Chapter V: Lightning, Thunder, and Everything in Between

Tony lowers the door to see what's going on, but someone lands in his way. A man it seems, holding a silver rectangular hammer and dressed in clothing similar to Loki's armor but without the horned helmet. The man's long, blonde hair sways over his shoulders as he hits Tony in the shoulder with his hammer, sending Iron Man crashing into Lauren. The new man grabs Loki by the collar of his clothes and flies out of the jet.

"Urg... Now there's that guy." Tony stands up, a bit out of breath from being rammed into Lauren with such force.

"Another Asgardian?" Natasha yells over the noise.

Steve helps Lauren stand up and turns to Tony. "Think the guy's a friendly?"

"Doesn't matter." Tony walks slowly over to the open ramp and steps on the edge of it. "If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract's lost."

"Stark, we need a plan of attack!" Steve reaches out his arm to try and get Tony to delay his take off, but Tony is tired of waiting.

"I have a plan. Attack!" Tony flies out of the jet in his Iron Man suit, scanning for any signs of where the two Asgardians could have landed.

Lauren stumbles over to a rack of parachutes. She takes one off for herself and then tosses one over to Steve. "For a genius, Stark sure doesn't think before he acts."

Steve starts strapping the parachute around his waist when Natasha turns her head to look at them. "I'd sit this one out, you two!"

"That blondie just came in here and smacked Tony around like he was a sack of rice! Even if he won't admit it, Tony is going to need backup!" Lauren says as she finishes tying the parachute around her.

Wendy and Natasha look at each other for a second before Wendy shakes her head. "I'll stay up here with you, Agent Romanoff, just in case we are struck by lightning and we have to abandon the plane."

Natasha agrees and yells one more final warning to Lauren and Steve just as they grab their weapons. "I'd be careful out there. These guys come from legends, they're basically gods."

"There's only one God, ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." Captain America jumps out of the jet with Lauren right next to him.

The kidnapper of Loki crashes down on the ledge of a mountain. Loki lays down in the dirt and groans in pain from the fall. Loki looks up at his kidnapper to find it is indeed his brother, Thor Odinson.

Thor walks over to Loki with an angered expression written on his face. "Where's the Tesseract?!"

Loki laughs, amused that his older brother's rage is showing. "I've missed you too."

"Do I look to be in a gaming mood?!"

Loki stands up roughly, ignoring the pain in his back. "Oh, you should thank me. With the Bifrost gone, how much dark energy did the Allfather have to muster to conjure you here? Your precious Earth."

Thor drops his famous hammer, Mjölnir, causing the mountain to quake. He holds Loki by the shoulders and looks at his face, remembering that the last time he saw his brother, he was falling into a dark chasm. "I thought you were dead."

"Did you mourn?" Loki asks, his blue eyes are crystaled over and drained of emotion.

"We all did! Our father-" Loki raises a finger to cut Thor off.

"Your father." Thor lets go of Loki as the latter brings up the subject. "He did tell you my true parentage, did he not?"

Loki turns around toward the cliff and looks off at the night sky, trying to imagine if he can see Asgard out there somewhere. Thor steps toward him, but doesn't get too close. "We were raised together, we played together, we fought together. Do you remember none of that?"

"I remember a shadow." Loki quickly turns around, finally spilling his true feelings. "Living in the shade of your greatness! I remember you tossing me into an abyss! I was and should be king!"

"So you take the world I love as recompense for your imagined slights?!" Thor walks up closer to Loki, now even more angry that Loki thinks Thor willingly let him fall into that abyss. "No, the Earth is under my protection, Loki!"

Loki lets out a laugh as he hears Thor's last comment. "And you're doing a marvelous job with that. The humans slaughter each other in droves as you idly threat. I mean to rule them! And why should I not?"

"You think yourself above them?"

"Well, yes." Loki answers Thor's question as if it was the most obvious thing ever thought of in the universe.

Thor shakes his head, smiling. "Then you miss the truth of ruling, brother. The throne would suit you ill."

