25 -°LOOK AT ME...
I never thought that I'd adapt quickly been with others in the same room but then here I am, feeling the most peaceful with my other roomies.
Scratch that, just Theodora. The others are... Not so nice. To add to that, my last roommate happens to be Fabiola.
Yep, I was equally shocked. Just when I thought me and Zara would have the best time of our lives been roomies, my best friend is cubed in another room and I won't get to see her until we're all outside.
Right from the minute Fabiola entered, the entire room became dead cold like a graveyard, so quiet till Theodora stumbled up from her bed to welcome her. The Fabiola I know would ignore everyone's presence but my thought betrayed me as she hugged Theodora with her face filled with smiles. I have never seen her smile that way before. It baffled me throughout and it's almost like it's either she and Theodora are family friends and she had to keep up with the super cheerful girl or...
She has been charmed.
I smile at the thought, glancing from where I'm standing in front of the huge mirror to see what she's doing. We're all getting ready to head out and instructed by Miss. Divine, she gave us an hour to get ready.
Instructed even sounds nice, she ordered us to get ready or we'd be punished.
Taiye who finally suggested to stay on the upper bunk bed, taps away on her phone, obvious that she's ready and just waiting for the clock to hit eleven. She taps her legs to whatever music that's buzzing through the almost unnoticeable earpiece in her ears.
From the corner of my eyes, Theodora is lacing her sneakers with utmost attention in the most exquisite way you can ever imagine. Her eyes clued to the blue sneakers. I turn again to face the mirror, staring at my outfit. It's blazingly hot outside so I settled with a white crop and ash combat trouser.
(Salome's fit💗)
Without a jacket this time, simply because it's a baggy trouser and I'm hundred percent comfy in it.
"How does it look? Cute right?"
I turn over my shoulders again to Theodora's voice, she's showing Fabiola her unblemished styled laced sneakers, swirling around for her to get a better look. The latter just give her a thumbs up, a small smirk on her melanin face as she gets up from the bed.
Theodora pouts her mouth, picking up her sling handbag from the couch. Now that she's standing, I can see how full outfit, a bright orange baggy T-shirt and black three quarter jean, her braided hair packed up in a high bun.
"And I'm ready!" Theodora announce, bouncing around in her high sneakers. Fabiola who didn't waste time indulging herself in a black jean and red round neck, gets up almost instantly, approaching the door. I think they'd be sticking together throughout camp.
"Let's go." Fabiola turn the knob open and walk out, Fabiola following behind while giving a friendly wave to me. The door slams gently and I turn around to see Taiye still on the bed, absentmindedly present. I wonder if she knows that it's just the two of here now.
I really need to get out of here, the air keeps getting thicker and thicker, so quiet that I can faintly hear the buzz of whatever Taiye is listening to.
Before the tight air would choke me senseless, I grab my small black bag, taking one last look at Taiye before walking out. Guilty enough? I don't think so, that girl is damn comfortable not saying a word to the people around her. Now I know why Kenny said she's hard work.
I find my way down the hallway, passing by the other dorms, hearing cheerful laughter from the other girls who are obviously happy to be in the same room unlike a curled up like mine.
If anyone should stroll toward the end of the hall, and even press their ear on the door to hear a voice emitting from my roomies, they wouldn't hear a thing. Well, maybe just Theodora's voice since she's the only one that talks most times, even though she always get cold replies from the others. I pity her sometimes, because me? I would flow with their dull energy no matter how stuffy it'd be.
My eyes lighten up when I hear my best friend's voice from the first closed door, accompanied by ruffled chat sounds. Just when I thought I would be in the same space with her, laughing and chatting just the way she's doing right now, the universe said no.
I exhale sharply, blocking my ears by walking further to the entrance and down the stairs. Zara's my best friend, I know. I also may currently want to chat and stroll with her till we're asked to gather around but then, that shouldn't mean I should be clingy.
