I climb into the backseat of my dad's car, slamming the door with a loud thud. Am I angry? No. I am annoyed. Why does it have to be when I'm with Mr. Alex that my dad have to show up with his fiancée, looking like they were on a date or something.
"I see you're warming up to your teacher, Salome." Maria speak, adjusting in her seat in front. I narrow my eyes to her from the top mirror, frowning at her involvement. When she look at me through it, I squeeze out a smile.
"Yeah..." I murmur, taking off my blazer jacket. It's so suffocating in here. Jeez.
"Which is something I should be worried about?" My dad ask, his eyes on the road. I rest my hand on the edge of the tinted glass, perching my head on my knuckle. Not me answering what he just asked.
"Salome?" He tries to glance back at me. "Is there something I should be worried about that you were just with your teacher?"
I keep mute.
"Not at all, darling." Maria reply, throwing a glance at me. She gives a reassuring smile before facing my dad. "If anything, you should be grateful it's Alex."
"Okay... why?"
"Because he's responsible, like so responsible. I've heard of some students he tutored doing very well in their exams. He's so nice, and I'm sure you'll see results as long as he tutors Salome."
I chew the insides of my mouth, my head taking notes of what Maria's saying. I know I'm not the only one Mr. Alex has tutored, and that he's also great in teaching, but is she just trying to support me and be all mummy-full?
"Oh, nice... I like that, I'd sure ask more when he comes by tonight." My dad agrees as he turn the steering to our house lane. Is it that easy to talk a man in love into something?
"Salome, what's wrong, why are you quiet?" He ask, and I shrug, shaking my head.
"Nothing, just tired." I say, pulling my rucksack to my laps. We're almost home, meaning I can't wait to fly out of this mini family talk and bury my head in my pillows. Plus I'm actually really tired.
"Oh, sorry about that. It's really not easy been in your senior year." He smiles through the top mirror, and I see how happy he looks. "You can rest when we get home, you also don't need to be present for the dinner if you don't want to."
And miss the opportunity to see my teacher in my own home?
"I'll be there," I am quick to say, waving my bag around my shoulder. "Just need to freshen up, that's all."
"Okay sweetie." Dad grins, glancing at Maria who just rub his arm like she's proud of the way he talks to me. I keep my eyes on her manicured fingers, twisting my mouth around. Can't they wait till we get home and I'm not present to see this?
The vehicle slowly comes to a stop, and I tear my eyes from whatever little romance they are doing, push the door open and climb out.
"I'll head in first!" I yell back, walking up the threshold. The cloud is pink, and the sun would definitely be no way to be found in minutes. I push the key through, and walk in straight upstairs to my room.
"Finally... home sweet home." I dump my bag on my reading chair, and stripe off my uniform. When I take out my phone, I'm immediately reminded of Zara's text. If she really want us to make up, then I surely deserve some explanation on why she chose to be that way.
I shut my eyes, taking a deep breath. I should be the mature one and reply her, something I know Theodora would yell at me if she should hear.
Me; oh... okay. I could come by if it's okay with you.
No emoji, just text. That's something I only do when I'm yet to get comfortable with texting anyone.
I drop my phone on my bed, take up my blinds, and drag my tired body to the bathroom, just to halt midway, my breathing thumping the second I remember Mr. Alex's coming.
He is coming!
"God..." I run my hands from my hair down my face, entering the bathroom. If I get a heart attack, we all the reason by now. Lexi tries to come in, but I squat low and rub his head, chuckling. "I'll be back to give you some food, hmm? Be a good boy." I chide, and he makes that squealing sound before turning around to lay on the fluffy center rug.
My eyes trails down my outfit as I stand in front of my vanity, slipping my pitch flowered summer dress down my body. It's dinner, nothing serious.
Of course it is! Mr. Alex's coming to my house!
I run my fingers through my hair for the thousandth time, tapping my foot on the fluffy rug like it can calm my uneasiness. I don't know what to expect or how to even act.
Finally decided what to do with my hair, I rub in some hair butter, and pack it in a low bun, leaving tendrils by the sides. The swollen part should go down by tomorrow, since I've taken the pain relieve I got earlier.
