I had taken down my braids over the weekend. Now, I'm back to my sleek low bun era.
Before you ask, no, I'm not as scared as I was about some stranger tailing behind me. Well, because I no longer walk out at night, and more conscious of my surroundings.
The waist band of my pleated uniform skirt keeps dancing around my waist for the hundredth time today. I look down at it, spacing the gap with my fingers.
Have I lost weight in just three days?
The bell dings through the white walls of the hall, impatient footsteps darting towards me. I drag in a breath, flipping the flaps of my blazer jacket to properly cover my gapy skirt, then walk down to the cafeteria since its already lunch time.
Earlier, I had to use the restroom so there's pretty much nothing to do in class for now.
They say curiosity kills the cat, or something like that. But I'm not a cat, so my curiosity can't kill me. I'm just starting to get more bothered and confused about my auntie's slight changes.
I should go straight and ask, or still, try to find out myself. I don't know which would quench my thoughts.
I open the glass doors of the cafeteria, and step in, then glance around the white round tables and chairs. Quite empty, but not for long. I close it behind and advance towards the counter, my footings slowing down as my eyes feed on the stunning young man I find myself craving for all the time.
He is dressed in a pair of black pants, and white button down shirt, sleeves rolled up a bit. Trust me, black and white never looked so fine. He's backing me, eyes down on his cellphone as he probably wait for the waitress to package his lunch.
I remain standing few feet behind while my eyes keep feeding on Mr. Alex like he's a prey, and I'm waiting for the right moment to hit. His hair cut lines is sharper than the edge of the mabled counter he's facing. I have to remind myself that this is the man that adores me. Salome Alan. That realization alone makes my heart dissolves.
I hear rushed footsteps, then the abruptly opening of the cafeteria behind. Other students are here. Fairytale moment over for me.
The waitress stretches a neatly packed polythene to Mr. Alex, and he finally raise his head, and takes it from her. He surely doesn't notice how much she's flirting with her eyes right now.
Mr. Alex head out through the back door at the opposite side, just as other hungry students come dashing to queue and grab plates from the rolls of arranged plates in stacks.
I turn around to join the queue, which is already so long. But I don't mind, I am filled with the one I saw.
"What are we having today? Please tell me it's coconut rice."
"Hmm maybe, I wish so too."
Conversations flies in the air as they rant about all kinds of things. When I finally get a spot to stand, I glance back at interval to see if any of my friends are in view.
Just then, my phone dings in my skirt pocket, pulling my attention to it. I close the gap with the taller girl in front of me as I take it out, sliding it open.
Mr Alex; Mind coming over to my office to keep staring at me? I wouldn't mind.
My eyes become saucers as I read his text, my teeth biting down my bottom lips to stop myself from screaming out. How on earth did he know?
I gulp down, pressing on the home screen and looking around. It's almost my turn to get served, but my insides are all jumpy and twinkling with impatience. With one swift move, I leave the queue and jog towards the entrance.
"Salome, where are you going?"
I look back at the voice of Kenny, he's on the queue too. I jam a thumb backwards, smiling. "I-uh, I need to get something."
He simply nods. "Okay, be back soon!"
"Hmm I will!" I'm quick to reply, walking away, just to colide with Sean outside the cafeteria. I smile widely at him, while his face remain straight and stoic. Tch...
"Hey..." I drawl, holding my phone to my chest. "Been a while."
He nods slowly, sinking his hands in his pocket. "Yes, you never asked of me so," He shrugs, pulling a chuckle from me.
"Of course I do, online. You're never active on WhatsApp, that's why." I retort, and he hums.
"Okay you win, where are you off to though, it's lunch time."
Few students pass by, entering the cafeteria. I lick my lips, brain storming on what to say. Why is everyone asking me that?
"I need to, uh, check..."
Sean leans down to my height. "Tell me in my ear then."
"What?" I laugh at his act, pushing at his chest. "What are you saying..." That didn't come out as a question.
He goes back to standing fully, a small smirk on his lips. "Mr. Alex is in his office."
I slam my right palm over his mouth, my eyes wide comically. Why did he say it so casually?
"Sean!" I whisper yell, glancing around. He slowly takes my hand from his mouth, now chuckling softly. "You shouldn't say that."
He tilt his head. "Say what? That explains why you were so jumpy, hmm?"
I frown at his sarcastic remarks. "Not really."
He raise his shoulders in a shrug, "Okay then, brave girl."
Brave girl?
"W-why did you call me that?" I ask, but he's already walking away.
He look over his shoulder at me, "Because that's who you are, now go ahead, he would be waiting for you." And he's gone.
A huge sigh release from my lungs through my mouth as I process what he said, my steps slower this time.
What exactly did he see to call me that? Brave girl.
I should ask him later. But for now as they could tell, I can not wait to see Mr. Alex, more reason I'm already fastening my steps, bypassing other students in the rowdy hallway.