The second I step out, the different combo scent of flowers stole my nose, gaping and trying to make one scent overshadow the other. A small smile grease my lips as I follow the cemented pavement to get to where Miss Divine directed us to. The route is designed with taller flowers by the sides of the cemented pathway, down to another side of the field.
As much as I want to enjoy the friendly wave of the petals, I can't help fastening my steps. I hate walking alone, it makes me feel... Exposed. I know it's something I need to learn, to become a habit because from what I've been reading and hearing, not everyone would accompany you on the journey of life, you'd have to stick up for yourself, or disappointment would weigh you down.
And to that spilling through my head, I sharpy raise my head to look straight and not down at my sneakers like I've always done while walking.
Exactly, unlocking a new level of confidence.
I tuck back my hair that's waving to my face to properly see my way, just to sight a familiar built few feet away. My breath seize immediately, without my consent, without been sure of whose back is turned against me, one hand in pocket and the other holding the phone to his ear. An unexpected gasp leaves me, just for my breath to seize again.
He's turning.
What should I do?
I should turn around. Walk away. He wouldn't see-
My chest drops as I raise my head to the voice I once thought I missed hearing. My teacher's voice.
Mr. Alex.
He's standing just by the end of the pathway, appearing in white joggers and baggy round neck pink shirt. It's different seeing him something other than button down shirts and suit trousers. And the colour... Pink.
Everyone knows how alluring the colour can be, no matter the product. But now that I'm seeing him in it, it's almost mesmerizing.
"Come here." His voice wasn't that audible but I know exactly how his mouth moves when he says that. Like charmed, I slowly walk closer to my teacher, staring straight at the pink shirt he's putting on since that's where my height is.
"Good morning sir..." I mouth out, the chirping birds on the trees also adding to my tone. Mr. Alex takes a deep breath and from nowhere, with the merciless sun, cold mixed with his manly scent wrap my body that I can't help pursing my lips to seize a smile. I swallow.
"How are you?" His voice is collected, almost like he isn't talking to his student. My head raise itself again to look at him, and as expected, he's staring at me. Apart from our huge height difference, I don't know why I feel so small.
"I'm fine..." I instinctively take a step back to feel my feet. Not like it helped because the wobbliness is still there. "Thank you."
Mr. Alex nods, looking afar off for awhile then down to me again. Honey eyes. Would it be weird to say that I miss them? That they haven't looked at me for days and suddenly seem finer and still nervous?
"So... First time in camp?" He ask, shoving his phone in his pocket and burying his hand there. I wipe some hair from my face again, a tad happy from the slight distraction, with Mr. Alex's eyes following my hands.
"Yes sir, just never knew it would be this nice. I mean, at a time, I wanted to..." I trail off as I notice the attention of my teacher's eyes on my intertwined hands. He slowly takes up his eyes to my face.
"What happened to your hand?"
I raise my brows like I didn't hear him.
"My hand?"
I open my hands to check what he's talking about, waving it back and front to see what caught his attention.
Mr. Alex gently take my right hand in his, intently staring at it and trying to spot what I can't decipher. Bubbles of blood and water gush all over my body as stare at his hands with wide eyes, his face plastered with worry as he scans my small hand in his big ones, obviously not noticing how lifeless I am. At first, I couldn't feel my wobbly feet, now, it's like I don't have a hand, yet feeling the warmth of something on it.
Wordlessly, I finally spot the reddish burn above my wrist, my mouth forming a small 'o'. How did he see that? It's almost... Unnoticeable.
He slides his gaze up to my confused face, his brows raised in question. "What happened?"
I open my mouth to say something, why I have a small bruise on my hand but my head is solely focused on the fact that he's holding my hand. I dart my eyes from his hand to his face and he slowly drops mine, gulping inwardly.
I rub my palms together, forcing out a small smile. "I... I got burnt while cooking, few days back. It isn't something serious so I didn't... " I shake my head to comprehend my rest words.
"You weren't careful enough." He's staring straight at me, not fazed on what I just said. "Why?"
