"I'm not going aunt Jenny, I don't want to."
My aunt chest drops. We're in my room, my clothes all littered around with the level of excitement I once felt when aunt Jenny said we're going out. Only for her to later tell me that my dad already planned a get together with Maria and we're all going with him.
Jenny sigh, her hands on her waist and her face masked with all seriousness.
"Do you think I also want to go?" She shakes her head, "No...I don't. But I have no say to it, no matter how I try to convince your dad, his decision is still the same. He's my elder brother and I also want what's best for him."
I push away the clothes on the edge of my bed and bounce on it. Why is my dad suddenly doing the opposite of what his family wants? What I want?
Jenny exhales softly, walking closer to me. "I'm sorry, Salome. But we have no option this time."
Raising my head to look at her, I can feel the same unwillingness in her face. To someone that's always cheerful and extra, seeing her look this frustrated is telling out. I nod and she pull out a small smile.
"Okay..." I get up again, staring at the bunch of clothes, "I don't know what to where though."
Jenny hums, picking out a white spaghetti hand gown. "What about this?"
I let out a humorless chuckle, "That? No...no I'd look like a bride's maid."
She quickly flip the cloth away and search for something else. While she's busy trying to pick out an outfit for me, I try as much as I can to think of something else that can lighten my mood. Going out for a family date-whatever it is called- is not what I wished and would ever wish for.
"What about this?"
Jenny's voice jolt me to look at her and to what she's holding. A stripe black and white jumpsuit.
I scrunch my brows, taking it from her. "I can't wear this either."
"Why?" She frowns, snatching it from me again. "What's wrong with it? It's perfectly-"
"It's small for me." I cut her off. Not like I can't wear it but I so hate the whole attention on my rear, and it just keeps increasing.
Jenny takes a deep breath. I know she's tired of me already but is just keeping up. She place the jumpsuit on the bed.
"Okay then, so...choose what you think won't be small for you."
For some seconds, I scan through the scattered clothes on my bed and slip out a red palazzo and a thin hand white top.
"I'll just put this one on." I wave it to Jenny who just nods rapidly.
"Yeah, this is nice and corporate." She says, smiling brightly and walking to the door. She grabs the knob and turn over her shoulders. "Let me quickly change, come downstairs when you're done."
(Salome's outfit☣😌)
Slowly, I slip up the red clothe I didn't know I'd ever wear until today. Even though I don't want to go, I should at least dress well. I stare at my curvy reflection in the mirror, having double thought of changing the outfit again. This palazzo is freaking showcasing my rapid growing body and making me look like a full grown lady!
I sigh softly, pouting my mouth while twirling around. I'm fully dressed but still doubting. It's a meeting which got me dressing all professional. If not, biker shorts and baggy shirt would forever be a go for me.
I squint on my favorite perfume, grab a thing long hand bag and walk out of my room. This simple dressing of mine shouldn't turn heads. After all, it would be an expensive restaurant or something. The people there would be sophisticated to stare too much.
The house seem a tad quiet today as I walk down the stairs, my shoe making screeching sounds, disrupting the quietness of the atmosphere. My eyes roam around the sitting room. Aunt Jenny is not down yet.
With pursed lips, I settle at the dining area, slipping out my phone to stalk my role model, 'LATIFAH.' She should have posted something new since the last time I checked.
Light footsteps make me drag my face up. Jenny is walking down, serving rich aunty vibes like the rich aunty she is.
(Jenny's outfit💰😌)
“Ready?” Jenny asks, fumbling with the zip of her white top. She zips it up and look up at me, a faint smile forming on her glossy lips. Jenny sighs and I stand from where I'm seated. “Sorry Salome, I know you don't want to do this.”
“Yeah, but...” I trail off, shaking my head tiredly. I know there would be no fun in wherever we're going, just bunch of confessions about how my Dad fell for his business partner and the next step. Marriage ceremony. “Let's go.”
The road is unending and the sun merciless. The sun is mystified, glowing scorchingly against the tinted glass. Even the sun seem not to like today's event. The vehicle let's out a wailing sound as it passes over a stony surface and I adjust in my seat.
“This place is really far.” My aunt complain, straining her eyes to see if there is any scratch. She has been driving for more than an hour now, trying to locate the place my dad told us to meet him.
