For the past two days, I've been glued to Zara. Proposely wait for her after school, and between free periods. I need to make sure her intentions towards having to see Mr. Alex's picture on my phone is clear and pure. And so far... I low key feel like one mad ass secret agent.

Just kidding. But it's just what I need to do to preserve my sanity, to some extent.

"So have you decided if you'd come to the afterparty?" Zara ask, popping the straw of her soda in her mouth. It's another lunch time, and we are settled at the cafeteria. It's just us at the table since lunch break is almost over, in like five minutes or so.

I push my mouth around, then sigh heavily. "I'm still thinking actually."

Zara scoffs, shaking her head at me. "What is there to think about, Salome?"

I raise my shoulder in a shrug. "Uh, you know... my dad?" I throw at her, but she only squint her eyes at me like I'm been a kid. "I am serious."

"Thought you'd come up with a better excuse." She mumurs, taking another sip. "Be honest, you just don't want to come, don't bring your precious dad into it."

"Hmm," I nod at her accuracy, taking my phone from the table. "Too bad you know me too well, what date is it again?"

The annoying loud bell goes ringing the second Zara open her mouth to say a word. I get up from my seat, adjusting my blazer jacket. She does the same.

"Ugh, school feels weird without Mr. Alex."

"I know right, seeing his face alone urges me to come to school.."

My eyes follows the girls walking by, obviously talking about how much they miss Mr. Alex. Zara snaps her fingers in my face.

"Hey, what are you staring at? Why are you frowning?" Her brows snitch together, and I blink back at her.

"W-what? I'm not frowning." I deny, gesturing to leave the cafeteria.

Zara meet up with me, eyeing me as we walk. "Of course you were, when those girls passed."

I glance at her, my mouth forming an 'o.'

"Oh, I didnt realise, probably because they were been loud."

Zara chuckles, linking her arm in mine. "People are people, Salome."

Seriously though, why would they be talking about him that way? I had no idea I was even frowning at her compliements about him, when it's not like l am jealous or anything. Okay, maybe I was.

I just miss him so much.


I rub my moistured lips together, smacking it to make sure the lip loss spread around my lips properly, before giving my reflection a big smile in the mirror. I just hope my outfit isn't too much for a video call.

An hour ago, Mr. Alex texted me. He would be finally free to talk with me, and I have been thinking about it since I left school. Goosebumps popped out of my skin when I saw the text, but I've never been so excited.

I got home, showered, and changed into a pair of brown palazzo and black crop top, letting my curly black hair fall in it's natural state. I set my phone to stand against the stack of books on my vanity after texting him that I'm free, taking a satisfying breath afterwards.

Not up to a minute that I take my seat on my reading couch, patiently waiting for my phone to ring, Mr. Alex's video call comes in. My heart leaps at his profile on my screen, and I stretch to answer, exactly the moment my bedroom door flips open. My finger freeze midway, my head snapping back to see-

"Z-zara?" I'm already on my feet, seeing her close the door behind, smiling toothy and walking towards me. I blink at her, forcing out a smile, almost asking something like;

What are you doing here?...

"Hiii," She beams, her eyes somehow diverting to my reading side. She veers back, eyes popping out. "M-Mr. Alex is calling?!"

I turn to my rininging phone, quickly taking it up and reject the call before she see further. "Uh yes, we... our tutoring section, remember?"

Zara mouth form an 'o' as reaslisation dawn to her. Thank God. She snap out of it instantly and shrugs nonchalantly. "Aww you're one lucky girl, I would do anything to have his contact, talk more of getting tutored by him."

A small smile spread across my glossy lips, but it's definitely not a gleeful one. "Oh..."

She nods rapidly. "Yes!"

I turn back to seat on my reading couch, Zara bouncing on my bed. It's been a while since she was present in my room. Her green bubu dress spread on my bed as she seat, her straight hair packed in a low bun.

"Your aunt let me in," She begin to say, smiling. I nod slowly, rubbing my phone in my hands. "I tried calling you but the network was been shitty."

My mouth form an 'o,' keenly listening and waiting to hear why she appeared all of a sudden.

"I wanted to ask for your General Studies textbook, can't seem to find mine." She pout, giving me puppy eyes. My chest eases a bit, and I turn to my stack of books on the vanity to take it out as she goes on talking. "I honestly don't think I'm ready for this exams."

I glance back at her, continually searching for the textbook. "I don't think anyone is, Zara, it's just something we have to do."

She sighs heavily. "Hmm..."

I pull out the book and hand it over to her. Her face lightens as she flip through the pages. "Aww thank you so much, Salome."

"You're welcome, always." I tell her, watching how her eyes lingers down my body. I grin cheeky, adjusting on my seat. "Uh, why are you looking at me like that?"

