Hey FAM!
Before you start, just want to say that we would finally get a glimpse🙊 of our grumpy Mr. Alex🙉
This chapter would be written in his POV, and I hope you won't hate him too much😌

Either way, let's see what's going on in his mind and... life?
Like I said, a glimpse it is😁


It's never comfortable been a vehicle. No matter the amount of air conditioner, mild sweet scent, or soft flow music it happens to have, I still find it stuffing. Walking under the rain would be way better than all of that but the cold afterwards is nothing to write home about. Which is why reluctantly boarded a cab from school.

It all became worse when a someone entered. I didn't notice at first because, well... I didn't pay attention.

"Sir..." I turn to the soft voice, my brows knitting to who I'm not expecting it to be.

Salome. The most distracted and distracting student I've ever seen. She's dripping wet, obvious that she walked under the rain. She opens her mouth to talk but instead, a smile form on her lips, Obviously as surprised as I am.

"How did you-" I start and she cuts me off, shifting in her seat.

"I was waiting at the bus stop." She says like that's what I wanted to ask.

My eyes slides down to her drenched clothes then back to her face, wondering how a girl her age doesn't know that she should have waited instead of walking in the rain like a kid. Well, she's a kid. I should tell her that right now but I'm so uncomfortable in the compact space already and I also don't feel like lecturing anyone.

I nod slowly, taking my eyes back to the glass and wishing the driver would drive faster than this.

Noticing that the view from outside is a bit comforting, I keep my eyes on the foggy glass, seeing how gloomy flowers passes by-how the vehicle passes by gloomy flowers rather.

To make matters worse, the middle aged driver decides to tune up a somewhat slow song, and I just want to push the door open and walk out. I hate when memories relating to this slips in, distracting me from my surroundings entirely.

Since I already told him my house address, he stops abruptly when he gets there. I waste no time pushing the door open and slam it behind me. Finally, the torture has ended.

Strolling to the brown gates of my home, I quickly fumble with the bunch of keys, sticking it into the hole and pull it open.

The ground is wet and the rain is still dripping, causing tiny noise in the enclosed environment but as I open the main door and jam in close behind me, the rain can go on for as long as it likes, I won't feel or notice it as long as I'm inside.

The serenity of my home can speak for itself. Through me. With a heavy sigh, I take off my shoes at the doorway, place my keys in the exact spot I created for it and walk further into the sitting room.

Immaculate. That would be the definition of my perfectly arranged sitting room. I can't help the small smile playing at the corners of my lips at the pleasant homey scent welcoming me. Even after a stressful day, coming back to meet my home the way I left it without any stain is calming enough. Dark and cozy, just how I love it.

As I pick up the remote control, my eyes catch something unusual. Something that looks like a...handbag?

I tilt my head to get a better look, gently keeping the remote back in place.

It's a wine handbag. A type of handbag only the wealthy has the guts to afford without thinking twice. A handbag that must belong to Mildred.

With a heavy sigh, I grab the bag and match up to my bedroom. Today is really not the time to talk or play around and besides, no one comes to visit unannounced. It pisses the living being out of me.

“Mildred!” I yell, staring up at the door of my room and marching towards it. This girl knows better than to visit when I tell her not to and to worsen it, going into my bedroom without my consent.


One more step and I push the door open and step in, my brows arching in more frustration as the room appears empty and still organized. The way I left it.

(Mr. Alex's humble bedroom😌☣)

I shut my eyes, take a deep breath, then dump the bag on the bed. It ends up bouncing off it and ends on the ground but all I care—wait—I actually do not care.

Before I can turn around and check every corner for that disturbing soul, slender hands wrap my waist. She presses her body against mine and I don't need more conformation to know who it is. I glance at her small hands then over my shoulders.

“At least I didn't piss you off by messing with your things, right?” She mumble incoherently at my back, heaving a sigh afterwards. I shut my eyes again, gently taking her hands off my waist but she tighten her grip.

I exhale sharply, “What're you doing here, Mildred?”

I'm not seeing her face but I can feel her shrug against me, still holding me tight.

“Well...I was on my way to the beach and-”

“With this weather?” I interrupt, trying to pull away from her grasp, “You still don't know how to lie, Mildred.”

She releases herself from me and I turn to face her, my brows furrowing as to why she's in robes. Like she knows what caught my attention, her smile widens.

Mildred is my Mom's hairstylist and best friend. If any of that makes sense. As usual, her black human hair is cascading down her back, her brown glowing skin competing with the thin chain on her neck. She has mild makeup on but her natural honey eyes is that I can point out as been natural. She isn't on the thick side, but she didn't too skinny either way.

“Surprised?” She pokes my forearm. I shake my head, walking away. “Well...don't be, I also missed you and decided to...” Mildred trails off while I reluctantly pick up her fallen bag. Been a gentleman isn't always easy I must say.

