Chapter VIII: Avengers Disassembled

The three OC's costumes:


Now in the hallway, Nick Fury slowly sits up and puts his finger to his earpiece. He shakes his head to clear his thoughts. "Hill?!"

Maria Hill tries to keep the chaos under control on the bridge. She knows that if people start panicking, then they have no hope of surviving this at all. "Turn up that engine. Number three engine is down! Can we get a run in? Talk to me."

Agent Hill turns to the Galaga player and leans over his shoulder to look at his computer. The Galaga player points to something on his screen. "Turbine's loose. Mostly intact, but it's impossible to get out there and make repairs while we're in the air."

"If we lose one more engine, we won't be." Maria mumbles. She puts her fingers up to her earpiece to notify Nick. "Someone's gotta get outside and patch that engine."

"Stark, you copy that?" Nick asks. He turns to his right and sees Wendy dazed on the floor next to him. Nick lifts her head up, which seems to help her focus more.

Stark quickly responds, "Got it," to let Nick know that's where he's heading.

Wendy shakes her head and her eyes focus on Nick. She groans and sits up, feeling the pain subside. "Where do you need me, Director?"

"We could use a flier near engine three." Nick orders and Wendy nods. She quickly stands up and starts running over to the engine. Her long, wavy brown hair flies behind her, and her mouth mask forms over the lower half of her face.

Nick then remembers one last thing. "Coulson, initiate official lock down in the detention section, then get to the armory. Move out!"

Coulson doesn't respond, knowing that Nick understands his urgentness. He hurries out of the bridge and into the detention center where Loki is locked up. This attack is more than likely from Loki's minions trying to break him free.

Natasha starts breathing heavily, her forehead lined with sweat. She can't feel her leg, so she looks back to see what happened to it. Very heavy pipes have fallen onto it, making her trapped lying on the floor on her stomach. She hears grunting and looks over at Bruce trying to contain his adrenaline, trying to keep his heart rate down. Natasha mumbles to her and Bruce, "We're okay, we're okay, right?"

Clint leads his men through air vents in the ship. He knows every twist and turn because he spent a lot of his time as a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent up here. He slides down a rope into a corridor and his men follow right behind him. Clint points to a passage and takes his bow off from around his shoulder. "Get that engine down. Detention! Get him through the dark. Stay close."

Tony, Steve, and Lauren run through a dimmed hallway that has eerie glowing red lights as their only way to see the path. Tony turns to his two companions and says, "Find engine three. I'll meet you there."

Lauren and Steve nod, heading into another hallway. Tony turns back around toward the wall. He takes out a remote and presses a button, making the wall morph away and revealing his Iron Man suit.

Steve runs alongside Lauren through the hallway up until it branches into three different paths. Steve is just about to head in a random direction, but Lauren puts her arm out in front of him.

"Wait." Lauren concentrates on the different sounds in the helicarrier. She closes her eyes and finds the broken engine. It's the one that's making a different sound than the rest. It's coming toward the left. "This way."

Lauren leads Steve down the left corridor, where they will hopefully run into engine three. Steve turns to Lauren and they make eye contact. Lauren smiles at the Captain as she runs and Steve shakes his head. She must be having a huge adrenaline rush that's making her feel pumped and alive.

Most of the lights have gone out in the sub level of the helicarrier. Natasha struggles with her leg and Bruce keeps taking deep breaths. Realizing her strength alone isn't going to get her out of her trap, Natasha turns to Bruce. "Doctor... Bruce, you have to fight it. This is just what Loki wants. We're going to be okay, listen to me."

"You hurt?!" Two S.H.I.E.L.D. medics run into the room. Natasha quickly waves her hand to signal them to get out of there. They don't need a second warning as they both sprint out of the room.

"We're gonna be okay, right?" Natasha sees that this isn't working, but in one last desperate attempt, she tries once more. "I swear on my life. We will get you out of this, you will walk away-"

"YOUR LIFE?!" Bruce yells and faces Natasha, his alter ego taking over.

