Salome think she's naïve. She believe she doesn't have self control, but that, I didn't let her complete before I did the last thing I could ever think of. Kissing her.

I don't know what had taken over my senses but staring at her mouth out what she isn't made me swell with annoyance mixed with guilt and before I know it, my lips were on hers. And that is it, didn't think of the after effect.

Salome's hands vibrates as she struggle with the car door, and before I could say a word, She is out of the vehicle and walking as fast down the walkway. My chest drops. I quickly storm out, slamming the door blindly and jogging to stop her halfway. She keeps missing her footings but try to be distant as she can, making my insides burn with regret. This isn't what i wanted, at all.

I reach faster to get to her before she cross the zebra crossing, but then hold back, watching her leave. My hands grow cold as my eyes stay on her till she's at the other side of the side-walk and scramble into the public bus at the bus stop. I run my fingers through my hair, recapping how fast it all happened.

I tried to get her close, and somewhat succeeded, just to push her away again. Even if I got to hold her hand and ask her not to leave, it would only make her grow more and more uncomfortable, and that's why I withdrew.

The bus rolls out of sight, while my gaze remains on it till my phone vibrates in my pocket. With one hand rubbing my forehead, I reluctantly pull it out, turning around to head back to my car.

I blindly swipe answer the call. "Hello?"


My eyes lightens a bit. "Mom, sorry, I was..." I drawl, words failing me as as I can't seem to think about anything with what just happened.

"Oh, you outside? driving? I can hear the sounds of vehicles." She sound concern.

I audibly clear my throat, opening the door to my car and climb in, heaving a deep sigh. "No, I'm not actually. How are you?" I stretch and slam the door closed.

She hums softly. "Alright. I'm very fine, thanks. How're you doing? how's work treating you?"

My heart clammer against my chest, but I ignite the engine, not wanting to heighten her worry in anyway.

"Work is fine, really, I love it." Well...

She chuckles slightly. "Aww, that's nice, come home for dinner? hmm?"

I knew this was a trick. I nod with a sigh, adjusting in my seat. "Okay... I could do that, would head home to freshen up then come by."

"Really?!"She sound super excited. "I'd be so happy..."

I smile at her cheekiness. "See you soon, mom."

"hmm... see you too!"

She cut it on her end, and I dump my phone beside me, glancing at where Salome was seated minutes ago. I shut my heavy eyes, and rest my head against the steering. This is bad, and I have no clue on how to fix it.


"Hmm... this is so good." My mom nods, points her spoon to her curry sauce. She leans to me from across the white round dinning table. "This is why I would never think of firing Ma Duke."

I drop my head, giggling. Really?

Okay, my mom here is a perfectionist, if things don't go the way she planned and want it to go, she would look for the sow fault and fix it. Just wonder how Mildred works for her and she's still very much satisfied, because Mildred? Oh god...

Mom takes another spoon in her mouth, and I take the moment to take a long stare at her. She keeps looking younger by the years, bright eyes, oval face shape, dressed in an orange bubu gown, and curly black hair, just like Salo...

My spoon drops from my hand, and I blink at it, before taking it again. Mom watched everything, and squint her eyes at me, the crystal chandeliers dangling from the ceiling making her glow more.

"Anything wrong?"

I gulp, forcing out a smile, and shaking my head. "Not at all, I guess the food is just so good, that's why." I quickly say, taking some to my mouth.

Mom twist her mouth, staring at me. "Hmm, even though you've barely eaten anything?"

I don't answer, but just chew, and reach for my glass of wine.

"Oh, how terrible of me for not calling Mildred." Mom coos to herself, while I secretly thank my stars that she forgot. "You see, Mildred is really a nice young lady..."

Here we go again.

I adjust the top button of my sky blue shirt, throwing a glance out from the huge window beside us. It's dark outside, I wonder what she's doing right now, what is going through her head, and how well she wouldn't want to see me. I thought about it while driving home, the only conclusion I was able to come up with was me been selfish, and I hate it.

Yes, I like Salome, but not to jump over and kiss her just because I didn't like what she said about herself.

"... and the last makeup shoot was, Alex?"

I slowly turn to see my mom gawking at me. I didn't get anything she was talking about.

"Uh, you've been staring into the dark, like you're somewhere else." Mom says, confusion covering her tone. "I was just talking about Mildred, and how beautiful she made me for my last shoot."

