I was going to ask.

I was going to voice out how losing myself and peaking him made him feel, if he was mad but decided to forget about it. If he thought I was just been my teenage self and allowed my hormones took over me. But... I couldn't. It was so hard. The way he stared at me alone made me lost my voice.

"... and so, in a free market economy, price are determined by the price system."

I sigh heavily, blinking blankly at our economics teacher who has been talking for like forever. I wonder how she's still energized to keep on explaining even though countless of minutes has passed.

It's our first day of school since we arrived from camp. After a quite tortuous week, students of Victoria high are once again hugged in their uniforms, looking drained on their seats but still struggling to listen to Mrs. Hashmi.

And course I'm one of them. Just that I'm not that drained, I'm just... hungry.

I heave a deep breath, glance down at my half written note, then to the white board filled with Mrs. Hashmi's handwriting.

Fabiola keeps chewing a gum so loudly I wonder if our teacher just choose to ignore. Since she's seated at my back, I've been holding myself to tell her to reduce her way of chewing. Not like she'd answer me anyway.

"Fabiola, can you please take that thing out of your mouth, or stop chewing like a horse?" Mrs. Hashmi finally speaks with tilted head. Everyone glance back at her, while I purse my lips, my inside tingling with joy. "Thanks."

And so, she stopped. Thanks Mrs. Hashmi.

After a whole countless minutes on marketing and prices, our economics teacher gather her textbooks and bid us farewell. Next stop, lunch break.

The loud bell echoes loudly against the wall fours of the class, and I've never been so happy to hear such noise.

Cheerful squeals, book slamming, chairs screeching, and just like that, the class is almost empty. I glance over my shoulder to see that we're not even up to ten in class.

"Hungry kids."

I chuckle cheekily, I know that voice too well. Kenny stuffs some books in his locker with all seriousness, obviously obnoxious to the fact that I heard his murmurs.

"Talking like he isn't starving," I sing out loud, zipping my rucksack close. Getting up, I dump it on my seat, advancing toward Kenny who's already staring at me with a raised brow.

I bounce on the seat beside him, laughing out loud. "What?" I ask between laughter. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because I wonder how you heard me," He wiggle his forefinger in my face. "You've got sharp ears, Salome."

I bait my eyes, now giggling. "Well, thank you, Kenny. Why don't you tell me how you do it, hmm?" I bob my head, resting my hands on my laps like those Korean girls pleading for something. Funny enough, I've forgotten about been hungry.

Kenny adjust his tie, sparing a furrowed brows at me. "Do what?"

"Tell me how you don't get hungry after getting drilled by teachers for hours, and still get the gut to say things like, hungry kids." I try mimicking his voice in my last words. He chuckles head-down, shaking his head, while I twist my mouth upward, waiting for a reply.

Kenny get up from his seat, standing in his tall graceful six feet height, and now I have to crane my neck to see his face.

"Well..." He drawls, looking down at me. "If you're so eager to know, follow me." He smirks, and I fight the urge to laugh. But instead, I press my lips and nod, getting up to my, well... five feet something height.

I give him a playful salute. "Yes captain, but would thou leadeth the way?"

Kenny rolls his eyes, walking out of the class with me tailing behind him, laughing. Reading too many literature books would definitely teach you how the accent people talked.

We walk side by side down the busy hallway, couple with other hungry ass students gushing toward the cafeteria like they haven't eaten for days.

"So, I know this is totally not my business," Kenny starts to speak, and I smile a bit, nodding for him to go on. "Have you and your best friend made up? I recall you two have something going on."

I watch him talk, a wider smile creeping up my lips. Not because I'm happy that me and Zara is still a mess, but the fact that Kenny actually remembered. It warms my insides.

Kenny turns to me when he notice that I didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry, looks like you didn't want to-"

"No, no, no," I'm quick to stop him halfway. He's getting it wrong. "I'm just... wowed. It's nice that you actually remembered."

Kenny narrows his eyes, a smirk raising at the corner of his mouth. I push the cafeteria door open, and we walk into the rowdy place filled with students, immediately spotting Taiye and Theodora. They're in the far end of the room, with Theodora showing Taiye something on her phone.

