
"Bye aunt Jenny!" I wave to my aunt, before slamming the door behind.

"Thank care!" She yells back. "And make sure to send my greetings to your teacher!"

I pause on the stairs and roll my eyes, then glance back at the closed door. Aunt Jenny is so dramatic and she doesn't mind showing it. If not that she mentioned about the whole vibrator story, Mr. Alex wouldn't ask me if I now know what it is. Haven't also replied because what could I possible say?

Oh... yes I do, it's what girls use to satisfy themselves? Nope.

"No, I won't." I murmur to myself, not like I'll get to see him today anyway. Gripping the straps of my bag, I inhale the springy morning breeze, packing my hair in a high bun, and walking down the pavement then corner the street.

I also need to meet Zara, haven't forgotten. She replied my text, saying it'd be okay with her if I come by. I still feel edgy about it, but she's still my best friend. She would need to answer some questions on why she acted that way though, it was really bothersome.

"Damn, it's so hot..." I frown at the way the scorching sun hit down on me as I pass by the concrete pavements. It's still mid October and we aren't even getting a glimpse of cold.

The bus stop isn't too far, but today, it looks like it's miles away. Unfortunately, aunt Jenny is taking a break from outside. Her words, not mine. Meaning she's not able to give me a ride to school today. And my reply? Just wait till I learn how to drive. It's over.

I climb up the few stairs up Zara's home, sighing heavily when I reach her doorstep. It's been awhile, and though I haven't forgotten how she treated me, like she's okay without talking to me. And I wasn't. Exhaling softly, I shake away the negativity, raising my folded knuckle to knock just to hear faint voices...

"Do you think you're that special, huh? I've told you before and I'll tell you again, infant, remind you that you were only adopted, okay?!"

I slowly drop my hand, my brows knitting in confusion. That sounds like Mrs. Derry, Zara's mom.

"And watch it girl, because I've been watching how close you and Peter are getting, he is my son and I wouldn't want any form of closeness I've been observing these days, hear me?!"

Woah, what am I hearing?

Thing is, Peter is Mrs. Derry's first child and son, who's currently in this third year in Nile university, which is the most expensive in our country. I can count the times I've seen him this year because doesn't come home all the time. I've always known him to Zara's elder brother, but now...


I veer back at the loud voice from her mom, not knowing if I should turn around or go ahead and knock. Zara's in there, probably shivering at how much her mom is yelling, and here I am, confused.

I blow out air from my mouth, raising my folded hand to knock just for the door to fly open in my face.

"Salome?" Zara calls my name with wide eyes, her chest heaving in heavy breaths. I plaster a small smile, dropping my hand.

"Uh, hey?" I swallow, glancing inside to her mom glaring angrily with her hands on her waist. She roll her eyes and walk away from my view without caring to see who's at the door. I look back to Zara, trying to smile genuinely. "You okay?"

Zara blinks, closing the door behind her. She's dressed in her school uniform, holding her coffee brown blazer jacket with her purple rucksack. She look up, plastering on her usual lively smile. If not for what I overheard earlier, I'd say she's okay, but now, I see it as a fake smile.

She step down the stairs, then turn around when I remain there. "Come on, let's go."

I nod, smiling as I reach down to meet her. We begin our stroll down the road, but I keep glancing at her, not knowing if I should speak or not. I exhale sharply, pursing my lips as I stare down at our shadows.

"You came."

I avert my eyes to Zara. Her voice was low, almost inaudible, but I taste a bit of excitement in it. I nod, smiling.

"Yes, I did." I simply reply, a tad relieved she said something because apart from the blazing morning sun shinning and piercing through my skin, I'd be more suffocated if she didn't say a word to me.


I snap my head to look at her sympathetic features. Her lips are still lined in a smile, but her eyes... they look like there are trying to hold back tears.

I breath down, smiling. "Sure, you're welcome."

I want to ask what just happened, at the same time I don't want to pry. If she wanted to tell me, she would. I just hope it's all a dream because what her mom just said back then was too much to take in, and me pretending to act all normal like I didn't hear a thing is shuffling my head around.

We got on the bus to Victoria high, Zara seated close to the window, while I settle beside her. From now and then, she'd throw me a toothy smile before focusing her gaze outside, blankly staring at bunch of workers going on their daily life.


"Hey, Dora, I need to talk with Zara over lunch." I tell Theodora after we receive our lunch from the nice ladies at the counter. She look at me with disgust, shaking her head.

