Excited would be an understatement. I'm more than overwhelmed. God knows the amount of time I've been checking the time, waiting for the sun to come up just so I can return Mr. Alex's jacket to him. It's weird, I'd admit, but I can't wrap my head around how elegant I feel by doing so. Even though I had quite a hard time deciding if I should tell him if I saw it or not, I'm happy for saying the truth.

Right now, I'm strolling in the somewhat rowdy hallway, absentmindedly listening to what other students are blabbing about.

Some laughing about what would seem uninteresting to me, while the guys nudge each other about what will also seem uninteresting to me.

I glance down at the portable gift bag in my hand, a smile forming on my face as I recollect how amazingly heavenly the scent is. I don't know, is it a mixture of almond and rose oil? It's just...mild, and then how sleekly warm the material seemed to be—


I jerk my eyes to the direction of my name, my face contouring in a slight frown. Just when I was jumbled in my thoughts, my best friend decides to pierce through.

I flash her a smile, cornering the reluctant bunch of students standing around the hallway while beaming at Zara from afar. She was waving happily like she won a lottery. So to say, I can already feel her high spirited energy.

“There you are, baby girl!” Zara snaps her fingers, earning a giggle from me. She wrap her arms around me and I unknowingly distance the gift bag so it won't rumble in our hug.

When she release herself from me, I look around to see that the hallway is more crowded and the assembly bell would be rang any minute from now.

“Looking sexy as always hmm?” Zara arch a brow and I glare at her. A glare that didn't last for more than two seconds before bursting into laughter.

“I don't know what you're saying, Zara.”

She hiss, fanning me off, “Don't mind you Salome, of course you know what I mean, by the way—” Her eyes flicker to what I'm holding and I notice the slight glimmer in her eyes, “What is this...” She drawls, taking the bag from me, wasting no time peeping inside.

I press my lips together, watching the amusement on Zara's face. What would she say if I tell that it belongs to Mr. Alex?

Zara would scream right in the middle of this crowdy hallway and alert everyone's attention to us.

I know my best friend.

As she continues scanning through the bag,  raising it up to see properly, I let my eyes roam around. The brown and white paintings of the hallway and the coffee coloured lockers appearing brighter like there was repainted overnight.

My gaze somehow extends to the end of the hallway, my brows furrowing as I sight a familiar built walking in.

From his black curly hair that only manage to retain it's moisture— not long to fall to his face but evident from any angle—  to his deep blue button down shirt, sliver wristwatch peeking out as his hand is somehow lost in his pocket.

Mr. Alex.

Now that he's coming closer, I quickly avert my eyes back to Zara. She's still looking at the black jacket, destroying my hard work of folding it perfectly.

“Give me that!” I jerk the jacket from her, tugging in back into the bag.

“Uh...what's wrong?” Zara folds her arms beneath her bust, looking at me suspiciously, she nods to the bag in my hand. “Who is that for by the way?”

Mr. Alex is now few steps away from us. His eyes are dark, his expression unreadable as usual, not minding how female students drool just by seeing him pass.

Biting down my lower lips, my head is calculating how I'd explain to Zara without my teacher hearing her scream.

Zara bobs her head, “Is it for Kenny?”

Shaking my head to reply her, I keep my eyes on the only person distracting the attention of students without saying a word. Zara follows my eyes, looking over her shoulders and at the moment, Mr. Alex diverts to his right, diverting to the direction of the staffroom. I look back to my best friend.

“You were saying?”

Zara forcefully tears her eyes to see me looking at her.

“It's for Mr. Alex.” I reply her question, my voice is not

Like expected, she gasps loudly, her eyes widening as she slap her hand over her mouth.

“Oh my—how did it...”

Zara is short of words, mixing her words like a faulty radio. Luckily, not much attention is on us.

“And... I'm going to return it. Right now.” I add, gesturing to walk away. Zara grips my hand, a deep frown on her smooth face.

“Wait, you didn't tell me how it got to your hands at first.”

Letting go of her grasp, I flash her a look of 'I'll tell you later.' I'm very sure if I start talking, we would late for assembly.

Zara points a warning finger in my face, “And if you don't?”

I nod rapidly, partially running out of patience. The bell would be ranged soon and I might loose the opportunity to meet Mr. Alex in his new office. I mean, I know he tutors me after school hours and I can return it later but, returning it right now just feel right and elegant.

“I will, Zara. Trust me.” I blow Zara a kiss, which she fans off playfully, before maneuvering my way out of the hallway to that of the staffroom.

