It's my birthday 💕🌟
I had never been so cautious of my movement until now. I've always watched my back, obviously, but not to the extent of reading the lips of other students as they pass by me in the hallway, and out of school. I close my locker with a thud after stocking in some books, and take my hair behind my shoulders.
"I just heard that he is back!"
"Who—wait, oh my... Mr. Alex?! No way!"
My head snapped to the girls talking so audibly a few steps away, squealing and blushing cheekily.
"Yes... My cousin just texted, and said she saw him at the airport. I'm so happy, finally!"
My body heaves in heavy breaths as I gawk at them indirectly feeding me details of the man that sets my soul on heat. Like they both notice my eyes on them, they turn their eyes on me. I quickly look away and walk ahead, feeling their eyes on me all the while.
"She should have just said she's interested in hearing." One scoffs.
"Her curves are giving though," I heard the other giggle.
Pushing the glass doors out of the hallway, I swallow hard, knowing I would see him soon. And he'd see me too, tangled in family ups and downs.
The scorching sun reveals its glow on my skin as my phone dings in my pocket. I pause to retrieve it from my blazer pocket to see a text from Maria.
Maria; Hey Salome, I'm outside your school.
Then I remembered she said she'd pick me up. I exhale sharply, tucking my phone back in my pocket just to be held in the arm. My phone almost slips from my hand but I am quick to hold it firmly, then look at the person holding my arm.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," Taiye gasped, leaving my arm. My face releases in a small smile as I squint my eyes from the sun to look at her.
"Taiye, it's fine," I tell her, my smile retorting to a chuckle. She reaches and pulls me in a friendly hug, not long before pulling away. "It's been a while."
"Hmm," She hums, staring at me intently. "Yes, are you good though?" She asks, searching my face since she's now standing in front of me. I look over her head at the other students going out of school, then back at her.
"Y-yeah, I am. You?"
"Equally..." She pulls her lip between her teeth, her gorgeous blonde braids glistening as her skin. "I... I heard about what happened."
My face falls. She hasn't said exactly what she heard, but I already know. Our principal was right, it's only a matter of time before the whole school hears. But what Sean said to me struck me hard.
"Your dad..." Taiye starts to say, and I nod. "I'm so sorry."
I lick my lips, blinking away from her stare for a second. "I-I'm okay, I will be fine." My eyes waver to the far entrance close to the gate to see Kenny watching us with undivided attention. Taiye follows my eyes and sees her brother too. "Does Kenny know?"
She turns to me and shakes her head. "Not yet..."
I hum with a sigh, "Okay. I should head out now, my uh... stepmom is waiting to pick me up." I didn't know when that came out of my lips but Taiye only nodded.
"Okay, can I come around sometime?"
"Hmm yes you can," I smile at her, and we wave goodbyes.
As I walk over to meet Maria, something tells me today is the last day I get to be seen as Salome Alan.
I restricted myself from checking my texts or even my phone. Fear of being the center of attention, judged and criticized gripped me more than the urge to know what's going on in the world.
Maria made turkey chili with a side salad which I was forced to eat from, and now I'm seated on the bed and folding the remaining clothes I tossed away last night. I pick up a brown scrunchie and pack my hair in a messy bun, sighing as I go back to folding the clothes on the bed.
The pair of sky blue hoodies I'm putting on has the print, 'Go Girl,' on it. It's one of the ones Maria got newly for me. I marched it with a short cinnamon-colored loungewear.
As I neatly place the clothes aside, I recall Sean pulling me away from Kenny. He looked mad, but when we finally got out of view, his face fell at ease. He reminded me that I shouldn't let anyone talk down on me because of one challenge or the other, and if only theirs would be eventually revealed...
The golden ray of the sunset hit the side of my face. I love the sunset, no matter how much I get to see it daily, the perfect colors made by God Almighty always amuse me.
I hop down from the bed and open the curtains wildly to properly grasp in and view the perfection of the golden sun, surrounded by clear pink, orange, and red clouds. It's calming to stare at.
My body releases a deep breath as I drag my eyes down the window. My attention picks at the familiar wine Lexus coming down the street, my eyes squinting with rapid cognition as it is been parked beside my home.
Without confirmation, my heart leaps in folds as I keep my eyes on it, walking backward until the door pushes open.