Why is he so serious about it?
"My dad...called so..." My words keep trailing off to the intense eyes of Mr. Alex on me. I'm not lying, but his stare is making it seem like I am. Like I'm just trying to form an excuse.
But still... It's nothing serious!
"So?" Mr. Alex takes one step closer and tilt his head down to my height. His face is close to mine, so close I think I spot a piercing on his nose. "Look at me when I'm talking to you, Salome." His voice is barely above a whisper, yet stoic that I have no option but to do it.
Do it I mean by taking my eyes to meet his desperate looking ones, his honey eyes that is filled with all kinds of emotion. Some I can point out and some I'd never guess right.
"That's what happened." I manage to say, blinking away. He goes back up to his taller height and heave a sigh.
What's going on with him today?
Mr. Alex turns to the vibrant flowers by our side. Not long before he turns to me again. "I don't believe you."
My mouth drop open. Why doesn't he believe that I got I mistakenly touched a hot pot while trying to get it down, and then answer my dad who was calling me?
"Why..." I didn't know when that left my lips but I'm curious as to why Mr. Alex out of everyone is pinned on not believing what I said. The Mr. Alex I'm well familiar with is the kind of teacher that wouldn't seem to notice any injury and even if he does, wouldn't bother saying a word about it.
I follow his eyes above my head, glancing back to see other students gushing out of the door.
"I'll see you later." Mr. Alex's voice drag my eyes back to him. I can see small folds on his forehead but I can't tell what it mean.
"Okay... Sir." I mutter, just as he walk pass me, the laughter and voices of girls drawing closer and closer.
I remain stagnant in my trance, letting his fading scent peck my nostrils while voices of excited students greet Mr. Alex as their steps treats closer to me.
"I'll see you later..."
My teacher's last words rings in my ears. Does that means he's not done talking? That he'd still put me in that position where I'd be stumbling over my voice like I can't speak coherently?
"Salome!" Hands wrap around my waist, pulling me from my reverie as I struggle to see the face of who's holding me tight. She giggles, letting go.
"Oh, Theodora..." I smile a bit, my eyes moving over her shoulders to see Mr. Alex closing the doors of our dorm behind. Theodora nods, laughing as she make way for other girls at her back. "Thought you left with Fabiola," I glance around, checking for her rude handbag. "Where's she?"
Theodora rolls her eyes and puffs out air. "Her? Don't mind that chick, she said she has somewhere to go, that she'll meet me later."
"Oh..." I nod curtly, gesturing to walk. Theodora catches it and we begin walking down, other students at our back.
"Yep!" She turns to my face. "By the way... I wasn't able to react on what you told me the other day."
I think she's talking about when I told her about Sekhani, two days ago.
"I'm so sorry about your lost," She continues, her voice an octave low that I'm sure the people around us can't hear her. "I know... I know it happened years back but that wouldn't mean that..." She trails off, sighing heavily.
I purse my lips, trying to construct a simple yet clear reply. "Thanks Dora..." I muffle, and she gives me a small smile, nodding.
"And you see, I haven't forgotten about Owen university." She tells me, happiness dripping in her tone as we finally reach the field. I can sight Miss Divine ordering some students around.
"And..." I drawl with raised brows, leaning close to her so the others around won't hear us, even though it's clear that they're indulged in whatever they're chatting and laughing about.
"And I was thinking that we could go..." Theodora halts in her strides, turning fully to me. "Today!" She clap her hands, an evil smirk at the corner of her mouth. "Hmm? What do you think?"
I open my mouth to talk but a wide smile escapes my words while my head does the answering by nodding acceptingly. Of course!
"What time do you think we can go?" I ask, pulling down my crop top to over my stomach. I'm so conscious of myself with what I'm putting on that I instantly felt the breeze on my abdomen when my small top went up a bit.
Theodora pouts, twirling her feet to walk on since we're barely the only ones left at the back, the others gathering around Miss Divine.
"Uh... By five?"