"Well... I hope you two makeup soon." Kenny's voice pulls my gaze from them. He grabs two plates from the rolls of white plates, and advance to the first dish. He's cute.

"Yeah, me too." I sigh softly, moving closer. He hands one plate to me, and proceed to scooping some stir fried rice into his plate. The lady behind the counter smiles at this, and I twist my lips upward to stop myself from blushing. Even our chef seems to admire his dignity.

I push some hair from my face, as my eyes waver around, wondering why almost everyone's eyes are in a particular direction, some girls trying to adjust themselves. I mindlessly follow their eyes, stretching behind the pillar attempting to barricade my view.

I snap my head front without making sure of the person I just glimpsed at, my heart almost flying out of my body. My grip on the plate tighten to the extend I don't even feel like I'm holding anything. It is Sean, and Mr. Alex.

Kenny step aside, gesturing for me to serve myself. I blow out my cheeks, drag my jelly legs to the counter and hold the aluminium dishing spoon.

"It's okay, Salome, be cool." I chide to myself, taking a scoop to my plate on the ceramic counter, also fighting my hand from shaking. "Don't think of it."

But I can't.

Truth is, the part of my teacher taking out my seatbelt the other day kept playing in my head repeatedly. I know it's something minor, but it caught me off completely. His face was so close to me, and I couldn't breath. Although, he apologized.

He texted me later that night, saying he didn't intend on inconveniencing me, but still...

I pull out cutleries from the side, then spin around with my dished food just to turn into a taller human.

"H-hey..." I glance up at Sean, before walking around him to meet Kenny who's still waiting for me. I didn't spare a look at Mr. Alex, and just walked out before Sean could utter a word.

Awkward much.

"Let's go." I flash Kenny a smile, and we reach toward where Theodora and Taiye are seated.

Taiye waves softly at us, and my smile widen to a grin. I push the bottled fruit drinks and water, then place down my food, just to notice that Dora isn't even looking at me. Her orbs are glued to the counter, and I need no one to tell me who she's gawking at.

Kenny and I settle on our seats, and I'm grateful for seating on the seat that faces the windows, totally backing the counter. Only that Theodora keeps peeping over my head to see our teacher.

"Jeez, she just has to make it so obvious." Taiye rolls her eyes, taking up the straw of a strawberry drink to her mouth. I smile down at my attractive looking meal, a strange urge to turn around scratching my skin.

And so, I did.

I glance over my shoulders, which for a second indicate that I'm part of these drooling girls, but I saw enough.

I saw his navy blue suit trouser, and sky blue button down shirt. Also saw that he's trying to fix his sleeves or something. Either way, I'm satisfied.

I swallow down a smile, picking up my silver spoon. Why can't these girls be like me?

Just glance... and look away.


"I'll just send some pairs on WhatsApp for you to check out." Taiye suggests, waving her pitch glistening rucksack over her shoulder. "You have my contact, right?" She ask.

School's over for the day and Taiye came to get her brother so they'd go home, only that we started talking about sneakers, plus the one she wore at camp. And now, it's just the three of us left in class.

I nod with smiles all over. "Sure, I'll check our grade chat group."

"Oh, yeah, that's okay too." She turns to Kenny who's visibly intrigued in the game he's playing on his phone, his head bobbing as his eyes follow the movement his fingers make. She shake her head at his weird seriousness, then playfully spank his head from the back. She bite back a laugh as Kenny's head falls forward, almost kissing his phone. "Let's go, game-head!" She announce.

Kenny throws his sister a glare, reluctantly getting up. "And that's what I get for waiting for you? Don't worry, won't happen again." He wave his bag on one shoulder, still tapping on his phone.

I stand with my hands folded beneath my bust, chuckling at the adorable siblings.

Taiye eyes her brother head to toe, then turn to me. "Salome, you have extra lessons today, right?"

I pout, nodding. It's almost time. "Yes..."

She place her hands on her chest as if to show sympathy. "Oh, okay. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Hmm, me too."

Kenny almost stumble into a desk with his eyes fixated on his phone. He smugly look up, catching me laughing at him.