"What? No, she dished you, how can you-"

"It's not like that..." I'm quick to interrupt, giving way for a bunch of junior students to pass. "We made up actually."

Her eyes widen, then she nod with a shrug. "Oh, okay. Where is she then?" She look around the crowdy cafeteria, but I've already spotted her since we entered.

"Over there," I eye-point to our regular space. "You can go ahead and seat with Taiye."

She flashes an uncertain look, but instantly shake it off. "O-okay, be good!" I nod, smiling as she walk off to meet Taiye who's seated alone.

Chewing the inside of my mouth, I grip tight the aluminum plate filled with Irish potatoes and sauce to seat with Zara. Throughout classes, I've been pondering about everything Mrs. Derry said.

Adopted. Not that special.

Those words doesn't align with how much Zara talked about her mom at all.

"Hey..." I place my meal on the white round table, gesturing to seat. Zara nods, and I slip down my skirt and seat opposite her. Her food is right in front of her, untouched. I drag my eyes to her face, swallowing. It's a bit surprising that she's also alone, I'd normally sight her with those other loud classmates of hers.

I point to her food, "You haven't eaten anything, why?"

She look up at me, then smile again. "No appetite."

My mouth form an 'o.' I purse my lips, looking around the others then to her. "Alright, it's normal, at times."


Okay, this is weird.

I perch my hands on the table, fiddling with my fingers. "You see, my dad is planning on getting engaged to Maria soon. You know her, right? My dad's partner in his business."

For the first time since we made up, Zara's eyes lights up, then she blink in sheer surprise.

"What? Wow, that's... alarming." She says, looking straight at me.

A small appreciative smirk raise at the corner of my mouth. Zara was right, we're best friends but I rarely told her things. But today, I found out we're even. I just hope this works.

"And do you... like that idea?" She ask, and I watch her pick up her fork.

"Uh... yes, and no. I don't know, really," I chuckle, I don't think I can answer that question now. "But I'm coping you see, we all get to experience things we hate at times, right? But then... we just," I shrug, breathing down. "Live with it."

Zara swallows the food in her mouth, then drop her fork. "Yeah, I think?"

She's still reluctant, I can feel it.

"Mr. Alex came to-"

"I was adopted, Salome."

My entire body turns cold, not because the A/C here in the cafeteria was increased but the rate at which Zara mouthed out herself. She hold my gaze, smiling. I search her eyes, but all I see is... loneliness. Yes, I know I see myself in her eyes but on a deeper level.

"Can't believe I just said that." She giggles, taking another spoon of food in her mouth. I gulp down, rubbing my forehead. Who would ever know this...

"When I was ten." She continues, not that I'm looking at her because I don't even know what to say. "My mom, which you know, isn't actually my mom."

I remain mute, glancing at her. Although I finally made her eat logically, I suddenly can't seem to have an appetite anymore.

"I thought you heard her this morning, you did, right?"

I nod slowly, glancing at her for a second. She purse her lips, clicking her teeth.

"Yeah, thought so. Honestly, Salome, I wanted to apologize. I'm sorry, I know it's like a bomb I just dropped and also for been an hypocrite."

I frown, shaking my head. "No, it's just... I don't know what to say, but you shouldn't apologize, Zara. I'd choose to understand."

But then why about... Peter?

"Peter isn't my biological brother either, and apparently, mom doesn't like us been close, at all. She despites it." Zara tells me without me having to ask directly. "She get really aggressive when she notice any slight connection between us."

With a dropped jaw, I nod, inwardly trying to fix the puzzle. Zara speak a lot about Peter, how excited she was to see him back from school break, and the fun things they've done together. All of that is solely hated by her mom.

"I see you're now close with Taiye, the fair pretty girl in my class."

I drag my eyes to the direction where Taiye and Theodora are seated, Kenny now present. They're laughing within themselves, and like Kenny felt I'm looking their way, he meet my eyes, giving a small smile. I pull out the same smile, then face Zara.

"Not really. We got paired in the same room during camp, same with Theodora." I pause, thinking if I should continue or not. "I... I wanted to tell you but we..." I trail off when Zara seem to get it. She drop her eyes, nodding. "But it's okay, I'm glad we've made up."

"And you don't want to know why I was rude to you?" She ask, a tint of guilt in her tone.

Why she was rude?

With all I heard today, I think I know enough to even ask.

"I'm good, Zara, I think I should be asking you how were able to act so happy without me." I finally voice out, that's the least I want to know.