I bite down my lip, the grass beneath my sneakers almost swallowing it with every step. Five isn't bad, we'd be free by that time, according to our camp flyer.
"Yes, it would be..." My voice trails off as my head slap me back to Mr. Alex. He said that he would 'see me later.' What if he request to see me then I'd nowhere to be found? That I actually planned to sneak out of camp to see my dream school...
He would be furious.
But still... I want to go.
"And we won't stay long, I promise." Theodora chimes in, just like she could see the doubt on my face.
If we don't go to Owen university today, I don't think we'd ever get the chance. I don't think I'd ever get the chance. But as long as we won't stay long and be back before anyone knows, I believe we're good to go.
Mr. Alex might also get hooked up with teacher's duties to even notice my absence, talk more for speaking to me, making me nervous all over like earlier. He sure knows how to make someone crumble without saying a word.
"Okay." I nod, flashing a bright smile at Theodora.
We get to the others and moved in sequence to a big hut with long benches, Miss Divine and two other teachers arranging papers of what I supposed contains the history of... Come-Stay-With-Me.
I guess.
It's not that I want to do it, but while the teachers are speaking on what I guessed, the interesting history of the camp arena, my head would fail my body by turning around, checking if Mr. Alex would come to sight. It's exhilarating having him around, even though he isn't looking at me, nor saying a word, or even paying attention. His presence alone is enough.
Kenny's eyes catches mine. He's seated at the back and not to make it look weird, I raise my hand to wave, emitting a light chuckle from him as he shifts in his seat. I purse my lips and turn to the front, embarrassment poking my head.
I can't just keep still. Don't get me wrong, the history of Come-Stay-With-Me is quite a documentary one but I can tell just how restless I am with the way I continually tap my feet on the perfectly carved pavement, the hut making sweet ruffling sounds as breeze flow from all corners. The girl beside me dart her eyes from my feet to my face, her brows scrunched together like she has been trying to hold her anger but I can see just how furious she is.
"Sorry." I mutter.
She simply rolls her eyes and face Miss Divine who's still talking.
Taking a deep breath to calm whatever reason- which I can't pinpoint is making me this restless- I adjust in my seat, making sure I don't touch the girl who looks like she would report me anytime soon.
"Are you sure we won't get caught?" I close the wooden gate with shaky hands, my chest thudding hard against me. Theodora helps me bolt the knot completely, heaving a deep breath afterwards.
Just like we planned that we'd sneak out of camp to see the topnotch university in the camp area, we're finally moving out. Sneaking out I mean.
"Yes Salome." Theodora claps the dust off her hands, glancing around to be clear we're the only ones around the gate. We passed the back gate, the bushy narrow pathway with unwanted weeds gathered around beautiful flowers. It's also our free time to hang around the coast, some people around the field while some just wandering in the dorms, meeting their classmates.
After the whole history telling and interactive thing, I tried linking with Zara but she seemed too busy with her new roomies. I wanted privacy with her, just to tell that I'd be sneaking out with Theodora but she wasn't giving the vibe I expected, instead, kept choking me with how fun her roomies are.
"Let's go, it's this way." Theodora mutters, pulling her grey hoodie over her head. I nod, inhaling deeply as we walk side by side outside the gates and down the paved walkway. Theodora chuckles, bouncing as she walk. "Trust me, this is going to be so fun!"
My lips pull slightly and the sudden urge to forgo my best friend's reaction wash away. "Yeah..." I agree, taking note of the surrounding. The tall camp buildings are still in view since we're strolling beside the fence. "But I thought the other girls, the ones you said took you the other time, would come with us."
Theodora half pull at her hoodie so I can see her face. "Thing is," She breath out sharply. "The other time we sneaked out, we got caught."
My eyes pop out as I feel my legs wobbling beneath. "Caught?"
"Yes, but that was because they left too. Now, I told them to cover up for us in case of anything." She shrug nonchalantly. "Besides, we won't stay up to fifteen minutes, just to feed our eyes and puff! We're back to camp."