"Shit, this level is just so difficult, " He murmur, tucking his phone in his pocket, then walk to where I'm standing with his signature smile. "See you tomorrow, Salome." He stretch one hand straight to my head, and rumble my hair a bit. "With the curly hair." He giggles, meeting Taiye who's already at the door, giving us suspicious eyes.

"What was that?" She point between us.

Kenny did what she did to him, playfully grabbing the back of her head and pushing her outside our classroom.

"Bye Salome!" He yells from outside, and I burst into another laughter.

"Hey! Leave my head alone!" I hear Taiye squeals.

"Nope, you started it, I'll hold it till we get home."

"Okay then, go on. Just know that I won't help you pass the level you're struggling with."

"I don't care, small head."

I chuckle at their faint voices, arranging the rest of my notes into my rucksack. It's Monday, the most busiest day of the week, yet I still feel energized even after been drilled our potential teachers.

Zipping my bag closed, I grip the handle and walk out of class, shutting the door behind.

Next stop, Mr. Alex's dimension.

I take a deep long breath as I stroll down the empty hallway, instinctively trying to arrange my hair. Today, I decided to let it down my shoulders, even though I'd have to deal with pushing it out of my face constantly.

"Okay, here we are." I mutter, coming to a stop in front of the white door. Last time I checked, I'm already few minutes late so I waste no time knocking.

"Come in."

I adjust my blazer jacket, and gently turn the door knob, slide in, then shut it with a small thud. Plastering a causal smile, I spin around and walk closer, my teacher's scent pecking my nose.

"Good evening, Mr. Alex." I shouldn't let it be obvious that I've been thinking of what happened the other day. It's honestly what a true gentleman would do, only that my body reacted weirdly.

Mr. Alex takes up his head from the huge book on his desk, an almost imaginary smile on his lips.

"Welcome, come on, have your seat. I have something to show you."

My brows quirk up as I quickly settle on the couch opposite him, swinging my bag to seat on my laps. I have no idea what he want to show me but now I know how much I missed been here. In his space. Diagnosed with his intoxicating scent for two hours straight.

"Okay..." I nod slowly, then purse my lips, watching him flip through the passages of the textbook. It's so satisfying to stare at.

"Okay, so it's about..." Mr. Alex trails as he keeps flipping, but then pause and look up at me. "First of, for the other day, I honestly didn't mean to..."

I shake my head to stop him from talking about it, he already apologized, and I understand. Even though it's still in my head though.

"It's okay, really. I've totally forgotten about it too." I say, pushing some hair out of my face, which is kind of like a small distraction not to see his face. His alluring face.

I hear him sigh, nodding. "Okay, thanks for understanding. About the good news I have for you," He place his hands in the middle of the book, his silver ring glistening on his second finger. "Here it is, read here." He turns the book to face me, and I adjust in my seat to read, smiling bashfully. God, I don't want this moment to end.

My eyes scan the wordings on the book, my hand sliding up to cover my mouth from screaming in excitement. What?! It's like a freaking expo of our mock exams.

"Exactly, I found some really interesting questions I know would come out for the exams and-"

"And I just have to read them thoroughly?" I snap up my head to ask, but then it hit me that I interrupted my teacher from talking. I chuckle lamely. "I'm sorry, you can go on."

Mr. Alex rest his back against the couch, looking not quite offended. He shake his head, fanning me off.

"It's okay, I can tell you're happy."

I nod with pursed lips, taking down my head to read the headings. It's details on topics I've been spotting in our textbooks which is of course, not as extra as what I just saw. I run my fingertip through the printed words, my eyes unable to catch all the words due to the rush of happiness in my veins.

"Wow..." I exhale, my lips unable to stop stretching in a smile. I look up at my teacher who just stare at me like he hasn't seen me this excited. "Thank you, thank you so much, Mr. Alex." I tell him truthfully, gazing from him to the book.

"You're welcome. It's a token of your dedication, I'd say." He tilt his head, rubbing the under of his left eye. Which is sexy as hell. When he slides his eyes back to mine, I almost melt on my seat. "Salome?"