Lexi keeps munching on his dog snack I got at the mall the day I went Lexi shopping. He's more healthy and has gain a bit of weight, unlike the day I took him in. He look up at me from his plate, and I make a funny face by sticking out my tongue and wiggling it around. Lexi bob his head to a side, staring at me like I've grown ten heads.
"Don't mind me, and eat up, Lexi. You need to look alive before aunt Jenny, okay?" I bend low to adjust his blue neck leach, and he goes back to eating. I've sent videos and pictures of him to aunt Jenny, but she'll be back today and will get to see him physically. "Just don't bark to her, okay?" I remind, chuckling at my own statements.
After applying some lip balm, and perfume oil, I turn the door knob open, making sure to leave it a bit opened in case Lexi wants to come out. He glance up at me, chewing up the brownish balls.
"Wish me luck Lexi." I smirk, walking away just to hear him bark behind. So funny.
Distant chatting and movements echo from downstairs. Maria and my dad are really interested in tonight that I've not been called for anything in particular. It's almost like when Maria is here, my dad forget about me. Or try to squeeze me in their middle.
"Do you think so? I heard they are divorced."
"Everyone knows how off and on those couples are, but the last part I watched, they were in it."
I frown a bit, they're even talking about a movie. My eyes meet with the last door on the hall, my dad's room. For some reasons, my hands begin to shake. It's just the brown door in front, yet suddenly look like a haunted room that shouldn't be entered as will. But I still want to be sure. I want to know more.
Holding the hem of my dress, I walk closer, and slowly turn the knob open. He didn't lock it. Exhaling the somewhat fear creeping through my body, I close it behind to meet the familiar room I used to run into, back then before I saw what still give me thrills till now. I look around, from his gigantic neat comfortable bed with white sheets, to his study desk, then to the wardrobe. My eyes stays there, the black gun image appearing right where I once saw it, even though it's no longer there.
Of course he'd take it away.
The only question bothering me is, what was a gun doing in my dad's room at first?
Biting down my lips, I advance toward the wardrobe, and without thinking twice, pull it open. I push the hanged clothes aside, peeping through the sides. When I spot a file bag beneath, I take it out, leaving the wardrobe open as I walk to his study desk where the only source of brighter light reflect on.
I don't know what I'm doing, but I can't stop now, not when I'm seeing files of different people I've never seen nor heard of. It's filled with each person's detailed information, and passports.
"What is this?" I ask myself, confusion causing my brow to fold as I stare at the faces of the people on the files, some male, most female. Dad's work has nothing with this, does it?
I run my fingers through the words written about them, regarding health issues, address, and-
"Oh my god..." I clap my palm over my mouth, the last statement below making my heart stop for a second. They are... dead?
I begin to scatter all, not minding if any fly down the desk or not. It's the same, they all have the same report at the end. They're all dead. I drop my hands to my side, gulping hard. This is deep, deeper than I thought. I know I don't have much interest in dad's work, and even when I ask, he just smiles and say, 'I'll do what I do to make sure I provide your needs.' Those are his words. Nothing more.
My head snap to the bark of Lexi, my body stiffening instantly. Why did he bark, and who did he bark for?
Woof! Woof!
I scrabbly pack the papers back into the files as fast as I can, my eyes darting to the door the whole time. If Lexi should bark, that means someone's coming. My shaky hands pin the files together, and I throw it back into the wardrobe, shutting it with racing chest.
Slipping down my dress, I plaster on a smile as I causally walk to open the door.
"Oh... wow, you're so cute."
My hand freeze on the door knob, that's aunt Jenny's voice. She's back. Lexi was probably barking at her.
I pull the door open, coming face to face with my aunt squatting low to carry Lexi. She look up at me, chuckling as she stand upright with Lexi wiggling around her arms.
"Guess you've met him before I could introduce," I point to Lexi, smiling. She nod, excitement marred her face.