I nod again, trying to calm my sudden racing heart. I've never sneaked out in my life. At first, it felt thrilling, but now... I can't help but imagine how they'd be if they find out that we went out of camp. Can't imagine how they'd start thinking of me as a notorious hard headed student, and even add it to my graduation certificate.
"Uh... Dora?" I call in a low voice, looking back to see that we're not too far from the gate, it's something we can just go back and maybe... Stay in camp till whenever we get the opportunity to go out without, sneaking.
Her eyes lit up and just I thought she has caught the glimpse that I don't longer feel like going, I watch her raise her hand to stop a cab coming in front.
You're so... In trouble.
"I think it's nice though, even though I can't spot a difference." I adjust to rest my back against the headboard, holding my phone in place to get the view of what Mildred is showing me in the video call.
Mildred pouts her mouth, placing down the two sleek gowns she was showing me. She sigh softly and take up her phone, the background making shuffling sounds as she walk out of her bedroom. "I knew that's what you're going to say, Alex."
"So...when is the dinner party?" I ask, reaching to take a book on the nightstand. Mildred told me about a glamorous dinner hosted by celebrities and how she can get lots of connections there. Also, she wanted me to go with her but then, I'm secretly happy I won't.
Teacher's duties.
I dig a hand in my hair, massaging my scalp, sleep gradually taking over me.
"God... Alex, I can't wait," Mildred pause to quickly gulp down a pinkish looking liquid, slapping her chest as she cough out from choking on it.
"Hey, take it easy..."
She grins softly, pushing the remaining content away as she settle on the kitchen stool. She flashes me a wide smile. "Like I said, I can't wait! Thinking of how I'm going to be around top stars is literally making me high."
I laugh at her words, "Making you high?"
She nod rapidly, her eyes glistening with how bright her lights are. "Yes! I mean, of course I wanted you to be there but..." She trails off and I press my lips, trying not to smile. As expected, she took it the other way and nod in full understanding that I'm equally not happy.
"But it's okay, I understand." She completes, heaving a sigh. She's obviously trying to cover up the disappointment, forcing out a smile that I know too well that isn't real.
"Hmm... Yeah, thanks."
"So, you seen Sean?" Mildred pops her elbows on the cabinet.
I nod slowly, reminiscing the cold treatment he gave Salome days back. It's really not easy getting someone to just open up to whatever is bothering them. Same with Salome. She has been acting edgy from what I've been observing. I don't know much but apart from the way she'd smile over the littlest thing, I wonder if anyone notices that something is bothering her deep down somewhere.
I mean, it's not that I'm been watchful, but I just find myself recently eager to know what she's thinking, what made her freeze just be seeing whoever was calling, why she has a bruise on her wrist...
I really wanted her to clear my obscure doubts, that's why I said I'd see her later. Sooner or later, I'm sure that-
My head snap up to my phone screen, Mildred is staring at me with confusion all over. But it wasn't her voice that called me. It sounded a lot like...
I stumble off the bed to the loud bag on the door, Leo's voice drumming through the thick walls, his heavy pants loud and clear. I turn the knob open and he storms in immediately, banging the door close behind him. My brows furrow as I shift back, slight fear threatening to slip in.
"Hey bro, what happened?" I manage to keep my voice as usual, staring at how Leo tries to catches his voice.
He look up to meet my gaze, forehead squeezed in all fold of emotions.
"M-missing..." He takes a deep breath and I'm visibly running impatient. The sleep pills I took were beginning to function just before Mildred's call came in but now, my eyes are without clouds.
Leo shakes his head, his hands on his waist. I've never seen him this...disorganized and frustrated.
"Two students are missing, Alex."
Oops!😬 looks like they found out eventually...
How did they find out though?😪
Thanks for keeping up with my slow ass😩
Please vote, vote, vote, and comment😩💗
It means a lot and encourages me to write more!😍
See you in the next chap!😘
Be kind.🤗
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