“Alex,” She calls and I hum in responses, placing the handbag properly at the edge of the bed. “Where's your jacket?”

I snap my head to look at her staring at me with intensity. Looking down at my body, I notice that I'm truly not putting it on.

Mildred walks closer, her hands on her waist. “Wait, wait, wait, don't tell me you went to see someone else before coming here,” She states slowly, her voice filled with disappointment, “Because I know you Alex, I know what you can-”

“I forgot it in the cab,” I cut in, pulling the suffocating necktie off. How come I didn't even notice that?

“Oh?” Her expression lightens. I nod rapidly, fastening the buttons of the shirt. “Okay...so?”

I pause and shrug. I have more than a lot of it so... No, the thought of the capsules slipping in and I clench my teeth in another levels of irritation.


“What happened?” Mildred stands in front of me. I wave her off. It's not a big deal to just message my student to return it tomorrow. That's if she even saw it.

“Never mind.” I mutter then point to the white robe she's pitting on, “By the way, you've already tampered with my things, take that off.”

Mildred pouts her mouth, shaking her head.

“No...” She drawls, fiddling with the straps.

“I'm already stressed enough Mildred, don't let me loose it on you.” I raise a brow to show how almost pissed I am.

She bite her lips, staring at me and I shoot her a serious look. Like I said, I'm not in for all these...talks and play.

“Okay then. If you say so.”

With that, she loosen the straps of the robes, gently pull it off her shoulders, letting it drop on the ground.


My eyes widens unknowingly. This girl is freaking putting on a brown bikini and used my robes to camouflage.

“See? Told you I was going to the beach.” She sings, coming closer to me. I raise a hand to stop her from coming further, open my mouth to talk but close it back. I think I know where she's coming from and what her plans are.

“Where are your clothes?” I ask, glancing around the room. I know Mildred. She can even burn her clothes just because she doesn't want to leave.

She picks the robes up and toss it to me.

“Here, have your thing.” She says, rolling her eyes. “I'm way more comfortable in this.”

I push it back to her. “Oh no you're not, wear it back and go dig out your clothes from wherever you've buried them.”

She slouchy takes it back and I take out my cellphone from my pocket to text Salome. Thankfully, I have access to my student contacts so it's more easier.

“Why are you acting this way, Alex?” Mildred questions. I can't see her facial expression because I'm strolling through the roll of contacts I never knew I'd ever need.

Still, I need to return the question back to her.

“What way?”

“You know what I mean...”

I look up at her and she raise a brow, the robes still in her hands. She flips her hair over her shoulders, her eyes fluttering slowly like that of a professional stripper.

“Nope! I don't.” I remain stagnant, tapping on the screen that finally brings out Salome's DM.

Mildred grabs my arm, murmuring what I can't decipher. I don't blame her for this, I blame my mom for introducing her to me.

While she continue talking and sniffing my body, I went ahead sending the text to Salome.


       It's Mr. Alex, I forgot my jacket in the cab earlier, don't know if you saw it. If you did, take it along with you to school tomorrow.

When the message is sent, I drop my phone on the bed and pull my hand out of Mildred's.

“I'm going to take a shower, put on your clothes before I come out.” I instruct, heading to the bathroom.

There was no answer.

Glancing back to see why Mildred didn't reply, I shake my head at how she runs her hands over the duvet, making sure her rear is facing me.

“Did you say something, Alex?” She asks.

Tilting my head to see her face, a humorless laugh escapes my lips, “You are a true temptation Mildred. But guess what? It's not working on me.” I spit out and spin around. I can feel her hard glare on me but she just had to know. What happened before is definitely not happening again.

“Big head!”

I heard her yell before slamming the bathroom door shut. I only chuckle at her acting because we both know that this won't go nowhere.

I know this won't go nowhere.


The warm water did Justice to dissolving the tiredness in me. Grabbing another white towel to mop my hair, I turn the knob and push the door open. Drops of water dripping from my wet hair to the white towel around my waist.

Something is telling me Mildred is gone, since I wasn't hearing her blabs about how she would have loved to shower with me.

Desperate Mildred.

And there she is. Laying on my bed, still in her bikini with my phone in her hand.

Does this girl never get cold?

Then again, it's not my business.

Inhaling deeply, I rest my back on the doorpost, standing and watching how her facial looks switches to that of anger.

“Why are you with my phone?”

Like she was waiting for me to talk, she shoot me a glare then turn the phone to me.

“Who's this?”

Moving closer to see the picture she's showing me, I have to squint my eyes to get a proper look. She willingly push the phone in my hand, staring at me like a wife who just found out her husband is cheating.

Examining the body, up to the face, I roll my eyes. Mildred went to my WhatsApp and tap on Salome's profile picture. She's putting on black biker shorts, sky blue hoodie and her natural hair packed in a sleek bun. She is laughing in the picture, making it look like it was taken 'unaware.'