"Hmm?" I blink, then realise how I sounded. "Sir?"

Mr. Alex raise a brow, but doesn't say anything about it, his features immediately softening. "I want you to know that I'll make sure to try my best and ensure you get everything you need to excel in your exams, and this," He place on hand on the book he showed me. "This is one of it, which would definitely become more if only I see how much you improve, and well," He fold his arms together, an almost serious look in his eyes. "How well you listen to me."

My eyes widens to his confession, my head beginning to nod on it's own. Of course! I never knew Mr. Alex had such a warm side beneath his harsh composure.

I fake a salute, giggling. "Yes sir!"

Mr. Alex retreats his hand from the book, and adjust in his seat. "Good girl."

I suck in my lips from smiling hard, I think Mr. Alex knows how much his little complements affects me to the extend he now does it all the time. Well, most of the time.

"That's nice enough, now let's see what we can do today, shall we?" Mr. Alex smiles a bit, wiggling a pen in his hand.

"We shall!" I yelp happily. I've never been this excited to study.


One hour gone, followed by another, and it's sadly the end of today's section. I let out a deep breath, shoving my books in my backpack on my thighs. When I look up, I see that Mr. Alex is still writing down some notes. His body raise and fall in soft breaths, and something tells me he's a bit tired.

I want to make him proud of me. Watching him do his thing right now, makes the urge to escalate in repaying him for lecturing my hardhead all this while, even though I've horribly frustrated his patience sometime back.

On reflex, he bite down his button lip, his eyes tracing what his hand keep jotting down. A smile appears to my lips at the sight, my hand slowly zipping up my bag.

I don't want to leave.

Chewing the insides of my mouth, I curl my hand around the scrapes, sluggishly waving it over my shoulders. The second my teacher slides his brown orbs up, I duck down my head to my shoe, wiping off nothing in particular.

"Uh, are you okay?" He tries to see what I'm doing beneath the desk.

"Y-yes I am, just want to... dust my shoes, it's a bit dusty." I stutter, hoping he doesn't get the hint that I've been gawking at him. "Shit," I mutter, bending lower and wiping my black Nike sneakers to while away time. In attempt to sit up, my head goes straight in hitting the desk. I shut my eyes tightly, mouthing an 'ouch.'

I hear movements, and before I could properly raise my head, Mr. Alex's already beside me. Quick question; must I always embarrass myself whenever he's present?

"Hey, you're okay? Raise your head let me check." He holds my shoulders for me to seat straight. If not for the pain in my head right now, I'm sure my body would rapidly react to his touch.

I slowly take up my head, my hand immediately rubbing the spot. It must be sore already, I can literally feel my head throbbing, like it's expanding to that of a giant.

"Ouch..." I scrunch my face, touching the exact spot I hit against the hard white desk. My teacher catching me staring at me is better off than this.

Mr. Alex who's standing beside me, gently peel my hand off, and I glance up at his tower height. "I'm sorry, just let me take a look, okay?"

I nod my heavy head, looking down while he softly part my curly hair to see if it's not too serious. I let out a sigh as his scent wavers through me, his hands doing what I have no idea of but faintly tickling my scalp. At least that's what it feels like. I twist my toenails together, trying my hardest not to smile. How come he's so calm in his touch?

"Ouch!" I sink in my seat when his finger touch the spot, it almost feels like I'm bleeding.

"Sorry about that, it's like... It's a bit swollen." He explains, moving even closer that I can inhale his scent more. I squeeze my hands closed, nodding dazedly.


"Yeah, you should have been more careful," He says, his voice full with concern. Of course, if only he didn't look up. "You'd have to take a pain relieve so it would give you a headache."

I open my mouth to talk, but close it back. I honestly have nothing to say. Mr. Alex drops his hands to his waist, and I narrow my face up to his.

"Okay... I will." My eyes stays on his, and as usual, the only thing reminding me that I've not turned into jellies is the pain in the middle of my head.

Mr. Alex exhale sharply, tearing his eyes from me as he walk back to his seat. He place both hands on the desk, eyes on me again. "And well, do you have any?"