"Yeah, he's so sweet," She tries to see his face but he keeps trying to get down from her hold. I watch him with smiles, if not for his bark-alert, I'm sure my aunt would have caught me going through my dad's things. "Woah, hold up Lexi, want to go down? Okay, here." She slowly bend low and he jumps out of her arm, sticking out his tongue as he stare up at us.
"Looking cute too." She comment, and I bite down my lips, smiling.
"So..." She glance at my dad's room door. "What were doing in your dad's room, sneaky girl." She smirk with raised brows.
I open my mouth, but then scoff nonchalantly. I can't let it be obvious that I was actually sneaking. "I was just... looking. I mean, dad's room is way cozier than mine so, that's why. I also love the scent of books and he has a lot." The last part wasn't a lie. I blurt out, hoping sweat isn't gathering on my forehead.
Aunt Jenny rolls her eyes, and when I thought she want to ask further questions, the door bell ring through, pulling both our eyes over the rails.
"Looks like we're about to be served some hotness tonight huh?" My aunt wiggles her brows at me, and I can't deny the way cold zap through my pores.
"B-but how did you know..." I try to keep my voice from trembling. My aunt clicks her teeth, turning around to walk away.
"I already heard, Salome." She sings, throwing me a know-it-all look before sliding into her room.
I remain in my stance, as Maria appears from the kitchen to open the door, smiling like it's the happiest day of her life. I've actually never seen her annoyed face.
"Hey sis..." Maria laughs softly, wrapping her arms around Mildred. My eyes trains down her outfit and I swallow, making sure to stand behind the pillar upstairs so I won't be seen. She's dressed in a knee length lime satin dress with thin hand, a slit up her thigh. Her black hair extension is well... sleekly pouring down her shoulders.
"Yeah, that's me..." Mildred chuckles, retreating from her sister, just as Mr. Alex appears from her back. I step back, my eyes still on them. I don't think I want to be present anyone. It's all too... intimidating. Too perfect.
"Hey Maria," Mr. Alex greets, a smile on his lips as he gives her a friendly hug. He isn't dressed too formal, yet too shabby. Black and red stripe button down shirt, and black jean. His eyes slide up to the rails, and I've never been so fast in hiding. I press my back against the nearest pillar, just to see that my dress would somehow be seen.
I snap my head to Lexi's bark, he's standing at the top of the stairs, wiggling his tiny tail as he stare down at them.
"Lexi, Lexi, shhh..." I mouth at him, hoping he haven't drawn everyone's attention to him, which also include me. He turn to me, and I smile a bit, just for him to bark louder.
Oh my... Lexi!
"Wow... it's a dog?" I hear Mildred ask, footsteps following. I swallow, preparing to sprint into my room.
"Yes, Salome's dog. His name's Lexi." Maria says, her voice thin as always. Chewing the insides of my mouth, I take one step, and another, then two more until I-
"Y-yes?" I stiffly turn around, biting down my lips. Mildred's eyes lighten like that of a golden bulb, a wide smile grazing her lips. They are still downstairs, with Lexi breathing heftily as he look between us. I shoot him a glare before walking down the stairs, as slow as possible.
"Wow... you look so cute, didn't know you were there," Mildred says as I approach them, while I try my hardest not to look at my teacher. "And your dog, he's adorable, not really a fan of dogs but I'm sure I'll like him."
"Thanks," I tell her when I take the last step, pursing my lips as I turn to see Mr. Alex. "Good evening, Mr. Alex."
He just stare at me, then gives a curt nod. I twist my mouth to a side, noticing that Maria is no longer present. She must be in the kitchen.
"So... I need to go help," I jab a thumb behind, walking out before any of them say anything. That was quite a reasonable excuse.
"Come on, Alex let's take our seats."
"Sure, of course."
I walk into the kitchen, making sure to hear the last of their words.
"Oh, you're here, please help me take this to dinning table, hmm?" Maria stretches serving plates to me, like she was waiting for me to come in view. I glance over her head to see my dad wiping the cooker, before nodding, taking them from her. "Thanks." She grins, turning around.
