I watch the thick liquid in the blender gradually crush and mix together. The outcome of the fruits I added gives a thick pink liquid smoothie mix. Sighing softly, I switch it off, and pour into my tall glass, dipping my finger to swoop the remains from the blender to my mouth.
"Hmm, nice," I nod to myself, placing the glass of smoothie on the tray and add my breakfast of scrambled eggs, and toast. Simple and perfect.
It's Monday, another school day for Salome. Yep, me.
I walk around the dinning, place my meal on the white table and settle without hesitation. It's currently 7:30am. I still got up to thirty minutes to eat and beckon on my journey to school.
My aunt must still be in bed since she was up until midnight yesterday, sorting out work on her laptop.
I chew slowly on my food, taking deep breaths as I take in the whiff of morning breeze. Pure and new. Until the thoughts of Mr. Alex fills the atmosphere. I stop chewing, staring into thin air.
I'd have to see him today. My chest suddenly pick on a higher rate as memories of out last meet flows through my head. Every moment I spent with him was worth it, and I've honestly been thinking about it throughout the weekend. Getting some abnormal arousal to kiss him, and getting mad at myself. Get a grip Salome!
I loved the bag he got me, it is brown, has this Louis Vuitton logo all over, portable with both short and long strap. I showed my aunt, and her gasp made me freeze. She was thrilled till the rest of the night.
"How can you say it has been cancelled? Do you know how hard I worked to gain their trust?"
I raise my head to my aunt's voice, followed by her footsteps down the stairs. She sighs, placing her palm on her forehead.
"No you can't tell me that, I worked so hard and you know it, how do you expect me to reply my clients?"
I bite on my bread, keeping my eyes on her as she comes in view. I wonder who called her this early to talk about work. She is exhausted enough, like she hardly even slept. Eye bags almost visible beneath her eyes.
"Okay what can you do about it?"
I chew slowly, glancing at the white wall clock.
"Nothing?! That's absurd! How could you- oh, Salome?" Her tone rapidly changes when she sight me at the dinning, her lips stretching in a small smile. "I'll call you later." She ends the call, walking over in her sky blue nightie, her hair wrapped in a brown satin scarf.
"Good morning aunt Jen," I greet, hoping to brighten her mood by smiling sweetly. She smirks at me, heaving a deep breath.
"Good morning, sorry you had to hear that this early," She says, pulling out the chair beside me, and settle on it. "Thought you've left for school."
I swallow the last of my chewed eggs, glancing at her. "Oh no, had to arrange my birthday gifts and stuff, I'd leave soon." I pause, pushing my plates aside. "Work seem to be stressing you these days, right?"
She draws in a breath, nodding and humming. "Hmm yes, but I'll deal with it." She smiles, placing her phone on the table. "Like I've always done."
Her sudden lifted voice warm my heart, and I also find myself smiling. "Wow, wish I could assist though."
"Assist?" She huff, throwing her head up while resting her back on the chair. "You have school to attend to, don't worry about me and just do what's necessary for you hmm?"
I pout, grabbing my plates and getting up. The chair makes light screeching sounds as I get up. "I'm not a kid though."
I hear aunt Jenny chuckle behind as I walk to sort out the plates in the kitchen. I throw her a knowing look, frowning. "I'm really not a kid!"
"I didn't say you're a kid, Salome. It's just..." She drawls, like she's trying to find the right words. "It's just how it is. You have to go for what's important at the moment. For you, it's school. For me, adulthood, and adulthood include working and a lotta disappointments to handle."
I raise the sleeves of my blazer jacket up to quickly wash the plates. "Okay!" I answer, her reply not seating well with me. "But I should be able to relate at least," I murmur to myself, squinting some liquid soap on the plate.
The air in school as usual is polluted with all sort of cologne, perfumes and body mist. I don't have a problem with that though, because I am always smelling nice. It's just that passing some people makes my insides itch and I start coughing.
Too much of everything is bad!
On my way to class, I made stops to thank the people that delivered gifts to me on my birthday, and although I've not unboxed all of them, I still appreciate their efforts. I was shocked to also receive from Taiye, wasn't expecting.
During lunch time, I met up with Zara. She was still remorseful about everything, asking how we could make up. I still feel a bit weird and tensed around her to be honest, even though I've totally forgiven her. We ended with sharing our current pictures on our phones and hoped to get continue getting along.
"So how did you spend your birthday?"
