Woah! You look like a badass Robin Hood...but female." Luke notices Lauren's new look. Lauren locks eyes with Luke and smirks, oblivious to the faintly blushing Troy.
"W-well the hero's costume isn't complete without their signature weapon." Troy tosses the finished staff to Lauren who catches it midair. Lauren looks at the staff and realizes it's actually a spear. A double ended spear. One end is gold colored, the same type of metal as her belt. The head is pointy like a normal spear, and has one of those spear 'wings' on each side. The other end is silver colored, and its head is a round body with a point on the end like a raindrop. It also has one spear 'wing' on both sides, but instead of being sharp they are wavy with sharp tips. There's two aqua blue ribbons that match Lauren's sigma on her outfit. The ribbons are tied at the bases of the spear, just below the two heads, and they swirl around the pole until they meet in the middle and tie in a knot. Lauren also notices Greek lettering in aqua blue that reads, "Κοράλι από ασήμι και χρυσό".
"Koráli apó asími kai chrysó..." Lauren whispers to herself as she traces her fingers over the light blue lettering.
"The Spear of Silver and Gold," Troy says from behind her.
Lauren turns around with a shocked expression on her face. Honestly, Troy was surprised, and became even more so when Lauren captures him in a hug. "Thank you..."
The moment only lasts a couple seconds until Luke clears his throat awkwardly. "If you two are done confessing your love for one another, then you might want to know that I've figured out a plan." Lauren turns to Luke and glares daggers at him, while Troy scratches the back of his neck and looks at the floor. Troy hands Lauren a golden belt, which will connect her spear to her back. With flushed faces, Lauren because of anger and Troy because of embarrassment, the two walk over to Luke and surround the map he laid out.
"Alright, so as I said I think that I finally found a plan that will work." Luke looks up to see if the others are listening and continues. "Last time was a sneak mission, so we can suspect they will be on guard for anyone sneaking around."
"So we just walk up to them and start fighting?" Lauren asks with a hint of sarcasm, still not over the previous comment Luke made.
"No, this will still be a sneak mission." Luke picks out three different colored Sorry board game pieces. "The blue one is Lauren, red is Troy, and green is me. Once they finally show up, and remember it might take a day or two because we don't know exactly when they will be there, we will start the plan. Troy and I will split up along the front to place the explosive orbs under the trucks in the front of the harbor. There will be the most there because they can't fit that many trucks in the back."
"And there are going to be a lot of trucks this time. They're going to want to get most, if not all, of their liquid light shipped this time because they are doubling up on security." Troy leans over the map as he explains his point.
"And they're cocky." Lauren shrugs and the two boys nod their heads simultaneously, agreeing with the blonde.
"Lauren will make her way to the back and start planting her explosive orbs there. Once everyone is clear, I will set off the orbs, blowing up all the trucks' contents." Luke holds up the detonator for the others to see. "If one of us gets caught, they need to get out of there."
"We'll use 'Eímai piasménos!' (G I am caught!) if you are seen and are currently fleeing." Troy nods while Luke writes the phrase on his arm in permanent marker. "Once everything is set in place at your station, say 'Teleíosa.' (G I am done.). Lastly, once everyone says 'Teleíosa.', Luke will say 'Dýo leptá.' (G Two minutes.), and we have two minutes to run until Luke sets off the bombs." Lauren looks for confusion on the boys' faces, but finds none.
"Ok first of all, they're not bombs, they're explosive devices," Luke says after he finishes writing down the phrases and their meanings. "Secondly, that's a lot of Greek."
Lauren flushes again. "Sorry, I'm so used to speaking Greek with my dad when we would talk about secret or personal stuff. Is it too confusing?"
"No, just don't be mad if I pronounce something wrong." Luke cracks a smile and Lauren playfully rolls her eyes, going to the other end of the room to practice with her new spear. She finds that the wings on each end of the spear is getting in her way, so she tells Troy and he removes them, leaving only the sharp ends of the spear. Thankfully, it feels a lot better and more balanced.
After a couple more hours of last minute training and planning, the trio load all their equipment into the two cars. This time Lauren and Troy ride together while Luke drives his car. Luke starts driving first and after about twenty minutes, the sun has set completely.
"There are so many stars out tonight." Lauren looks out her window on the passenger side of her car.
Troy glances up at the sky and then looks back down at the road. "There sure are."
Luke is stopped by a red light so Troy stops behind him. Feeling the anxiety build up, Lauren looks out her window again, but spots something in her rear view mirror. "Troy... don't those guys look familiar?"
Troy looks in his mirror at the people in the car behind them. Sure enough, he recognizes them as two of the L.I.G.H.T. Agent people that were in Le Havre when Lauren attempted to steal the two cases. "We're in trouble."
Over in another car, an old man wearing small glasses surveys the scene around him and comments to himself, "I better take a right turn here. Looks like something bad is going to happen."
Realizing what's happening, Lauren turns on her earpiece to speak to Luke. "Hello, Luke, can you hear me?"