I unbuckle the seatbelt straps with frustration. “We can just go back home and tell him we couldn't locate the—”
“Oh, I've gotten it,” She cuts through, making a U turn. “It's on the other side of the road.” She glance at the GPS then to the road.
Pursing my lips, I nod in agreement. I have no say in anything that will occur today.
After what seems like forever in the air conditioned car, jenny drives into the parking lot of a high class restaurant. I've never been to a place like this so I keep looking around.
Calm street. I squint my eyes to see the name of the exquisite arena. Jenny pull out the key, grab her bag and I push the door open. I've been to jaw dropping places but this one is different. It screams money. No, not just money. Wealth.
“Ready?” My aunt's voice make me tear my eyes from the tall building. I turn sideways to see her standing beside me. Taking a deep breath, I nod slowly and pull up the strap of my bag.
The people around here aren't just people. Don't get me wrong, of course they are humans. But they all look...more than just high class. I'm very sure they'd be billionaires, even the vehicles around the park arena is wowing. How did my Dad find a place like this?
As me and Jenny step close to the glass door, it slowly opens automatically. She walks in first and I follow behind.
If not that I don't like today's reason of coming to Calm Street, I wouldn't mind staying for the whole day. Living here even. The dangling lights glistening from the ceiling gives the place this...calm feeling. Now I know how the name influences it. Everyone's minding their business, engaged in whatever composed decision, the alarming aroma of—
I tear my eyes to the sound of my name. My aunty nods towards the table at the far end. She gesture to walk over and I follow beside, seeing my dad's figure coming in view. His head is down, eyes on his cellphone. He's flourished in ash suit and a black inner shirt, not sparing a glance to see us walking to meet him.
Placing my bag gently on the table, I look around again. Looks like he reserved a VIP area, not much people are around this view. He slowly raise his head, smiling and looking between me and Jenny.
“Good afternoon Daddy.” My voice is laced with tiredness. That might end up been the only words I'd say throughout been here.
He nods, gesturing for us to seat. “Good afternoon darling,” He turns to his sister. “Jennifer, how are you?”
Jenny heaves a sigh, positioning her bag properly on the table. I pull out my phone, I'm not in for family talks.
“I'm good...well, it was kind of hectic getting the right direction to this...amazing place. How did you even... ” She glance around, her eyes darting back and fort.
I don't mind staring at my phone screen while they talk about how he got to know about this exquisite place. I prop my chin on my knuckle, tapping into Instagram. I've always wanted to create a fan page for my role model, Latifah. A huge fan like me who already have all her pictures on my phone, I can start posting at anytime.
“Would she be the only one coming?”
My fingers froze at that question my aunt asked. They've been talking about work and stuffs but then, that simple question alert me to the reason we're here in the first place.
“No.” My Dad replies, rubbing his palms together. He look at me and I quickly look down to what I was doing, posting pictures of Latifah on my newly created page. He knows I'm not happy to be here at first so...silence is just better off for us right now. He stares at his gold wristwatch then back to Jenny. “They should be here anytime from here.”
Means she would bring her entire household?
Been in Mr. Alex's fully air conditioned, yet stuffy office is better than been here. Right now. I shut my eyes and shake my head, why am I even thinking of him? And even comparing been with him to—
“They're here.” Dad enunciates, getting up. I watch him adjusting himself before looking toward the entrance. He takes a deep breath and smiles down at me— a smile I know better than to reciprocate— before walking to welcome his guests.
Aunt Jenny purse her lips and look at me, probably worried on how I'll act, but I don't even plan on acting anyway. She smiles stiffly but before I could say anything, footsteps sounds props me to look front.
Maria. She's walking towards us with a lady who...looks somewhat like her? I don't know. The lady whose lips would definitely tear apart from smiling too much, beams cheerfully as she look around the restaurant. She's saying something to my dad who is happily answering and returning her approach like she has known him for ages, her black high boots making screeching sounds on the titled floor. It didn't take me three seconds to scan how she's dressed.
(The beaming lady's outfit😁)
Yet, another sigh leaves me as I look down to my phone on the table. With wide eyes, I quickly grab the device to clarify what I just saw. The picture of Latifah I just posted barely ten minutes ago already got fifty likes and more than sixty followers. More than because my phone keeps making notification sounds that I'm getting new followers. Tell me why I won't adore someone like Latifah. And why people wouldn't love her too. She's just too—
“Hope it wasn't too stressful getting here?”