Angrily, Loki shoves his brother to the side. He stomps back up to the ledge and turns around. "I've seen worlds you've never known about! I have grown, Odinson, in my exile! I have seen the true power of the Tesseract, and when I wield-"

"Who showed you this power?" At the mention of another world, Thor connects that there must be a third party pulling the strings behind the curtains. Someone else is using Loki as a tool to get the Tesseract. "Who controls the would-be-king?"

"I am a king!" Loki yells, trying to get his final point across.

"Not here!" Thor grabs Loki's clothing at the collar. "You give up the Tesseract! You give up this poisonous dream! Come home..."

Loki chuckles, his blue crystal eyes shining at Thor's emotional pain. "I don't have it." Thor pushes Loki away from him and holds out his hand, calling Mjölnir to him, as Loki continues. "You need the cube to bring me home, but I've sent it off I know not where."

"You listen well, brother. I-" Something slams into the side of Thor, sending him crashing off the side of the mountain and into the forest below.

Loki gets out of his shock easily and amusingly comments, "I'm listening."

On the floor of the forest, Thor rolls himself up and glares at his attacker. Tony's face mask lifts up to show Thor he will only fight if he needs to. Thor keeps his voice level but firm. "Don't touch me again."

"Then don't take my stuff." Tony retorts, clearly annoyed by the newcomer interfering with his little mission. If this blondie didn't show up, Tony could have had Loki delivered and been on his way back home.

"You have no idea what you're dealing with." Thor tries to explain subtly how little Tony understands about the matter at hand, but Tony doesn't like being told how ignorant he is.

In order to cope with the anger he's feeling, Tony turns to humor. "Uh, Shakespeare in the park? Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?"

"This is beyond you, metal man." Thor doesn't even crack a smile at Tony's joke, which kind of makes Tony a bit more annoyed. "Loki will face Asgardian justice."

"He gives up the cube, he's all yours. Until then," Tony drops his face mask and finishes his sentence, "stay out of my way... tourist."

Tony starts walking away and is about to fly off to get Loki, but Thor summons his hammer and throws it at Tony. Iron Man is knocked straight into a tree, his armor damaged up a bit.

"Okay." Tony dismisses the fact that the screens inside his helmet are glitching, enraged that this Asgardian fellow wants to put up a fight. Loki watches the fight from his spot on the ledge of the mountain.

Thor raises his hand and Mjölnir flies back into his hand. He charges up energy to fly away and back to Loki, but Tony is not having it. Iron Man stands up and blasts rays of energy from his hand boosters. Tony quickly flies up and uses his momentum to fly toward Thor and kick him into a group of trees that were growing close together. Thor manages to land on his knees. He stands up, raises his hammer to the sky and points it at Iron Man, shooting a ray of lightning at Tony.

Iron Man stays standing, but is pushed back from the force. He puts up his hand to shield his face, but nothing can help hide him from the lightning's energy. When the lightning dies down, Tony sees the screens in front of him get really bright, and he hears his personal A.I. say, "Power at 400% capacity."

"How about that." Tony's eyes widen when Jarvis displays the numbers on the screen. He charges up his blasters with the new energy, and shoots all the energy out at Thor. The brother of Loki takes the blast and falls down, understanding his mistake.

Regaining his stance, Thor flies at Iron Man while Tony does the same. Tony goes for a punch to Thor's head, but he ducks and uses his body weight to ram right into Iron Man's stomach. Tony gets pushed back, but uses his rocket feet to steady his stance in the air and flies toward Thor again. This time, Iron Man is able to elbow Thor right in the chest, sending him flying into the side of the mountain.

Thor swings Mjölnir around and flies right back at Iron Man. Tony grabs Thor's wrists as he is flying at him, and manages to slow down his momentum by swinging him around. The two land on their feet. Tony tries to take a swing at Thor, but the latter grabs his iron wrists and starts crushing the metal with his bare hands.