Oh... yes. Shoot.

I take another spoon of the tasty curry sauce to distract her from making me talk while eating, so I chew as slow as I can.

Mom sighs, folding her manicured fingers on the table. "Well, I know you were listening but its Mildred I'm talking about."

I pause chewing, look up at her cheer filled face, before smiling stiffly, going back to chewing. I came to talk to you, not hear you talk about Mildred, Mom. But either ways, my mind is gravely else where.

"Also, the commercial came out really well, I loved every- Ma Duke?" She glance around, and the elderly woman appears immediately from behind her. "Oh, could you bring more of this?" She point to the sauce. "My son seems to love it, and also pack a takeaway too, thanks."

I look up at the woman who just nods, and respectively walk away, then glance down at my half eaten food. Is she feeding me this much just because she wants to keep talking about Mildred?


I graze through my opened fridge before spotting a space that could occupy the amount to food mom ordered to be packed for me. The lights from the cooling machine goes off as I shut it closed, looking around my kitchen for anything else that could be done.

I reach over the empty brown mug on the cabinet, and place it in the sink, rolling up my sleeves to quickly get it washed. When everything is in order, it helps me think more logically, like I've always done. Just that after washing the mug, and returning to the cupboard, I let out a deep breath, which doesn't mean I can finally think rational, but mean that it didn't solve a thing from what is in my head. Who is in my head. I squeeze the table napkin in my hand and dump it aside, and turn to my room upstairs.


My eyes graze through the wall clock the second I enter. I blackout the room by shutting off the light and blindly lay on my bed, perching my arm to support my head on the pillow, and staring into the dark. What have I done?

I draw in a breath, rubbing my hand on my forehead, thinking of how withdrawn Salome would be, to me.



Every breath I take comes out like it's the last I can before passing out, and no matter how I try to stabilize it, it just grows worse. I can't stop thinking about it, and what could have happened if I hadn't walked away.

I clutch my bag tight, gulping as I begin to fumble with my locker's key. It falls open, and I unzip my bag and stuff in some books, calming closing it afterwards. I arrived to school early, so there are just few students around at the moment. I advance down the hall in slow strides, towards the library located separately at the other block.

I know you're curious on how I handled myself after what happened between Mr. Alex and I. Truthfully, I couldn't sleep, I found it hard to eat too. His face kept popping up in everything I did, and I honestly had to try my hardest not to let anyone in the house notice my mood. My aunt did though, but I told her its because 'my monthly period came' and she nodded with full understanding.

I step out of the hall, exhaling sharply. I know I lied, but I can't tell aunt Jenny what actually happened, I can't even imagine her reaction. The ever bright morning sun glows to my direction.

More vehicles keep pulling through the school gate, alighting students. It's going to get more crowdy in the hallways soon. My body tenses the second I spot a familiar vehicle admist the others. I wipe my face forward before I can even think, my chest tangling into knots I barely find it hard to walk faster.

"Ouu my, it's Mr. Alex!"

"Wow... how I wish I'll be lucky enough to get a ride from him one day."

"Shuu... he'll hear you, why sounding so desperate?"

Voices of some girls manage to get to my ears, making me realise that I've stopped walking, but backing them, and him.

I look down at my shoes, just to see that its slowly turning around on its own. My body follows, and before I know it, I'm watching through the bunch of girls already gathered around, and I spot him instantly. My body quivers visibly.

Black pants, black round neck, navy blue suit jacket. My shaky hand goes up to touch my bottom lips, my heart hammering inside me. Seeing him right is nothing compared to my imaginations.

He presses the car remote to lock, and begin to walk over to the main building, without sparing a glance at the gawking students around. I'm one of them, just that I'm standing alone, and he wouldn't see me unless he-

"Shit!" I slap my face forward, my chest threatening to jump out of my body at the rate Mr. Alex sighted me. As fast as my legs could, I sprint out of sight, and into the glass doors of the library, my chest raising and falling tirelessly.


I stir my eyes sideways at the empty librarian's desk, then to the other side to see Zara standing few feet away. She let out a small smile, some books clutched in her arms.

"Uh, didn't know you still come to the library this early." She says, walking to me.

I blink, fighting my heart to beat healthy, so I wouldn't sound like I was truly running from anyone.