"Bruce...?" Natasha's fake special agent mask cracks just enough to show how scared she is. Her forehead glistens with sweat and her green eyes reflect the fear she feels inside. She just barely loses her composure as she watches Bruce painfully yell and look upward. His muscles get bigger and thicker, his skin turning green. He looks at Natasha one more time with fear in his own brown eyes, until they are taken over by raging green ones. His shirt rips, not being able to support itself through the strain of Bruce's growing body.

Using anything she has left, Natasha screams in pain as she rips her leg out from under the fallen pipe. She ripped her leg out from under the fallen pipe. She only pauses for a minute, not believing she was able to get free. Natasha stands up and looks through the opening in the pipes that are still standing. At first she sees nothing, but then her eyes look up to meet Bruce's.

No, not Bruce's. The Hulk's.

Natasha quickly turns and jumps up, grabbing a railing as if she was a spider climbing a web. Her injured leg hurts like she has a broken bone, but she only grunts through the pain. The Hulk roars, and Natasha continues to climb the stairs. Her momentum is too much, and she rams into the railing when he gets up to the ramp. The Hulk rips the stairs off the ramp just as Natasha makes it to the platform. He roars again, this time louder and filled with anger. Unbeknownst to them, Loki smiles.

On the bridge, Nick Fury runs in to see it in utter chaos. He uses his arm to hoist himself over a broken computer and into the main floor. Fury turns to the helmsman. "Bring the carrier inward and head south. Take us to the water."

"Where's water?" The helmsman types some things on his computer. A loud explosion is heard from the outside, but he ignores it. "Navigations recalibrated after the engine failure!"

"Is the sun coming up?!" Fury asks with an are you serious look on his face. After they survive this, he is going to have to put his fliers through more training.

The helmsman takes a moment to think of what time of day it is. At least he has enough common sense to know the direction of the sun at eleven in the morning. "Yes, sir."

"Then put it in the left. Get us over water." Fury orders, glad that he came to the bridge when he did. "One more turbine goes down and we drop."

Captain America pushes with all his might to open the door to engine three. Thanks to the explosion, most of the rubble had fallen behind the door. Steve only manages to move the door a bit. Lauren backs up and uses a running start to ram the side of her body into the door.

The metal immediately gives away, and Sigma and the Captain crash down onto the floor. They see a few S.H.I.E.L.D. fliers with oxygen masks on stumble back inside. Lauren thinks they were probably trapped out here when the explosion happened.

Steve stands up and grabs Lauren's arm to help her stand as well. The Captain yells, "Stark! Stark, we're here!" And Lauren uses her powers to project the sound outward.

Tony flies out of the carrier and far enough away to scan the whole thing. Wendy spots him in the air and feels her feet leave the ground. She flies up to him and looks toward the helicarrier. "Engine three is over there."

"You said that right after Jarvis found it. Slow poke." Tony looks at Wendy and then does a double take. "What's with the cloth over your mouth?"

Wendy crosses her arms in front of her chest and glares at Tony. "It's for warmth, dummy. Being at high altitudes can get very cold."

"So dramatic." Tony says sarcastically and uses his armor to fly down to engine three. Wendy rolls her eyes and follows him.

Tony hears Lauren and Steve calling for him, so he flies down near them. He opens something next to the engine which seems to be cooling conductors. "Good. Let's see what we got." Tony looks at the damage that was done to the engine, analyzing it. "I gotta get this super conducting cooling system back online before I can access the rotors and work on dislodging the debris." Tony looks around and points to where the panels are located. "I need you two to get over to that engine control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position."

Steve nods and expertly uses his super soldier strength to jump across the gap and onto the panel platform. Lauren laughs nervously. "Um... I can't jump that far."