I shake my head once, then twice. "No, I don't." Maybe my dad has in his room but I can't go in there, not after what I saw on the day of camp. "Maybe... I'll just get some on my... way."

Mr. Alex drop his gaze to the note-filled desk, then to me. "Alright, you can go ahead, make sure to take it according to the prescription, and also show the pharmacist the spot if possible." He continues in arranging his desk.

"Hmm?" I get what he's saying, but I don't want to leave yet.

My teacher blinks up, and I quickly get up from my seat, pulling out a force smile.

"Okay, I'll do so," I press my lips, taking a step back. "I'll... see you tomorrow." With that, I spin around and make my way to the door. I can't say I don't want to leave yet, I don't even have the courage to mouth it out. But still, I'm grateful for hitting my head earlier, as long as it meant I didn't have to leave immediately.

I pull the knob open, stylishly glancing over my shoulder to see that he's still sorting out his stuffs, before walking out, and close the door behind.

What is wrong with me?

Nothing, you've practically just fallen for...

No, no, no. I shake my head at my direct subconscious, holding the scraps of my rucksack as I scroll down the hall. Just me, and my light footsteps, with far-fetched voices of the chirpy birds from the field. So peaceful and dreamy. How I wish I could just-


I pull out my phone from my skirt pocket, gradually coming to a stop as I swipe up to see a new text from...


My brows furrow in confusion, as my fingers waste no time tapping the text open. I haven't gotten a reply from her in more than two weeks, making it more than a surprise that she actually hit me up.

Zara; Salome, I know I've been a jerk, and I'm so sorry. I hope you forgive me, and we make up soon...

My breathing hitches in my throat.




I grab my keys which is the last thing on the desk, before advancing toward the door, only to halt and turn around again.

How did she hit her head on the desk that resulted to it getting swollen?

Instinctively, I duck to see beneath the desk, then run my free hand against the edge of it.

"No wonder..." I mutter, it's quite rough at the edges. I take a deep breath, turning around to leave. I would be lying if I say I almost didn't complement how alluring her hair smelled, the way it felt against my fingers, silky and smooth. Plus her having a small head. I smirk at the thought.

As usual, it's more quiet since most of-If not even all-the students has left the premises. I walk in slow strides, wiggling my car key in my hand. There's a lot to do today.

After much contemplation, I decided to drive to school today, which I've never done since the accident I had. It was hard, like I couldn't get my bearings, but reminiscing the night I had to search for my student like my life depended on it, I was able to pull through.

In time to take up my head, my brows knit amusedly as I sight Salome few steps away, just by the end of the hall. She obviously didn't see me coming, like she's busy with her phone or something. I fasten my step, meeting her in to time, and unknowingly alerting my presence.

"Salome, why are you still here?" I ask, just as her phone drops by her side, her gaze wavering around. "Hey, is something wrong?" Is it her dad? I'm dead anxious.

"N-no, nothing is wrong." She tries to smile, but I can see well behind it that she's just faking. "I didn't see you coming, I was just... leaving." She turns to leave, but I did something I never thought of, pulling her back by her arm to face me. Her eyes widens, darting from it to me, but I don't let go.

"Are you sure?" I lean a bit to see her eyes clearly. "Or... were you waiting for me?" Weirdly, I felt she didn't want to leave earlier, but I never thought I'd ask directly.

Salome's mouth drop open, and when she look at my hand again, I let hers go. Damn been curious to the extend I held her arm.


"Come with me." I tell her, then walk forward to push the glass door open. Salome steps out first, and I follow behind, closing it behind. I don't know when this anxiousness continually springs from whenever she's with me, but I just can't walk out from it. I make my way to the parking lot with Salome slowly walking behind.

"Get in." I open the door to the vehicle for her to climb in, which she does after taking a double look at me. After she entered, I turn around to the driver's space, pull the door open and climb in.

"Thanks Mr. Alex."

I hear her say as she fix the seatbelt around her waist. I breath down, pushing in the key, and the car comes alive instantly.

"You're welcome." I glance at her to say, noticing how clasped her phone is in her hands, her eyes fixated on the glass as though she's in a hurry to get out of here.

