Almost a month without an update :(
Thanks for your patience ;)
And... It's my birthday today and I decided that I must update so plssss be nice and drop comments on this chap :)
Thank youuu
Mr. Alex; Yes, I believe you've started going through it.
Me; Yes. It's almost like I prefer it to the others.
Mr Alex; Well... If you say so.
Me; lol, I'll read it well!
I grin from ear to ear as I scroll through me and my teacher's chat. Which is obviously nothing serious, because it's still about school anyway. But I loved it while it lasted.
Placing my phone on my bed, I twirl around to the wardrobe like those Disney princesses who just spoke to their true love. Just that, mine is real, which means no true love, and which also was a few days ago. Even though I've been waiting for a reply, I'm practically still happy.
Another reason why I'm this excited?
I'll get to see Mildred today.
“So hold my hand, Baby I promise that I'll do all I can...”
I yell at the top of my voice to the intense voice of Michael Jackson pouring from the music box on my vanity, while flipping through the collection of clothes I got with aunt Jenny at the mall two days ago. I end up taking all out of their hangers and arrange them on my rumpled bed. This is a birthday outing, not just any outing.
“Okay... Which should I wear?” I ask myself, tapping my chin with my forefinger, scanning the lady-like clothes with my eyes. Going out with a lady in her twenties shouldn't mean I should appear like a high schooler and spell it out with my mode of dressing, right?
Honestly, I have never be this grateful for my body size. If not for Victoria High school compulsory uniform, I'm sure I'll constantly get comments on how sexy I'd look in casual fits, but been in uniform? No one dare say that to a teenager.
A teenager who's about to go out with a pretty lady way older than her.
How ironically awesome, I know.
Chuckling like a child, I throw a glance at my reflection in the standing mirror, pouting as I look at my features. Right now, with this Tinkerbell shorts, green round neck, with my messy hair up in a bun, I no doubt look like a child with curvy behind. I exhale heavily, reminiscing how aunt Jenny told me having this body's genetic.
So comes acceptance.
“Okay, let's see...” I tear my ears from the mirror, take up one cloth, place on my body, and check it out in the mirror. “This should... no, this won't do.” I shake my head, and dump back the plain brown dress on the bed. “What about this?” I pout, waving it on my body like I once did. “No, this won't do either.”
I have no idea on what to wear.
I push the clothes aside, and bounce beside them, staring at them with sheer frustration. Why is it so hard to just pick up a dress?
Groaning, I stretch to take my phone laying on my pillow, swiping open instantly. A smile from nowhere appear on my lips when I see that it's a text from Mildred.
Mildred; Heyyy, just wanted to show you my outfit for the day ;)
Below, she sent a picture of a short pitch thin hand dress, with pitch glittering stones designed in front. It's not too much, and not too small either. Just perfect. I stare at it for awhile, then reply;
Me; It's pretty! I totally love it. I haven't seen what to wear myself, though :'(
(Mildred's dress :-D )
I sigh, throwing a glance at the bunch of clothes once again. I'm not the party type of girl, either am I the stuck up in the room kind if girl. I love exploring when I feel like, going out of my shell and meeting new people.
I look down at my phone to see that Mildred has already texted back.
Mildred; it's okay, send me pictures, I can choose for you :)
I jump up from my seating position, quickly pulling the clothes apart to take pictures of the ones I think suits a birthday outing.
When I'm done, I send them all to her, plug in my phone to charge and walk to the bathroom. It's 5:00pm and Mildred said she'll be here by 6:00pm to pick me up. Before entering to shower, I tune down the volume of the music box which is now playing 'Dandelions by Ruth B.' I step into the bathroom and leave the door open, it's just me at home anyway.
The song springs through the walls, absentmindedly taking me back to camp, the flowers, the scent, everything.
Mildred picked the white two piece. It's a high waist short slit skirt, fitting short bra top, and a transparent jacket. It's also one of the clothes I just got, although never planned to wear so soon. After replying Mildred, I start dressing up, inwardly hoping I'd be fully comfortable in it.