"M-Mr. Alex?" I gasped out with wide eyes, my body and chest stumbling out of the room as fast as I could. I race down the stairs of Maria's adobe hastily, reach for the door in no time, turn it open, and blurt outside.
At the same time, he raises his head from inside the vehicle, brown bags in his hands as he jams the door closed. My heart puddles down the second Mr. Alex looks up at me standing barefoot at the threshold, looking at him and feeling like it's all a dream. My lips parted in awe at his appearance. Burgundy colored pants, and a white 'V' neck shirt.
His gaze softens on me. Before he could take a step, I ran over to him, and without thinking twice, wrapped my hands around his broader body tightly, shutting my eyes and letting myself completely melt in his ambiance.
"I missed you..." I mumbled, my eyes fluttering open in a daze.
I feel his hand around my waist, holding me like never before. "You can't imagine how much I missed you, Salome."
Uh, his voice...
His heartbeat pounds faster in my ears, and he does not attempt to release me. All the while I avoided him, it hurt me more than I thought it would, and now... I can't imagine being so distant. I think I love him.
His hold burns through my hoodie. It penetrates my skin in warmth. I finally let out calm breaths. Slowly and reluctantly, I draw back from his hold and he does the same. Still standing right in front of him, I slide my eyes to his face, the tingles of embarrassment causing me to look down at his chest.
Mr. Alex cups my face carefully back to look into his eyes that's forever the end of me. "Hey... it's okay, I'm here now."
I nod, not looking away, his hand is on my face doing more than just touching my face.
He leaves my face and goes down to hold my hand. "Let's go."
We walk over to Maria's threshold. Mr. Alex opened the door, we stepped in and shut it back just to see Maria walking down the stairs.
"Salome, where did you— Oh Alex!" Her eyes brighten the second she spots him beside me. I notice her eyes read down to my hand, and I gradually pull away from my teacher's hold. She only blinks away, walking over to give him a casual hug in her plain white dress. I step aside as they greet each other. His eyes waver on me for a second.
"How was the trip?" Maria asks, beaming happily, gesturing for them to go over to the couch area.
"It was remarkable, thank you. How have you been?" Mr. Alex slips out his phone from his pocket and sits opposite her.
"I've been good." Maria's eye searches for me, and I lean off the wall I was standing. "Salome, could you help me check on the laundry?"
"Okay," Taking another look at Mr. Alex's back view, I climb up the stairs. Something tells me she wants to have a private conversation with him. Concerning me.
I take care of the laundry as fast as I can and rush over to the rails to eavesdrop on what they are speaking about. Pressing my back against the huge pillar, I try to peep at them.
"How is your dad's health?" Maria ask. My brows furrow at her question, is Mr. Alex's dad unwell?
"Getting better, I would say. Hoping for the best." He replies.
I gulp down, reminiscing when he told me it's a family thing. I didn't want to pester, but hearing it now...
"Hmm, all will be well."
"I believe. Could I have a word with Salome?"
Oh my God!
I blink in my frozen stance. Before Maria uttered a word, I hastily tip-toed to my room, hoping I wasn't seen. Closing my door with a light thud, I chew my lips nervously, pacing around the room. Mr. Alex is coming here, what do I do?!
Maria would ask why he held my hand earlier, the look on her face was that of astonishment.
I try to regulate my breath, sitting on the bed, just to get up again. And then comes a soft knock.
"Salome?" His voice comes next. Like that is the push I need, I walk to the door unhurriedly, and turn the knob open, looking up at his towering height, while my legs wobble like it's the first time.
Mr. Alex gawks at my face, still standing at the doormat. "Can I come in?"
I nod like I am dumbfounded. "Y-yes, come in." I open the door wildly, taking steps back to give him space. He makes his way in, closing the door behind him. His scent invades my space, clouding my sense of reasoning properly.
Mr. Alex goes over and sits on the reading couch, while I stride to have mine by the edge of the bed. Clasping my hands on my exposed thigh, I stir my eyes to the man I've been craving for.
"I'm sorry I didn't reply to your texts," I say, my tone calm and collected. "I just... At first, I noticed how much weight I lost, and didn't want you to see me that way,"
I paused to get a reaction but Mr. Alex solely gave any, intently staring at me with all his attention. "Then the thing with my family got me embarrassed." I glance down at my hands, looking up at the mirror reflecting myself. I draw in a deep breath, now unable to look at him.