“Who is she, Alex?” Mildred repeats and I throw the phone back to the bed, and turn to the wardrobe.

“One of my students.” I simply answer, scanning through for comfortable clothes to put on.

Mildred scoffs. “Stop lying Alex.” I turn over my shoulders to see her still looking at Salome's picture. “This can't be a student.”

My brows furrow as I pull out a white round neck shirt, “What you do mean?”

Mildred remains quiet while I put on the shirt, then retrieve a black three quarter shorts and slide it up.  She can't see me dressing and I'm a tad happy something is keeping her occupied.

When I'm done, I walk closer to still see her forced on the picture.

She waves the phone to my face and I look at it again then back to her face, settling beside her.

“Are you trying to tell me that this is your student?” She asks again, laying emphasis on the 'your.'


“Stop lying, you're just covering her up. This can't be a student,” She wave the phone to me again, “A student with a body like this?” She questions with raised brows.

Now that I know what she's talking about, I grin softly.

“She's just a kid, Mildred.”

Mildred shakes her head, frowning. “No, no, no, don't tell me that,” She tugs some strands of her hand behind her ear, “How can—I mean...”

“Because of her body?” I interrupt, taking out my laptop from my bag.

Mildred nods, rubbing her chin as she study Salome's picture. “It's hard to believe Alex. A kid? With this amount of hips and...look,” She turn the phone to me and I sigh, look at her and look away almost immediately, “Just look at how big her ass is, and her thighs, she's fucking thick. Someone like this would definitely turn guys head. And wait, you are a guy, I'm sure that—”

“That what?” I ask, looking at her. My stare is enough to tell her that she shouldn't even mention or ask if I don't get distracted. Salome is the distracted one. My mind involuntary twirls back to how her hands trembled when I caught her attempting to take drugs to how wet she was in the cab.

Ask for a kid and I'll show you Salome.

“Sorry.” Mildred says and press her lips. I gulp down the slight anger and face the test questions I was typing.

Now that she brought up Salome's topic, all I see is how the kid keeps distracting me in class, zoning off completely and making it look like I don't know what I'm doing. I'm certain she won't even get up to half in the questions I'd set for them.

“But...Why are you annoyed?” Mildred who has been watching me, asks. I shake my head, still tapping away.

“I'm not.”

“Yes, you are. You look...frustrated.” Her voice is an octave lower, careful not to say anything that could make me flee up.

“Don't worry, I'm okay,” I look at her and back to the screen, “She's a kid, like I said. Ignore her body.”

Mildred nods slowly, placing my phone beside me.

“Are you hungry?” Now her voice is vibrant and cheerful. She hops off the bed and walk towards the door.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Okay then. Why don't you...eat me?”

I snap my head up to see her grinning from ear to ear. This girl knows what she's doing. She knows what she's doing.

I gently place the laptop by my side, watching how she rest her weight from one leg to the other.


A smirk raise at the corner of my lips and she gets the clue, walking towards me seductively.

As Mildred place her hands on my shoulders, licking her lips and staring at me, my phone makes a buzz sound and I take her hands off, her face suddenly contouring in sadness.

“Who's that?” She asks, peeping.

I quickly slide up the screen to see a message from Salome.


    Yes sir, I saw it when you alighted. I'll return it to you tomorrow.

Seeing that she saw it, my mind is finally settled. I tap the home page and keep the phone back to where it was.

“Salome? Is that her name?” Mildred asks, looking at me. I hum in response, taking a deep breath. “You two entered the same cab?”

“And why are you asking too many questions?” I gesture to stand and Mildred shrugs.


Walking towards the door, I deep my hands in my pocket, Mildred following behind.

“Where are you going?” She grips my arm and I turn to my side, “We were about to...” She trails off, looking at me.

Carefully, I take her hand from mine. “I'm not in the mood, Mildred.”

I watch how her face drops and she nods slowly.

“Okay...but can I just—can I just...hug you?” She stutter, fiddling with her fingers.

Without thinking twice, I pull her in a hug, feeling her melt against my body. I don't know how a mere hug still manage to make her feel this way. She presses her face against me while I gently stroke her hair.

“You don't always have to scent this good, Alex.” She mutter but I heard and didn't say anything. My body trembling against hers will make her know I'm chuckling at her comment.

“Well...” I drawl, looking down at her head rested on my chest.

“I'm serious though, I hope your student isn't seducing you with her body.” She mumble, hiding her face in my body.

No. She isn't. Or at least, I don't see her that way.

“You already are, Mildred.” I reply and she release herself, staring at me as her lips stretch in a while smile. Again, a small compliment is enough to make her smile this much. She's blushing so hard that she averts her eyes from mine, pursing her lips to stop herself.