I take deep breaths as I sight his office in view, slipping down my already sleeked hair, and rubbing my lips together. Still glossy.
I raise my knuckle to knock, the door waving open to my face before my hand come in contact with it. My feet give away to gravity on seeing Mr. Alex's face closest to me, one hand on the door knob and the other in his pocket. I slowly drop my hand, swallowing.
"H-hey," I stutter. Hey?
Swiftly, he takes my hand and gently pull me into his space, my chest thudding immensely as he close the door shut behind me. The fresh whiff of his cologne clouds my senses and I find my back coming in contact with the closed door. I look up at Mr. Alex.
"Hey?" He bob his head to match my eyes, honey eyes dancing around my face. I blink away from his eyes to his chest, biting down my lips. "Look at me, Salome." Mr. Alex tips my head up with his hand, my eyes going back to meet his.
"Sorry..." I mutter, my hands folding in a ball with embarrassment. "I shouldn't talk that way in—"
I am been tossed into his hard chest instantly, totally cutting out my words. Time pause the second Mr. Alex wraps his hands around me, cupping me in his broader body and egulfing me in his scent. I remain still as my brain tries to interpret what's going on.
He is hugging me.
With my cheeks against his heaving chest, my eyes graze the stakes of books on his desk, and it hit me harder. We. Are. In. School.
The warmth of his body contradicts our current location, but I don't see myself pulling away at all.
"Been wanting to do this the second I felt your presence in the cafeteria." He says, still holding me in place. Words fail me as I only try to regulate my breathing. He did saw me.
"Oh... I didn't know." I manage to say, sinking deeper into his touch. Another scene of my fairytale story.
"Hmm I know you didn't. I had to try my hardest not to look at you." He adds. "And just right now, I couldn't resist having to finally look at you."
I breath down in peace. His voice rejuvenating from him, and me hearing it with my ear on his chest dawns to me that I've always wanted to be this close to him, ever since. I was just negelcting the fact.
Mr. Alex calmly releases me from his hold, my cloudy vision meeting his eyes again. "I love your hair." He compliments, and I voice out a small, 'thanks.'
I don't think I'd be able to talk properly with him looking at me this way. Not like it's the first time, but it's just... Mesmerizing.
"Now, you can look at me all you want." He takes a step back, awarding me with his whole presence. I breathe out a toothy smile, my hand going up to cover my mouth from smiling too much while looking at him smiling at me.
I would never forget this.
I take the chance in properly seeing his sharp hair lines, his honey eyes fluttering real slow, his nose, lips... My eyes dips down, catching sight of my uniform skirt. Barrier.
"Thank you," My voice is low, but loud enough that he heard. He nods once, smile still evident.
"You're welcome, have your seat." He leads the way to his desk area, pulling out the seat for me. I slip down my skirt and seat, watching him walk over to settle on his. "So... I felt you wouldn't stay for lunch after my text," He shuffles through his side as he speaks, taking out a brown paper bag. "That's why I got this for you, here you go." He places it in front of me.
My lips part at the thought. He is right, I ran here the minute I got his text. I can't help myself from smiling. "Thank you so much," I shift my gaze from him to the package.
He gestures to it. "Go ahead."
I nod, carefully opening the wrap, thoughts of the other day on our way to camp slipping in. When he took the wrap from me and opened it, while I fidgeted in the backseat. He has always cared.
Throughout classes, it wasn't as hectic or endless like it used to. It felt fine. I find myself smiling more as the hours roll by, and when Mr. Alex stepped into my class to teach, it was the climax.
Of course, he carried everyone along and didn't treat me specially because it was time to gain knowledge. Which was sexy as hell. Why? Because only me knows just how much his eyes shimmers when our eyes meet, how much he adores me when it's just us, and how his straight face still looks so fine.
I would stare at my text book, biting down my lips and using the book as a chance to cover my face. Mr. Alex is so good at what he does without flinching, and there is me, tripping over him like the other girls.
No wait, mine is different. He feels the same too.
"So there is this after party that's been planned by some set of people in science class, would you like to come?" Kenny ask, drawing my out of my wild thoughts. We are closed for the day, walking out of the glass doors of the school, coupled with other students.
I hum in thought, tapping my first finger on my chin. "Hmm after our exams right?"
"Yes." He is quick to reply.
I sigh down, smiling as we stop at the entrance, other students walking in group passing us by. "I will think about it."
He gives me a straight stare, and I pout. "Okay then." He finally agrees. "If I had to force you to camp, which you of course enjoyed, I could also drag you to this."
I burst out into laughter, slapping his arm playfully. "Really? Oh my God, you're been a motivational bully."
He smirks, pulling the strap of his bag pack to seat well on his shoulders. "If that's what you say, whatever you call me. Just come."