(Salome's fit ;)
“Hmm... cute.” I murmur, twirling around in front of the standing mirror. The skirt stops just beneath my butt, a bit hugging than I expected. The bra top is just perfect, small boobs never seize to disappoint at that.
Exhaling calmly, I smile at my reflection, before my eyes catch sight of my messy curly hair.
“Okay, okay, what should we do with you,” I turn around, darting around my room in search for hair ruffles, pins, or whatever can hold up my hair. Reaching for the already scattered vanity, I push my creams and cosmetics aside, looking for a bubby pin. Why do that thin thing always hide from me?
“Okay, here's one,” I pick the thin black pin, make my way to the mirror again as my eyes graze the wall clock. 5:45pm.
I slide in the pin in one side of my hair, step back to fully see myself only to shake my head and drag it out. The nearby leave in conditioner doesn't miss my thought as I grab it from the desk, squint some on my palms and finger slip down my hair.
The trick works perfectly as my hair finally relax in wavy curls down my shoulders. When you dress like a Lady, it shouldn't be halfway, but elegantly, beautifully, graceful-
My eyes widen as I spin around to the sound of my phone. “She's here.” I whisper, smiling cheekily as I swipe up to be sure it's a text from Mildred.
Mildred; Your ride is hereeeee!
I bite down my lips to stop the bashful smile creeping up, Mildred's so cute. Checking myself doesn't take up to a minute, before I grab my phone, bag, and switch off the music box then dash downstairs, struggling to properly wear my heels.
While locking the door, I keep glancing back at beaming Mildred. The window of her shiny grey SUV is lowered so I can see how bright she's smiling. I spin around, tucking the keys in my thin hand bag as I walk down the threshold to meet her, feeling like one hell of a runway model.
The sun's slowly setting, yet serving this bright orange glow on the quiet street. It's beautiful. I smile toothy as I turn around to the opposite side of the car, feeling Mildred's eyes on me all the while.
“Hey...” My smile widen to a gleeful grin as I pull the door, climb in, and close it behind. Mildred mirror my expression, frantically pulling me in a hug. I giggle shyly, wrapping my arms around her. “It's so nice to meet you again.” My voice's elated with comfort and satisfactory. I haven't gotten to see her since that lunch-meet at Calm Street where I saw that we'd totally get along.
We pull apart, and Mildred sighs, her smile still intact. She's so pretty, I don't think I'll ever get used to her attractive beauty and energy. Dark and glowing. She's dressed in the same pitch dress she sent to me, straight black hair gracefully down her shoulders, and little to no makeup on her slim face. Just like Maria. Well, they're sisters so...
Mildred shrugs. “Well, here I am,” She sings, and I laugh softly. I haven't forgotten how thin her voice is. “You look so cute, definitely would enter wherever without a fake ID.”
My eyes widens as I glance down my body. Now that I'm seated, the slit is so obvious, way high up my thighs. I purse my lips, trying to pull it down a bit.
“Uh, I just...”
“No, its okay,” Mildred peels my hands off, laughing. “You got to have that confident, trust me, you'd be the perfect bomb.”
I watch how words roll out her mouth, how sure she sounds of what she's saying. I like her.
I nod rapidly, digesting her advise. “Copy that, thanks.”
Mildred flashes me a smile, as she press a button to take up the windows, blocking out the setting sun.
“Always, Salome.” She says truthfully, igniting the engine, which let out a soft wailing sound. The vehicle begin to roll out down the road, and I take a deep breath, resting my back against the soft leather seat. “You nervous?”
I look over at her, wondering how she's able to pick up how I feel without me getting to tell her. I breath down, turning to face the windscreen. Mildred drives out of the estate, and into the main road.
“A bit,” I reply, chuckling at how cracky I sound.
Mildred hums, looking at me for a split second before diverting her eyes back to the road.
“I understand, it's natural.” She tells me after awhile. My brows snitch in confusion, expecting her to continue. “Natural because you'll get to see adults, and may have no clue on what to say, and how to act, right?”