I breathe down, licking my lips as I gently walk over to the dinning, just beside the sitting room. Placing them down on the cream table mat, my eyes stir up to see Mildred and Mr. Alex. They're seated on the couch, tapping away their phones. I squint my eyes at their perfection, gripping the plates harder. The second my teacher raise his head to me, I pull out a sudden smile, returning to arrange the plates. He'd definitely question my facial reaction if he catches me. But he didn't.
I spread the plates, just as Maria arrive with the dishes she had been preparing. I narrow my eyes into the transparent covers filled with, African salads, delicacies of rice, fruit combos.
"Colourful right?" Maria asks as she settle them in the middle. I nod before thinking, watching her like an apprentice. Can't lie that her dishes aren't appealing. "Thanks. Look, I need to freshen up a bit, be back in five."
"O-okay." I step aside so she'd pass. As she climb the glass stairs, I keep my eyes on her retreating figure, an unusual smile from nowhere appearing on my lips. I know I'm not supposed to smile, it's Maria, my dad's lover. I never liked her, so why the smile?
Maybe because Mr. Alex's here.
I turn around to look at him, then walk over to help my dad.
"That was like the most funniest thing I have ever seen," Mildred chuckles, stabbing a piece of steak with a fork. "I mean, I knew I wasn't allowed to laugh, but I couldn't take it in."
Everyone laughs softly, attentively listening to Mildred's gist as we eat. I tickle my toenails beneath my flip-flops, staring down at my meal. It's delicious as it looks, don't get me wrong, I'm just not... I'm not too comfortable.
"And she made them kicked us out." Maria ends, causing everyone to burst into laughter. She and Mildred are telling everyone how they grew up and their must embarrassing moments. "Mildred was a pain in the ass, honestly."
Mildred point her fork to her sister. "Yo... you too, sis."
I take a spoonful of stir fried spaghetti in my mouth, chewing slowly as my eyes grease the dinning. I'm seated in front of Mr. Alex, while Mildred settled beside him. I don't know how our eyes meet time to time, but it's sure is awkward as hell. Well, that's if my aunt won't stop poking me and telling me how attractive he is.
"I know... you're making it obvious, aunt Jenny. I mouth to her, but she just eye and fan me off, staring openly at Mr. Alex. She's beside me, but I can see how much she's literally gawking at him.
"Now I see how extra Mildred can be. Want to hear some about Salome?" My dad smirks.
I look up at my dad, shaking my head. He isn't about to embarrass me in front of teacher. He raise a brow at me, and just laugh again.
"My baby girl doesn't want everyone to hear her cutest moments," His body quivers as he speak, while I sink in my seat. "But sorry baby girl, I'll tell them this one. Just this one."
But they don't need to know...
"One time when Salome was younger, she said that if I don't give her a candy, she'd scream so the neighbours would think I'm hitting her."
Everyone burst into a new round of fresh laughter. I glare at my aunt, she knows this story so well yet is still laughing?
"Aww... so cute of her, I bet you ended up giving her." Mildred coos, smiling at me.
"Of course! I had no option, she was just a little cutie who loved candy so why not?" Dad grins, taking a sip of his wine. I take my glass of mango juice to my lips, my eyes somehow swirling up to see if my dad's spills got to my teacher.
And it did! He's chuckling.
I take a gulp and keep down the glass, all the while my eyes on him. As if he knows I'm staring, he pierces directly to my orbs, and I notice his mouth twitches to the side. His eyes drops to my mouth, then to my eyes, and I tense in my seat.
Why is he looking at me this way?
"Yeah... I also remember one time when Salome was about six, she picked a vibrator in the store and brought it to me, saying she wanted me to buy it for her. It was blue in colour, and she thought it was a toy."
I slap a palm over my face. Aunt Jenny, seriously?!
She laughs, drinking a glass of water to push down her meal. "And guess what, she started crying, bawling her eyes out and embarrassing the hell out of me."
I drop my gaze to my almost finished food and shut my eyes. I clearly recall that day, but does she have to say it in presence of my dad, and my teacher?
I can't even look at him right now.
"Oh my... wow, I can't imagine myself in that position." Mildred chips in.
"Kids will always be kids." Dad adds.