I don't know if I ran or walked faster than usual just to get there but the minute I sight my teacher's office from afar, the annoying, distracting, frustrating, loud bell comes ringing through the entire school. I shut my eyes in disappointment, then open it again with a sigh.

I refuse to be annoyed.

It's too early to be.

The bell stops after what feels like hours of ringing. Chewing the inside of my mouth, I walk closer to the devil's den, peeping curiously to see if Mr. Alex would step out before I get there. Like the authorities know how much he seems to love his personal space, without disturbances, they specially assigned him to a different office— other than the staffroom— maybe a tag as promotion or...

I halt in my strides as the sound of turning door knob pollute the quiet hallway. I quickly press my back at the edge of a pillar in front, watching as the door flies open and two people walk out.

Mr. Alex first make an entrance, the sun casting it's glow on the side of his face as he absentmindedly shoves his right hand in his pocket. His facial expression dead unreadable as usual. Crunching my brows, I keep my eyes strained to why he's just standing and not walking away.

Suddenly, light footsteps, following the image of a lady, eloquently walks out almost immediately.

Now, I have to hold the side of the pillar, stretching my neck to see her face properly. I can bet my eyes with how serious I look right now.

It's Miss Divine. My English teacher.

She walks out, smiling and adjusting the front of her white dress shirt while Mr. Alex gently closes the door behind her.

What the hell happened in there?

Sharing my gaze from Mr. Alex to her, I try as much to keep my ears at alert to hear any of them speak. Like on cue, Miss Divine whispers something to my literature teacher and he smiles.

Mr. Alex actually smiled.

Am I dreaming or something?

She returns a charming smile, tugging a part of her wavy black hair behind her ear.


Mr. Alex says something to her— Something I didn't hear to matter how much I strained my ears — and she nods affirmatively, beckoning to walk with him.

They begin walking the opposite way but snap their heads back to the sound of something hitting the ground. My eyes grows wide when I realise that it actually fell from me. The gift bag accidentally fell from my hold and now, they'll know that someone was watching.


I quickly pick it up, then peep back to see Miss Divine looking in my direction.

Oh please... just go.

She shrugs and turn around to catch up with Mr. Alex who's already few feet away. Releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding, my hand is placed on my chest to calm my racing heart. I honestly don't know if I'm supposed to see what I just saw, and if I would get punished for that but what I do know is that, I gravelly can not imagine the look on my teachers face if they find out I was eavesdropping on them.

Even though it was unintentional.

Peeping one last time to make sure they're both out of sight, I use the best skill I can to sprint out out of the place.

That was close.


The remaining hours flew by rather slow. Slower than a snail I'd say. The morning assembly was filled before I entered and the first people my eyes searched for were Mr. Alex and Miss Divine. Unconsciously, I would glance at them from time to time, noticing how my English teacher would talk about God knows what to Mr. Alex who'd either nod or give a short reply.

Currently, we're in PHE class which is the last subject for the day. Don't get me wrong, Physical and Health Education is by far one of my favorite subjects but I'd appreciate it if the teacher rounds up before his time elapse.

We're not up to fifteen in this class because the subject is optional. The others are in history class which they would exist to another class to offer.

Resting my elbow on the desk, I perch my chin on it, shifting my eyes from the man who's demonstrating in his explanations, to my notebook. The class is visible quiet today and I can tell everyone is also waiting for the bell to chase out the teacher.

Including me.

Well, for a good reason this time. I have to return Mr. Alex's jacket back to him and...have lectures. I think the first reason is more exciting than the second though.

“Three minutes left.”

I heard someone whisper from the back and I turn to see how bored everyone looks. Even almighty Fabiola is staring blankly at the teacher.

I press my lips to hide a snicker.

“And yes, have you guys heard about the camp out?” Mr. Thomas, our PHE teacher asks, jamming his books close.

The entire class adjusts in their seat, waiting for him to continue. As far as he's not longer teaching for today, he can talk about something else.

“Camp out?” The girl seating beside me asks with raised brows. They've not said anything concerning camp to us, if I'm not wrong.

Mr. Thomas studies the facial expressions of his students, then smile and rest this palms on the desk in front.

“Guess you all haven't heard. I thought they would announce it today but well... Maybe—”

“When is it coming up sir?” A wide eyed girl interrupts. She's seated beside me and from the look of it, with her palms griped together, she's forcing herself from jumping and screaming to the amount of happiness of the camp thing.