“Yes, totally. I think the second I open my mouth to talk, I'd be spotted as a teenager.” I squeeze out, taking a shaky exhale right after. If it's going to be that way, I better try not to utter a word throughout.
Mildred tap her neatly looking done nails extension on the steering, her eyes on the road.
“I don't think so though.”
I look over at her again. “Why?”
“Well,” She shrugs, taking one hand off to her thigh. “From the reply you gave me on the videos of Alex I sent, I was wowed, really.”
My eyes lighten instantly at the mention of my teacher's name. Of course I didn't forget how Mildred begged me not to show any hint that she sent me videos of him.
“I mean, didn't expect you to accept to it. Most girls would want to showoff their attractive teacher any chance they get but you didn't.” She glance at me with a smile, and my heart swell in pride. “Alex should be lucky he has a student like you.”
About that...
“Well, uh, I think?” I chuckle at my uncontrollable moments with him.
“Definitely. And about the videos I sent to you, he'd break me if he ever finds out.” Mildred shake her head, laughing softly.
I purse my lips, staring straight forward and inwardly feeling like a bad ass secret spy. There's just one tiny little thing now, how do I face him after watching videos of him doing things I haven't seen him do?
“And we're here...” Mildred slowly drive into the parking lot. I take a deep breath, watching how she perfectly cube the vehicle into a tight space between two other vehicles. She die the engine and turn to me, smiling. “Ready?”
I nod excitingly as I unhook the seatbelt around my waist.
Mildred push the door open, letting in the evening twilight breeze, and the faint booming music from the storey building beside us. I think it's a hotel, but I didn't get the chance to view the name when we passed to park.
“Shit, why are you acting like a fucking jelly? Come on, this isn't the right time to fuck me up.” Mildred frowns down at her strapped black heels as she tries to squat down to fix the straps properly. I chuckle at her cuteness, pushing the door open and climb out.
Mildred glance up at me, her brows instantly coming back to normal. She stand upright, fold her arms beneath her bust, with a smirk playing at the corner of her mouth.
“Looking hella sexy, Salome,” She finally tells me, her eyes trailing down my body. I can't help the way my lips stretch in a smile as I walk closer to her, my shoes making light screeching sounds against the concrete ground. I don't how, but I suddenly feel this punch of confident.
“Thanks,” I mouth out, adjusting the strap of my bag. An awkward excuse of trying not to meet her piercing eyes on me. “You too.”
Mildred scoff like I just told her a huge lie. She gesture to walk, and follow beside her, having this gut to appear into the mature 21+ birthday party. Trust me, having someone like Mildred as a party buddy, and wearing this super high heels would skyrocket your confident level to the highest.
“Not as sexy as you though,” Mildred rolls her eyes at me, her cute smirk still intact. “Just hope the guys in there would still get a straight head after seeing you.”
My eyes widen for a split second, and trains down my outfit as we walk. I didn't mean to do so extra, I've never wanted to be the main character, and get hated for too much attention.
“But well,” Mildred raise her shoulders in a shrug. “I'm low key anticipating just one person's reaction.”
I nod understandingly, preferring to hear her speak since she's obviously older and knows so much about everything. We step into the glass doors, and slowly walk over to the receptionist when Mildred's last words roll back into my head.
My brows furrow as I stare at her side face while she show the receptionist some card. “One person's reaction?”
Mildred pout at me, then nod knowingly like she can tell I didn't get what she said at first.
I gulp back the rapid beating of my heart, suddenly getting clammy palms. I blink around the arena to divert my thinking from who pop up in my head, and instead, focus on the booming music drawing near as few people stumble in and out of the elevator, dressed in mostly relieving outfits. I mean, I can spot a young Lady trying to pull down her short black dress down her butt as she walk.
I still didn't get to see the name of the place, but judged by the perfect navy blue couches in the waiting room behind, and the expensive looking sculptures on each shelf, it's got to be damn expensive.