"She obviously had no idea back then." Mr. Alex speaks for the first time since we started eating. I slowly raise my head, just to see that he's already gazing at me. Huge hands holding the cutleries just like how he'd hold his pen. He raise his prefect brow at me, and I swallow.
"There's nothing to be ashamed of, she'd eventually know and... learn." Maria says. I can't see her facial expression since my focus is on the way my teacher stare at me. It's different. And I don't know if it's the crystal chandeliers dangling from the ceiling but his eyes once again, shines a lighter brown. I was twinkling my toes earlier but now, I can't even feel my legs. He tears his eyes from mine, take up his glass of red wine to his ever pink lips, and take a sip.
All of a sudden, Mildred wraps a hand over his upper arm, giggling at whatever my aunt said that I didn't pick up. His eyes goes there, his brows furrowing slightly but doesn't react. My chest burn.
I gulp down the entire content in my glass, hoping it's quench the burn. Maybe I ate too fast or the food was too spicy. But even after that, it's still there. I swallow the sweetness of the juice in my mouth, looking away from them to distract myself. Yet, it still lands there. Mr. Alex tries to release himself, but Mildred stylishly tightens her fingers around his bicep.
I feel weird, it's like the food I ate is finding it's way up my throat. I need to leave before I lose myself in a way I can't understand.
Everyone turn their eyes to Lexi, but not as fast as I did. I watch him walk toward me, and it immediately strikes to my head. I gesture to stand up.
"Uh, I need to take Lexi outside." I'm already carrying him in my arms before anything. "We'll be by the threshold." And I'm walking toward the door. Thanks Lexi, dog snacks for you.
"Okay... be careful." I hear dad yell.
"I will!"
I step out, and slam the door behind, cold night breeze engulfing my body at once. Lexi jumps down from my arms and runs to the grass by the side, squatting low to pee. I smile at this, seating on the first stair. When he's done, he begin to walk around the grass, intently staring at the fireflies glowing in the mist of dark grasses.
I heave a deep breath, dragging my eyes up to the sky. It's a beautiful night, with countless stars. The moon is half, but doesn't seize in casting some brightness down on us.
I'm privileged to be in the same space with my favorite teacher throughout the day. There's no 'but,' no doubt I love it. But seeing how Mildred held his arm just pushes me away from him without her needing to say a word.
I look down at Lexi jumping and barking at the night glowers, taking a deep breath again. I like the way it feels been around him, but... okay, no buts. Yet, at times it's like my whole body is bubbling and boiling to the extent it becomes difficult to act normal when I see how close Mildred is to him. I don't hate her, I'm just... jealous. At times.
Want to grow up so quickly and see the reality of how if feels like to be... big. To be an adult. To be able to touch him and won't feel bad about it, or tamed as an abomination. I want to be in a position where I won't be restricted to do what my heart wants.
The door cracks open behind me, and I look over my shoulders. My mouth drop open when Mr. Alex close the door behind him. I straighten my spine and get up, slipping down my dress.
"Lexi wanted to..." I point to my dog. "Pee." His eyes follows my finger, and he nods.
"Okay... glad you're teaching him the basis so he doesn't mess up the house." He says, taking a step down to where I'm standing.
I keep my gaze on Lexi, smiling. "Yes... and he's learning real quick." The spilt second I advert my eyes to him, I'm suddenly reminded of how Mildred held his arm earlier, and my smile shrikes to a flat one. "I just wanted to carry him inside before you... came out." I don't know if he notice how different my voice sounded.
Mr. Alex steps down to the cemented pavement, then turn to me. "Okay, actually came to give you a thing of yours so I won't forget."
My brows quirk up instantly, and somehow, it overshadows the scene I forced myself from minutes back. "Oh..."
He nod toward his vehicle by the side of my home. "Yeah, come." He begin to walk, and I follow behind, my insides intertwining with happiness. I look down to see Lexi tailing beside me.
I bite down my lips, watching him press the remote button, pull the door open and stretch inside to take out a thing of mine.