She suck in her lips, then take a sip of her carton tropical juice. "Oh, well... something happened."

I blow out air, exhaling sharply. I'm ready to listen to what she wants to say, I'm just nervous I might not have a suitable reply to give afterwards.

"Before camp, me and-"

"Zara?" Someone calls from our back, interrupting her. We both look over our shoulders to see three girls cat-walking toward our table.

I adjust in my seat, glancing at Zara to see her reaction. I know these girls, they're the ones she hanged out with during our silent treatment break.

"Uh, I'll tell you later, Salome." Zara quickly says, just as the girls reach beside us, feeding me nothing but various fragrance almost making me throw up. I smile up at them.


One raise her prefect brow at me, then squint her eyes between me and Zara.

"Zara, what's the meaning of this?" She point to me, chuckling.

The taller one amongst them scrunches up her nose in disgust. "Can't you see it's Salome, the one well endowed girl Mr. Alex tutors privately."

I angle my head up to her, my brows knitting in slight annoyance. If anyone didn't point out how sarcastic she sounded, I did. Zara notices this, and get up to face them.

"You know what, what don't you girls seat elsewhere today, I'm having a conversation with my best friend here." Zara tells them, just for them to laugh humorlessly.

"Wow, okay, alright. You know what Zara, we'll be out. If that's how easy it is to push people away, so be it." And they all walk out of our view.

I train my eyes on their retreating figure, wondering how on earth they knew that Mr. Alex tutors me, and how in the world the Zara I know is able to be around people like these.

"I'm sorry for the way they acted." She settle on her seat again, heaving a sigh.

I open my mouth to talk, just for the loud ass bell to ring against all the corner of the cafeteria. Students begin to dash out, dumping their trays and plates on their way out. I look down at my food, I've barely eaten anything. I take up and stand.

"I'll just plead with the ladies behind to pack it up for me." I say, just as Zara get up with hers.

"Okay... I'm sorry, it's all because of me." Zara bite down her lips.

"Oh, no, don't say that. I was just... awestruck by what I heard." I really was tongue tied to the extend I forgot to eat.


"I noticed Mr. Alex isn't present today."

"Uh, yes, I actually heard from the principal that he had something to sort out, family wise."

I prick up my ears to the conversation of the other teachers in the staffroom, while slowly placing stacks of books at the corner of the brown shelf barricading the teacher's desks.

"Wow, I'm sure he'd be so good with family, I mean... with how humble, confident he is."

I fight back the smile creeping up my lips as I arrange the already arranged books, positioning them into the corner. I know what you're thinking, that I'm delaying because I want to hear more about my teacher right? Exactly, you're right.

"Heard his parents are influential in the country, though he doesn't speak about them."

"Hmm... true, but it just doesn't affect how alluring he is, right?"

I nod my head like I'm the one our geography teacher is talking to. It makes my heart swell with so much pride hearing them talk this good about Mr. Alex in his absent. It makes me... miss him. I can't wait to see him tomorrow.

I sigh tiredly, stretching my arms as I turn around to leave. School's almost over and if not that our last subject teacher asked me to assist her in carrying our books to the staffroom, I would be preparing to leave, and unfortunately, wouldn't hear these mind blowing complements about my teacher. Scratch that, my favorite teacher.

"Alex told me recently that he'd be graduating from uni soon, I think in less than two weeks, just hope he won't stop teaching afterwards."

I halt in my steps to the voice of another teacher, glancing back at them. I know I wasn't supposed to hear what she said, but I somehow did. I don't know how I feel hearing it from someone else, but it sure makes me anxious to graduate too. To become an adult. And about him deciding to stop teaching?

"Uh, Salome? Is that you?"

Shit, got caught.

"Uh, yes, I was just leaving." I push the door open and slide out before I'd get asked questions on why I was stuck at the door eavesdropping.

The second I corner the scanty hallway, the bell goes ringing, alerting everyone that it's time to pack their bags and go home for the day. What a long day after all. No Mr. Alex, no extra lessons, no literature.

Before getting to my class, impatient students had already starting sprinting out of their classes, cross passing me and finding their way out of prison.

I stroll into my class, giving way for some people to pass by.

"Hey, was waiting for you." Kenny slides to my front with raised brows. I blink up to his height, then poke his chest.

"And. Why. Were. You. Waiting. For. Me, huh?" I break between my words. He shrugs, then turn around to his seat.

"My sister told me to give you this," He pick up a white looking box from the side of his desk. "Here."