Zara purse her lips, slowly shaking her head. "Nothing, it's just that..." She gives me another look over. "You've lost some weight, but I don't mean it in a bad way though."

Oh, she also noticed.

I gulp, sweat threatening to form on my neck. The fact that Zara also noticed make me realise how noticeable it is. I've been eating, haven't skipped any meal recently, I wonder why...

"Oh..." Is the only thing I say, hoping she would add.

"Yes, it's just," She gesticuates with her hands. "Your face looks more oval, and your collar bone is more prominent, doesn't mean your banging body isn't there though." She winks at me.

That made me smile, but then my hand goes up to trace my collar bone, feeling the slight depth in it. "Zara, you... you know me so well."

She nods, humming. "That's right, and I care about you too. Is anything wrong?"

"N-no, nothing is wrong." I wasn't supposed to stammer.

Her eyes squint at me, like she's isn't satisfied with my answer.

"Zara, I'm serious, maybe it's just the exam tension causing it." I reassure, hoping that would work as an excuse for both her and me.

"Hmm that better be it, and nothing more. Please take care of yourself, hmm?" She bobs her head at me, her orbs dilating into that of pity.

I nod, smiling. "Yes I will, and you too."

She gets on her feet, taking up the text bok in her arms. "I'll be off now, see you in school."

I also rise on my feet, walk closer and give her a hug. "See you too."

We withdraw and she waves at me before going out of my bedroom, closing the door behind her. I stare at the brown closed door, taking calm breaths.

Slowly, I settle on my couch again, my hands searching for my mini mirror around the table. I find it underneath a book, click it open and look at my face.

She was right. My face look sucked and more oval in shape. Cold embraces my body, and I drop the mirror on the table, taking deep breaths.

"I can't speak on Mr. Alex looking like this." I tell myself the second my eyes catches my phone. My body jerks when my phone begins to ring again, my throat suddenly all itchy. It's Mr. Alex calling. As much as I want to pick up and see his face, hear his voice, I'm suddenly anxious how he might see me having to look this way.


Apparently, my aunt and I visited the hospital later in the day, and thankfully, I don't have cancer. Yes, that crossed my mind after noticing my weight loss.

I was preserved to be too stressed and it's affecting my weight in a way. The nurses prescribed some medications which we got before leaving the hospital. All the way, I've been trying not to look at my phone for any texts or calls from Mr. Alex. I know he'll be curious but I just can't let him see me like this, he'd be more worried.

"So which are we starting with?" My aunt rummage through the bunch of medicines, taking out the little note it as she settle on the dinning couch. I peep at her scanning her eyes through, inwardly thankful to God it's not more than this.

I can't be sick. I can't.

"Yes, this one." She pills out the orangish looking pill and place in my palm. "It says to take one."

Dragging in a breath, I nod, reach for the glass of water she already placed on the table and quickly gulp down with the pill.

I will be fine, that's all I know.

We are done with everything in less than five minutes and I retire to my bedroom to rest a bit. The wall clock reads 9:55pm. I blink away from it, taking my heavy lided eyes to my phone laying beside me on the bed. The urge to pick it increases again, but before I could resist, I already pick it up and swipe open, the eerie bright light illuminating my eyes, I instantly switched to eye care.

Five missed calls, and bunch of texts from Mr. Alex. I roll over to my side to get comfortable, my thumb hovering over my phone screen, anxious to open.

It's vivid he was worried. So worried.

With my lower lips pulled in between my teeth, I carefully tap on his texts.

Mr. Alex; Salome, are you good? I've been trying to reach you.

A sigh escape my lips as I can feel the worry in his texts, so I waste no time replying that I had an appointment with the doctor concerning my weird weight loss.

After sending, I tune in to some slow music that sounded almost like gospel music. But its nice, it isn't proper to listen to just anything, especially at night.

My rule, I think...

My bed takes in my features as my eyes begin to flatter more slowly, abstract imaginatons clouding my head. Thoughts of graduating high school, and the next new level in particular. Things might change, but I don't plan to dance to the tunes of this world's tribulations.

My hand firstly release my phone, before I'm been drifted to sleep land.


"To be honest, Mr. Alex could be straight up scary as hell, period." Kenny hisses as he throws back his head to gulp down the remain of his apple juice.

I blink at him, but look away as soon as he positions himself to seat properly on the wooden bench.We are seated by a corner on the roof top alone, basking in the cool air blowing directly in our direction, making my hair flip to my face every once and then. The weather is quite chilly, and it's free period.

I frown at him, but then chuckle out the twist in my stomach. "W-why would you say that, Kenny?"