"Oh, yes I do..." I look around, distracting myself by eye checking some stack of books. "You hated it though, a bit surprised to see you here, I'd say."

She shrugs, chuckling, now standing in front of me. "Well, I guess when you spend time with some kind of people, they begin to influence you in a way."

Okay... so she means I influenced her?

I hum, smiling.


"I heard some students scribbled some nasty things on the walls of the bathroom, how unpleasant!"

I purse my lips, arranging the books ordered by my math teacher on his shelf, while hearing the other teacher's discussion about stubborn students. I'm so glad the shelf served as a blockage so they won't see me.

"I mean, even after all the morals on ethics we teach them, yet they choose to act unthoughtful? No, no, no, these students need to be watched." Another teacher adds with a harsh tone.

I push in another book, and then the last one, exhaling calmly, stretched my hands a bit before turning around to return to my class. Do I feel bad for hearing them? No. Why? Because I would never think of writing on the walls. These students need to be really watched.


"And you know the most annoying part? they would never~ Hey!"

I spin around, my hand still on the glass door knob. Why does Mrs. Roselle have to see me? Ugh...

"Come please," She fans from the corner of her desk, and I almost squirm in my stance, but obediently turn to meet her. It's like these teachers deliberately wait for students to come to the staffroom so they could run errands for them. How unpleasant!

I reach over to her desk, watching her look through some files with her round glasses perched on her nose.

"Oh yes, here," She hands over some to me. Does this woman realize that I have a class in less than five minutes? Maybe I should let her know.

"Mrs. Roselle, I have a..." I trail off, but she's already staring at me to finish. Of course I have a class, from Mr. Alex. I gulp, shaking my head. "No, sorry, you could go on."

She sigh, ignoring my instability. She points to the top one. "Give this to Mr. Desmond to sign, and the next to Miss. Divine, the last to Mr. Alex."

My eyes widen at the last name she called. Vibrations emanates through my pores, and I hold the files tighter so my hands won't shake visibly.

No... I can't do it, I can't.

"And afterwards, bring them back to me, thanks." She smiles, going back to chat with other teachers. I look down at the files, my legs becoming jellies. Mrs. Roselle turn to me, realising that I'm still standing. "You can go." She says.

I mutter a 'okay,' dragging my heavy feet out of the staffroom.

It didn't take up to six minutes to get Mr. Desmond and Miss. Divine to sign, but the atmosphere changed as I beckon to meet Mr. Alex. I've been trying to calculate, its definitely more than five minutes I left the staffroom, so Mr. Alex should be in my class by now. He doesn't wait long before coming to class. And so, after strolling to his private office, I'd return to Mrs. Roselle and say that he isn't around at the moment.

My steps gradually reduce to slow strides on seeing his door, my once calculated thoughts crushing down. What if he's still inside, and haven't gone to class?

I walk closer to notice that the door is standing ajar. Instinctively, I peep through, making sure I won't be seen at all. A young lady is seated on the foamy couch I use to seat on during tutoring. She doesn't look like a student, I'm only seeing her back but I can imagine just how stunning she would look. It's not Mildred, would be a face I haven't seen.

On clue, she gets up and turn around. I got a glimpse of her face before pressing my back against the wall beside the door, blinking blankly. The pillar in front begin to blur in my eyes, and it isn't until I glance down at my jacket that I see that there are three drops of water patched on it. I quickly wipe my eyes with shaking hand, my breathing coming out harder than ever. With the file in my hand, I storm out of the hall, wiping my wet eyes that refuse to stop dripping.

Why does it have to be me?

Why do I have to like my teacher?

Why do I hate seeing him as one?

Something must be wrong with me.

The harsh sun burn my face and eyes the second I burst one of the hall, running like I'm been chased by my own shadow. Without thinking, I push the abandoned door at the back of the library opened, enter, and bang it closed. The door swings open to the force and remain half closed. The only source of light is from the small high window, casting some light into the dark compartment.

I press my back on the wall, dark hollowly vision in front of me. My eyes squeeze shut, and I find myself slipping down in tears, my head buried in my knees.

What am I doing? I can't be bawling my eyes out while I'm having a class that would be useful for my career. But still... It's just too much. I can't get over what happened, and seeing some lady in his office just made it all clear. I like him so much, I can't believe I'm doing this. Crying.