My laughter increases to the extent I have to hold my belly from hurting. "Okay okay, and if I don't?"
A loud honk streams through our ears, pulling our eyes to the scorching sun where a white vehicle is packed. Me and Kenny share glances, looking back at the tinted glass in no time.
The glass slides down, and I grasp to see Mr. Alex peeping from the driver seat. He look from Kenny to me, eyes lingering on me that I have to step back a bit. He looks... annoyed?
He clears his throat. "Both of you, come in."
My eyes pop out, but Kenny is already walking towards his vehicle. I slowly follow behind. He pulls the back door opened and climb in, airing out Mr. Alex's scent. I do the same, closing the door after, all the while wondering why he suddenly decided to give us a lift.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Alex." Kenny greets as he adjust in his seat, and zoom out the arena and out of the school gates. I push my mouth around, trying to get a glimpse of his face through the middle mirror.
Kenny nudges me softly, mouthing out something like, "You haven't greeted."
"Good afternoon sir," I say, hearing him exhale sharply.
"Thanks, how was classes?" He ask, face straight at the road. Me and Kenny give ourselves a look over, and I begin to think of an answer. I am so confused.
"It was fine, sir." Kenny replies, adjusting his blazer jacket. I seat still, my mind wandering around, thinking of why Kenny and I are seated at the backseat of Mr. Alex's car.
Was he maybe waiting for Kenny to leave before he picked me, but then since Kenny didn't, he decided to take the both of us?
"Okay. Salome?"
My eyes shoot up at my name. "S-sir?"
"You didn't say anything, are you okay?" He ask, our eyes meeting from the mirror for the second. I nod, but immediately open my mouth to talk instead.
"Y-yes I am," I clear my throat. "I'm fine."
Kenny nudges me again, leaning close to my ear. "Hey, what's wrong, why you so uptight?" He whisper.
I smile stiffly, shaking my head as I whisper back. "Nothing, just surprised."
He chuckles lowly. "Yeah, me too."
"Where do you stay?" Mr. Alex's voice came out firm and direct, changing the atmosphere in a snap.
"Jugde's quarters," Kenny answers, just as he makes a turn out of the highway leading to his place.
The rest of the ride was calm and smooth, with my eyes out of the window, watching the beautiful buildings we pass by.
Mr. Alex didn't ask us anything, but focused on driving, and I find my eyes fluttering close due to the serenity of the atmosphere.
He finally stop right beside the huge gates of Judge's quarters, and Kenny thank him and pull the door open, glancing back at me.
"Bye Salome, see you in school tomorrow." He smiles, waving. I wave back with a bright smile, waving back at him. He slams the door closed, then Mr. Alex zooms off.
I drag in a long breath, my eyes going up to the mirror just to catch his eyes on me, then back to the road in a jiff. My hands suddenly becomes clammy for a reason I don't know.
However, it's just me and him now. The thought makes my lips crack in a nervous smile.
"What's making you excited?" He ask, when I thought he didn't notice.
I lick my lips, shaking my head and trying not to smile. "Oh, nothing..."
"Nothing? I don't believe you," He makes a turn out of Kenny's estate and drive out into the highway again.
I smile down, knowing he firsthandly wouldn't trust my reply. "I was just wondering why you picked up me and Kenny from school." I finally mouth out, leaning forward a bit to see his facial expressions.
Mr. Alex tap on the steering, adjusting a bit on his seat. "Well, I guess I was so curious to know what you two were talking about that got you laughing so much."
I veer back to my seat, his words playing in my head. Him? Curious? Unbelievable.
While blinking in thought on why he was that anxious, he adds;
"You looked so delighted in what he was saying." He glance at me again through the mirror, eyes a tad hooded with emotions akin to... jealousy?
I didn't know when I break into a laugh, covering my mouth with my hand to sniff it in. "Oh my God... Mr. Alex you sound a bit jealous." The tone in my last word dropped so low he might not get it.
He scoffs out a laugh, shaking his head slightly, murmuring something like, "Why would I be jealous of a high schooler."
He drives into the gates of our estate. My mind tries to interpret what I had him say, but I just hum instead.
"But Mr. Alex, you always pick at Kenny whenever it has to do with me." I carefully say as he reach down the lane, very close to my adobe.
He doesn't say a word, but focus on driving. I take my backpack from the seat, wearing it over my shoulders and adjusting my blazer jacket.
I open my mouth to say something else, but it drop open instead. Not because he interrupted me, or shut me up, but literally just zoom pass my home.
"M-Mr Alex?" I stutter, looking back at my home from the window. "You just passed my place."
"Hmm yes." He replies, still not stopping. He facial expressions hasn't changed from been stoic, but his eyes appear way too calm.
"W-where are we going?" I ask, brows stitching in sheer confusion to the sudden change.
"My place." He turns back briefly to see my face, before returning to the road.
My whole body drops in a muddle.
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