I stir my eyes up to Kenny, smiling at the remeberance of the day. We are heading to our last class of the day. Art and craft. He waves to my face, snapping my head back to the present.
"Hello... you look lost," He smirks, then laughs. "I asked how your birthday went but you keep smiling so much, what happened?" He playfully bumps my shoulder.
I tuck some hair behind my ear, making way for our eager classmates to pass before turning to him, pursing my lips.
"Uh, it went... it was perfect," I generalise, nodding with my notes plastered on my chest, supporting with my hands. "I enjoyed every bit."
Kenny nods as we corner to the hallway leading to the art studio.
"Wow, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Well, I also went out celebrating your birthday too."
I burst into laughter, shoving his shoulder humorously, looking up just to see my teacher at the end of the hallway. My laughter dies down as his eyes burn into mine, while Miss Divine keep gesticulating beside him. My chest flips, and I get all cold.
"And guess how? I went to watch this mind blowing movie at the cinema."
His eyes stays on me, one hand in his black pants. We keep walking while I gaze at Mr. Alex, until Kenny's words ring in my head all over again.
I snap my head to him with wide eyes. "Cinema? You went to the cinema on my birthday?"
He nods, beaming brightly. "Yes, why do you look so shocked?"
I open my mouth to talk, my eyes going back to see my teacher just to notice he has disappeared. I shake my head at Kenny, entering the studio. "Uh, I'm not, what kind of movie was that?"
I couldn't concentrate through the class. I kept staring at Kenny intensely, hoping he'd say;
Hey, I saw you and our literature teacher at the cinema.
But he didn't. He just kept telling me on how interesting the movie was. The same movie we watched that day!
My heart began to beat faster when he said he saw someone that looked like Mr. Alex, but he didn't go more than that. Thinking of it, it's like the entire school was present that day because what is this exposure?
It keeps roaming around my head as I stuff in my notebooks, and pens in my black bag pack. The classroom is crowdy and noisy as everyone storms in and out, while I absentmindly zip my bag closed.
"I'll take it to Mr. Alex so he'd explain it to me, I can't seem to understand the poem at all."
"Really? But would he spare you his time?"
"Sure he would, you could come with me."
My ears prick up at the particular conversation between two girls at the entrance. They laugh between themselves as they walk out, obviously excited to go to Mr. Alex's office. I eye their back, waving my bag pack over my shoulders. I don't want to feel like I'm sharing him with anyone, at the same time become selfish. But selfish isn't so bad right?
"And here is our curly haired Salome," Kenny jokes, throwing his arm over my shoulder. I fake a glare at him, and he pretends to gasp. "Oh my god, what's with that look?"
I almost roll my eyes, hissing. He takes his arm off, swaying to my front. He ducks his head to my height.
"What's wrong? You hungry?"
I blink up at him, wondering how been hungry has anything to do with how confused I feel at the moment. "Uh, maybe?" I fake a smile, walking away.
Kenny meet up with me who's already out of class. I don't know what's going on with me, my insides burn but I'm not mad. I feel hungry like Kenny asked, but not actually hungry.
"Come on Salome, I hardly see you this way," He says, trying to get a look at me but my full hair covers the sides of my face. People are still swarming around, dragging their foot on the tiles, heightening whatever feeling is buzzing through me.
I exhale sharply, halting and turning to Kenny. "You were right, Kenny, I'm actually hungry. I should get food."
He veers back a bit, confusion mirroring his face. "Okay... would you like some snacks?" He asks, trying to pester to get me.
I nod, smiling. "Yes, could you get it for me at the kiosk?" I beam, growing impatient.
He laughs, rubbing his palms. "Sure, aren't you leaving though? We could get it while going out of school."
"Uh, I forgot my homework in the locker, meet me there!" I'm already bouncing away at my last words, the hair on my skin standing. I need to check for myself, I just can't leave.
"O-okay, be right back!" I hear Kenny yell from behind me. He must think I'm going loco or something, but he isn't in my shoes so he doesn't understand.
Before I know it, I'm standing in front Mr. Alex office, chewing the insides of my mouth and tapping my hands on my pleated skirt.
Why am I here again?
What if those tall lightskinned girls had left? Or what if they're still inside?
Should I knock?
I bite my lips, placing my ear on the cold white door, hoping to hear anything. My forehead squeeze together as I can't seem to hear a word, or form of movement. My insides begin to boil as I raise my folded knuckle to knock. The door swings open in my face, and I gulp, the two taller girls standing right in front.