My eyes widen with excitement, and I attempt to grab it from his hands just for him to retreat it from my grip with an evil smirk.

"Do you think it'd be that easy?" He rolls his tongue inside his mouth, that sly-ish smirk still intact. "So, beg me."

I didn't know when I burst into laughter, holding my stomach as it tightens due to how much I'm laughing. "Kenny, wait. You said?"

"I said, 'beg me." He quote again, holding the box behind him. "You see, I also pleaded with Taiye to give me so I'd give-"

"You know she can actually give me without me having to beg her right?" I copy his expression, folding my arms together.

Kenny scoff once, then again, reluctantly handing over the box to me.

I offer a small, 'thanks' watching him raise his hands in mock surrender before waving his rucksack around his shoulder.

I look around our class, it's just the two of us left. See why it's called a prison.

"Since you have extra lessons, I'll leave you to prepare." He tells me, and I open my mouth to speak but he's still talking. "By the way I think the sneakers would look good on you."

I smile, looking at the box in my hands. "Thanks."

He nod once, giving me a playful salute before walking out of the classroom. "See you tomorrow!"

"You too!" I yell back, turning around to pack my necessities and meet him before he get out of the school gate. He doesn't know Mr. Alex is absent meaning no extra lessons for me today.

While shoving my books in my bag, my phone dings from my skirt pocket and I pull it out with one hand, at the same time trying to zip it up.

Mr. Alex; A reminder to tell you that I'm absent, so you should go home early.

The way a squeaky smile escaped my lips would make anyone think I'm beginning to loose it. Mentally. But I'm good. I bounce on my seat, reading my teacher's text again, and again. He reminded me, even with how busy he might be. I quickly type back a reply since he's online, but then seeing that I haven't still replied about the vibrator issue.

Me; Okay sir, thank you! ;)

I stare at my reply, then suck in my lips, typing on.

Me; I read the novella, although don't seem to understand a few things...

Send. We'll talk about the vibrator issue later. Hopefully. When I'm grown and comfortable enough.

I exhale softly, chewing the insides of my mouth as I wait for a reply. It's quiet, meaning almost-If not all the other students are out of the four walls of the school.

Mr. Alex; Oh okay, how about we go through it tomorrow?

I nod my head with a wide smile, tomorrow is good. Before I could type a reply, he's already typing so I hold on, wiggling my legs here and there.

Mr. Alex; Or would you mind coming over?

My body harden, my chest bouncing up and down erratically. He's asking me to come over, he just said...


Mr. Alex; if it's okay with you though, if not, we can just treat it tomorrow.

"If it's okay with me," I mutter, breathing with my mouth since my chest is too heavy to act appropriately. I slowly drop my phone on the desk, then rub my sweaty palms together. It's nothing serious, right? Just... lectures.

In his home? Okay...

I shake my head at my blunt subconscious, I shouldn't think negative, at all. It's just... I've never been there and it's just going to me and...


"Oh my god!" I shiver before looking at the text, then blink down on my phone.

Aunt Jenny; Going out with few friends! Help yourself with the sumptuous food I made, hehe. Might be a little spicy but, trust me, it's goooodddd. Not as hot as your teacher though! ;)

I breathe down, staring at my aunt's text. Not only did her text almost gave me a heart attack but still reminding me and comparing how hot the food is-or how spicy it... you know what, that's by the way. I slide out of our chat, biting my finger, and tapping my feet. Mr. Alex would probably be waiting for a reply.

Me; Okay... Please text me your...

I trail off, clearing off my words.

Me; Uh, we can just go through it tomo...

Cleared again.

I sigh, throwing back my head against my seat. This is hard to decide. My hands fly up to rub my forehead, been in school with him alone is comfortable. I know that. Although that day at camp wasn't as planned, I did something I shouldn't have. I wouldn't want it to happen again, if not he'd hate me.

But still... It's obvious he's busy and trying to assist me with studies, so I shouldn't turn down such offer which is deliberate in my favor, right?

After all I enjoy his company, and I'd get to be with him.

I get up instantly, grabbing my phone as I wave my bag-which I just noticed had fallen off the seat-up and walk out of the class, while typing.

Me; okay, please text me your address, I'm leaving school already.



Lane five, garden estate.

I glance around the attached numbers on each houses, scanning through to see the one described as the address on my phone.

Before I left school, I got a text from him explaining his address in details. Just like how he'd explain a topic in literature.

