

I put the last rose into the glass jar, tore the packet of flower food, and pour into the water. After taking my time to dress the flowers properly, I let them sit by the side of my study desk.

It's been a whole lot of unboxing and rearranging, and I must say that I was wowed by what I received. Also, I wasn't dreaming.

I got handbags, bracelets, dresses, hoodies, heels, sneakers, and a note from Mr. Alex. He had to leave for NYC after the death of his dad, and I haven't been able to talk with him as much.

The note sits alone on the table, and I open it to read it again.

To Salome Alan; Congratulations on your finals from high school Salome, I'm super happy for you, maybe the happiest. I'm so proud of you too, and can't wait to physically celebrate with you. You are one amazing beautiful girl, and just wait till I show you just how worthy you are. I miss you, and can't wait to see you.

I smile for the umpteenth time, admiring his perfect handwriting on the note. It's been a month since I saw him, and I can't deny how much I miss him, how lonely it felt at times, and how worried I was.

But I'd get to see him today. Like today!

My phone begins to vibrate on my yellow duvet, and I pick it up before it begins to ring aloud. It's a video call from Taiye. I sit on my bed and tap on the answer.

"Hey..." I smile at her, holding my phone to reveal my full face and half of my purple sweatshirt, my hair braided in corn rolls.

"Hello Salome," Taiye beams as she struggles to place her phone on her vanity area. "How are you?"

I nod, sighing. "I'm good, you?"

"Equally," She takes some braids behind her back. "So have you decided what you'd wear for prom?"

I bite my lips to hold a laugh, "Uh no, I'm just rummaging, can't decide."

Taiye frowns, drawing closer to her screen. "Why? The prom is in a week! Okay, I could help you decide. What about your king?"

I twist my mouth around, shyly scratching my head. "My prom king isn't a high school graduate you know."

Her mouth forms a big 'o'. She gives me a warning finger, laughing heartily. "Damn, how could I forget that..." She glances away for a second. "Ugh, I'm so happy for you, Salome."

I get up to place my phone on my study desk, sitting on the couch. "Thank you, Taiye. Although it's weird though, how do I ask him to be my date at prom."

"You could be prom queen you know," She winks.

I roll my eyes at her words. "With all that went down? I would be the queen who stole the hottest teacher in school."

"Who cares," it's Taiye's turn to roll her eyes. "You will pull up with Mr. Alex by your side and that is what I can't wait to see. Besides you don't have to ask him to be your date, he might be planning something bigger."

My heart skips a bit. This girl knows so much. "Something bigger?"

"Yeah, like a private night out or something." She's quick to reply.

"Uh... I don't know, I don't want to expect." I pull at the sleeve of my sweatshirt.

"Aww, look at you been all cute," She drools, and I look at her again. "Now let's pick a dress for you."

"Hmm okay..." I twirl up to my wardrobe to get the new dresses I was gifted to show her.

"Hey Kenny, it's Salome," I hear Taiye say from behind me. I turn around to see her speaking to her brother off-camera. "What? Come say hi. No? Really?"

I take the gowns with the hangers and come closer. She finally turns to me. "Is anything wrong? You and Kenny..."

I place the dresses on the arm of the couch. "We aren't on good terms at the moment."

She nods, then lick her lips. "Okay... that's between you two though, show me the dresses please." And her aura is back to jovial.

I point to her, chuckling. "You're definitely showing me yours too, Taiye."

"Yes deal..." She smirks, and I raise one of them to the screen.


Impatiently, I tapped on my screen to check for a response from Mr. Alex but got none. I glance at the wall clock to check the time. 9:05 pm. He should be back by now but isn't responding or replying to my texts.

I moist my already glossy lips, worry creeping through my veins. It's just me at home. My stepmom and Aunt Jenny went to sort out some lawyer's thing. I already said I would visit Mr. Alex but I'm sure they won't expect to see me home by now.

"I should go," I finally decide, grabbing my sweatshirt from the arm of the couch and pulling it over my white crop. It's a matching purple set with sweatpants with a small branded signature of a lightning sign on the upper chest area.

The keys get tossed in my thin handbag, coupled with my phone, and lip balm. I switch off the lights, and make my way out, locking the door behind me.

I walk down the threshold as I tap on my phone to order a ride.

It doesn't take up to five minutes when a black Lexus pulls over beside my home. I made sure he was the one before hopping in.

The streetlights illuminate the dark road as he zooms off, airing out some slow song I don't know the title.

He comes to a stop right beside Mr. Alex's home. I climb down and walk over immediately, pressing on the doorbell while trying to stretch and peep at the balcony.