"Yeah, what's up?" Luke asks, starting the car up again once the light turns green.
"Listen to me, two of the L.I.G.H.T. Agents are behind us. We need to turn around and-" Lauren is cut off by the sight of another car pulling up in the lane next to her and Troy.
"Troy, we need to get out of here," Lauren whispers and Troy nods. "Luke, get out of here now! Abort the plan! Eímai piasménos! (G I am caught!)"
Luke immediately gets the message and floors it, driving his car as fast as he can to get away from the scene. The car parallel to Lauren and Troy follow him. Luke plans to lose the L.I.G.H.T. people and make his way back to Troy's old work place.
Lauren and Troy lose sight of Luke as he turns right, the L.I.G.H.T. Agent's car following him. Troy slams on the accelerator and turns left at the next intersection. The black car behind them stays close. Lauren rolls down her window and looks out at their pursuers. She only sees the glint of the giant gun in the moonlight for a split second before she pulls her head back inside and ducks.
"These guys are serious!" Lauren says while breathing heavily. Troy looks in his rear view mirror once again. He sees the gun and his hands get sweaty. "How are we going to lose them?!"
Troy looks around for the best possible path on the road to lose the L.I.G.H.T. Agents. "Hang on!" He makes a hard right and then a hard left almost immediately after. Lauren thinks they lost them, but after the car straightens out, she sees the L.I.G.H.T. Agents are still following them.
"Watch out!" Lauren looks forward again and sees the oncoming traffic and a red light above their heads. Troy sees a small opening in the mess of cars and takes it, weaving through the traffic and coming out with only a couple dents.
The L.I.G.H.T. Agent's car isn't so lucky. The black car runs right into the side of one of the crossing cars and Lauren thinks they've been stopped. Yet, the L.I.G.H.T. Agent's car keeps running and pushes itself through the traffic. Lauren's smile fades quickly and she looks back toward the front of the car. Gunshots are heard again, making Lauren and Troy flinch.
"There's no losing them!" Lauren has to speak loudly through the sound of the gunshots. She puts her hands on her forehead, trying to think of a possible solution to their problem.
Troy looks around once again and catches the colorful glint of rainbow light coming from the back of Lauren's hand. "Lauren, create an illusion!"
The blonde looks at the back of her hand as well, seeing the solidified rainbow light that patched her up from the bullet wound. Lauren suddenly gets an idea. "The next chance you get, turn left!"
Lauren rolls down the window and looks back at the Light Agent's car. She sees one man in the passenger seat reloading his gun. The aqua blue car reaches the next intersection and Lauren sticks her hands out the window. First she hides their real car, making them invisible. Then, in a split second, she makes a duplicate car. Troy turns left while Lauren's duplicate turns right, and the L.I.G.H.T. people's car follows the duplicate.
"Let's go back to your workplace. It's only ten at night." Lauren's eyes prickle with tears as she tries to concentrate a little while longer. Their car turns again and Lauren finally lets go of the light waves, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding.
After a couple minutes, Troy and Lauren hide their car in the garage of the engineering building and make their way back to Troy's old work space. They wait around for an hour, becoming more and more anxious every passing minute. Lauren glances at the clock every other minute while Troy keeps busy by tinkering.
Lauren watches the minute hand click toward the twelve once more before she can't take it anymore. "He should be back by now."
"Don't worry. He's Luke, he can get himself into and out of trouble in a snap." Troy says that to mostly convince himself, but he doesn't believe a word he's saying.
A couple more seconds pass until the doors open to the work area. Lauren stands up, but her hopes drop back down when she sees it's only Troy's old boss. "I let you stay a couple extra minutes. You know I always keep to my word, Troy."
Troy drops his screwdriver and Lauren follows him to the door. Right before they exit, Troy's old boss stops them again. "Oh and I was given this. I couldn't see the man's face, but he didn't look too happy. He came about ten minutes before you got back."
The aged man gives Troy a yellow tinted paper. Lauren and Troy say nothing as they exit the building and hop into the car. Troy decides to go back to Luke's house so they can wait for him there. Lauren's hands shake as she holds the folded paper in her hand. Even though her heart is beating one thousand miles per hour, she thinks it's best to wait until they get back to the house so she can read it with Troy.
They finally arrive at the house a few minutes later. Troy locks all the doors while Lauren closes the blinds and locks the windows. Once the house is locked down, Troy and Lauren sit on the couch with the unopened note. Lauren takes a deep breath and unfolds the paper, her breath hitching at the few words written on it.
"Oh no..." Troy puts his head in his hands as he processes the sentences. Lauren bites her lip and reads it again, wishing the words would change each time she reads it.
After her fourth time of reading it, Lauren drops it on the table and walks into the kitchen. She leans over the white counter and squeezes ear eyes shut, breathing heavily. No matter what she tells herself, Lauren can't think of any reason why this isn't her fault. The words of the note echo through her head, mocking her as tears slowly stream down her face.
We have your friend where you attempted to steal our cases. Give us the girl who stole our case tomorrow night and he lives.
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