"Yes you can." Steve holds out his hand for the blonde. Lauren's heart seems to be crawling up her throat as she backs up to get a running start. She clenches her hands into fists and starts running. Her feet leave the ground at the last minute. Lauren sees that she isn't going to make it, but Steve wraps his hand around her outstretched wrist and hoists her up. "Told ya."

Lauren points at Steve, her finger right up close to his forehead. "Never again."

Steve gulps and Lauren looks toward the panel. She kneels down and opens the door, sliding out the many tubes and wires. Sure, she knows how to make equipment and stuff, but she's never seen this before. They both hear Tony over their communicators say, "What's it look like in there?"

Steve sees that Lauren isn't responding so he says, "It seems to run on some sort of electricity."

"Well, you're not wrong." Tony doesn't feel the need to roll his eyes at Captain America this time. He knows that Steve probably has had no experience at all with this sort of stuff. He turns to Wendy. "I can't break through without damaging the cooling unit even further."

"Why not?" Wendy looks at Tony, confused.

"The explosion triggered a heat wave going through the engine. If I attempt to break in, I won't have enough time to fix it before it melts or catches on fire." Tony explains, trying to think of a way to keep the engine cool.

"Leave that to me." Wendy closes her eyes and stretches her arms outward. Tony gets the idea and punches through the metal door. The moment that the cooling mechanism is exposed, Wendy shoots her arms forward. Very cold wind rushes past her body, making her hair whip around crazily. She directs the wind into the machine, keeping it from overheating. Tony quickly starts working on fixing it.

Natasha managed to get underneath the catwalk. She pulls out her gun and quietly walks through the room, trying to find an exit. Suddenly, she hears a faint pounding sound, as if they're footsteps belonging to a dinosaur. Natasha turns around as Hulk does, and they make eye contact. The Hulk roars and Natasha shoots her gun. Her hands shake, so she hits a nitrogen gas pipe instead.

The Hulk rushes at her, and Natasha turns around. The red head sprints through a glass tunnel. She hears the Hulk getting closer because of the crashing glass sound getting louder. She covers her head with her hands as she feels some glass shards land in her short, bouncy hair. Right when she exits the tunnel, the wind is knocked out of Natasha as the Hulk back-hands her, sending her flying to the left into a wall.

Natasha hits the wall with her back and blinks her eyes rapidly to regain her focus. The Hulk grunts and pounds the floor with his fists. He stomps over to Natasha and raises his hand to finish the job, but something breaks through the wall, rams into Hulk, and smashes Hulk through the other wall. All three wall breakers slip on the floor in the other room, while Natasha curls up against a pipe, trying to regain her composure.

Hulk stands up, pounding the floor in anger. All of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents run out to get clear of the fight. Adrena uses her rocket boots to hover above the ground, and Thor slowly stands up.

The green rage monster observes his opponents like a boxer. Then, once the moment is right, he pounces on Thor. The god of thunder swipes away Hulk's hand with his hammer, making the monster face Adrena. The alien wastes no time before blasting Hulk in the face. Hulk only grunts and swipes at his face, and he jumps up to punch the flier. Adrena kicks upward at Hulk's fist, making him get pushed backward and land on his back. Adrena does a backflip in the air because of the direction of the kick, but manages to stop herself before her flying gets out of control.

Thor tries to get Hulk's attention by dealing punches, but Hulk swipes him away and jumps again. This time, he successfully catches Adrena in one of his fists. Adrena tries to use her rocket boots to break free, but the Hulk's grip is too strong. She tries to use her blasters to hurt his hand, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything.

Hulk raises Adrena up in the air, ready to smash her into the ground. Right before he can, Thor jumps up and grabs Hulk's wrist, bending his arm backward. Hulk's grip loosens around Adrena's body, and her rocket boots help her wiggle free.

