Jamie tossed her towel to the side before plopping down on her bed. After falling in the pond, Jamie went home not long after that. The shower she just finished felt like heaven on earth for her. Her phone goes off causing her to reach over for it.
Have you checked your email?
Jamie frowned at the text from Miguel before getting up and grabbing her laptop. The girl sets her computer on her bed as a knock is heard at her door. She makes her way to the door and opens it revealing Miguel.
"Hey." She says stepping aside to let him in
"Hey." He says as she shuts the door, "Did you get my text?"
"Yeah, I was just about to check." She says as Miguel follows her to her room. She grabs her laptop and plops down on her bed. Miguel takes a seat beside her as she logs into her email. Jamie's heart races as she sees a new email from Stanford, "Oh my god."
"Open it."
"I'm scared."
"Don't be. Just open it." He chuckles
Jamie sighs heavily as Miguel places his hand on her shoulder, "Okay." She mumbles opening the email. Jamie's eyes widen as she reads the first line, "I got in!"
"Yes!" Miguel cheers as Jamie sets her computer aside and jumps up
"Oh my god! Oh my god." She squeals before turning to Miguel, "I got in."
Miguel's smile widens as he watches. He stands up as she giggles. She smiles wide before pulling Miguel into a hug. As she squeezes his stomach, Miguel can feel his face dropping slightly. A few seconds later, she pulls away and looks at him, "Did you get an email?"
"Yeah." He nods
Jamie smiles, "What did it say?"
"I, uh.." He hesitates, "I got deferred."
Jamie's face drops, "What?"
"Yeah." He smiles softly
"Well, that's- that's okay." She says, "It's not a no."
"Yeah, my mom said the same thing."
Jamie's face saddens, "I'm sorry."
"No, don't be." He says, "I'm just happy you got in."
"You will too." She nods cupping his face, "They'll review it again and you'll get in, okay?"
Miguel nods lightly. Jamie's eyes bounce back and forth between his eyes before she kisses him softly. A small smile takes over Miguel's face.
"We'll both get in." Jamie says. Miguel nods before Jamie wraps his arms around his neck and pulls him in for a hug. Miguel happily accepts it, wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his face in her neck. A sigh escaping his lips as she pulled him closer.
"I've been checking Stanford's websites, and they only accept 15% of the people they defer." Miguel says as he and Jamie sit together at lunch, "Fifteen!"
"Anything you can do between now and April is only gonna help your chances. Extracurriculars are huge." Jamie says
"They didn't care about the All Valley. Why would they care about the Sekai Taikai?"
"Because it's international. It's one thing to be the best in town. It's another to be the best in the world." Jamie smiles before Miguel looks past her
"Yeah. It just means I'm gonna have to beat Robby again." He mumbles as Robby approaches their table
"Hey. Uh, have you guys seen Tory? We're supposed to train at the park later."
Jamie and Miguel shake their heads, "No, but I thought you were coming to the dojo to train with us."
"Well, we figured since we're fighting each other, it would be best not to show each other our moves."
"Yeah, I mean, makes sense."
"You better watch out. You're going down this time, El Serpiente." Robby smiles before walking off
Miguel turns back to Jamie with a determined look in his eyes, "If they're training together, then so are we."
"Okay, so, one of these days before we leave, we have to have another double date." Sienna says sitting beside Jamie. Eli takes a seat beside Miguel.
"I truly don't think there's time for that." Jamie chuckles
"There has to be." Sienna says looking between the teens, "Right?"
"I don't think so." Eli says as he and Miguel shake their heads
"Okay, then we at least have to have a sleepover." She says turning to Jamie
Jamie nods, "We can do that."
"A sleepover?" Eli says
"You're not invited." She says before looking to Miguel, "You either."
"Why not?"
"Because no."
Eli holds his hands out, "Because no is not an answer."
"No boys have ever been invited to our sleepovers. We're not changing traditions now."
"But you have boyfriends now." Miguel chuckles
"And?" Sienna frowns
"Maybe we can invite Mikayla." Jamie suggests
"Yes." Sienna exclaims
"So, you're gonna plan the entire thing out in front of us and not invite us?" Eli says
"Exactly." Sienna says as Jamie smiles, "You can plan your own boys sleepover."
"We're not doing that." The two boys mumble making Jamie giggle
Miguel was able to convince Daniel to help them train for their fights since Johnny seemed to be busy. They stood around the creek practicing their normal warm-ups.
"Sensei, how am I doing?" Miguel asks
"Your form is great. Just remember to clear your mind and breathe." Daniel says before walking over to Jamie, "Kid's dialed in. He really wants that male captain slot."
"It's his best shot at Stanford." Jamie nods
"What about you? We know Tory's gonna give you a good fight. But what are you fighting for?"
Jamie takes a second before looking back up at him, "A lot is changing around me. Karate seems to be the only thing that grounds me. I guess I just want to make sure that it won't change." She says, "Tory beat me at the All Valley, but it was tainted. For both of us. I wanna prove how good I really am. To myself."
"Closure's good. It means the outcome isn't what matters. If you wanna find your closure, you just have to give it your all. Just lay it out there."
Jamie nods with a smile before the two bow to each other. He walks away as Jamie gets into her stance again.
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