"Zara, God knows how much I've been trying to get your attention but you just... zero me out completely, why?" I frown, staring at my un-bothered looking best friend who I managed to draw out of her clique of roomies. Zara cross her arms beneath her bust, glance around and back to me.

We are in the glamorous camp hall, getting one or two things done for tonight dinner. After lunch, we were paired up to do little arrangements here and there. The second I spotted Zara, she gave me this look that I interpreted in my head that she doesn't even want to see me.

"Zara!" I whisper yell, snapping back her face to me. "You ignoring me?"

She just keep a straight face, arms crossed and eyes wavering around.

"What?" Her voice is stern and bitter like she forced herself to talk, her brows raised.

If I was once annoyed that she has been ignoring me, now I'm confused. I open my mouth to talk but my trembling lips meet and part.

"Huh?" Zara tilt her head and laugh humorlessly. "Me? Ignore you? Salome tell me, why do you always act like the victim? Why do you always play the victim card?"


My brows furrow in utmost confusion. "Wh-what you do mean?"

Zara scoffs, narrowing her eyes to her roomies who are arranging golden chairs in order. My frown deepens.

"What is wrong?" I press, my tone lower than ever. If anything is going on with Zara, she doesn't hesitate telling me; even if it's about me but now...

She shrugs, "Well, you started it."

My mouth drop open, my vision suddenly blurry. I never expected to hear this- hearing it from Zara now makes it sure that there must be something wrong with me. Fabiola, Taiye, now my best friend.

"You surprised?" She twirl her mouth upwards, shifting her weight from one leg to the other. "At first, I noticed how you started hiding things from me, drawing an invisible line even though we were best-"

"Were?" I interrupt, her confession hitting me in places I never knew words could get to. "Are you saying that we're no longer..." I trail off when she nod with pursed lips.

"Yep. Honestly, I wanted to know why but you just..." Zara raise her shoulders in another shrug, gesticulating with her hands that I pushed her away. "Yeah, you literally just push me away, and now you're pissed that I'm ignoring you? Really?" Her squint her eyes and for a second, I can see the hurt in them.

"But...how?" I ask myself but she heard anyway because she shake her head.


I turn to the sound of her name from the other girls, Zara too. They wave at her to meet up with them, some smiling and the others glaring at me. I drag my gaze to the sudden stranger in front of me.

"Tell me you're not going to meet..." My voice tone down when my best friend gesture to walk away. I hold back her hand before she could, searching her eyes for what I can't decipher. I want to know what is going on, why she's suddenly like this, why she is beginning to scare me.

"Leave me alone, Salome." Zara says, pulling her hand away from my grasp and walk away.

I've never been heartbroken, I don't even know what it feels like but now, watching my best friend's retreating figure burns my chest, the food I ate fighting to crawl up my throat and out of my mouth. Not only did her words weigh me down and drain me speechless but the fact that she didn't waver one bit. If she was truly hurt about what she said I've done, she did good at not showing it, instead; piling it up till now.

The hall is a tad crowded, people moving around, walking pass me but I can't seem to move. Someone mistakenly nudges me in the shoulder and I stagger backwards. The person apologizes before going on but I think it's just my imagination since I'm still stagnant in one position, my eyes following every move Zara makes. Even though she knows that I'm still here, she doesn't spare me a glance, just busy chatting and arranging with her friends.

"Someone has a fight with her bestie?" A voice ask and even though I'm sure that the person is standing next to me, I can't muster up the courage to turn. Now, I just want to go home.

"Hey?" He bobs his head down to my face and my eyes widens, astonished as to why Sean is standing beside me. He properly move to face me, hands in pocket and eyes down on me.

"Hey..." I mutter, releasing a small smile. I'm amazed to see Sean, really, it's just a bad timing.

He tilt his head again. "You okay?"

I nod stiffly, more curious as to why he's standing in front of me. Since we got to camp, I can't count the number of times I've tried to get Sean to talk to me but now that he's here, I shouldn't throw away the opportunity, right?

"Yes... I am," I answer, my gaze unwillingly darting to my best friend again. Sean follow my eyes, settling his stare on them for a while longer.

"She cut me off," I let out without thinking twice, biting my lip afterwards. Sean sharply glance at them and back to me, probably not knowing it's that intense.