I drop my hand, forming a small smile at them.
"Oh hey, Salome," One of them beams, walking around me. I watch them walk down the hall, before turning to see Mr. Alex staring at me, standing akimbo. When did he get up?
"Come here, Salome."
My body melts at his hoarse voice. I drag myself in, closing the door behind me, taking a deep breath before turning around to face him.
"Good afternoon Mr. Alex." I greet, hoping he didn't see what just happened. What happened though? I didn't seem desperate, right?
He waves two fingers at me to come closer, eyes drinking in my features. Holding the hem of my skirt, I walk closer, now standing in front of him. I glance up at his handsome face, quickly looking away.
"How are you?" He asks, smiling down at me.
I nod once, twice. "I'm fine."
Okay, I think I was actually hungry for his presence. Sorry, Kenny.
His breath fan my ear as he lowers himself to my height.
"Seem like you couldn't wait to see me?" He softly ask.
My eyes pop out, and I almost stumble backwards. I already did, but he holds the small of my back in place, openly staring in my eyes.
"Right Salome?" He tilt his head.
How did he even...
I didn't realize when I nod my head, mesmerized in his eyes, his warm hand becoming tattooed on my back. He withdraws his hand before I completely turn to slime, walking over to his desk.
"Did you get my text?" He ask, covering some books, and flipping through some.
I look up in thought like the answer is written on the ceiling. I actually did!
"Oh yes!" My face lightens. "You said I could go and rest at..." Damn. I am actually desperate.
Mr. Alex chuckles at the fact that I couldn't complete my words. He settle on his twirling seat, resting his back. How can I forget that he told me to go home for the day?
"Have your seat, Salome." He gestures to the seat in front, and I drag my desperate body to it.
And that was how I ended up spending the evening with Mr. Alex. He was quite busy, while I flipped through my notes. Even with how occupied he was, he'd ask from time to time if I was fine, comfortable, hungry. I wanted nothing more than been in the same space with him, stealing glances at him while he typed.
Also, he gave me a ride home. It was therapeutic and comfortable. We talked about my coming examinations and he willingly agreed to assist me on every step.
My last year in high school should be the best so far. Right now, I don't think I want anything more. I've got all I want, and I'm happy with it.
Smiling from ear to ear, I shuttle my way to my aunt's room. I haven't seen her since I got back, didn't even know she was home until I heard her voice over a call.
I raise a hand to knock, but the sudden quietness make me drop it, slowly turning the knob instead. I crack the door open, peep through the opening to see papers littered around. I step in as quietly as I can, my eyes locking my aunt sleeping on her giant bed in her nighties, her body raising and falling in heavy breaths.
I graze the papers, moving over in to time to pick them from the center rug and arrange them on her work desk which is also messed up.
My aunt isn't usually this disorganized. I hate the fact that she has to been exhausted, but I'd show how supportive I can be.
I put the papers with scrambled writings in a single pile, close her laptop and pick up the empty cans of beers and wraps of ordered food. She obviously wasn't able to cook anything.
I sigh heavily, throwing another look at her before going out, calmly closing the door behind. I rush downstairs to dump the cans and wraps, thinking of making proper food before she wakes up. That's the least I can do.
Strolling to the kitchen before thinking twice, I take out some rice into a bowl, washed and heated some water for that to boil, before going further to season the salmons.
I add a bubbly canned drink on the tray of garnished rice, salmon, and salad. It's been roughly an hour and I can't imagine my aunt going the night without eating something healthy. I wipe my forehead with my arm, carry the tray and walk up the stairs to her room.
"Aunt Jenny?" I call at her door, mentally counting up to ten before I open up. "Can I come in?"
At number eight of counting, the door flies open, her dull face pricking out. She lightens up instantly, staring from me to the meal in my hands.
"Hey Salome, come in," She opens the door wider and I smile, walk in and place it on her work desk. She place her palms in her chest. "Aww you made me food? That's so sweet."
I nod with pursed lips. "I saw how burnt out you were, and that you weren't chanced to cook so," I gesture to the food. "Bon appetit."
She laughs genuinely, spread her arms and pull me in a big hug. "Gracious baby, I really appreciate." Her body relaxes with deep exhaling as she tap my back. "My comeback is gonna be strong I promise."
"Hmm can't wait," I giggle as she releases me.
"Did you make some for yourself?" She asks, settling on her twirling chair.