The gate surprisingly clicks open. I walk in, and straight to the door as the gate draws closed. Just as I raise my hand to press the bell with a racing chest, the door flies open.

"Mr- Sean?!" I blink up to see Sean standing in the doorway. He smirks, chuckling fully. He appears in a pair of white jeans and a black sweatshirt.

"Mr. Sean? Really?" He takes a few steps back, and I roll my eyes and playfully slap his arm.

"You're something else," I mutter, my eyes looking around like a prey. "Where's Mr. Alex? Is he back?"

Sean folds his arms and tilts his head.

I stare at him with a straight face. "I'm serious, Sean. Why are you here by the way?"

"To lead you to his bedroom because he's asleep?"

My eyes widen and my chest finally relaxes in a breath. "Oh, he was sleeping."

"Is sleeping." Sean corrects.

I turn away from him after giving him one look over. "You his bodyguard or what?"

Sean appears in front of me. "Maybe," He purses his lips. "Congratulations on high school finals, Salome."

I grin at his cheekiness. "You too Sean."

"I might have to debadge you if you keep questioning my girl, Sean."

I stir my eyes up at the corridor upstairs at the sound of his voice. Mr. Alex. My man.

Okay, I'm done with high school so I could finally address him as mine right?

My eyes glitter on seeing Mr. Alex smile down at us. At me. Sean raises his hands in mock surrender while I match up to meet him without thinking twice.

"Hey..." I drool into his arms, engulfing myself legally in his body. He hands palm my head, the other hand around my waist in time. He's ravishing in a pair of ash joggers and a white round neck.

"Ugh, I missed you so much." He says hoodedly, deep enough for me to know he just woke up.

"I missed you more," I mumble into his chest, shutting my eyes to bask in the reality of being here. "I'm sorry."

Mr. Alex pulls back a bit to see my face, "Why?"

I exhale calmly, staring into his honey eyes. "I heard about what happened."

He looks down, not long before at me again. "That's life I guess."

I don't trust his words. His eyes are a bit deeper due to lack of sleep, and his face looks overly tired. My heart aches on seeing him this way. I reach down and sink my hand in his. He watches me gesturing toward his bedroom.

"Come with me, please," I tell him, but he just nods with a small smile. I glance over the rills to see that Sean is gone from the sitting room.

He follows my lead. I turn the door knob and open the door. We step in and I close the door behind. I blink at the last space I see him but go ahead to take him closer. The bedroom is darker due to the closed thick curtains, but dim blue light spills from the ceiling.

"Salome, what're you doing?" He questions. I gesture for him to lie down.

"Lay down." I leave his hand, arranging the brown pillows properly.

Mr. Alex watches me like I've grown heads. "Lay down? I just woke up."

I snap up to face him, seeing how confused he looks. I place my hands on his shoulders, craning my neck to see his face. "Do you trust me?"

He hums, gradually taking his seat. "Yes?"

I fake a frown, standing akimbo. "Really?" I raise a brow.

Mr. Alex pulls me closer to himself by holding my waist, making me stand in between his laps. "Of course I do, Salome." He gazes up at me.

Okay, this is the first time that he has to look up at me. Cute I must say. But his eyes...

I clear my throat, tearing my eyes away to look around.

"Are you shy?" I hear him laugh throatly, attempting to see my face.

I shake my head, looking anywhere but his eyes. "Do you h-have like a face mask or something?"

"Hmm I think I do, usually get some as souvenirs when I get body washes." He replies.

"Oh," I nod, still looking around his huge bedroom. "Where?"

He points to the lower drawer of the wardrobe, "In the last drawer."

"Okay," I spin away from his middle and stride over to check them, internally scolding myself for being shy. But at least I'm backing him for the main time.

I squat down, pull the drawer open, and look through the kinds of facial masks. The aloe vera patch catches my attention and I pull out two, taking a deep breath before closing the drawer and getting on my feet.

"I love your hair."

I blush at Mr. Alex's compliment as I advance closer to meet him, muttering a 'thank you.'

"I should learn it too." He watches me gently tear the packet open.

"How to braid cornrows?" I ask to be sure. He nods, eyes not moving away from me. "Why?"

"So I would braid yours whenever you feel like."

I pause to see his face after saying that, my heart swelling with adoration. He's smiling, revealing his perfect cheek dimple. I can't believe I got myself this lucky.

I nod and turn to dump the packet on the lamp stand, the face mask in my hands. "We could watch tutorials? Or you could come with me to the salon? No not that, the stylist would drool at you so we could just watch tutorials. For now, please lay down." I flash him a smile.