From the corner of my eyes, Mr. Alex gets up from the couch and comes to stand in front of me, barricading my view of gazing at my reflection. He squats down to face me directly, and I have no option but to peer at his flawless face, honey eyes that always get my core chuned up and render me vulnerable, yet protected.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there," His voice is relaxed, one hand going up to take tendrils behind my ear.
I shake my head. "No, your dad is... I didn't know."
He licks his lips. "I also didn't know till I got there, but uh," He placed his hands on either side of me. "He's stable now."
My heart eased a bit, nodding. "Oh, that's good."
"You cried." Mr. Alex tilts his head, and I gulp, looking away from his eyes.
"Yes," I mutter. It's impossible to lie at this moment, he knows when I tell the truth and when I don't.
He exhales sharply, getting up to his tall height, holding my hand to do the same. He covers me in his arms, hugging me like never before. My cheek presses against his hard chest as I engulf my body in his embrace. One of his hands softly slips down my hair, the other wrapped around my small waist.
"I can't tell you not to cry, but I'm here for you, Salome."
His words spring tears in my eyes. I shut my eyes, Taiye's utterances ringing in my head from nowhere. Bet the entire school already heard about it. But now, having someone who stands by me eases my soul.
"Life happens, but don't doubt the love of the amazing family you have. I can testify, and I will try my best to wipe your tears, and wouldn't add to it."
His words sink deep in me, rejuvenating down my soul, and ears. "Thank you so much." I mouth out, releasing a deep sigh and fluttering my eyes open as I crane my neck to see his face. Then it struck me. Maria is here, somewhere outside this door, and we're in her place.
My hold loosened around his waist, but my eyes till on him. I part my mouth to talk, and his eyes deep down to them, back up to my eyes in no time.
"I'm scared..." My voice is barely above a whisper, "But seeing you just makes it all, all calm."
Mr. Alex's eyes are something I don't think I can ever get used to looking into without falling loose to saying everything. Apart from being capable of making me have wobbly legs, it's reassuring and perfect.
I gasped softly as he held me closer. My heartbeat taking a heap.
"Salome, you are courageous, smart, kind, brilliant, and full of bravery," He says carefully, heating my insides. "And although you may not see it, I'm here to tell you how clear it is."
My lips stretch in a smile from nowhere, not tearing my eyes from his. He leans down to my ear, causing me chills over my neck area.
"And so damn pretty too." He mutters closely. I purse my lips from smiling as he goes back to his height.
"Thank you, Mr. Alexander," I call his full name. He hums a laugh, while I chuckle at myself. "How does it sound?"
He rolls his eyes in thought. "Uh, like the first day of school earlier this year."
"What?!" I exclaim with wide eyes, laughing and hitting his chest playfully. "Oh my God, that was—"
A knock comes in. I quickly pause and turn around, leaving Mr. Alex, and comport myself before opening the door.
Maria's face pops through the brown door. She looks between me and Mr. Alex, a small smirk rising at the corner of her mouth. I press my lips, thinking of what to say.
"Let's have dinner." Maria enunciates, saving me from the awkward moment. I wonder what's going through her head as we walk downstairs to the dining.
Dinner was good. Having to face Mr. Alex while eating, while he stared at me half the time, and still listened to Maris speak felt like a dream. We've once had dinner with my dad, and there's nothing to compare, except Maria giving me side glances. The type I would describe as 'you're lucky.'
I walk down the stairs after changing into sleep wears of peach overall clothes since the weather is quite cold, my mind wandering on when I'd get the chance to see my dad, and aunt again.
"You should see the way Alex was looking at her, it was so different. I have never seen him look at any girl the way he looks at Salome."
I suck my lips between my teeth on hearing Maria speak on the phone. She's sounding from the kitchen area so I rest my back against the rim of the stairs. I don't know who she's speaking with, but my concise just can not bypass hearing my name.
"No no, I witnessed it myself."
My brow furrows as I peep at her. She's leaning on the counter, her phone plastered to her ear as she fiddles with a half apple in her free hand.
"Alex is a responsible young man, Mildred. Moreover, I don't see Salome as a kid, she's intelligent and acts wise for her age. Can you believe Alex made her laugh? Like genuinely laugh? Salome had been down ever since her dad's quandary, yet he still found a way, that's a real man right there."
I only watch her talk to her sister, Mildred. She is been honest, but Mildred...