"Yes, I'd go get it now, enjoy!" I squeal, going out but stop at the door and snap my head back. "And aunty?"
"Hmm?" She hums with full mouth, blinking her tired eyes at me.
"I don't exactly know how draining how work could be but please don't overstress yourself, it gets me worried." I sincerely tell her, watching a smile forming on her lips. She nods, making a X on her chest to signify she won't. "Alright, thanks."
I shut the door behind, feeling like I acted and sounded like one hell of an adult. I literally made her smile by my words and actions. Everything is going to be fine, I believe.
"Lexi!" I snap, rushing over to take my dog off the kitchen cabinet where I placed my food. He quickly seats beside my meal as taught, but I know he'd have eaten half if I didn't come down. "Come here Lexi." I say, taking my food to the dinning. I stopped at his empty plate and put in some salmon. He waste no time digging into it while I settle in the dinning area.
I tap on my phone as I eat, strolling through Instagram for Latifah West. It's been awhile I stalked her page. After liking her recent pictures, I open my gallery to check the pictures me and Zara exchanged. She sent some selfies, her in uniform and in the mall. Zara is pretty, I don't think I've emphasised on her black straight hair, baby face and amber eyes.
It's like when you get familiar with someone, you get used to their features and personality, forgetting how attractive they actually are.
I slide to the pictures Mr. Alex took me on my birthday, admiring how pretty I actually looked, also with the glamorous meal we had. I'd never forget. I bit down my lips from smiling too much when I swipe to the picture I took of Mr. Alex.
I push my food aside, zooming in on his face. I took the picture the time he looked sideways, staring at the exterior of the restaurant. He appeared so relaxed and put together, a view I earnestly captured at the slightest opportunity I got. I doubt he noticed that I actually took a picture of him, or tried to act cool about it. Either way, I'd keep it forever.
I freeze at the sudden alert from my phone, tapping on the notification. It's a text from Kenny.
"Oh my God, Kenny..." I slap my forehead, remembering how I sly him at school. I tap on his message, exhaling sharply.
Kenny; Hey Salome, got you some snacks and waited for you. Why didn't you show up? What is wrong?
I purse my lips, realizing how I acted due to my swaying emotions that I couldn't handle. I blink at his text, thinking of how to reply him. There's possibly no excuse that I can-
My phone begins to ring. My brows snitch together at the unknown caller ID, and I get double thought of picking up. I really don't feel comfortable picking strange calls, besides my dad warned me about it. But still, it could be an emergency or something.
It stops ringing just as I'm about to tap answer. I shrug my shoulder, going back to replying Kenny. My phone vibrates again, and burst into ringing again. I sigh, swipe to answer and take the phone to my ear.
I pick up my fork, playing with my salad as I wait for the person to say something.
"Hmm hello," I reply, my voice a tad low.
"Am I speaking to Salome Alan?" He ask, a frown forming on my forehead. Since I decide not to reply, his rusty voice laughs humorlessly. "I think it's you right? You are Salome, Joshua's daughter?"
Confusion contour my face, my chest beginning to beat faster. Why is he asking me much questions and been creepy as hell?
I try to clear my voice as I speak, "I think you got a wrong number, this isn't Salome Alan and-"
My phone gets snatched from my ear, and I turn my head speedily to my aunt holding my phone. She hurriedly end the call, snapping her eyes up to me. I open my mouth to talk but nothing spill out. She stares from my phone to me, her eyes a bit red.
"Who were you talking to on the phone?" She points to my phone, attentively standing beside me.
I blink at her to my phone, completely lost. "I-uh, it was an unknown caller, I didn't know the person talking."
Her eyes grow with something I can't decipher. She blow her air from her mouth, rubbing her forehead with her palm, something she does to calm herself.
"You shouldn't pick such numbers, Salome." She calmly says, but I can taste the seriousness in her tone. "You never can tell, it could be scam or someone trying to hurt you, you shouldn't do something like that, it's dangerous!"
Her voice was a bit raised at the end, but I try not to shudder, instead attempting to understand her message.
"I....I know, I just-"
"Promise me you wouldn't answer calls like this again." Her eyes fixated on me, and I can only nod. "Thanks." She dump my phone on the table and walk away, while I am left wondering if it's the call that got her this agitated.
I watch her disappear into the stairs, her footsteps making stamping sounds. Cautiously, I pick up my phone, unsure if I should check the number or let it slide.
Thanks for reading! :)
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It encourages me to write more !;)
See you in the next chapter!
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