Adrena quickly turns around midair and blasts her energy beams into Hulk's eyes. The green beast roars in pain and rage, his free hand covering his eyes while the other tries to shake Thor off. Thor loses his grip on the Hulk's wrist and is sent flying to the other side of the room.

Adrena flies down, and as she lands she punches Hulk across the face. Hulk raises his fists and slams them down on Adrena. Agent Virgo blocks the attack by crossing her arms. "W-we are not your enemies, Banner. Try to think!"


Hulk doesn't like the mention of that puny scientist. Adrena wasn't able to react fast enough to avoid the punch. She gets hit right in the chest, knocking all the oxygen out of her lungs. The back of her head slams onto the floor, making her dazed. She wheezes, trying to get her breath back. Her hands move from her side to her head constantly, trying to decide if she should hold her pained lungs or the back of her head.

Iron Man continues to blast away broken pieces of debris out of the turbine. Air Runner helps by blowing away the falling pieces so it doesn't hit the helicarrier. Lauren pushes in the panel as Steve tells Tony, "The relays are intact. What's our next move?"

Tony scans the engine one last time and sighs in annoyance. "Even if I clear the rotors, this thing won't re-engage without a jump. I'm going to have to get in there and push."

"Stark, I don't care how awesome you think your suit is." Lauren puts a hand on her chin and squints her eyes as she observes the turbines. "If that thing gets up to speed, you're gonna get shredded."

Tony turns to where Steve and Lauren are standing, seeing just what he needs in the control unit. "Then stay in the control unit and reverse polarity long enough to disengage maglev-"

"Speak English." Lauren and Steve say at the same time.

Tony rolls his eyes for about the hundredth time today and explains in simple terms, "See that red lever? It'll slow the rotors down long enough for me to get out. Stand by it, and wait for my word."

Steve sees the lever right by where he was standing when he first entered engine three. He jumps over to the platform and holds out his hand again for Lauren, making her groan. "Today is not my d-"

Before Lauren can get a chance to jump, some of Clint's minions point their guns at her and shoot from the open doorway. Lauren spins and presses her back against the wall that's to the side, hiding her from the bullets.

"Urg..." Lauren looks down at her left arm, seeing blood seep through her shirt. There's no bullet, she just got scratched.

Thor spins his hammer and flies over Adrena, ramming into Hulk. The Hulk recovers quickly and kicks Thor in the forehead, making him fly backward into a bunch of crates. Adrena slowly sits up, shaking her head to get rid of some of the pain. She sees Thor get smashed into some crates, and she wipes some white blood off her forehead.

Thor feels his bottom lip, his smile growing when he sees his own red blood leaking from his mouth. He holds out his hand, still kneeling on the ground. Hulk charges at him, but Mjölnir comes just in time. Thor catches his hammer, spins, and slams his trusty silver tool up against Hulk's jaw. At the same time, Adrena flies up from the side, slides on the ground, and kicks Hulk's feet out from under him.

Hulk roars in frustration. Why can't he beat these pathetic little pests?! He turns around, yanks the tail off a jet, and chucks it at the alien duo. Thor slides on his knees, just barely dodging it, and Adrena jumps off the ground then off the flying metal wing. This time, Adrena goes high and Thor goes low.

Adrena kicks Hulk in the face with her rocket boots, the fire from the boots giving an extra punch. Thor throws his hammer at Hulk's abdomen, making him fly backward. Hulk rolls on the ground and sees the hammer just lying there. He stands up and tries to lift the hammer, but he can't seem to do it. His feet start sinking, the concrete giving away from the Hulk's attempt to lift the hammer.

Agent Virgo blasts Hulk's leg with her blasters, weakening his stance. He lets go of the hammer, making his arms free. Adrena zooms up to him, grabs his arm, and throws him over her shoulder. Thor lifts his hammer with ease, and just as Hulk stands up, Thor has him in a choke hold. The handle of Mjölnir is stretched across Hulk's neck as Thor holds onto it from on top of Hulk's back.