Mr. Thomas sighs and shoot her a look of correction that she shouldn't have interrupted when he's still taking. He clears his throat and continues.

“Well...maybe they'll announce tomorrow or let me say, before this week ends. I'm sure most of you know about it of course, except the new students, right?”

“Yes sir...” The class drawls.

Camp has never been my thing. I've never attended any of the camp out throughout my almost six years in Victoria High. While most people would count down to the day they'll leave for camp, I'd rather stay back and enjoy the week with my aunty. No matter how Zara would try to talk me into it, I'd happily tell her to go without me and have fun while I stay back.

Mr. Thomas laughs softly, “Sure naw, that's what you people like, enjoyment and play. Just don't forget you are all in your final year and you'll need to—”

The bells goes ringing, distracting him from lecturing us on how we're in our finals and need to read and work hard to pass the external exams.

Yes sir, we know that.

The way everyone shove their books in their bags instantly is enough for Mr. Thomas to know that school's over and he should leave.

Rude students.

And I also the same, arranging my desk to meet up with my appointment.

“It's left to you guys at the end,” Mr. Thomas grumbles, packing his textbooks. He glances one last time at his students who are already walking out one after the other, then sigh and walk out.

I don't think I can be a teacher though, students are way tough to coach. Still, it's not something I think I can also say out so I won't seem like a hypocrite.

The class is almost scanty now wile I stuff the last notebook in my rucksack, zip it closed and wave it around my shoulders.

“Looks like someone is not interested in going camping.”

A smile grease my lips as I turn to the voice at my back. Kenny. He's leaning against the desk, one hand in his pocket while the other holding the strap of his black bag pack.

I look around the empty class and back to him, smiling. “Well...you've already noticed so...” I drawl, chuckling. It's funny to realize that he already knows that I don't like going camping with them.

Kenny throws his head back in laughter, his lively laughter making me chuckle more. It's only two of us left in class and I now notice the change in the atmosphere, breeze hitting every concern of the classroom.

“Really?” Kenny tries to subdue his laughter. He shakes his head and look at me. I shrug, pulling up the straps of my bag. “Can I ask why?” He bobs his head to my height.

Humming in thought, I tap my feet on the marbled tiles. “I just don't like it, Kenny. I find it kind of boring.”

He nods, attentively listening to my excuse.

“Yeah, it's just bunch of people play around, arrange tents and later stroll around a creepy forest. At the end of the day, someone gets lost and...” I trail off, watching how Kenny purse his lips to hide himself from bursting into another level of laughter. I raise a brow, staring at him, “Or...am I wrong?”

Kenny shakes his head, finally laughing again, “I just think you've been watching way too much movies about it.”

I raise my hands in mock surrender. “Don't blame me.”

He pulls out his hand and fold them beneath his chest. “Really though, it's fun. Like, fun fun...not any of what you're thinking.”

I scoff and roll my eyes, “Yeah, same thing Zara told me.”

Kenny shakes his head, trying to look serious as possible.

“No... Okay take it from me,” He place his palm on his chest, “You wouldn't want to leave, why not try it? Besides, it's our last year in this school so just try it, hmm? For me?”

Squinting my eyes, I force myself to see how much he wants me to go.

I heave a sigh. “Okay okay, so what of I end up having a terrible experience about it?”

A wide smile appears on Kenny's face but he quickly brace himself. “Trust me Salome, you won't. He press his lips together, waiting for me to say, 'yes.'

I tilt up my head to see him fully. “I'll think about it then.”

The smile that spread on Kenny's face is like that of a kid whose mum finally agree to buy him ice cream.

He nods rapidly, standing properly. “That's good enough, I'll wait.”

I turn around and take the gift bag that contains Mr. Alex's jacket. He shouldn't even try to scold me for coming late today since I'm doing him a favour of returning what he forget.

“What's that?” Kenny asks, giving way for me to pass. I smile at his gesture and we proceed walking out of class.

I briefly show him from the bag without bringing it out. “It's for Mr. Alex, he forgot it in the cab yesterday so I'll return it to him now.”

Kenny's mouth form an 'o'. He closes the glass door behind us. Few students are still roaming around the hallway and I can tell they are either attending extra classes or just refuse to leave early.

“He forgot it in the cab? H-how come...”

I pull out a smile, the memory of been socked poking my head. “We entered the same cab actually.”


I pout my mouth, look at the bag then back to him.