And the owner must be a sculpture lover.
“What about her?”
I turn around to see the male receptionist looking at me suspiciously.
Mildred chuckle softly, pointing from me to herself. “We... are together, actually.” She tells him, and I press my lips under his doubtful gaze. He then nods slowly, tearing his eyes back to Mildred.
“Okay, here you go.”
He gives her two smaller cards, and she retrieve with a satisfied smile. Why does it feels like it was when he saw my body size that he believed that I'm not an underage?
“Let's go, Salome.” Mildred winks, walking away like the boss she most definitely is. I quickly follow beside, absentmindedly throwing a glance over my shoulders to the male receptionist who still has his oblivious eyes on me.
I'm not underage dude, just deal with it.
The urge to yell that at him ticks me, but I really do not have to spell it out, I'm in and that's all that matters. Plus, Mildred is here too.
We step into the plain gold elevator, and until the doors draws closed that I'm able to let out a breath I didn't know I've been holding.
“That went way easier than I expected.” Mildred sigh, running her fingers down her hair. “Did you know that it wasn't until he saw your body that he finally accepted? Such a pervert.” She rolls her eyes.
Guess my thoughts wasn't wrong after all.
“To be honest, even though I sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable in my body, I'm glad it can help at times,” I say, my head swelling for a reason I don't know.
“Don't ever say that again, Salome. Your body should your pride, plus you have to carry it with confidence wherever you go.” Mildred peer at me at she feed me with her mind-lifting words.
A genuine smile graze my lips as the elevator doors slides open. “Thanks.”
“Come on, you've got it.” She loops her hand in mine and we walk out.
Strolling down the hallway gives me this push like I'm about to climb a stage with cheering crowd awaiting my entry. Wild imaginations I know...
Mildred pulls the shiny black door open, follow by the glass door, and that's all for my mouth to drop open at the view in front of me. The booming music which is now praised with the voice of Tems 'try me,' is blasting from every corner of the room. No, it's not a room, it's a whole freaking package.
It's having a club setting; coloured flashing lights, couple with a bar at the far end above the dancing heads around, multi bright lights of blue, red, yellow, illuminating from the high ceiling. Special waiters dressed in white shirts and black pants walking around with drinks on their trays.
“Mildred, you made it!” A tall dark model-looking lady appears from somewhere around the white couches. I blink my eyes, trying to comport myself. It's my first time been in somewhere like this, but people shouldn't take a glimpse based on my abstract movements.
“Darlene!” Mildred squeals with wide eyes as she wrap her arms around the taller girl.
Okay, why do they all have to appear so... beautiful, and the guys huge, tall and intimidating?
Mildred chuckles as they withdraw from their hug. “Just got here, or?” Her voice is a bit raised due to the music.
“Nope, actually just came from billing the birthday boy.” Darlene's words roll out of her mouth proudly, a coy smirk at the corner of her mouth. Mildred seem to understand as her chuckling escalate to a hefty laugh.
“You're so cunning, girl.” Mildred tells her.
Abruptly, she look over Mildred, and her eyes meet me, her brows furrowing instantly.
“Oh, and who is...”
Mildred trails her eyes to see her looking at me, her eyes solely focused on me like she can decode that I'm not suppose to be here. I shift in my stance, letting a group of laughing ladies walk pass me.
Mildred turn around, smiling, making me almost grimace at the strange attention. She's about to introduce me.
“Salome, meet Darlene, my coworker.” She dart her gaze from me to the taller girl, whose smile widens. Her eyes trains down my body, and I notice a twitch on her mouth area.
“Well, nice to meet you, Salome. Sexy body I must say.” She gesticulate with her slender fingers down my body. I bite down my lips, finding it a tad difficult to freely relate with her like we're age mates. But still, she can't know I'm still a teenager so...
“Thanks, you too, girl.” I mutter my last word, smiling awkwardly. Mildred winks at me, and I look down, laughing at myself. This is, fun?