Director Fury and Agent Hill look over their monitors. They managed to get the bridge back to its usual controlled state. Fury sees the next course of action. "We need full evac on the lower hangar bay."

Maria nods and turns around to do what Nick ordered. Suddenly, a sliding grenade stops in front of her. Agent Hill turns around and leaps over the railing, pulling another agent with her. "Grenade!"


A couple of Clint's men start a shoot out. Fury pulls his gun to keep the advancing agents away. Agent Sitwell's voice can be heard through the speaker system. "We got perimeter breach! Hostiles are in S.H.I.E.L.D. gear! Hold onto every junction."

In the hangar, the Hulk throws Thor through the ceiling and jumps up to join him. Adrena flies up through the hole and blasts Hulk in the back. Hulk turns toward her, grabs her with both hands, and spins around before throwing her into the far wall. Agent Sitwell speaks over the intercoms again, "Sir, the Hulk, Thor, and Agent Virgo are in shuttle levels 2, 3, and 4!"

"The Hulk will tear this place apart!" Agent Hill yells over the sound of her gunshot.

Fury fires his own gun, hitting one of Clint's men in the head. "Get his attention."

Maria ducks below the desk she is taking cover behind and puts her hand up to her earpiece. "Escort 606, proceed to 270 Main Shuttle. Don't get too close!"

The escort pilot hovers just outside the window of his target. He backs away a bit, heeding Maria's warning. He sees the Hulk tossing Adrena and Thor around. "Copy." The pilot lifts up his mask. "Target acquired." He moves his thumbs over the triggers. "Target engaged."

The jet shoots at Hulk, breaking through the glass window. The Hulk blocks most of the bullets from reaching Adrena and Thor, but he turns around which makes them lose coverage. Thor grabs Adrena around the waist and jumps behind a desk that can fully shield them from the raining yellow bullets. The jerking motion makes Adrena's head hurt even more, but she shakes it off. Thor groans and grabs his throwing shoulder, twisting it around to loosen it up.

The Hulk turns around and runs toward the broken window. He leaps and lands on the nose of the jet. The flier's eyes widen and he spins the jet to try and shake the Hulk off. "Target angry, target angry!"

The Hulk isn't having it anymore. He jumps up from the nose of the jet and lands on the glass roof. He smashes open the glass just as the pilot pulls his ejector seat. The Hulk catches him, roars in his face, and throws him out into the air. The pilot's parachute manages to open. The escort jet explodes, making the Hulk fall from the sky and onto land.

Iron Man uses his lasers to cut off a big piece of metal. Wendy blasts air at it, making it fall away. Tony lowers himself into the rotors. Back with Captain America, one of Clint's men throws a grenade up to where Lauren is standing, but Steve jumps up, knocking it down so it doesn't reach its target. This makes a cable swivel down.

Lauren sees her chance and jumps off her platform, swings on the cable, and kicks the evil agent off the side of the helicarrier. Steve picks up the gun that the agent dropped and pushes Lauren behind him so she is closer to the lever. Steve shoots at the remaining men, but they hide behind the wall. He doesn't lower his gun, as he knows he has to be here for when Stark tells him to pull the lever.

On the bridge, the gunfight has thinned out, but more of Clint's men enter the fight. Fury takes the down easily, and he becomes confused. "They are not getting through here, so why the hell-"

Suddenly, Agent Barton shoots multiple arrows down at the bridge from a high point. They all explode, but were merely distractions. He aims more carefully this time and then shoots at a computer. This trick arrow makes the computer malfunction. Nick shoots at Clint to wound him, but Clint ducks out of the room, his work done.

A row of computers start glitching and one agent is able to crawl back to the computers. The helicarrier tilts dangerously to the right. Agent Sitwell types something on the keyboard, but nothing is working. "Engine one is down. Sir, we've lost all power in engine one."