Something must have prompted her sudden mood change. I tighten my grip against the leather steering, slowly propelling out of the school ground.

The sun is drastically settling into the horizon, leaving just the last orangish glow for the day. I make a turn into the garden estate, throwing a glance at my student for the umpteenth time. It's been quiet throughout the ride.

"So what's his name?" I ask out of the blue, at the same time jerking her from whatever thought she had been deep in. Salome's eyes lighten instantly, but as if trying to understand me, hum in thought. To make it easier, I add; "The puppy you found at the playground."

Her mouth form an 'o,' as she dawns to her that I'm asking about her puppy. I take my eyes off the road for a second to see her reaction. Smiling with her entire face, her hands flying up to cover her face as I hear her soft giggles.

"Think I've forgotten?" I ask, my gaze back on the road. From my side view, Salome purse her lips, nodding.

"Yes... at first, I had no idea what you were talking about. His name's Lexi." She says sweetly, playing with the strap of the seatbelt.

A laugh from nowhere reverberates from my insides, and I'm already laughing before I can think of doing so. She named her puppy Lexi? Why do I feel it was taken from my name though, but well... that's cute of her.

"Hmm... that's nice, Lexi." I repeat, hoping she'd throw more light on how she thought of the name, Lexi.

"Yes, he's so calm and adapting really fast. He's also so adorable when he eats, like it's been..."

And just like that, I've gotten the flip side of Salome that tells the littlest thing with so much adornment. While she keeps telling me more about Lexi, and me listening attentively as I drive down the quiet road without any inconvenience, it makes my chest swell in pure bliss. Makes me wish I should have gotten to know her sooner.

"I think there's a pharmacy around here," I slow down a bit, looking around. I thought I've seen a newly open pharmacy while jogging some days back.

"It's here!" Salome point to the opposite direction from where she's seated.

"Oh, okay. Let me go-"

"No, I'll go." And she open the door before I could complete my words, shutting it with a thud.

This girl...

I adjust in my seat, watching how she cross the road to the other side. Since I gave her a ride, I accepted to get a pain relieve on our way. She step into the slide doors of the pharmacy, then tell the nurse what she needs. I stare down her uniform, realising how much it suits her. I think she recently got a new skirt; the length of this is a bit longer, unlike the other girls at school.

She doesn't even try hard to appear this cute.

Attracted much?

I think...

I wasn't lying to Mildred when I said I'm interested in her, and no, not in a romantic way. Just... naturally want to see her do better. My reaction toward her failure had always bothered me, honestly, but I guess I had always reacted in a way that would only push her further away, and make her squirm at the sight of me.

Salome cross back with a small white polythene in her hand, a almost unnoticeable smile on her lips. As she touch the door knob to pull it open, something seem to capture her eyes that make her hand fall to her side, clutching tightly. I try to see what she's looking at but since I can't, I open the door and climb out, following her eyes.

"Salome, what are you..."

He look like her dad. A well built man standing few steps away in a casual brown road neck, and black jean. He hasn't seen her, his focus is on the next person he's talking with. Maria.

I look from Salome to him, her eyes not leaving him for a second.

As if someone nudged him to look sideways, his gaze clicks with his daughter, his once smiling face fading. He end the conversation with Maria, and they both walk closer to where she's standing beside the vehicle. Salome smiles faintly, the type of smile she'd give me if she isn't comfortable.

"Salome, what are you doing here?" His brows furrow as he reach to pull her in a hug, but when his eyes meet me, he slowly retreats, eyeing me head to toe.

"Salome, how are you?" Maria asks, smiling brightly as usual, then tilt her head to me, a surprise look on her face. "Alex?"

I give her a curt nod, walking over to them. "Nice to meet you sir, I'm-"

"Mr. Alex, my teacher." Salome slides in, pursing her lips as she stare at her dad. Her eyes shifts to Maria, and I notice her hold tighten the polythene in her hand. "Good evening, Maria. I'm fine."

Her dad blink in thought, then as though he finally recognize me from somewhere, stretch his hand for a handshake. "Oh yes, nice to meet you again, Alex. How come you..." He look from me to his daughter.