"Oh, so..." He drawls, staring intently at me. I've never seen him this interested in my matter. My lips stretch in a small smile, seeing someone like Sean asking me what's wrong is weirdly elevating.

I pout my mouth, craning my neck to see his face. Yep, Sean's also taller than me. "So... It's great!"

His brows furrows and I realise what I just said.

"No, I mean you talking to me is great," I laugh softly. "I never knew that-"

"Don't try to change the topic, Salome." He cut through. "I know it's not my business but you were so out of it when your..." He glance at Zara for a second, obviously not sure what to call her. "When she left, that's why I came to check you. To be honest, it's not so easy ignoring your presence."

I raise a brow at him and his words. Is Sean really saying this because it's true or just to make me feel better.

"Wow... so you saying this just to make me feel better?" I voice out my thought, smirking at him. "Because if I remember, there are bunch of people who casually dislike me for-"

"Have you seen you?" He ask out of the blue, staring as serious as-wait, Sean's always serious with everything. But this is different, like he hate when I doubted his words.

"Answer me."

I chuckle dryly, shifting my eyes around the busy people to ease the atmosphere and Sean's stare.

"Of course...what's up with the seriousness?" I tuck some hair to the back of my ears, silently hoping he'd with his words twist.

"Nah, I don't think so." He shake his head, turning around to walk away. My thin fingers grip back his forearm before he take a step. His eyes falls to my hand then to my face.

"What're you trying to say?" I don't know if he heard me since the seat arrangers are now dragging the chairs on the tilted floor, making disturbing screeching sounds.

Sean breathe down, slowly taking his hands away. Why do I feel like this is déjà vu?

"Hey," He bend a bit to my height and I get to notice how much he's glowing. Did I ever mentioned Sean's light skinned?

"Hmm?" I hum, pretending not to be intimidated by his appearance.

"If you're trying to get me to shower you with how..." He trails his eyes down my body and back to my face, "With how witty you are, that's not going to work." With that, he spin around and walk away.

Why do I feel like he said the opposite of what he intend? Wouldn't lie though, it partially made me feel better.

"Hey! Be careful over there!" Someone yells, dragging my eyes from Sean's back to a girl running over to a guy who's fixing something under the table beside me. He ducks out his head, the girl reaching just in time to palm her hand over the edge of the table.

"The edge is sharp, it could hurt you." She tells him, taking off her hand to show him while he gently crawl out, an appreciative smile on his lips.

"Wow, didn't pay attention to that, thanks." He says, dusting his hands. As they both walk to the podium, something strikes back to my head.

That's exactly what Mr. Alex did this morning. Reminiscing it now, it's like he wasn't even aware of his gesture, more like an instinctive act. I purse my lips as I spin around to leave the same spot I've been standing, watching how the others spread glistening white sheets on the tables.

It's not until I reach the main entrance that I get to see the whole view of how beautifully designed the hall is, stunningly extravagant.

Although most people are still adding few things to the already adoring place, I'm done with mine. Not like I was instructed to do anything serious, just to measure and tick the spots where the chairs would be placed for proper conduct, before I saw Zara. I sigh heavily, her words hitting me so sudden like someone just peel off an healing injury.

Me and Zara were seat partners for most of our examinations in junior class, which was more of a coincidence to me. She has always been the type to state what she likes and isn't afraid to go for it. It was also weird how comfy I started felt around her, wanting to spill out what I wouldn't tell to even the few people I consider as friends. But now... It's all confusing, and with the method in which she bursted at me, there's no doubt she has been bottling it in. Still, I'm not ready.

I don't want to loose her, I can't imagine myself tearing apart from the person I always yelp with. It may seem arcane but Zara was the first to lecture me on how the girl monthly circle is since she started before me. Something aunt Jenny wasn't around to tell me and something I was too shy to ask my dad of, even with how close we are.

I drop my eyes to my shoes, flashbacks on how I somehow coped without a Mom weighing me down. To be honest, it doesn't always seem like I don't have someone to call a mom but not matter what, I can't help wishing for one when my classmates talks about how close they are with theirs. I imagine it at times, going out with a Mom, asking her to choose the best outfit for me, lecturing me about boys, tell me about her teenage years, and a lot more.