"I know he is her teacher, but only for a month or so. Forget it, Mildred. Alex you see, is in love and although it was hard to believe, I see how much he cares about her, and is willing to stand by her despite what's happening." Maria spills eagerly.
I gulp down a smile, looking down at my feet covered in fluffy flops. Overhearing someone talk about him gives me more confidence from within. Shills run down my spine as I remember Mr. Alex and I in the bedroom. Felt like the whole world was paused, and it was just us. He makes it easy to open up to him, and a part of me regrets holding back for that long.
Okay, he had a scary aura. The type that could make you lose control if you get close. Or was it?
I stir my head to Maria's voice. I was so intrigued in my thoughts that I didn't realize when she ended the call.
"Yes?" I walk closer to meet her in the kitchen. She scans my face, hers contoured in worry.
"Are you fine? Couldn't sleep?"
With all that I just heard?
I reach up to the cupboard, open up, and take a glass. "I'm okay, was thirsty." Then turn to the fridge to take a bottle of water, hoping she wouldn't ask me anything.
You know that feeling when you pass by a bunch of people, and your instincts and body tell you that you are the topic? I could tell the minute I stepped to the running tap to wash my hands after sport. I ran a few laps, been a while.
The whispers don't end. I roll up the sleeves of my sports hoodie and rinse my hands with all focus.
"She's the one, right?"
"I think so, heard her dad got arrested for being a fraudster."
"Damn, I wouldn't show my face in school with such embarrassment. My dad would never."
I switch off the tap, trying not to look at the people talking. Yet I can see them glancing from the corner of my eye. Taking a deep breath, I shake my hands that's dripping water, and March towards the doorway of the sports changing room, squinting my eyes from the scorching sun directly down on me.
I would walk through it. The torture, hurt, embarrassments, and side talks. But what I can't stay still on is frantically searching my locker containing my school uniform and finding it empty. My bros furrow as I take down my school bag, and spare clothes from the yellow locker to see that my uniform is missing.
Immediately, I turn around with rage in my veins, scanning the girls around me. Most are already changed in their uniforms, making side talks as usual and stealing glances at me. It takes me less than a minute to spot a particular female among them. The crew who claimed to be Zara's new friends back at camp, bad-mouthed me to her too.
With a hard slam, I bang the locker closed and storm to them, bypassing the changing girls.
She has a devilish smirk on as she sees walking towards her. "Oh hey, Sal—"
"Where's my uniform?" I bluntly cut her through, frowning in annoyance. My hands are squeezed in a ball, taking me the last patient to pull out her weird-looking ponytail extension.
She gasps back, giving me a stop with her palm. "Wait, wait, wait, you're what?"
"You heard me right."
She rolls her eyes, "Sorry, do you even know me, or do I even know you? Oh yes," She takes a step closer to me, "As a murder's daughter."
My heart collapsed. My eyes stay on her, my chest heaving uncontrollably fast, and I lose my sense of speaking. She sighs and shrugs.
"I don't know why people keep sugar-coating the reality when you know that yourself that you're the daughter of a—"
"HAILEY!" A voice yells from the door, instantly pushing through the others and inviting their attention to us. She forcefully pushes her aside, earning a gasp from the other girls.
She holds my arm, and I look up to see Zara. "Salome, are you okay?"
"Hey, apologize for what you did!" Hailey barked, frowning deeply.
"Get away from my face, you slut!" Zara resort, going to face her head front. Shivers run through my body, and my eyes begin to sting.
"Slut? Did you just call me a—"
"Yep, just so you know. I wouldn't let you degrade my best friend after lying to me!"
"Ask your best friend if it was a lie, Zara."
I find myself walking out of the changing room sluggishly, their voices tuning down in my ears after walking a few steps ahead.
I almost miss my footing as I approach the hallway, my body light as a feather, yet my head and eyes heavy. I feel the eyes of a few students looking over their shoulders at me. I was wrong, I can't handle the torture, hurt, and embarrassment.
My watery eyes couldn't hold the tears anymore and began to drop on my brown sportswear. I blink down, fastening my steps to prevent other students in the hall from seeing my face. I sniff in, raising the back of my palm to wipe my eyes, just to bump into a hard chest.
I rapidly veer back, promptly wiping my eyes, and look up.
"Mr. Alex," I mutter, staring at him through blurry eyes. He breathe down, eyes hooded with intense concern.
