"There's got to be some other way to get tickets, right?" Scott asks as he and Stiles hop out of the jeep
"It's a secret show. There's only one way, and it's a secret." Stiles says while Brooke shuts her door
"Hey." Matt calls out, "Any of you guys know why no one's getting suspended after what happened the other day at school?"
"Just forget about it. Nobody got hurt." Stiles says waving him off
"I- I had a concussion."
"Well, nobody got seriously hurt." Brooke shrugs
"I was in the E.R. for six hours."
"Hey, do you want to know the truth, Matt? Your little bump on the head is about this high on our list of problems right now." Stiles says holding his hand to the ground
Scott sighs, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine now." Matt says. Brooke raises her brows, "So you didn't get any tickets last night either."
"Are they still selling?"
"Uh, no, but I managed to find two online. You should keep trying. Sounds like everyone's gonna be there." He says before walking off
"I don't like him." Stiles says
"Me either." Brooke says
Stiles turns to Scott, "Hey, are you sure about this?"
"Last time, whoever's controlling Jackson had to kill somebody because he didn't finish the job, so what do you think he's going to do this time?"
"Be there to make sure it happens." Stiles shrugs before the three walk into the school.
"Ketamine?" Scott says
"It's the same stuff we use on the dogs, just a higher dosage." Deaton, Scott's boss, says, "If you can get close enough to Jackson, it should slow him down enough to buy you some time. This is some of what you'll use to create the barrier. This part is for you two. Only you."
"Uh, that sounds like a lot of pressure. Can we maybe find a slightly less pressure- filled task for us?" Stiles says taking the bottle from him
"It's from the Mountain ash tree, which is believed by many cultures to protect against the supernatural. This office is lined with ashwood, making it difficult for someone like Scott to cause me any trouble."
"Okay, so then what? We just spread this around the whole building and then either Jackson or whoever's controlling him can't cross it?" Brooke asks
"They'll be trapped." Deaton nods
"Doesn't sound too hard." She shrugs
"Not all there is. Think of it like gunpowder. It's just powder until a spark ignites it. You need to be that spark."
"If you mean light myself on fire, I don't think I'm up for that." Stiles says
"I don't think that's what he means." Brooke says
"Let me try a different analogy." Deaton chuckles, "I used to golf. I learned that the best golfers never swing before first imagining where they want the ball to go. They see it in their mind and their mind takes over. It can be pretty extraordinary what the force of your own will can accomplish."
"Force of will." Stiles mumbles
"If- if this is going to work, you have to believe it." He says looking between the twins
"Mm-hmm." Stiles breathes
Brooke groans as Stiles finally pulls up. She leans off of her car as he and Scott jump out.
"Finally. Took you guys long enough." She says walking over to the trunk
"Sorry." Scott says before turning to Stiles, "You okay?"
"Yeah, why?"
"What happened?" Brooke asks
"Nothing." He says pulling a bag out
"You just didn't say anything the whole way here."
"No, I'm fine. Just grab the other bag." He says as Brooke reaches in and grabs the bag. As she steps back, Scott mumbles to himself.
"No. Not here, not now." He says
"What?" Brooke asks
"What? Scott!" Stiles tries, but Scott ignores him and runs into the building, "What are we supposed to-" He then turns to Brooke, "plan officially sucks."
Brooke and Stiles decided they'd start spreading the mountain ash at the front of the building and just meet in the middle by his Jeep. It seemed to be going okay until Brooke ran out of ash. She turns toward Stiles who still had a ways to go. She was hoping he'd have enough to finish, but her hopes are quickly diminished when he turns the bag over and empties the rest into his palm.
"Are you kidding me?" Brooke whines
"Oh, no." He immediately digs in his pocket and pulls out his phone. He holds it to his ear for a few seconds before sighing, "Scott, pick up. Pick up now. Look, I got, like, 50 feet of ash left, and I'm out. Okay? So you got to get your wolf ass down here to help me because I don't know what to do. And we're just standing out here and we're- And we're all alone, and I'm hearing gunfire and werewolves, and I'm- and I'm standing here like a frickin' idiot with a handful of magic fairy dust. And I don't have enough. Okay?"
Brooke walks over to him as he hangs up the phone and shoves it in his pocket.