I slap my palm on my mouth to mute whatever mewling sound threatening to come out. It hurts so much.

I don't know how long I've been squatting in this dark room, but when I finally raise my head, I could feel just how heavy my eyes are. My body falls in soft breaths, but still not easing the ache in my chest.

My phone vibrates in my skirt pocket. I struggle to pull it out, tapping it on, but squinting my eyes to the sudden illuminated light. It's a text from Kenny.

Kenny; where are you? you missed Mr. Alex's class, I'm worried. You good? :(

I nod like he's right in front of me, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. Before I can type a word, another text comes in from him.

Kenny; Mr. Alex asked of you from me too, are you okay? please say something...

I palm my chest, internally begging myself to stop sobbing. I slide out of his DM, my trembling fingers scrolling to my teacher's.

Mr. Alex; Salome please tell me where you are

I blow out air, reading his text over and over again. I swallow hard, my fingers tapping words without my consent.

Me; the back of the lib...

I pause for a second, throw my head up at the ceiling, all the while having second thoughts. I want to be alone, I can't handle seeing him right now. But the urge to clear the assumptions weighing me down...

Me; the back of the library.


I slap my phone on my chest, it's not too late to get out of here before he comes, because I don't know why I just revealed where I am. I stumble to get to my feet, and the files slip to the ground.

"Shit, Mrs. Roselle would be waiting for this." I mutter, quickly putting them together to leave before-

Brightness floods in as the wooden door flies open. I stiffen, slowly raising to my full height with the files in my hands.

Mr. Alex close the door behind him, and turn around to me who gulp visibly, taking a step back, my gaze down on his shoes. It's just a matter of time before he tells me to 'look at him.'

The space suddenly become smaller, my breathing filled with nothing but his scent. I don't know when I brought my eyes to his face. The last and only thing I recall is him pressing his lips on mine.

He breathes down. "Salome, I-"

Fear creeps up my neck, and I shake my head. "No... no, I-I should leave, I should..." I trail off, bypassing his broad body, just to be pulled back gently by my arm. Its dark, but I can sense how his brows snitches.

"Wait please." He leans to see my face clearly, his hand wrapped around my upper arm. "Salome, were you..."

I pull my hand from his grip, tears finding it's way back to my eyes. I take a step back, raising my shaky hand to wipe my eyes.

"Salome, please-"

"And so?" I cut him off, holding unto the files tighter than I should. Oh yes, he should sign. I stretch the files to him, but he just keep staring at me. "You should sign this." I point to the files, wanting nothing more than to leave. I shouldn't have said where I was, I don't even have the mind to look him in the eyes.

"Salome please listen to me, I didn't mean to scare you or do something you don't want," His voice sounded calm, almost like he's choosing every word very carefully.

I wipe my eyes with my arm, sniffing in as I keep the file stretched to him. "Here it is." It's not even about the fact that he kissed me, it's something I've only imagined in my head, but now, I don't know what's making my chest burn this much.

His eyes darken, but I try as much not to look deeply in them. My hand begin to hurt from stretching, and I drop it to my side, taking a deep breath.

"I won't let you leave if you wouldn't give me a chance to explain." He says, prompting me to look at him.

He won't let me leave?

I breathe down, biting my lower lips hard. "Is it a crime though? because I just..." I exhale through my mouth. "I just can't, I can't do-"

"Salome, I do not regret kissing you."

His words make me veer back a bit, almost like I can't feel my legs.

"Okay? I don't." He slowly shake his head, brown eyes peering into mine in all seriousness.

I slap my face sideways, assimilating what he just said.

"I just didn't... I didn't ask for your premission and that's shitty, something I should have." He adds, and I notice how close he's getting to me. My body melts, but then I'm reminded of the reason I bawled my eyes out. I raise my head to meet his piercing eyes, gulping.

"I'll keep this in your office," I tell him directly, storming to the door, but halt and turn around, rage igniting my senses. "And yes, you have a visitor in there too." With that, I push the door open, and walk away.

He had to know he have a lady waiting to see him, as usual. There is no way I can fit.

I know I've been irregular for
sometime now, and updates
have been super slow..
Some of y'all reminded me of
how much this book means to you,
which I really appreciate 💋🌸
Next update wouldn't take this long!
Thanksss and see you in the next chap!☺

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