Worst is, I don't even have a picture of her.

Feeling a presence beside me, I momentarily shift in my stance, backward till my back is against the wall beside the door, all the while my eyes down. Just because I'm in my head doesn't mean I should block the way for someone to enter.


I sharply raise my head at the voice that called my name, my heartbeat increasing to higher voltage. Mr. Alex squint his eyes at me as he runs his gaze down my height, one hand lost in his black trousers pocket, the other holding obvious heavy books. Shit. Why come I didn't notice him earlier?

I muster up a small smile. "Sir?"

He's staring at me, not like I'm doing the same as I dart my weary eyes sideways, foolishly distracting myself by watching other students in the field not too far from the hall.

"Can you carry this?" Mr. Alex stretch the books to me and I waste no time nodding, attempting to take them from him. Anything to get out of his eyes. The way he's intently peering like he can read and write a whole novel about me. He retreats the books from my opened arms and I raise my head to his taller frame.

"Yes, I can," I vocally answer instead. How come I forgot how much he loves mouth movement more than anything?

"Sure? It's quite heavy." He glance at the books and to me. I smile a little, nodding again.

"I mean, yes sir." I quickly say, mentally slapping my face.

My teacher breathe out, finally giving me the books which I collect with all the strength I have in me. Well, would be dead embarrassed to fall them halfway.

"Take them to my room," He shoves his hand in his pocket and retrieves a key. "Here's the key, you still remember room number, right?"

"Yes sir..."

Mr. Alex smiles, and hang the key on my index finger since I'm carrying the books with my two hands.

"You can come back immediately," He tells me before walking in, absentmindedly turning heads to his direction.

Trust me, Mr. Alex doesn't even have to try hard, his built alone drools in confidence. I low key wonders if he actually doesn't notice it, or just don't care.

I think I'd go with the latter.

Heaving a deep breath, I spin around and walk down to the field and into the dorm. And maybe look around his room again. I grin at the thought, fastening my steps.


"How's it? Should I take it higher?" Theodora blink her eyes at Fabiola, holding an eye liner tub in one hand and a mirror in the other, her long gown sweeping the floor to and fro.

"Huh?" Fabiola turn from the standing mirror beside her bed and squint her eyes to get a better look. "Uh, yes," She shrugs. "I mean, if it's okay for you then it's cool."

Dora's shoulders slump as she spins around, taking the mirror closer to her face. The couch is littered with make-up products. Both the ones I know and the ones I've never seen in my life. I bet I'm about walk pass most of my classmates without knowing it's them due to heavy caked faces.

Okay so, it's time for our dinner. While the others are eagerly getting prepared, I'm just here staring at my dress. It's not that I don't want to go, in fact, seeing how dazzling the girls are in their fits is wowing.

For the thousandth time, I let my eyes waver on the glistening thin hand gold gown on my bed. I want to put it on, I just don't know what's holding me back.

"Salome, aren't you gonna dress up?" Theodora ask, and when I divert my gaze to her, both Fabiola and Taiye are looking at me. I nod, forcing a smile as I get on my feet.

"Sure, I will." I reply, taking up the gown.

"Or do you want me to apply some makeup on your face?" Dora raise a make-up brush, smirking.

I quickly shake my head, giggling. "Oh no, I'm okay like this, thanks."

"But it's dinner... you have to look good for that special someone." Dora winks, her mascaraed lashes fluttering.

Special someone?

Puffing out air, I begin to loose the straps of the gown which would be tied at the back. "There's no special someone Dora."

"I don't believe you," She pouts, laying the edges of her sleek ponytail.

I watch her lay it perfectly without a flaw, before sliding the gown up my waist. Since the fabric is stretchy, it goes up my chest without much struggle, the untied straps dangling at the back.

"You really can't tell me there's no special someone Salome. I mean, forget the fact that you don't look..." Theodora trails off, pressing her glossy lips to lay properly before popping them out. "You don't look like a girl who'd fall for just anyone but-" Her words cut of instantly as she spin around to see me struggling with the annoying straps.

"Hey," I walk closer to her, raising the ropes, trying to ignore her wide eyes. "Please help me with this."

"HOLY DAMN!" Dora exclaim, making me jump a bit. The others turn around so fast too, wondering what made her yell that way. Dora stumble up from the couch, her eyes roaming around... me?