The sun is still high up, but not as blazing as it was. Also, it's somewhat more quiet around here, everyone houses is fenced with tall gates, just few vehicles passing by. I clearly recall the other time me and Mr. Alex boarded the same cab from school, he was so cold toward me that day. Funny enough, he's beginning to warm up, or maybe I'm just stating from my point of view. Either way, I love it.

"Got it," I smile a bit when I finally get his exact home number. Standing in front of the gate, I pull out my phone to tell him that I'm here, just for the gate to rattle softly, and I watch it gently slide open. I blink my eyes at this, looking around then to the gate again. My phone dings.

Mr. Alex; come in.

Oh, but how did he...

I swallow, stepping into the territory of Mr. Alex with my phone plastered on my chest. The gate rattles again, closing.

"Wow..." I say under my breath, dragging my eyes off it to see the spotless arena. It's like a semi detached building with mostly glasses. Taking a deep breath, I walk toward the main door, come to a stop then press the tiny door bell.

I shuffle my feet, gulping down the foreign nervousness trying to clothe me. I never saw myself coming anywhere near Mr. Alex's space, but that was like... two months back.

The door knob shake a bit, and I smile as it pulls open, relieving the face of-


He stare down at me with wide eyes, then squint his eyes as he fold his arms. He's dressed in our school uniform, without a tie. My mouth drop open, and I begin stuttering like a faulty radio.

"S-sean, how did you... how come you're-"

"Sean, who's there?" Someone yells from inside, the voice immediately interpreting in my head to be Mildred's. I wasn't expecting to see Sean, talk more of Mildred.

"Come in." Sean steps back, leaving the door handle. I nod once, walking pass his tall figure. He shut the door behind, leading the way down a few steps before I met with a wowed sitting room. It's a colour combination of brown and white-more like beige, grey and cream.

I can't stop my eyes from looking around the interior, it's nothing extra, but screams classic, and cozy. His home also smells like him, intoxicating and welcoming.

"Salome?" Mildred appears from a brown door by the left, staring at me with wide eyes. She looks like she didn't expect to see me here. Same here, Mildred.

I pull out a tight smile, reaching her halfway. "Hey... nice to see you." She stretch and gives me a friendly hug.

"Yeah... me too," She withdraws, and I can see the full view of her appearance. White shorts-which is almost revealing her butt cheeks- and a pink tank top. "Wasn't expecting to see you... did you come to see," She glance at her brother who's back to tapping away a game pad. "Sean?"

I chuckle, shaking my head. "Oh, no... I came for extra lessons with-"

"You're here."

We all narrow our heads to the sound of Mr. Alex's voice. He's descending the stairs, and when he spare me a glance, I quickly look down, biting down my lips from smiling. Damn... he looks so good. Before I slapped down my head down, I can't deny how alluring he's looking in just a pair of knee length black shorts, a red shirt-the type that has wide arms, exposing his full biceps- and his 4a curly hair bouncing around at every step he takes. I think he just got a new hair trim or something, it looks... Okay he's here.

"Oh... now I get it, your teacher called you to have a teaching section here? In his home?" Mildred who's in front ask, while I slowly raise my head up.

"Good evening, sir." I greet, fiddling with the lower buttons of my blazer jacket. He shift his gaze from Mildred without answering her, walking over to me. Mildred turns around, folding her arms beneath her chest.

It isn't till he's standing right in front of me, before I realise how much I missed him. His scent, face, voice...

He smile a bit, gesturing for me to follow him. "Welcome, come with me please."

I nod, watching him advance toward a passage beside the sitting room. I glance at Mildred and she mutter a 'go on' to me. I wonder if she was a bit provoked Mr. Alex didn't reply her, or she just decided not to bother.

"Thanks." I tell her, adjusting the falling strap of my knapsack as I walk pass the sitting room and into the passage I saw him pass, also eyeing Sean on my way. He fans me off playfully with the game pad in his hand.

Game freak, obviously.

The passage leads to what looks like a study room, arranged desk with books, laptop, and a cute flower vase. I close the blurry thick glass door behind me, inhaling the calm inviting scent. The plain brown curtains are down, blocking out the sun completely.

"How was school?"

I turn to the side to see Mr. Alex stirring some liquid in a mug on the mini coffee cabinet. He look up at me for a second.

"Firstly, make yourself comfortable." He says, and I nod with a smile, walking around to settle on the couch.

"School was fine, but you weren't there today so..." I drawl, pursing my lips.