“Well, had to accept my fate that I'm not born to have big booty like all these strippers,” Darlene push her hip to one side, sounding so relaxed. “Where do you work by the way? Stripe club? Because you definitely have the sexy body all these thirsty guys would pay to see.”
I blink at her plain words, my mouth somehow hanging open without a flow of words. Mildred steps in front of me.
“You know what, why don't we greet the birthday boy again?” She interjects, and I approve by nodding my head. I don't think I can answer any of what she just asked.
Darlene's eyes lighten up, and just like that, she has forgotten what she asked.
“Oh, sure,” She glance over the bunch of people moving around. “He's over there, looking all hot and mouthwatering. Gosh, it's like I should take him up to a room and stripe off those fabrics from his body, Mildred.”
Okay, am I allowed to hear all these?
Mildred shake her head, gesturing to walk out. “Well, at least we'd have to wish him a happy birthday first.” She turn to me who's now standing beside her. “Come on Salome.”
I nod slowly, letting her lead us through the crowd of dancing and talking people. While taking my steps and trying to keep my eyes on Mildred, I stumble into a hard chest.
I subtly step back, suddenly lightheaded to the loud music.
“Hey, you okay?” He ask, and I look up to see that he's holding my arm in place, eyes staring down at me with snitched brows. Instinctively, I withdraw my arm from his.
“Y-yes I am, thanks.” I say, not caring if he heard me or not. “I have to-”
“REALLY?” A girl yells from behind me, snapping both our heads to her. “I just went to the bathroom and you're already dancing with another bitch, because of what? Her fake butt? You have got to be kidding me.” Then she chuckle humorlessly and walk into the fist of people. Some turn to us curiously.
I turn to the guy she seem to be talking to. He looks, angry?
“Angel!” He yells, carefully sliding pass me with his gaze tracking the girl's back as she storm out.
Did I just cause a breakup?
Been clumsy is truly a bad composure.
My eyes waver around, I'm still standing in the middle of adults and Mildred is nowhere to be found. I squint my eyes to get a clear view but the multiple lights seem to be playing games with my head, getting me no clue on the direction she went to.
I take cautions strides this time not to bump into someone's boyfriend again as I eye-search Mildred. It's somehow reliving that I'm not getting stared at since everyone's busy grinding against themselves —as they would call it— to have time to stare. Expect that my throat is suddenly dry. Just the time, a male waiter passes with the last drink, and I raise my head before I could think twice.
It's just juice, or wine, it wouldn't be that bad.
He sight me in mist of others, walk closer and stretch the drink to me. I collect it, mirroring his smile before gulping down the content in one go. After I return the tall glass and he takes it away, my mouth becomes bitter and sourly. Scrunching my nose at the smell, I wipe my mouth with the back of my palm as I continue to search for Mildred, swallowing the tiniest drop of the liquid hanging around my mouth. Now I need water.
“Baby, let's get a room.”
“My horny little strawberry, alright. Come on.”
The girl and the guy who just uttered statements I somehow got to hear begin to walk out of the place, holding their hands with the caramel skin girl hungrily placing kisses on his arm.
I finally get to out of the crowd, now standing a few steps before the bar where the music sounds less loud than the main dance floor. I take a deep breath, rubbing my hands together. Mildred should be around...
I spot her pitch dress, a smile forming on my lips as I walk closer. She's seated between two guys. Subconsciously, one of the guy-or young man- throws a glance toward me and I freeze. His eyes lighten like he had just seen a prey, and he slowly drops the glass he was twirling around his fingers, contented the blue liquid in it.
I squeeze my hands, my legs glue to the vibrating ground, unable to move. Please don't come to me.
But he's already getting on his feet, pushing the glass aside as he swing around to come closer. Subtly, I step back, checking if Mildred will miraculously glance back to save me from this—
He's already standing in front of me. I stiffly raise my head to the sound of his deep voice. He's fit in a body hug red shirt, black jean, with his hair neatly carved with waves. Not only am I staring at him, but looking up at him due to his huge built. I subconscious step back at arm's length. He's huge, he can just mold me in his palms and stuff me in his pocket.