"Seriously?!" Fabiola frown, glancing at me and to the strange acting girl, a deep frown evident on her made up face.

Theodora shakes her head, muttering a 'sorry' while her eyes are still on me. Talk about dramatic.

Fabiola hiss and turn around to continue adjusting her dress. When my eyes meet Taiye's, I see she's still staring at me. Not with her usual impassive look this time, more with admiration. I smile a bit and she drop her gaze.


"Wow!" Dora squeals, turning around to finally help with the straps. I take my hair to my shoulders so she'd be able to see it properly. "Salome, you look so pretty..."

A smile from nowhere spread my lips as I stare at my reflection in the standing mirror. My choice of gown wasn't this hectic with straps until Zara intervened, saying it was too plain. Now, it's a stretchy fitted gown, hugging my body in the most almost uncomfortable form. Now I realise how curvy I truly am.

"Done!" Dora appear to my front and I let my hair cascade down my neck like it was.

"Thank you Theodora," I say, turning to pick up my shoes only for her to grab my wrist.

"No, let me do something on your cute face, hmm?" She pouts, blinking her eyes. "I promise it won't take long."

Smirking at her pleading eyes, I stylishly take my hand from hers. "I already told you, I don't want to. Honestly, I'm okay like this." I glance at the mirror again.

Dora blow her her cheeks, shrugging. "Okay then, just thought you'd at least want to appear stunning for Kenny."

Not only me snap my head back to her at her words. Is Theodora indirectly saying me and Kenny are...

"What do you mean?" I thought I was the one that asked until I remember that his twin sister is here. Taiye's perfect brows scrunch together like she just heard the most irritating thing ever.

Dora who's already back to fixing her jeweleries, look at Taiye from the the mirror, smiling.

"What? You don't talk with Salome doesn't mean your brother shouldn't ask her out." Theodora says, chuckling after. A chuckle that to my surprise, affected me, since I laugh softly.

"What are you saying, Dora? Kenny? Ask me out? Nope, that's not happening." I correct, settling on the small space left on the couch to put on my white heels.

"Better." Taiye retort immediately, making me look up at her. She shoot me a look as if to say 'stay away from my brother' before grabbing her purse and gesture to the door. My eyes on it's own, train her till she walk out and slam the door behind. When I tear them off, Theodora is staring at me.

"I'm sorry." She mouth at me, and I shake my head, trying to smile. I can't. I just can't get used to people acting this way to me.

"It's okay." I mouth back to her, retreating to buckling the heels at the slowest speed. I'm not in my best mood, really, I wish they would call the dinner off and I'd take off this gown and feel comfortable. I was okay when I had someone to call a 'best friend' but now that she's acting just like them all too sudden, I can't help wanting to withdraw from people and just be by myself.

My hair falls to my face and in raise my head to take it back, heaving a deep breath. Then I look down at how elegant the heels are on my feet, it's like I just put on 'confidence.'

I never believe the saying that heels gives you confident but with the way they look on me, I don't know where to urge to show up came from.

"Dora?" I call before I could reason twice.

"Hmm?" Theodora look over her shoulders.

I smile toothy. "Do what you wanted to do on my face."

Her eyes widens as she jump to meet me.


The hall is packed with students in gowns and suits. It doesn't even look like an highschool dinner, at all. Just like I presumed, I almost didn't recognize some of my classmates because while Theodora applied light makeup on my face, the made up faces around screams 'heavy.' Mine didn't take long like Dora had said. To notch it up, I packed my hair in the most sleekest bun, leaving tendrils to fall at the sides.

The second I was entered, I don't waste time walking to seat in the most comfortable, almost hidden part of the hall, just by the far end. Although I came with Theodora, she left me halfway to greet a bunch of friends around, smiling heavenly like she didn't want the night to end, her glittering yellow gown competing with the bright chandeliers.

And me? I settled in the exact spot I've been eyeing, inwardly satisfied to how I'm able to sight the entire arena, the perfect view of the hall appeal my eyes. I must say, the decorations and chandeliers did justice to turning the hall into a golden dreamy atmosphere. It's gradually getting dark, earning the lights more honour to please the hall.