Mr. Alex replies with a mock salute and lies on the bed. His eyes flutter up at me. I sit on the bed, carefully laying the mask on his face, adjusting it to sit and relax properly. He raises one hand under his head; keeping calm and watching me.

I try to fight a blush as I figure how close I am to his face. Who knew I'd one day be this close to him, touching his face and avoiding his piercing honey orbs?

"It hurt to find out you were going to be my student," He says, making me look into his eyes, finally. But I'm confused.

"Your student?" I ask, dropping my hand. The mask is perfectly laid, making him look like a cute masquerade.

"Hmm," He dragged a deep breath and raised his eyes to the ceiling in thought. "Yes, the first day I saw you."

My heart skips a beat in eagerness. "Wow, when was that? We have a meat cute?"

He glances at me with a small smile. "Meat what? Didn't look like that. You were with a lady; which is your aunt, at this bowling center. I was at the snooker section demarcated by clear glass."

I watch him speak slowly, staring at the ceiling like it's all playing in his head again. I recall that day, it was Aunt's Jenny birthday. She asked to go bowling and I followed. What I didn't know was that Mr. Alex was there.

"You were so pretty," He twirled his eyes to me again. I open my mouth but no words. "I know you'd be surprised if I told you. I watched you that day, smiling, playing, lovingly throwing the ball," He giggles at his words.

I chuckle too, picturing him in the space. "I... I never knew."

"Yeah, because I resumed Victoria High and boom, saw you in class. I was pained. Like real pained." He says, voice sounding deeper. "But you were young and I didn't know what to do so I just-—"

"Despised me?" I pull a straight smile.

I can sense him frowning through the mask. "No, I didn't. I just wished things were better, you know."

"Hmm," I keep his eyes, feeling like I'm in a dream through his dazed eyes. "Means you liked me first," I mutter, realizing my man was actually attracted to me before I officially met him.

"Uh, bring your ears,"

I smirk shyly, leaning closer to his body just to feel his arm around my back. I am been flushed to his chest in a split second.

A soft gasp escapes my lips at the contact but I don't bulge to pull away.

The side of my face plaster against his beating chest, my hands on either side of his broad body in shock. Mr. Alex wraps his arms around my back, my head inches away from his face.


"Hmm?" I'm confounded to answer. He figures and smoothly rubs my back.

"Guess I was just waiting for the right time." His voice is hooded with intentionality. "I never intend to rush you."

I breathe out with my mouth, relaxing into his hold. "When did you realize you liked me?" I raise my head to blink up to his eyes. He stares down at me.

"I knew I fell for you when I saw how delicate you tend to things that people wouldn't even see in the first place. It was mind-blowing." His honey eyes drink mine wholly.

I only stare at him, unable to ask when he realized it, how he noticed, and...

He tilt his head a bit, "Surprised?"

With a drowsy smile, I rest my head on his chest again. "I feel blessed."

"You are." I hear him mutter softly.

My body automatically eases in his space and I adjust my legs between him, then wrap my hands around his waist while his hands remain on my back.

The dim blue lights, plus the rising and falling of his chest lure my eyes to flutter slowly till they eventually fall closed.


The very familiar ding of my phone pulls me out of the calmest sleep I've ever had. My eyes slowly blink open, then the realization hits when I look up at the man I'm lying on.

He's fast asleep, the mask still plastered on his face. I press my lips to hide a chuckle as I carefully release myself from his hold. I climb to the opposite side of the bed gradually take off the white face mask, and place the empty packet on the nightstand.

His bare face once again. I find myself staring at his sleep, drooling at his perfect features. Before I could drown in staring, my phone dings again. I shake my head as I reach for my bag on the nightstand; and take out my phone.

Immediately, the illuminating bright light flashes in my eyes and I have to squint my eyes till I see the time.

12:00 am

My eyes are wide open as I slap my hand over my mouth. "Oh my..." I quickly open the texts from Maria.

Maria; Salome I've been trying to reach you, is everything okay? Are you still at Alex's?

I bite down my lips as I glance at him, then at my phone.

Aunt Jenny; Hey you didn't say you were spending the night. Had to make Maria understand, she literally wanted to drive down!

I blow out air from my mouth, rummaging through my keyboard to type a reply to them.

Me; I'm so sorry, I slept off and lost track of time.

A reply comes almost immediately from Aunt Jenny like she had been waiting for a reply.

Aunt Jenny; It's fine, I trust Alex.

I turn to my side to see him sleeping soundly. If he woke up right now, he'd be shocked to figure I'm still here at midnight. But this is something I've only imagined, and now it's real.

I keep my phone on the nightstand and lay on my side, watching the man I adore with keen interest. My eyes stay on his face. I neglect the unusual heartbeat of my chest while I feast on him. Like I'm lying next to a perfect Greek god.