“Stressful? Oh please, it wasn't... I've been dying to come to Calm Street. Thanks to you sir.”
That was the beaming lady. Now, I have to look up to see their faces since they are three feet away. The first person my eyes sight is Maria. The familiar face since she keeps inviting herself to the only family I have. She catches my eyes and waves at me. I use the chance to look down at her outfit, totally neglecting the smiles on her caked face.
(Maria's outfit✨☺)
Like she notice I'm staring at her outfit, she adjusts her white fluffy jacket to properly cover her matching white jumpsuits. Well, I see no reason why she just did that.
“So...meet my junior sister, Jennifer,” Dad introduce, referring to Jenny. Maria stretch her hand for a handshake while I cringe at their fake gestures. He turns to me and open his mouth to talk when the beaming girl cuts through.
“Oh my god!” She exclaims with wide eyes, looking at me like she knew me from somewhere.
My dad giggles, gesturing for them to seat. The beaming lady keeps her eyes on me, her expression lightening every second.
“Hey Salome.” Maria bobs her head to greet me. I reply with a tight smile, shifting in my seat. She knows me more than trying to act all loving when I practically don't like her. One bit.
The beaming girl flips her hair over her shoulders, “Wow, what an unexpected meeting,” She chuckles, dragging her eyes down my body. Thank goodness she's seating opposite me. Who is she by the way?
“Salome, Jennifer,” My dad calls, “Meet Mildred, Maria's younger sister.”
Oh... Great.
Just. Great.
Now I can see the resemblance.
Jenny pull out her hand to give Mildred a handshake. “Nice to meet you Mildred.”
“Yeah...you too Jennifer,” Mildred beams and turn to look at me again, a broad smile on her slim face, “How are you Salome?”
I don't like how she called my name but, it's fine.
I nod slowly, rubbing my palms down my palazzo, “I'm fine, thank you.”
Mildred place her palms on her chest, muttering a 'You're so sweet.'
Me? Sweet?
I pretend not to hear her and turn to look out of the glass instead. I'm very sure all of them can tell by now that I don't want to be here. Even though I'm not paying attention to what they're talking about, I can help hearing them.
“I've heard a lot about you Mr. Alan, it's of no doubt that my sister loves you so much.” That's Mildred's voice. Is that how she talks or she's just forcing herself to sound this way.
Maria giggles softly, stylishly telling her sister to stop.
Mildred burst into laughter. “Are you trying to say I'm lying?”
“No...” Maria drawls, looking at my dad.
“Because I can already see a ring on it, so I know I'm not lying.”
A waitress in white with blue apron passes by and my dad waves his hand to call her attention. The slender girl nods and walk over to our table.
“Salome, heard you attend Victoria high, right?” Mildred asks, grinning like talking to me is making her more happier than talking with everyone else.
“Hmm...” Mildred hums, nodding. I don't know who told her that's my school but like I said, not in for talks. “Nice...that means you should know Alexander right?”
Mr. Alex?
I'm forced to look at her, my eyes visibly wide. That made her smile more than ever, she gallantly takes the menu from the waitress and flip through.
How did she know Mr.Alex?
I look up at Mildred again but her eyes are on the grey booklet in front of her. Did she ask me to put me in thoughts or totally forgot that she asked me something.
“Alex?” My Dad tilts his head to me. I gulp inaudibly, I didn't know he was paying attention to her question.
Everyone turn their faces to me, expecting an answer. While aunt Jenny's expression is neutral, Mildred's brows are raised.
“He's is my literature teacher,” I press my lips then add. “In school.”
My Dad's mouth form an 'o'. He smiles at me, grab a menu from the waitress who's still standing and toss it to me. I slowly take it from him, weirdly feeling a tad relived. Why did I feel this...intensity when he asked who Mr. Alex is?
My eyes dart back to the one person that asked. Mildred is telling the waitress what she wants and the latter jots down as fast as she can, nodding repeatedly.
“Did I tell you that my younger brother is coming?” Maria asks, looking at us one after the other.
Dad's face lit up like he suddenly remembers. “Yeah..you did, when is he—”
“Sean!” Maria yells, waving her hand, her eyes in the entrance direction. Maybe it's the name that caught me or the eagerness to see the Sean she's calling but my orbs willingly follow her hand, waiting for the person to come in view.