He shurgs nonchalantly, closing up the empty bottle. "I have tons of reasons if you'd ask, but the prominent one is the other day he gave us a ride home, remember?"

Oh, that day?

Trust me, I am trying to form a very serious face but almost failing woefully. Mr. Alex literally treated me so well, I still daydream about it till now. But Kenny can't know that.

"Oh yes... He looked so angry," I comment, nodding my head, folding my arms beneath my bust.

"Hmm he looked like a raging soldier, in fact an actual General in a battle field, giving that fierce look that would make his enemy surrender without even fighting." He raps out at once.

My hands grow cold been clasped on my thighs. Hearing someone talk the opposite of the man I like inconveniences me, but it's for the main time.

"Oh Kenny, probably someone agigated him in a way, don't you think?

I truly hope it doesn't sound like I am taking Mr. Alex's side, or trying to make excuses for him. I just can't condemn him either.

Kenny thoughtfully shake his head, his eyes fixated directly into thin air. "Uh, I don't think so, he's like that eighty percent of the time," He says, eyes turning to me. "Wait, you sound like you are now used to him."

My eyes widens comically. "M-me?" God, why did I stutter?

"Yes, you never liked his ways of doing things, we both always talk about how stuck up he is, even when he started tutoring you after school." Kenny clearly states, leaving me in the midst of my words.

"Isn't it okay to give excuses for someone when you can't figure them out?" A voice car from behind us, completely snapping out heads back to another corner barricaded with dumped chairs. Kenny and I share a look, just as a male figure came into light.


My eyes literally ligntens up on seeing Sean making his way to us, tall and gracefully taking his steps carefully.

"I have seen this dude in my sister's class couple time, do you know him?" Kenny questions from beside me.

"Hmm yes, I do." I answer immediately as Sean is now turning around the bench and surprisingly seat beside me. That makes me in the middle of him and Kenny.

Sean draws in a breath before sharing a smile greeting with me, and stretch his hand for a handshake from Kenny. Guys doesnt have to do too much to flow so it wasn't awkward at all.

"You know, someone would think that you were eavesdropping or something," I say to Sean between laughs.

He raise his hands in mock surrender. This guy could be so so sarcastic. "Oh my bad, I wasn't trying to, just happened to be present at the moment I guess."

I nod, glancing at Kenny then squint my eyes to him. "Why were you in the hollowing corners by the way, like a ghost." I murmur, but Sean just twist his mouth around.

"Well, seemed the both of you were talking about the most vastly inaccessible teacher, wouldn't it be nicer for me to join in too?" He raise a brow at me. What is he trying to do?..

Kenny claps eagerly. "Exactly, thank you bro. I mean, Mr. Alex doesn't teach your class but I am sure you've heard things."

"Hmm yes, a lot." Sean agree, making me stare at him intently. "I'm not trying to judge but I feel like he, Mr. Alex, would be different once he falls for someone."

My breathing picks up on a higher rate, my intellectually trying to fathom Sean's statement. This dude knows how I feel about him, what in the world is he trying to do...

"Well, just hope if that happens, he would treat her well," Kenny finally place down the empty plastic he had been holding. "And probably we his students would also get a tip of his good side."

Sean takes a deep breath. "You just never can tell people true self, especially when they are in love."

I sure as hell didn't miss the undertone of his last words, and something tells me that he is been deliberate in what he's trying to do.

"Uh well... You're right, we never can tell." I chip in just to sound neutral, sharing a look with Sean.

Kenny let out a satisfying sigh. "Ah... sounds good to talk about him and get him off our shoulders, right?"

"Hmm..." I hum, fiddling with my hands.

We all begin to stare into space, letting the chilly air bless us with it's coolness. Thank God we can't read minds because if we can, I would get deadly glares and questions as to why I am thinking of Mr. Alex. Well, the mind is a different world entirely, and I love mine.


While I step out of the hallway, I realise how blue the cloud is, heavy with storms of rain. Just like everyone else, I start to fasten my steps to get home before it finally pours. Pulling out my phone from my skirt pocket, I quickly punch in any nearby designated driver as other students bypass me by the entrance of the high school gates.

Maria's call comes in just as I am about to book a driver. I swipe to answer, glancing up at the sky to dictate how long it would take before it rains.

"Salome?" Her thin voice slips from her end. "Are you still in school?" She ask.

Maria hasn't called me once, talk more of asking about school but I a grateful either way. "Yes, yes I am. It would rain soon so I'm trying to book a ride before it starts." I explain. She speaks almost immediately.

"Oh really? Don't worry about that, I am close by, currently driving towards your school area, please wait for me okay?"

My body bubbles in happiness, smiles decorating my face. "Wow, thank you so much, I will wait."