Some people are walking in with their date, while others with friends. I think another school was also invited too, some faces are greatly unfamiliar.

Exhaling sharply, I switch on my cellphone that I've been holding since I came in. Thank goodness cellphones were created because now, it's the sweetest distraction ever. Without my phone, not only would I get to count the amount of people entering and look awkward at that, but also be served in a platter by premium loneliness.

Latifah West.

In no time, the new post of Latifah popping on my screen the second I turn on my data melt down the squealing voices of the excited teenagers as I smile head down at Latifah.

Worst is, she doesn't even have to try too hard.

It's a picture of her in a place that looks like her work place, seated and propped her elbow on the desk, with her head rested on her palm. Her full 4c curly hair is cascading on her face, white long hand top and chocolate skirt.

God knows if there's anyone I want to be like, I wouldn't think once before uttering 'Latifah.'

After a heartful admiration, I double tap on the picture to like, and repost, thinking of an awesome comment to type.

"Nice decor right?"

I take up my head to the voice beside me. Not only wasn't I aware that the hall is now packed but that slow music is springing from where I can't decipher.

Kenny's smile widens as his eyes follows mine around.

"Let me guess, you are present but not here." He says, his head tilted to a side. Laughing softly, I nod, taking up my phone for emphasis. Kenny shakes his head, now laughing.

"Thought so," He sighs, adjusting in his seat that I get to see how handsomely dressed he is in his white T-shirt and black pants. "I mean, you didn't even look up since I came to seat beside you."

My mouth form an 'o' as I slowly drop my phone face down on the table.

"Yes... I know, I'm sorry I didn't see you," He takes the words from my mouth, a cute smirk at the corner of his mouth. "It's okay, I'm not pissed." He wave at me, chuckling. I purse my nude-coloured lips, holding the burst of laughter creeping up my body.

Kenny's hella funny!

"Okay, but at least let me apologise myself, with my mouth," I pout at him, and he waves me off dismissively.

"Nah, no need to apologize, it was nice taking in how cute you look." He says, and I pick how his eyes waver around the others at his complement.

I poke his arm, smiling. "Well, thank you Kenny. You too, you're as well stunning tonight."

Kenny clears his throat, a lopsided grin on his mouth. "Thanks, not as much as you do though."

Curling my mouth upwards, I shoot him a you-must-be-kidding-me look.

"What?" Kenny laughs, "Why are you looking at me like that? I'm sure I'm not the only one who has complemented how cute you look."

Well, you're the first.

"You're the first Kenny." I tell him, smiling faintly. His eyes widen as his eyes runs down my outfit again. It's cool though, I know I look great and apparently do not need to hear it from others, even though I could tell from the way I was been stared while walking.

"Wow," Kenny mutter, shaking his head. "Then it's either they're blind, jealous, or just can't meet your standard."

I burst into laughter, inviting few eyes to us. Standard?

"Honestly Salome, permit me to say something else." He purse him lips and I nod, chuckling.

"Yeah, go on."

"You Are Hot..." He mouth out, and I copy instantly, blushing hard at his cute expression. He divert his gaze to the podium where I can see from the corner of my eyes that Mr. Tai is walking to. Kenny sigh, facing me again.

"Thank you." I mouth at him, earning another chuckle from the both of us.

"See, it's your best friend," Kenny nods to the table in front of us, goosebumps creeping up my arms as I slowly trace his eyes. Like on cue, Zara glance to us and her once smiley face darken immensely. She's dazzling in the same wine gown she once showed me, her straight blond wig outlining her bright make-up. She looks so pretty, almost unrecognizable. Almost like... I never knew her.

"Guess she didn't see you," Kenny says, more to himself but I heard anyway. I swallow, tearing my orbs from she and the girls who're now settling around the gold chairs. "Or should I call-"

"No," I quickly stop Kenny who already raise his hand to notice Zara that I'm seated just behind her. She knows I'm here, she just... choose to shut me out.

Kenny frowns as he drop his hand. "W-why? Is something wrong?"

I smile, shaking my head. "Uh, no, we're just not..." I trail, gesturing with my hands and Kenny's mouth form an 'o' as he finally gets it, nodding.

"Oh... best friend fights?" He whisper ask.