It was worth it.

I can't wait to let him know when I knew I had fallen for him. A satisfied smile appears on my lips at the thought. I am happy to be here, to be his. Soon.

My heart swells in bliss at the thought of having to hold hands with Mr. Alex without looking back at whoever is monitoring.


A groan leaves my lungs as I turn to the opposite side of the huge bed, my body raising and falling in deep breaths until my eyes reluctantly flutter open.

My blurry vision catches the space I am currently at in a snap and my eyes widen instantly. I flare up to a seating position on the king-size bed and wipe my eyes with my palms.

The curtains are still closed, but the morning sun ray penetrates them.

The most satisfying yawn spreads my mouth open. I swiftly slap my hand over it when I see the bedroom door open.

Mr. Alex effortlessly swarms in, practically stealing my breath away in the most casual fit of grey sweatpants, and loose armless white round neck with a wide cut in the arm area. And his smile...

I draw closer to the edge of the bed, but he's already standing tall in front of me.

"Look who's finally awake," His hoarse voice bounces to my ears. I get on my feet, humbly craning my neck to see his face since my full height isn't up to his shoulder.

I smile sweetly, my legs forming crisscross beneath. "Good morning," I say, pressing my lips afterward.

I slept the night here! What does that make me?

I am been tossed to his chest before anything. I waste no time wrapping my hands around his back, feeding on his scent.

"Good morning, Salome. Thanks for yesterday." He taps on my hair softly.

"That was nothing," I mutter, melting in his hold like it's the first time.

"Your aunt called, she was worried." He gestures to see my face. "I literally blacked out with you on me."

Jelly legs.

"Me too." I simply answer since I'm finding it hard to construct proper words. "I texted her, and she trusts you."

He smirks cutely, "Well... you also did."

I hum confidently, lost in staring at his face. He reaches down and presses his lips on my forehead, the motion causing my eyes to flutter close for seconds.

"Freshen up and come down for breakfast." He says, and I nod with a smile.


We depart and I make my way to the bathroom, trying my hardest not to turn back. I stepped into the compartment, instantly remembered the day Mildred came around, and was so nervous I had to use the bathroom.

What is different now is that I'm more confident and less nervous, and I also spent the night here. I smile at that, stretching my hand to get a new toothbrush from the glass shelf.

While I clean myself, feeling the most feminine and adored, I reminisce on how life can be; the twists; twirls, and turns.

Having no idea of how things could switch in a blink, and leave you with questions. Yet you can't dwell on the issue, because there are more twists to come.

I stand in front of the full-size mirror and adjust my white crop to rest on the sweatpants, double-checking myself before taking a three-sixty look at the bedroom again.


With a deep breath, I pick up my bag, and sweatshirt before walking out, and closing the door behind me.

The pleasant aroma of eggs, bacon, and toast welcomes my presence as I walk down the stairs, slowly taking each step till I come into view to see him.

I corner the kitchen to be blessed with the back view of Mr. Alex keenly tending to the aesthetic food plaiting of all I perceived. I pause to admire how his eyes and hands move in sync like the perfectionist he is.

I could stare for as long as I am permitted.

But he stands upright and swiftly turns around to see me gawking. I flash a smile and move closer, my eyes trailing from him to the breakfast.

"This is beautiful," Words left my lips before I could reason. He made sure every one of them got a good side and ughh the scent...

He chuckles at me, taking the dishes to the dining area. "Wait till you take a bite."

I didn't lift a pin, only had to walk to the dining and sit like a princess from Disney. I can't count the amount of 'thank you' I've said.


Having to stay over, have breakfast, and be driven home was a fairy tale. If I was in a book, I'd settle on that page forever. It was almost more than words could describe.

Mr. Alex came in to meet my stepmom, and my aunt who as we all know, was greatly excited to see him. I should remind her of our deal. Mr. Alex ended up tutoring and liking me.

And well me on the other hand, fell for him like she predicted. So we are equal, right?

I watch his car roll down the road from the threshold, beaming brightly at the wine Lexus. Then it struck me. I totally forgot to ask if he could be my prom king.

Or does it sound weird? I don't think so.

Maybe I will, maybe I won't. He wouldn't be attending anyway, and I'd be stuck with high school graduates. Hmm.

"Salome Alan, Alex is already at his house, you can come in now!" My aunt yells from the sitting room. I laugh as I twirl around to go inside. I honestly should remind her about our deal. Or her deal.


Thank you for reading 🔆❤️
Please vote and comment what you feel🤗
See you in the new chapter and be good❤️‍🔥

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