“Oh, I didn't know Sean would be present.” Mildred says, fumbling with her thin silver bracelet.
Don't tell me the Sean they are talking about is the Sean that I know.
The tall guy comes in view, walking toward us in deep blue baggy shirt and black trousers. His hair is perfectly curved with waves and his brows furrowing at the sight of...me?
I quickly take my eyes off him to the table, wondering if this was all planned out. If Maria addressed him as her younger brother and he is actually here, means they're siblings?
“Hey Sean, come seat.” Mildred taps the seat beside her. Even though I'm still looking down at the table, I can sense Sean's eyes on me.
What is all this?
How did it—
“Good afternoon sir.”
That's Sean greeting my dad. I want to take my head up but the sudden nervousness in me is weighing me down. Out of everyone from school, I've never expected to see Sean this way.
“Thank you son, how are you?” My dad asks. He obviously doesn't know that we attend the same school. That this son he's calling also tried committing suicide once.
“I'm very fine sir, thank you.”
Someone please wake me up right now. I must be dreaming.
“Sean, this is Salome,” Maria states. Like I knew this moment of introducing me, I slowly raise my head. “Mr. Alan's daughter.”
Now that I realise the patient waitress is still waiting for me to order, I quickly point to whatever first thing is on the menu. The smiley girl nods and walk away.
“You guys...attend the same school, right?” Mildred asks, looking between us.
First off, I take a quick look at Sean who's still staring at me intently.
I know Sean, I'm equally as surprised as you are.
“Yes.” I answer shortly.
My dad turns to me, smiling. “Wow, that's nice! Same class?”
Glancing at Sean again, I see his eyes are now on the table.
“No. Not the same class.”
Mildred hums, “Oh...well, you guys can still try can get along. I mean, we'd soon be family so...” She trails off, laughing.
I don't know what to say to that. Everyone except me and Sean is chuckling and I take the clue to look at his facial expressions again. Can someone who barely talks to me at school but then, still helped me yet away with punishment suddenly become family?
I still think I'm dreaming.
“But you know, Sean is really quiet so I won't be surprised if you find it hard getting along with him.” Mildred tells me, eyeing him. I don't think she needs to tell me that though, I've encountered that part of him. Still, I think should say something.
“Yeah...I noticed.”
Sean snap his head to look at me, his eyes piercing into mine that I have to look away almost immediately. He should stop that, it's really...intimidating.
I don't think I can family him either.
The aroma of welcoming delicacies perk my nose and I realise the waitress is already is placing some kind of food I can't decipher on the table.
“Can I say something though,” Aunt Jenny starts, smiling. “You're so handsome Sean.”
I could slap my face right now at what my aunt jus said but when I look at the person she's complimented, I can see a faint smile playing on his lips.
Sean's smiling?
I don't think I'm dreaming anymore. I know I'm dreaming.
“Thanks.” He simply says, taking his hands off the table so the waitress can properly set the dishes.
Is Sean acting warm right now...or am I just over thinking it?
The waitress appears beside me and carefully place a dish in front of me. I thank her by smiling at her before looking down at my choice.
Okay...what is this?
Everyone has started digging into their food made of colours, steak, and pastas while mine is looking like baby's vomit with sprinkles of leaf on it. Just plain white and boring.
Like the waitress could see the disappointment on my face, she leans close to my ear. “This is gnocchi.”
Gnocchi? Is that what I absentmindedly picked?
“Thanks so much.” I whisper to her. She winks at me and walk away. I watch my hand slowly pick up the fork and dig into one of the white balls. I raise it to my mouth, looking around to see if anyone else notice my inconveniences. Luckily, no one is, they are all talking about what I can't pinpoint while Sean is typing away his phone.
Shoving the food in my mouth, I slowly drop the cutlery and try to chew down the food. I know I make mistakes but this is just overboard. I've never tasted a food so tasteless in my life.
See, even the restaurant doesn't want me here.
Before I could swallow the food, I gag and quickly cover my mouth with my hand. That didn't miss the attention of everyone because they all turn to me.
“E-excuse me.” I stutter, pushing back the chair and walk towards the bathroom like I know where it is.
I'm way to embarrassed to turn back now so instead, I quickly ask the waiter I see around who just pointed the direction of the restroom to me.
I never saw today happening this way.
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It encourages me to write more💎☺
See you in the next chap!🙈✨
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