"It's Barton, he took out our systems." Nick puts his hand up to his earpiece to try and reach anyone. "He's headed for the detention level. Does anybody copy?"

"This is Agent Romanoff." Natasha is still curled up near the pipe, but she will get back in the fight if Clint's location is known. "I copy." The female agent swiftly stands up and makes her way over to the path that leads down to the detention level.

Tony pushes against the rotors by using his Iron Man jet boots. Over his earpiece, he hears Nick say, "Stark, we are losing altitude."

"Yep, noticed." Iron Man's boosters get more and more bright as they expel more energy. Wendy watches from afar as Tony pushes the rotors faster. "Alright, Air Runner, hit me."

"RAH!" Wendy yells as she manipulates the air. She helps jump start the rotors to make them go faster. The wind slightly pushes her backward in the air, but she stays her ground. Wendy stops manipulating the air and goes onto step two. She flies underneath the engine and pushes the air upward to keep the helicarrier from tilting.

The movement of the helicarrier makes Lauren lose her footing. Suddenly, the floor gives away from her feet and she finds herself free falling. Steve backs up and loses his footing as well, falling off the side. Steve manages to grab onto a loose cable, and he just barely catches Lauren with his fingers.

Adrena blasts open the door to the detention section, letting her and Thor enter. They see Loki escaping. Thor yells, "NO!" And jumps up to tackle him. It turns out that Loki was just an illusion, making Thor fall right through him and into the cage.

The real Loki appears at the control panel as the glass door slides shut. "Are you ever not going to fall for that?"

Agent Barton walks down the catwalk. For no obvious reason, he notches an arrow and turns around, shooting it. Natasha manages to dodge the arrow, knowing exactly how Clint fights.

Natasha uses her maneuverability skills and hops onto then off the railing, landing on the other side of Clint. The brainwashed agent tries to shoot her out of the air, but Natasha lands to quickly. She rushes at him with a punch to the head, but Clint dodges and whips his bow at her. Natasha catches the string and pulls on it, trying to disarm him.

Clint sees his opportunity and punches Natasha with his bow. Her head flies back, making him drop his bow and grab her hair. Natasha ducks and swiftly picks up his bow, thinking that she has disarmed him. However, Clint pulls out a knife threateningly.

"The humans think us immortal." Loki moves to press one of the buttons on the control panel, eyeing Thor and Adrena. "Should we test that?"

Adrena points her charged up blasters at Loki, but she knows that he can send Thor's cage flying down the sky with the push of a button. "Let him out."

"Dispose of her, thank you." Loki says, which makes Adrena confused. Her eyes widen and she turns around, seeing one of Loki's guards aiming his gun at her. Before he can shoot it, the guard is knocked out. The agent falls, revealing Phil Coulson.

Agent Coulson steps up next to Adrena and points a huge gun that he got from the armory at Loki. "Move away, please."

Adrena bends her elbows and lowers her guard, thinking that Loki will comply. He doesn't stand a chance against her and the agent anyway, so why pick up a fight? Coulson charges up his gun. "You like this? We built the prototype after you sent the Destroyer. Even I don't know what it does. Would you like to find out?"

It happened so quickly that Adrena couldn't do anything about it. The pink skinned girl sees the head of Loki's golden spear emerge from Coulson's chest. This time, it's the true Loki. He takes back his spear and quickly grabs Adrena around the neck with his free hand. He lifts her up, his eyes meeting hers for a second before he chucks her across the room. Adrena tries to stop herself with her boots, but she doesn't get enough time before her head rams into the railing. She tries to get back up, but her vision is too blurry. Unwillingly, Adrena closes her eyes and falls.

"No!" Thor throws his hammer at the wall along with his fist. Seeing Coulson collapse and then Adrena immediately afterward makes him as angry as the Hulk. Loki reveals his true self as he walks over to the panel. He lifts up the case and presses the red button, sending Thor down to the ground.