Suddenly, what seems to be a beacon of wind pushes the two apart. When the leaves settle down, Thor and Tony look up to see a girl with pink skin, white eyes, and black and purple hair. Her hair is long and straight, and is mainly black with purple tips. Her clothes are purple, black, and white with a silver metal belt. She has silver, metal gloves with the same color metal boots. Her gloves, boots, and the side of her forehead each have a symbol of an upside down triangle with a line through it placed somewhere on it.

The girl spots Thor and points her fists at him. "You're coming with me, Loki! You will terrorize this world no longer!"

Thor points to himself a bit confused, but then gestures to the mountain. "Loki is up there. I'm his brother, Thor."

The girl quickly glances up at the mountain, but doesn't lower her fists. "Then I shall take you down as well!"

Out of the girl's gloves by her wrists the material transforms into a slightly taller structure. Thor doesn't get a chance to think about what it is though, because he is blasted by white energy rays from her gloves.

Thor falls backward and Iron Man runs at the girl, but she is too fast. The girl slides on the ground between Tony's legs. As she does that, she grabs his legs and pulls them along with her, making Iron Man fall on his face in the dirt. Rockets turn on under the girl's boots and she uses them to fly over to Thor. As she lands she tries to punch him, but Thor rolls out of the way.

The girl quickly gets up and runs at Tony, but a long spear stabs itself between her and her target, stopping her in her tracks. Tony is about to blast the pink skinned girl with his own technology, but he gets hit in the chest with Captain America's shield. The shield bounces off his chest, off of Thor's armor, and back into Steve's hands.

The three fighters freeze in their places and look at the two who threw the weapons. Steve is standing on a fallen tree that's still off the ground, and Lauren sits down right next to him, her feet dangling off the side of the tree.

"That's enough!" Steve orders and jumps down to the ground. He eyes Thor and the new girl. "Now I don't know what you plan on doing here."

"I've come to stop Loki's reign of terror!" The girl of the three fighters says, her voice raised from the amount of adrenaline coursing through her. Sensing a fight coming, Lauren gracefully lands on the ground next to Steve.

"And I have come to take him back to Asgard and put an end to his schemes!" Thor raises his hammer, his temper escalating.

"Don't buy it, Rogers. That girl just came out of nowhere, so who's to say she's not with Loki?" Lauren glares at the new girl.

Before Steve can respond, the pink skinned girl points her fists at Lauren. "How dare you! I am a woman of my word!"

"Says the one who immediately started attacking Iron Man the moment she came here!" Lauren steps forward, not at all fazed by the girl's threatening stance.

Steve puts and arm in front of Lauren to stop her advance. "Then prove you're here to help. Put the hammer down."

"Yeah, um, no! Bad call! He loves his hammer-" Thor swings his hammer at Tony, knocking him to the ground and cutting him off.

"You want me to put the hammer down?!" Thor jumps into the air and charges up his hammer with lightning. Steve raises his shield to block the shot. The pink skinned girl takes her chance and shoots beams at Lauren. Sigma catches the blasts in the stomach, making her feet get pushed back. Without the support of her feet, Lauren falls face first onto the ground, leaves and twigs scratching her face. Right when she lands on the ground, Thor's hammer makes contact with Steve's shield.


A shock wave of sound creates the surrounding trees to break in half. Everyone falls to the ground if they weren't there already. Slowly, everyone stands up and looks at each other. Steve looks at Thor and the new girl to see they are completely wiped out. "Are we done here?"

The girl and Thor nod at Steve's question, and the group of five start walking back to where Loki is. Seeing that Lauren is still a bit doubled over from the pain in her stomach, the girl with the pink skin walks over and puts Lauren's arm around her shoulders.

"I apologize for hurting you. I let my anger cloud my movements." The girl's apology makes Lauren chuckle.

"Yeah, well, I'm sorry for causing that anger. It's almost as if I was asking to get blasted." Lauren smiles weakly, making the new girl feel a bit better. "Anyway, what should I call you? I'm Lauren."

"Call me... Agent Virgo."

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