"You are welcome, Salome." She says, and cut the call. I exhale sharply, resting m back against a shaded wall, watching other students hurry out, and some trying to call rides too.

My eyes scan the amount of students going out, patiently checking out for Sean but can't see any sign of him.

Maria's call comes in again, not less than ten minutes, prompting me to walk out of the gates. The breeze has become more now, almost windy and the clouds thicker.

White BMW packed few feet after the gates. I regonise it's Maria's car since I've since her drove it couple times. She end the call the second she sight me walking to meet her, the heavy breeze making my skirt dance around.

I open the massager's space, climb in and shut out the breeze, turning to her in a second.

Maria smiles cheerfully, igniting the engines again. "Hey... how was school?"

I plug in my seatbelt, sighing out a laugh. "School was..." I try to think of a word as we ride out of school area and into the main road. "Good I guess."

"Hmm you will get out of it soon." She reassures, while I take in her outfit of coffee brown pants, and white crop. "You know, could go on an ice cream date tomorrow or something, what do you think?"

I nod like a toddler, my hands around the strap of the seatbelt. "Sure, yes!" I am more comfortable with her now, so why not?

"That's a deal then," She turns to look at for me for a second. "You hearing from your teacher, he traveled right?"

My tongue slips out to moisture my lips in remembrance of him. "Yes he did, almost the entire school notice his absence."

Maria laughs softly, making a turn into the lane leading to our estate. "Obviously, that's Alex for you. He doesn't even have to try hard." I almost didn't hear her last words since she kind of murmured it, but come on, it's Mr. Alex we're talking about here, of course I will hear.

"You are so right." I agree, the loud siren a police vehicle almost deafening me before it finally pass us. Maria blow out at from her mouth, slowing down a bit.

"Such lovely weather, why driving so fast," She grins while I just enjoy the view of staring at the trees moving in sync with the breeze, just as another blaring police siren hails from afar. My brows snitch in interruption. "What in the world is going on with these sirens?" I ask, more to myself but Maria heard because she shrugs.

"Well, hope it's for good reasons." Her phone beeps. She grabs it, holding the steering wheel with one hand and her phone in the other. "Oh, seems like you would be at my place for awhile, you aunt isn't home."

My brows shoot up, but then I remember. "Uh it's okay, I have a spare key in my knapsack." I pick it up since we are almost home.

She drop her phone in the space between us, sparing me a glance. I notice her face drops but just smile, she has done enough already so I wouldn't want to be a burden.

"Oh.. What if we make some ice cream ourselves since you would be the only one home?" Her eyes glows with excitement once again. I blink once, twice, before nodding my head in agreement.

"Okay, would be nice," I tell her.

She zooms right in front of her yard, kills the engine before we both climb out. The rain is starting to fall in beads but we are already in before it decides to wet the earth.

Maria proceeded to bring out the recepies for ice cream while I stare in awe at sitting room interior. Exactly the same pattern with mine but hers is embedded with brown and wine.

Lightening strikes in the dark clouds, occurring to me that my dog's fluffy bed is in the rain at the backdoor. I washed it this morning and laid it there to dry.

I should take it in before it gets drenched by rain.

I turn around to the kitchen counter where Maria was. She is no longer there. I take a peep to see if she's around the kitchen area but she isn't. Chewing on my button lip, I dip my hand to retrieve my home key, and make my way out of the door, shading my hair with my hands as I sprint towards my threshold, rain storming down my body in strokes.

My feet pads the threshold, my hand narrowing down in my skirt pocket to out the key. I punch it in the hole, my brows stitching in realisation that the door was never locked. It didn't click open.

Confused, I pull out the key, glancing out the rain before slipping into my adobe. The coolness of my home grasp my body, earning a relaxed sigh from me as I reach to switch on the lights since it's dark.

The sight of my humble adobe make me stiff in my stance, the key in my hand making contact to the tiled floor. My wet clothes suddenly grips me in internal cold, flashes of lightening clearing my view.

My home is a mess. Couches dislocated, papers flying around, dining table filled with documents and passports.

My breathing hitches in my throat as I take a three sixty look, not able to take a step like my feet is glued to the ground.

Lifelessly, I squat low to pick the closest paper to my feet, raising in to my eyes when the door pulls open abruptly.

"S-Salome," Maria's voice comes out in a hush, her worried eyes instantly diverting to the paper in my hand. It makes me more eager to read whatever is written on it, because there must be something going on.

I just can not help my fast beating chest as I read through.

Thank you so much for reading ❣️
Please leave a comment and vote😊 it encourages
me to write more!

See you in the next chapter soon, hopefully 🌹
Be good🤍

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