Pʟᴀʏɪɴɢ Wɪᴛʜ Fɪʀᴇ (2)
After spending some time with Jamie, Sienna left. She was actually meeting up with Eli to see how his tattoo came out. Jamie finished unpacking, which normally took her days to do, and was now in her room by herself. She was meeting with Miguel soon and was nervous about how it would end.
She gets up and makes her way to the living room where she knew her mom would be, "Mom?"
Amber turns and smiles as Jamie sits on the couch with her, "Hey. You okay?"
"Um, I actually wanted to talk to you about something."
"Okay." Amber says as she sits up, "What is it?"
"Why did you lie for dad?"
Amber sighs, "Because I knew how much you cared about him, Jamie. It wouldn't have been easy to tell you that he wasn't coming back."
"It wouldn't have been easy, but it would've been better in the long run for me to know he wasn't ever coming back instead of hoping that he would one day."
"I know that now. I'm sorry." Jamie sighs as she sits back. Amber notices her demeanor, "Is something else wrong?"
"I'm supposed to meet with Miguel later so that we can talk. We haven't spoken much since he left and I'm just scared of how it's gonna turn out."
"Well, what do you think is gonna happen?"
Jamie sighs, "I think he's gonna break up with me."
Amber frowns, "Why?"
"Because he just has a lot going on with his dad and then I'm sure his mom isn't too happy with him. I don't know if me being upset about dad is going to make things hard for us."
"Jamie, if there's anyone who's going to understand you when it comes to your father, it's Miguel."
Jamie takes a deep breath as Amber rubs her shoulder, "Just tell him the truth. If he really loves you, which I know he does, you'll help each other through what happened to you both. If you think you need time away from him, then tell him. I'm sure he'll understand."
"Yeah, but I don't want to be away from him. All I've wanted since he left was to be around him again."
Amber nods, "Okay, then just tell him the truth. Tell him what happened with dad and let him know you wanna work through it. Okay?"
"The best option is to tell him the truth, baby. No matter how scared you are of it."
Jamie nods as she sighs. Amber pulls her in and gives her a hug which Jamie gladly accepts.
Miguel walks through the park with his hands in his pockets. He and Jamie had decided to meet there to talk. To say he was nervous was an understatement. He loved Jamie and the last thing he wanted to do was break up with her.
As he gets closer to their meeting spot, he sees her. Her hair was a little different. He remembers her excitement whenever she got highlights a couple of months ago, but they were lighter now. As always, she looked beautiful.
It was then that he realized that this was where they had their first kiss. God, he was really hoping she wasn't breaking up with him in the same place they had their first kiss.
"Hey." He says. The girl turns and Miguel can feel his heart racing. He hadn't realized how much he missed her.
"Hey." She says
"Look, Jamie, I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have abandoned you like that. I was trying to start a new chapter and figure out my past. But I wasn't thinking about you. Or us." He says, "Uh, even all the way back to prom with Sam-"
"Miguel." She interrupts, "As much as I appreciate it, I need to say something."
"Okay." He says softly
"I wasn't honest with you." She says. Miguel frowns, "I'd been going to visit my grandma every other summer since I was 11 and of course I wanted to see her, but the main reason I went was because she reminded me of my dad."
Miguel's face softens as he watches her get teary eyed.
"Even though I was told that he was stationed, I would still go hoping that he would surprise me." She chuckles, "But he never did and I always wondered why he was gone for so long and never came to visit me. This time, he showed, and I should've been so happy to see him, but I found out that he never showed because he's had another family this whole time." She says as tears fall. As Miguel looks at her, she looks down.
"Ever since we started dating, I've been so scared that you would leave. So afraid that Sam would come in and just take you from me which is why I've always come off so insecure when it came to you and her being around each other."
"But the truth is that you had nothing to do with that. I'd always had that feeling that anyone that came into my life and became an important part of it would leave me. It happened with you and Sienna and I just started to blame you for what she did and how I felt and it wasn't your fault. I'm sorry."
"I understand what it's like to wonder about someone who should be in your life no matter what. As hard as it was to be on the other side of that and be so worried about you, I really respect you for taking the time you needed to find yourself." She smiles. Miguel can't help, but to smile back, "And now I need that time too."
"I need to find that part of myself that was yearning for my dad. I need to learn to live without wondering about him."
Miguel's face falls slightly. Jamie notices it and goes to wipe her eyes.
"So, what does that mean for us?" Miguel asks hesitantly, "Whatever is best for you, I'm okay with."
"I want you there while I try to figure it out." She says, "I don't want to be away from you anymore. I hate it."
"I hate it too." He says stepping closer, "You mean the world to me, Jamie. I'll do whatever it takes to make up for just leaving you like I did."
Jamie looks over his face before her eyes finally stop at his eyes, "I wanna stay with you as long as that's what you want."
"That's exactly what I want." He says as he takes her face in his hands, "I love you, Jamie."
"I love you too." She chuckles as Miguel smiles, "I really do."
She then wraps her arms around his waist as she buries her face in her neck. He hugs back instantly.
"I'm so sorry, Jamie." He says quietly before he kisses her head, "I'm not ever leaving you again, I promise."
Jamie sighs as she shuts her eyes. Miguel starts to pull away causing the girl to look up at him. He grabs her face and kisses her. She kisses back softly before pulling away. He leans back in and kisses her again which she happily accepts.
He pulls away and looks her in her eyes. Jamie smiles softly as he gently wipes under her eyes.
"Oh." He says pulling away slightly. Jamie furrows her brows as he digs in his pocket. He then pulls out a necklace.
"What's that?"
"It's a gift." He says holding it out to her. She takes it looking it over, "I got it to say sorry."
Jamie chuckles, "You didn't have to do that. Just an 'I'm sorry' would've been okay."
"Yeah, well, Demetri thought it'd be a good idea." He says as he scratches the back of his head
"I love it." She says softly. It was a silver chain with a butterfly charm on it, "Are butterflies our thing now?"
"Sienna said that they're your favorite." He says shyly. Jamie looks up at him with a small smile.
"You asked Sienna?"
"Uh, yeah." He stammers, "Right before I showed up here."
Jamie's smile widens as she nods slightly. She holds the necklace up, "Help me put it on?"
"Of course." Miguel smiles as he takes it from her. She sees the necklace come into view before Miguel clips it into place. It falls by her collarbone as Miguel's hands fall to his side.
As she turns back to him, her face softens. The look in his eyes makes her heart race and she can't help but to become shy under his gaze.
The two hadn't realized, but the look in both of their eyes had changed. From what they could tell, it was a look of happiness, but it was much deeper than that.
Much deeper than just love.
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