"Oh, I suppose you know I tutor her after school," I glance at Salome who just nod. "And since I drove today, I decided to alight her at home."

His mouth form an 'o' as he nod frantically. "Wow, how nice of you... Mildred talks about you a lot too." He adds, sharing a knowing look with Maria.

"Oh..." I trail, my eyes drifting to Salome before anything. Her eyes are down at her shoes, and something tells me she's not comfortable standing here.

"Yeah, they're quite close." Maria chip in, chuckling.

"Well then, why don't we all have dinner tonight, if possible call Mildred?" Her dad questions, sharing a look at all three of us. Maria nods, pulling out her phone from her pocket.

"I'll text Mildred." She begin typing away her phone.

"That is if it won't... " He look up at me. "That's if it's okay with you though."

I open my mouth, then close it back, not knowing if I should accept or decline. It's been a long day and I wouldn't want to inconvenience her more than I've already done.

"Come on, Alex, I'm sure Mildred would be so happy to see you." Maria clasp her hands to get chest in a way for me to accept. A truck zaps pass the road, leaving behind nothing but smoke mixed with cool breeze.

I take a glimpse at my student again, and when our eyes meet, she tears her away to her dad who as well, is waiting for an answer.

"Okay, sure. I'd be glad." I finally say to him, and he smiles, nodding.

"Okay, we'll get going then, to prepare. How about I text you the address?" Her dad requests, and I pull out my phone, and give him to type it down. "Okay... here you go." He hands it back to me.

"Thank you sir." I smile a bit, and he fans me off with a grin, gesturing to walk away.

"We parked beside the mall, so we'll be off now." He says, turning around.

"See you in a few." Maria says with toothy smile before meeting up with him.

"Okay dad, I'll pick my bag and be there in a minute." Salome walk pass me, pulling the door open. In a blink, her dad and Maria are out of sight, while Salome adjust her bag properly on her shoulders.

She nervously raise a hand to wave, and I mouth a 'go on.' Her lips part in a smile before she spin around and walk over to where her dad packed. I sigh heavily, turning over to the driver's side of the vehicle.

An invite to my student's place for dinner.

I rest my head against the headrest, shut my eyes and draw in a breath. I open my eyes the same time a black vehicle zoom pass, and I think I spotted Salome's uniform from the window.

She didn't like that little moment one bit, I don't know if any other person saw it, but I could clearly see it. It was like she wanted to leave, like she shouldn't have gotten down to get the pain relieve at first.

And now, that moment is about to turn in a whole dinner in a matter of less than two hours.

I rub my forehead with my thumb and index, my eyes wavering to where she sat. I squint my eyes to get a vivid view of what my eyes sighted, a silver thin looking bracelet with dangles of the shape of heart, and moons, then recall her fiddling with it beneath her blazer jacket earlier.

Now I see how much she didn't want to leave, even a thing of hers refused to go with her either.

The vehicle wails softly the second I push in the key, and in no time, I'm down the road of the estate.

On getting home, I keep checking the time to see how much time I've got to prepare. My brows furrow as I push in my key, just to see that the gate's already opened. Curiously, I push through and make my way into my home.

As I'm about to turn the door knob open hastily, it flies open before my hand touches it, and I've revived with the face of no other but Mildred. My chest falls.

"Alex!" She squeals, wrapping her arms around me. "You came back so late, what happened?" She withdraw herself from me, and I stare at her head to toe, and walk in.

"Hey, I asked what happened?" Mildred ask from behind me. I turn over my shoulders, she's dressed like she already know she was invited to a dinner. Her eyes dart to the keys I dropped on the center table, her eyes widening. "Wait, hold up, you drove?"

I sigh exhaustedly, unbuttoning my shirt. "Yes. What happened is you pock-nosing into my house uninvited like you own the place." I peel the shirt off, having no time to see her expression.

I hear her sigh. "Well... It would one day be ours so why not get used to it earlier and stop complaining."

I scoff at her words, taking off my wristwatch as I match up the stairs.

"And be quick! We have a dinner to go to!" Mildred yells from where she's standing, arms folded beneath her lime green dress.

So I thought, Mildred would always be Mildred.

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