Kenny jerks his thumb behind, “Uh... I think I'll leave now. You have extra lessons with Mr. Alex right?”

Groaning softly, I nod my braided head. Now that it's time to go to the devil's den, the thought of seating for another two hours gives me chills all over.

“So...I'll see you tomorrow.” Kenny says, stepping backwards. I nod again, smiling till he turns around and walk down the hallway.

Taking a deep full breath, I turn around and walk the opposite way, preparing myself for whatever thing I'm about to hear today.

But then, I have his jacket right?

It's more like a give and take.


Just when I raise my hand to knock, the door flies open. I freeze at the spot, staring at the person who just opened the door of Mr. Alex's office.


The same guy that came out of the same vehicle with Mr. Alex the other day.

Are they brothers or something?

He is dressed neatly this time, his shirt properly tucked in, tie well knotted and...his face straight like that of Mr. Alex's.

Okay...what is going on?

He's staring at me, not looking a tad surprised or fazed. I mean, this is the same person that indirectly saved me from getting punished the other day. Pressing my lips together, I divert my gaze from him to my teacher who's just flipping through a textbook, not concerned either.

Sean glances behind me and back to my face. “Would you mind...”

My mouth form a big 'o', as I jump aside for him to go out, inwardly scolding myself for standing in front of him like an idiot. When logically, I was supposed to do so at first.

He walks out and close the door behind, then look at me one more time before walking away.

Just like that.

Weird? Or...

My eyes trace his retreating figure, wondering how someone can be that... Blunt.

“Okay Salome, let's go in.” I say to myself, raising my hand to knock like a well behaved student.

“Come in.” Says the deep familiar voice. Gently, I turn the knob open, the door making screeching sounds as I slowly enter and close it behind.

“Good after—evening,” I quickly correct myself. According to Mr. Alex's last correction, it's already evening, “Good evening sir.” I repeat.

He nods, popping a pen to write down something. “Have your seat.” I walk over to settle in front of him.

Chewing the inside of my mouth, I mentally calculate if it's right I return the jacket now or after the class. Mr. Alex doesn't seem to bother anyway, just like I thought. He's writing something on a notebook and the urge to see how his handwriting looks like pinches my skin. Doubtfully, I take my eyes from my fingers to the white desk, then slowly to his hands.

He's writing not so fast, but neat and perfect. Writing more like calligraphic font. Now that he's not designing my note with corrections on very word, I can see how beautiful he actually writes.

Like he knows I'm staring at his handwriting, he slams the book closed and push it aside, then search through his drawers and take out what looks like a literature textbook.

Apparently back to business.

Mr. Alex glance at me and I waste no time shuffling through my bag to bring out my note. I think I've gotten used to that now. Just one look and I do the deed.


“I don't know if you got any of what I've been explaining but time is far spent,” Mr. Alex says, looking at his wristwatch. “It's 6:00pm already.”

“O-okay sir.” I nod, slowly closing my books. The hours rolled by not too slow today. Probably because Mr. Alex didn't ask any question as he lectured me. He made sure he decode and explain every single letter but it feels weird as he didn't ask questions. Like if I understand or...

Maybe he's just too tired to do that today.

Pursing my lips, I arrange the books in my bag with utmost care, slowly stuffing it in and waiting for—


I quickly snap my head to look at him. “Sir?”

“Close the door behind you.” My teacher instructs as he push away necessary equipments to the side of his desk, props his elbow on it and bury his head in his palms.


My brows furrow as I get up from the seat. Why is he been so cold today? Don't get me wrong he's always cold but today is just extreme.

Recalling that I have something of his to return, I gently pick up the gift bag, watching how his body raise and fall in soft breaths. For a split second, I somewhat feel for him. It's really not easy lecturing bunch of stubborn students then lecture my thickhead brain after school.

I shouldn't disturb.

I nod to my little understanding, keeping the bag right next to him, careful enough not to make the slightest noise.

Taking one last look at the bag, I glance to see that Mr. Alex is still in the same position so I quickly straighten the crumpled straps of the bag. Satisfied, I leave the bag, turning around to go out when my teacher raise his head. His honey brown orbs piecing into mine that I stiffen in his gaze.

He tilts his head. “Still here?”

Tearing my eyes from his, I point to the bag placed beside him.

“W-wanted to drop...this. I'd be gone now.” I don't know what I sounded like but without waiting for a bomb drop reply, I grab my bag and without looking back, sprint out of his office.

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And comment😍 it encourages me to write more😌☣
See you in the next chap!😌

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