"Here," He dangles a silver bracelet to me. My brows furrow as I stare at both of my wrists, it's mine. How and when did I drop it?
"I saw it when you came down earlier, it must have dropped then." Mr. Alex tells me, separating the knot. I nod slowly, muttering a 'yes.' He takes out my left wrist, his hand bigger against my slender one. "Here you go." He tilt his head as he fix it around my wrist, then look up at me. I advert my eyes from his face to the glistening bracelet my dad got for me, then back to his face. He slowly drops my hand.
"Thank you." I don't know if that was audible enough, but the smile he gives afterwards make me realise that he heard me.
"Also," He take one step closer, and I stiffen in my stance. My breathing heightens as his eyes deeps to my lips. Concentrated, he takes his hand up and wipe just beside my mouth, then giggles as he step back. "Enjoyed the food, huh?" He ask.
Just as my legs are tied together and I can't move, my lips refuses to part too. Instead, my head does the answering by nodding. Another wave of freezing breeze floods pass us, but doesn't seem to get to me. My whole body is blazingly stemming.
"Thank you." I manage to say again, staring into the deep brown eyes of my teacher. He just did something... something little, but why do I feel like wrapping my whole body around him?
He smiles, that mysterious hole by the side of his cheek appearing. "You're-"
We both snap our head to the call of his name. Mildred duck out her head from inside, smiling toothy.
"I was asked to tell you both to come in." She says, her voice not too loud but we heard her clearly.
"Sure, we're coming." Mr. Alex tells her, and she nod frantically, closing the door with her.
He face me again. "Alright, let's go in." I open my mouth to say nothing, close it back and nod. Mr. Alex turn around, advancing toward the door while I stand here, reminiscing what just happened. My heartbeat also haven't returned to normal.
He look over his shoulders to see that I'm still stagnant. "Salome?"
"Y-yes, I'm coming." I drag my wobbly legs closer, checking to see if Lexi is following me. He is.
I blow out air, taking my blue duvet up my chest. Dinner's over, actually two hours ago. I've changed to my PJs, after getting a stream of talks about Mr. Alex by my aunt. She literally adores him.
I smile at her cheekiness, raising my left hand to see my bracelet. The dim blue lights above make it appear like blue crystals, a mixture of moon and stars. I drop my hand with a sigh, fighting back the smile trying to part my lips.
How exactly did he see it?
I turn to lay with my side, shutting my eyes briefly to feel the way his hand felt on mine. It was ethereal, almost unreal. Daintily holding it like it could break if he tighten his grip. I let out a shaky exhale, letting my imaginations overdrive my senses.
I liked the way it felt.
He obviously didn't know what he doing to me, I could tell.
My eyes fly open to the faint sound from my phone. I stretch to take from my nightstand, swiping open with hooded eyes.
Mr Alex; sleeping yet?
My phone slips and fall on my chest, my hands flying to cover my mouth from squealing out loud. I fold my toes together in joy, sitting up, then rest my head against the headboard. I pick up my phone, smiling shamelessly.
Me; No...
I slap my phone to my side, heaving deep breaths. This is not the first time I received a text from him but still...
I quickly pick it again.
Mr Alex; Okay. Don't forget to bring the new novella we'd be working one. It's a short one, so you don't have to worry about it been too long.
I laugh softly, reading his text. I've already arranged my bag, and no doubt added the book too.
Me; lol, I won't. Already tucked in my bag
I smile at my reply, my head swelling with pride. Three dancing dots appears, and I bite down my lips. He's typing.
Mr. Alex; That's good of you. Also, not sure I'll be in school tomorrow.
My chest falls, but I keep reading.
Mr. Alex; Have some things to sort out, but... doesn't mean you shouldn't read the novella. I'll ask questions on Wednesday.
Oh... I won't get to see him tomorrow. About to go through a boring Tuesday then.
Me; Okay, I will.
I rub my forehead, going a whole day without seeing my favorite teacher would be... weird.
Mr. Alex; by the way, was really nice at you place tonight. And fun too. Hope you now know what a vibrator is, hmm?
My whole body freezes. Am I just been teased?
Thanks for reading😘
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