He chuckles at my act, looking down at me, the multi lights plastering his face with colours that I can't really see his whole features at once.
“You look like the opposite of what's going on here.” He squint his eyes down at me, shoving his hands in his pocket. He then breathe down, a smirk now evident. “Not used to all these... noise?”
I shake my head, knowing fully well he wouldn't hear me over the loud music. Can you please leave me alone?
“Uh, or would you like to...” He trails off as he glance over his shoulder to where he was seated with other huge looking young men that appear as intimidating as he is.
“No,” I answer before he could talk further. I just want to meet Mildred, not be with bunch of grown ups. He brows snitch in slight disappointment, but softly instantly.
“Oh, alright. But I'd have really loved to—”
He words get cut short as I feel a hand on mine, harshly pulling me away from the young man in front of me. My eyes widen as I try to spot the person dragging me amongst the ebullient crowd, some people turning around with furrow brows as I abruptly pass through their middle. The person doesn't stop, and my heart begin to beat fast. Am I been kidnapped in a birthday party?
I twist my hand to get away from his grasp, only for him to grip my hand tighter, making me almost wince at the discomfort.
He keep pulling me with him till we're out of the crowd, making me able to finally see his back, even though he doesn't stop walking in fast strides, my heels intertwining and making loud screeching sounds on the white tiles.
My chest jumps after my head start processing the very familiar image of the person holding my hand. Please don't let him be who I think he is.
He precipitously let go, and I rub the spot, trying to digest the fact that we're surprisingly at a long lobby with gold rails. I exhale harshly, heat swirling up my neck for no reason even with the breeze smashing me all over.
Mr. Alex frowns down at me, standing akimbo. I wipe my sweaty cheeks with my palm, suddenly so hot on the inside yet wondering how straight my contact is with him.
“Salome, would you kindly tell me why you're here?” He questions after what seem like forever, his tone as though he's trying his hardest not to yell at me. I glance down his body, almost tripping on my feet at the same time. He's putting on a sky blue jean, white inner and a stripe coloured long sleeves shirt. I can't believe I'm standing in front of-
“Hey, hey, look at me when I'm talking to you!” He snaps his finger in my face. I blink up at his piercing eyes, his shoulders raising and falling in quick breaths. He's pissed.
He obviously never expected to see me here.
“Uh... I came with...” I begin scratching my head like Mildred's name is all of a sudden deleted from my brain box. Why do I feel so... lightheaded?
“With?” Mr. Alex leans a bit to my height, staring directly in my eyes. “You came with who?”
I avert my face to his shirt and blow out my cheeks. “I came with Mildred, anything wrong with that?” I look up for a second.
That was rude!
I rub my forehead and step back, realising how rude I truly sounded. Mr. Alex's brows snitch together, and out of nowhere, he start chuckling. I open my mouth to talk but he's already speaking.
“No, at all.” He exhale heavily, shoving his hands in his jean pocket. “Just that you are- Salome, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DRINK?!”
My body stiffen at the tone of his voice. My mouth quivers open again, but nothing spills out.
“Answer me! What did you drink? You know well that you're not supposed to be here, and even though someone lured you to, can't you just- just say no?”
His voice is laced with pure frustration as he gesticulate with his hands. Right now, standing in front of my teacher and hearing him pour out his anger doesn't seem to jut me like always. I think I'm now used to it.
I roll my eyes before I could stop myself.
“But Mr. Alex, I don't see anything bad in been here,” I look around, noticing we're the only ones standing in the long lobby. “Besides it's just to have some fun, I also didn't expect to see you here, honestly. Frankly speaking, I thought-”
“Salome can you hear yourself?” Mr. Alex's hands are clenched tightly. “Like, can you just hear what you're saying?”
I rub my upper arm, suddenly a tad cold. Obviously not from how harsh his voice sounds, and how much he's frowning right now.