"Okay, come on, think."
"Um, okay. He said you got to believe. We need to believe." Brooke says
"Yeah, yeah, okay. Come on, believe, Stiles." Stiles sighs
"Just, uh- just picture it. Just imagine it working, okay? Just- imagine." Brooke says as Stiles begins to empty the rest of the ash onto the ground.
Stiles slowly walks down the line as Brooke holds her hands to her mouth. Moments later, he stops and sighs as he empties the last of the ash. Brooke looks down and her eyes widen, "Stiles, you did it!"
Stiles looked down at the connected line of mountain ash. He chuckles as he turns to Brooke who smiles wide at him, "Yes!"
Stiles and Brooke run into the rave building and into the room they knew Jackson was gonna be in. As soon as they run in, Erica and Isaac jump up.
"Uh, no, no, no! Just us, it's just us. Don't freak." Stiles says quickly as he shuts the door behind them, "He okay?"
"Well- let's find out." Isaac says flicking his claws out. He tries scratching Jackson and his hand gets caught and twisted, "Go -"
Isaac yanks his hand back and stumbles into Brooke. He sits back holding his hand.
"Okay, no one does anything like that again, okay?" Stiles says
"Are you okay?" Brooke asks softly placing her hand on his shoulder
"Yeah." Isaac nods, "I thought the ketamine was supposed to put him out."
"Yeah, well, apparently this is all we're going to get. So let's just hope that whoever's controlling him just decided to show up tonight."
Jackson's eyes shoot open catching their attention, "I'm here. I'm right here with you."
Stiles steps up and squats in front of Jackson, "Jackson, is that you?"
"Us. We're all here." He says. Stiles looks back at the others before turning to Jackson.
"Are you the one killing people?"
"We are the ones killing murderers."
"So all the people you've killed so far-"
"Deserved it."
"See, we got a little rule book that says you only go after murderers."
"Anything can break if enough pressure's applied."
"All right, so the people you're killing are all murderers then?"
"All. Each. Every one."
"Well, who did they murder?"
"Wait, what? What do you mean?"
"They murdered me." He spits. He begins cracking his neck causing Brooke to frown.
"Stiles." She says as Isaac stands
"They murdered me." Jackson repeats as his eyes turn orange
Stiles stands up and backs away, "Okay, all right. More ketamine. The man needs ketamine. Come on."
"We don't have any more." Isaac says holding up the bottle
"You used the whole bottle?" Stiles saying turning to him. Erica pats his arm as Jackson stands. He hisses at them and shakes his head rapidly, "Um- okay, out, everybody out."
"Go, go, go, go." Isaac says as Brooke grabs his arm. Erica swings the door open and they all pile out before Isaac slams it shut.
"Okay, find something to move in front of the door." Stiles says
They all jump as the kanima bursts through the wall and runs off into the party.
Stiles and Brooke rush out of the building as other partygoers are leaving. Stiles looking behind them as they step into the parking lot. Brooke looks down and notices the line of mountain ash is still there. Stiles looks up as Derek runs over.
"Hey, um, so we kind of lost Jackson inside, but it's-" He stops as Isaac and Erica walk out. The both of them slowing their steps as they look down at the mountain ash, "Oh, my God. It's working. Oh, this is- we did something."
Derek's eyes widen as he perks up, "Scott?"
"Break it."
"What? No way."
"Scott's dying!" Derek yells
"What?" Brooke exclaims
"Okay, what? How do you know that?"
"Oh, my God, Stiles, I just know! Break it!" Derek yells
Brooke groans as she kneels down and breaks the mountain ash seal. Derek immediately runs into the building.
"Ah-" Stiles grumbles
Brooke stands back up as Stiles grumbles to himself. She steps over the mountain ash and walks over to Isaac. Despite how she felt at the moment, she was worried about him. He steps down from the platform as she stops in front of him.
"Are you okay?" She says grabbing his hand
"Yeah, I'm fine." He says before he smiles, "I'm a werewolf, remember?"
Brooke scoffs, "You can still get hurt."
Isaac's smile falters realizing she was still upset with him. Before he can say anything, a loud roar is heard. The teens look toward the building before Stiles and Brooke exchange looks of worry.
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