"Please come with me, Salome." His voice is an octave low. I nod, feeding on his appearance and scent. Wine button-down shirt, and black pants. He reluctantly turns around and walks away, other girls in the hall drooling and tailing behind him. My eyes stayed on him till he cornered the hall to his office.
Somehow, my eyes reach the end of the hall. Kenny. Our eyes met, and he started walking toward me with, an expression of curiosity. I turn around to leave before he gets to me, but haven't taken up to ten steps before he corners me in front.
I gawk up at his face, "Kenny."
He smacks his lips, folding his arms. "You cried."
I subtly shake my head. "No, I didn't."
"You did. I heard about what happened, I'm sorry." He takes a deep breath and drops his hands. "I never knew."
"Hmm," I hum, rubbing my arm impatiently. "I'll be fine."
Kenny nods, "You going to see him, right? Mr. Alex," I knew this was the reason. "Saw him talking with you."
"Yeah, and I need to go now, he's waiting for me." I turn to leave. He holds the small of my hand, making me look back at him. "Kenny?" My face contours in a small frown.
"Don't go." He says sternly.
My lips parted in amazement. The bell goes ringing, and the students abruptly walk past us to class.
I pull my hand from him, looking into his desperate eyes.
"I don't trust him, Salome. Ever since Mr. Alex started tutoring you, you've... changed, and I'm worried." He placed a hand on his chest as he talked.
I swallow, emotions of anger mixed with fear and confusion rummaging through my insides. "Look Kenny, you don't need to worry about Mr. Alex, or trust him. He's just our teacher and that's enough to know and accept. Don't go put yourself in trouble by searching for nothing."
I'm already walking away without looking back or waiting to hear him. I can't wait to be done here, having to watch if I'm been tailed, or questioned on something that wouldn't be taboo if I wasn't in high school.
On getting to Mr. Alex's office, I draw in a breath, pushing away earlier scenes to the back of my mind. I raise my folded knuckle to knock but decided to turn the knob open. I enter his space and close the door behind me.
Mr. Alex is upright and staring out the window with his hands shoved in his pocket, but turns around the second I walk in. He takes long strides toward me, and before I can utter anything, pulls me in a hug that completely knocks the bad energy away.
I release a breath I didn't know I was holding, letting his hands plaster perfectly on my back and hair like he had been waiting forever.
"I hate seeing you cry," He confesses, rubbing the small of my back intentionally. "Not then, not presently."
I nod with my cheek pressed on his hard chest, dazed in his touch to talk. Kenny doesn't understand, I doubt anyone does. But now is just not the right time for him to.
"Kenny seems to be dead inquisitive about you." I let him know, feeling his chest heave down. "Guess my man be the reason for the chaos," I mumble under my breath, but Mr. Alex releases me with raised brows, and tilts down to my height.
"You say?" He asks to be sure, and I rapidly shake my head with pursed lips. When did that spill from my mouth?!
"I said..." I take a step back, my hand intertwined at my back shyly. "Uh I said, Mr. Alex—"
"Is your man?" He smirks and licks his lips. "Come here, Salome. You said something enough to wife you right now, and you walking back?"
My skin tingles, but I try to shrug it off. I was just weeping and confused minutes ago but look at me, blushing under the gaze of my man.
"I-I was just, you know, tasting how calling you my man would sound like." I keep his gaze, my legs turning to jelly as always. Mr. Alex walks closer to me, and I look up at his towering height.
"Should I let you know how it sounds?" He licks his lips again, my eyes going down to it. I gulp hard, he really should stop doing that.
If temptation was a person!
I blink, humming. "Hmm yes."
"Sounds like I should hold your hand, and walk you out of school adorned, illuminated, and graced in your graduation gown, and be the actual man of your life. Hold your hand while we out, and cuddle you delicately when we in."
I crumble in astonishment and truth. I wasn't expecting what he said, but it's deeper than what I could ever have imagined. He smiles at me, but I am short of words so I fly on him, tiptoed with my hands around his shoulders.
"Mr. Alex..." I drool his name with enthusiasm. He chuckles softly, not wasting time wrapping his big hands around my waist.
"Reason why I should try my best to tutor you, and take your mind off the issue at hand, okay?"
I nod, muttering a 'yeah.'
Everything within me yells special, loved, enough, worthy. The opposite of being outside this door.
Thanks for reading🌹💕
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See you in the next chap!❤️🔥
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