Clint and Natasha continue fighting each other. Clint goes on the offensive with his knife, but Natasha dodges every attack. She finds an opening and kicks him in the face. Clint stumbles backward and slashes at Natasha, but she grabs his wrist and twists it.

He exchanges the knife to his other hand and brings it up to her throat. Natasha holds back his hand by grabbing his wrist, and they seem to be in a lockdown. Clint pulls on Natasha's hair, but she only grunts before biting his arm. Hard. Clint lets go of the knife and Natasha kicks him into the railing, making him hit his head.

Clint stumbles and tries to open his eyes. He looks around, really confused, until he sees a familiar face. "Natasha?"


Black Widow punches Hawkeye straight on, making him fall backward, unconscious.

The glass cell spins around uncontrollably from the wind knocking it around. Thor tries to get a good hit on the glass to escape, but none of his attacks are working. He thinks about Adrena's and Coulson's lifeless bodies. He plants his feet and shoots forward, breaking through the glass just before the cage hits the ground. Thor loses the grip of his hammer and he is sent tumbling through a meadow.

Loki flips the case over the button closed and he hears a voice coming from his right. "You're gonna lose."

Loki smiles mischievously and turns toward Agent Coulson. "Am I?"

"It's in your nature." Coulson responds. He wants to get his last words out before he knows that he's gone for good.

The god of mischief slowly walks toward the agent, finding his claim amusing. "Your heroes are scattered, your flying fortress falls from the sky. Where is my disadvantage?"

"You lack conviction." Phil says, not having to think about it at all.

Loki's face turns to one of annoyed and he glares at Phil. "I don't think I-"

Phil shoots his gun at Loki. A really powerful orange plasma blast shoots out, making the green caped man fly though the wall a bit dazed. "So that's what that does."

Iron Man gets fast enough to where he can't keep up with the rotors. He continues to push against it, however, knowing that he has to try and keep up if he doesn't want to get pulled under. "Cap, I need the lever."

"I need a minute here!" Steve climbs the cable with one hand far enough so that Lauren can grab onto it as well. Steve lets go of her, seeing that she now has a hold of the wire.

"Lever! Now!" Tony's suit can no longer keep up with the rotors. He crashes into the one behind him, and he is sliding downward. "Uh oh." Iron Man is sucked underneath the propellers.

Steve climbs up the rest of the way and throws his gun at the evil agents. Even though he didn't hit any of them, he has enough time to reach down and extend his hand for Lauren to grab.

Lauren continues to climb the cable, but then suddenly, the thick black wire unwraps from the pole it was holding onto. The female looks at Steve with a scared face for a split second before the cable gives out, making Lauren fall off the helicarrier.

Steve scrambles to grab the end of the cable, but he can't get it in time. The cable slips through his fingers. He looks around the side of the helicarrier, trying to see if Lauren is still there somehow. "No! Lauren!"

Steve takes a breath before remembering Tony. He quickly stands up and switches the lever, making Iron Man able to fall through the turbines and into the sky. He uses his boosters to fly really fast toward the agents that are still shooting at Cap, and knocks them out by ramming them into the wall. Tony falls on his back and gasps for air.

"Where's Thompson?" Tony turns to Steve, but then understands when he sees the Captain's pained face. "Damn it."

Wendy sees a flurry of grey and yellow falling from the helicarrier. She stops manipulating the wind now that the helicarrier is up and running, and when she looks back at the falling colors, she sees that it's Lauren. Without a second thought, Wendy shoots off toward the falling girl.

Getting closer and closer to the ground, Wendy goes as fast as she can. Finally close enough, she grabs onto Lauren around her stomach and starts flying level again. They are very close to the ground, so Wendy lands a bit roughly. Both girls collapse on the ground, tired from the fear and from the fighting.

Loki's men fly down toward an exit where Loki himself is waiting. Now with his scepter, Loki enters the jet and flies away with the remains of his brainwashed crew.

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