“You know what, I need to find Mildred. You stay here.” He instructs and turn around, leaving his very familiar intoxicating cologne behind. I watch him walk down and disappear into a door, then turn around and rest my hands on the rails.
What's wrong with me? Why was I so open and blunt?
I just talked to my teacher in a way I would never think of, and here I am, feeling no spark of guilt.
My feet hurt and I shift my weight from one leg to the other, staring afar at the passing by vehicles. It get blurry for a second, then back to normal.
Why is Mr. Alex so pissed though? He talks to me that way, but doesn't like been talked to the same? That's like having a taste of his own medicine.
You're tipsy. So... Tipsy.
I run my hands over my face, ignoring my subconscious. Tipsy? What does that even mean?
“Mildred, how could you?”
“What did I do? And why are you so angry?”
I glance sideways at the faint sounds of Mildred and my teacher's voice. They're few feet away from me, but I still managed to hear them. I turn properly so I can pick their words. They're obviously talking about me.
“It's none of your business, Alex. She wanted to hang out with me and I accepted, that's why she's here.” Mildred says.
“None of my business? Don't you remember that she's my student?”
“And that I care about her?”
My mouth hang open, my legs falling numb yet I'm still on my feet. He just said he care about me, right? Or did I hear wrong?
You. Are. Tipsy.
My subconscious slides in again.
“And do you know that she's tipsy? Why the hell did you bring her if you can't watch her?”
I'm not a kid, though.
“She's not a kid, Alex. ” Mildred voice out my thought. “I can't chain her to myself and-”
“ I am not saying she's a- just forget it, you don't seem to get me.” With that, he walk away from her and toward me. I lean off the rails completely, intertwining my fingers in front of me like a child who's caught stealing.
“Come with me.” He say without sparing a glance at me. I turn to see that Mildred is tailing behind. Mr. Alex pause and look over his shoulder, his eyes dark in anger. “Don't let me repeat myself.”
“O-okay,” I mutter, catching up with his fast steps. Even though I kind of admit that what I drank is slowly having effect on me, I'm still conscious enough to know that I might have maybe did something wrong.
Mildred comes to walk beside me, searching my face for what I can't pinpoint.
“You okay? What happened?” She whisper as we walk through the door leading to the party floor.
I nod, forcing a smile. “I was just thirsty and...” I trail off when I notice Mr. Alex's staring at me. He then press a button and the elevator draws open.
I purse my lips as we step in, fiddling with my hands. It's like the surge keeps fluctuating. One second, the punch of guilt hits and the next, I don't feel a thing.
“You really need to calm down Alex.”
Mildred tells my teacher whose eyes are fixated on the closed doors. He doesn't say a word, and she exhales sharply. “It was my fault, okay?”
Still no word.
The doors pull open and he walk out, me and Mildred trailing behind. We got to the reception which is now empty, just the same guy keeping his duty behind the counter. His eyes follow me as I advance toward Mildred and Mr. Alex.
He has this look that says something like, you've be caught. Not like he wanted me to go in anyway.
I tear my gaze from him, and walk out the glass doors.
“Are you taking her home?” Mildred ask Alex. He keeps looking around like he's waiting for someone.
“She obviously shouldn't be here in first place.” He says under his breath but I heard.
The night breeze continually engulf me in it's chilliness but I dare not say a word. Instead, I fold my arms and keep my eyes on the tall perfectly shaped grasses at the sides of the hotel.
Soon enough, a vehicle come to a stop in front of Mr. Alex, and I straighten up.
He look over his shoulders to see me. “Salome?”
It click to me that he called an uber driver, so I'm already closer before thinking twice.
“Go in.” He instructs after pulling the door open. I wave tendrils falling to my face as I slowly climb in. Mr. Alex slam the door shut, says a few words to the driver and turn around without looking at me.
I have never seem him this mad.
I watch Mildred meet up with him, her brows snitched in annoyance. As soon as she began blurting out, the driver zoom off.
I rest my head against the seat and shut my eyes, my head all of a sudden beginning to twirl.
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