I curl my lips, nodding. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm sure it wouldn't take up to a week before the entire camp knows that we aren't on good terms. I don't like it, at all. Giving her sometime is what I suggested to myself but now... it's like she has already close me in her chapter completely.

"We'll be fine." I say, smiling at the little positivity I presume. Kenny nods, staring solely at me. I turn front, just as Mr. Tai started talking about how happy he is to see us all beautifully dressed. From my peripheral view, Kenny's still looking at me like he knows it's something deeper than that. I have a feeling it is too, I just don't want to believe it.

"Look, it's Mr. Alex."


"Oh My God, he's breathtaking!"

Not only are those words suddenly flying around, but so are heads turning. While Mr. Tai is still giving his opening speech, the presence of our teachers pull their attention from him to the entrance. And no, I'm not looking. But It's tempting I'd say.

"Mr. Alex really doesn't even have try so hard." Kenny leans in to tell me. Now I know that it's just not the girls that are staring at him.


"I think..." I drawl, taking up the white menu on the table, tracing my eyes on it like it can distract me a bit. "I think they're going to serve us..."

"He's coming here, oh my god!" One of the girls that settled beside us not too long ago squeals. I slide my eyes up to her, my heart hitting every corner of my chest against my will. Everything about her is smiling, her lips, eyes, hands, everything... Is Mr. Alex truly coming here?

Well, you'd have to look to know.

I can't!

And then I can sense it. Not like I looked up to see him walking toward us, but his scent... it's evident. The pamphlet in my hand all of a sudden vibrate and I place it down, taking my shaky hands on my laps.


Trust me, all of these is gravely against my will.

"Students, tonight's dinner is not only about the dance, but about the secret message we're going to be passing across to all of..."

Mr. Tai's voice tone down in my head, just as the hypnotizing fragrance of my teacher draws nearer. I'd be petty to say I can also feel him coming. Why though? It's not even like-

"No, I've actually been around," Mr. Alex tells someone. My once shaky hands is now clammy, as I take up my head. He's at my back. The squealing girl wasn't lying.

"Oh really? I was looking for you."

Miss. Divine.

She's the one he came to meet, her sveltely voice is enough for me to know. Chewing the inside of my mouth, I raise my hand to drink the sparkly red cocktail on the table, but place it on my thigh again. I can't let shaking hand spill liquid all over my dress and attract the attention of everyone.

I'm confused though. What's this foreign feeling coming from? I desperately want to look over my shoulders, and the same time want to storm out of the hall due to a reason I can't pinpoint.


"How come you didn't see him drooling over you? That guy is into you, no doubt. I can bet my kidney on it."

"You think? Awww, I'm an idiot for not noticing earlier."

"Well, you can just..."

I slam the door lock, shutting out the loud voices of the other girls from their rooms, and dragging myself into mine.

The dinner is still ongoing, bunch of excited students dancing their ass out in the hall, some shooting their shots and well, some making out in the dark corners. It wasn't so bad after all, thanks to Kenny. Just when the strange urge to disappear from the hall inked me, he kept it going with conversations and I thanked him for that.

With a tired sigh, I settle on the couch, taking off my shoes. I'm not surprised that I'm the first to enter the room since I left the hall early. On my way, I bumped into Taiye who surprisingly gave me this long admiring stare. Till now, I still doubt it was all in my imagination, or maybe the loud music was just playing tricks with my head.

I take off the heels, the fluffy rug beneath hugging my legs, the length of my gown covering it. Resting my back against the couch, I stare up at the ceiling, faint voices from the hallway contaminating the serene atmosphere. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, the darkness covering what I saw before I left for camp. I snap them open again, shaking my head.

No Salome, don't think about it. Don't pressure your head too much, it's probably just the slight tension of camp that caused it. Aunt Jenny said the same. It's not what you-

My phone buzzes beside me, dragging me out of my self conformation. Picking up the device, I tuck my legs on the couch, wiggling my feet as I turn on my phone, the eerie light illuminating my face, making me squint my eyes a bit.

~ Mr. Alex ; Can you come downstairs? Have something to give you.


I low key wonder what Mr. Alex has for her
Well... we'd get to know in the next chap!😍
Thanks for your support so far!💃
(Like I'm dancing fr😂💃)
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Please vote and comment, I love love reading and replying 😩💘

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