"Missed me?" He ask, and my jaw drops. I'm backing him so I can't see his face. Did he actually just ask me that? I stiffly turn a bit to see his back, snapping my head front immediately.

"I... I did," My voice low, I don't know how it'll sound if I said it boldly. "You're an amazing person, Mr. Alex," I start to say more loudly, folding the straps of my bag on my thigh to keep me carried away. "And... and so confident, at times I wonder how you do it. Even in your absence, it's still there, and like... I don't know why, but it makes me proud."

I exhale softly, but when I don't hear the twirling of a spoon in a mug, I feel he had paused in what he was stirring. Did I say something I shouldn't have?

"I'm... maybe I shouldn't have said-"

Two hands appears by the sides of the couch, and I'm been spined around on seat before I could complete my words. My chest hammers against my whole body as my teacher hovers down to my sitting position, his hands placed on either sides of the couch. This couch could spin?

He stares down at me, emotions I can't pinpoint dancing in his orbs. He has a thin silver necklace on, which dangles down due to his position. I open my mouth, just to be muddled by his scent. He doesn't look angry, his gaze is more relaxed, so intense I can't look into his eyes for too long.

"Say that again." He breathe down, peering at me. I look up, accidentally meeting his brown balls. "What you just said, repeat it."

Repeat... It?

I blink down at his shorts, my clouded brain trying to spring up what I just said. He's so close I can't even think...

I take the littlest courage to glance up at his direct gaze on me. "I... I said that I am... proud that you..."

Then he smiles, the kind that makes both his eyes and dimple deep in a little. The kind that sends fireworks exploding in my head, and paralyzing me on seat. His hand goes up and daintily rub my head, before he stand upright, while I seat still, trying to gather up myself.

He spin around to the cabinet. "That's nice to hear." I smugly hear him say as he place the mug filled with brownish content on the tray, the smell of chocolate absolving the air. "So now, I'd like you to have some..." He trails off, holding the tray as concern fills his face. "What's wrong?"

My fingers dance on my thigh, he must have noticed his actions affected me. I shake my head, chuckling.

"Me?" I point to my heaving chest. "Nothing, nothing at all."

He stares at me, searching my face what I'm not sure of, while I try to keep my features as calm as possible.

"Okay," He finally says, placing the tray on the desk, then walk over to the other side, pulling out a seat. "Have some, I'm sure you'll like it."

I quickly blink down at the chocolate mix then up to him, smiling. He made it for me...

"Oh..." I try not to smile too much but trust me, it's not working. "Thank you." I peer down at it again, admiring the white mug with black roses as designs as the aroma invades my nostrils. My wide widens to a grin.

"Yes, remember when I told you I'd make sure to do even the littlest thing on your improvement, and how well you listen to me?" He ask, pulling some notes closer to himself. I nod, drumming my finger on my thigh.

"Well... this is little, but... don't get me wrong, I also love listening to you too."

My brows shoot up. He loves listening to me too? I've got some sense in speaking then.

"Yes, so..." My teacher sighs as he place both hands on the desk, and when I don't bulge, he laugh softly. "Give me your hands, Salome."

"Huh?" My chest begin thumping again, as I slowly raise my hands from my laps to the desk. "O-okay..." What's he about to do, though?

Mr. Alex glance at me skeptical slim hands, then to my face. "Come on, place them on mine, I won't bite."

I gradually slip them in his warm hands, and he holds mime gently. My hands sinks in his bigger ones, and he smiles again, then nod before his eyes flutter close.

I blink from his face to his hands-because I can't see mine clearly, wondering what he's doing, but letting the warmth crawl through my upper arms and into my body. His face is the most peaceful, although his eyes are closed, exactly like the video of him sleeping that Mildred sent to me.

I instinctively lean forward a bit, gazing from his black hair, down to his forever perfectly arched brows to his smallish nose, then... his lips. Peach, plumpy, just like the way it looked when I kissed...

Suddenly, his eyes flutters up, and I shut mine-a bit too tightly.

"You can open your eyes now," I hear him say, before flashing them open. "You look like you had no idea that I just prayed for today's section, and for you not to get too distracted."

Oh wow! He prayed?

It was when cool air penetrates my pores that I notice he had released my hands.

Mr. Alex smiles, flipping some notes open. I stare down awestruck, taking steady breaths, warmth spreading in my insides.

He... prayed.

Like... PRAYED!

Just so I won't get distracted. Little doesn't he know that I already am...

But still...

Thanks for reading!💗⚛

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