“Stop being a flirt.” She finally says, poking my bulging bicep.

I stretch low and give her butt cheeks a small squeeze, her eyes widening in the act. Checking to see her face again, I can flatly see the eagerness in her eyes for me to explore her body. Slowly, I lean down to her height, fanning my breath in her ears as I whisper, “Yes Mildred, you are right. I'm a flirt.”

She sharply push me away from her and I laugh softly.

“Stop rubbing it in my face then.” She says and walk out of the room, swaying her ass as she does.

“Oh and yes, bring something to eat on your way back!” I yell, still laughing. Mildred bangs the door behind and I confirm that she will, even after I heard her screamed, 'Whatever.'

Now I can focused on what I want to do.

Grabbing my laptop and phone from the bed, I settle on the couch in front of it, place the system on my laps and continue typing in the questions.

Twenty questions in, I glance up to see that it has gotten darker outside. A sweet excuse for Mildred to spend the night. I'm very sure my mom was the one that gave her the spare key to my home.

Rubbing my forehead with my thumb and index finger, I read through the questions to correct some errors or mistakes. Not much correction to be made after all.

Getting up, I shut down the laptop, place it on the couch and grab my phone to head downstairs. Since I didn't give Mildred what she wanted, I'm not surprised if she won't also give me what I want.

As I walk down the stairs, I swipe up my phone, noticing that I'm still on Salome's chat. I should thank her for taking my jacket.


   Alright. Thanks.

My reply is short and simple.

Before I tap homepage, my eyes captures her profile picture again and I shake my head, tap the homepage and tug the phone in my pocket. Not like I'm trying to see her like an adult but I'll appreciate it if she can learn to pay attention in class.

Do her assignments correctly.

Use the right words in it.

Partake in the acting of the dramas in the novels.

But no, she does the complete opposite. Exactly why I can't see her any other way, other than a kid who you must always tell to listen attentively and pay attention.

“Are you okay?”

Mildred's voice tears through my thoughts and I realise I've been standing in the middle of the staircase, staring at Salome's picture. When did take out the phone again?

“Yes...yes, I am.” I tug the phone in my pocket again, walking to meet Mildred in the kitchen. Thankfully, she's now putting on a transparent long jacket which is covering...nothing.

I walk into the kitchen, the scent of peppered soup, garnished with catfish flooding my nostrils.

“Made your favorite.” Mildred says, dishing the hot soup into a white curved plate. She sure knows what I love and when to make it. She stretches a plate full to me and I mutter a, 'thank you.'

I settle on the high stool, tapping my fingers on the cabinet and patiently waiting for the food to cool a bit.

“How's Sean by the way?”

Mildred asks, dishing her food. She look at me and I reply with a small smile and a head nod.

“That boy gives me trouble. At times, I wonder if we're actually real siblings.” She laments, sighing afterwards then look back at me, “I'm glad he at least, opens up to you.”

I nod in affirmation.

“I won't lie to you though, it's a bit not easy but I'll keep trying.” I let out, twirling the spoon in the soup. I can feel Mildred's gaze on me, urging me to talk on. If anything, I know how deeply her younger brother's behavior affects her.

“He...hasn't told you anything?”

I sigh and look at her. “Even though I don't teach his class, I still notice how quiet he is, within his mates too. I'll keep trying like I said, your brother doesn't hate you, Mildred. Please don't think that way.”

She bites her lower lips, nodding.

“He doesn't... And I'll prove that to you, I promise.” I add, taking my hand to hold hers. She look at my hands and slowly to my face.

“Thank you.” She says in a low voice and I give her hands a small squeeze. “Let's eat.” She pulls out a tight smile, release her hands from mine and take her food from the cabinet. I watch how she walk to the sitting room, a laugh threatening to come out as she dance around with the hot plate in her hands.

Mildred for you.

Using a kitchen napkin, I careful carry mine to meet her now seated on the ground. She adjusts on the center rug and I seat beside her. Something you won't blame me for, Mildred made me get used to it.

She presses few buttons on the remote and Netflix series came on. Looking at her, it still surprises me how someone can switch from been the saddest to been on cloud nine the next minute. It's more than elevating I'd say. Mildred is rich in spirit.

“I know I'm pretty, but don't stare at me too much.” She says, her eyes on the screen. Puffing out air, I pull my food closer to me and tear my gaze to the TV screen.

This girl though...

My phone makes another buzz sound and I reluctantly take it out. It's a gmail message. I tap on the message and I swear if I wanted to eat, I don't think I'd be able to anymore.

Mildred notices the colour drainage on my face and peep to see what I'm reading.

For the holy sake of Christ sir, I don't think I want to read anything you recommend. You are not the best teacher. Yes. I said that. I asked you to tutor me, not torture me.

“Who sent this?” Mildred asks, before she can see anything name related, I quickly tap the homepage, knowing fully well who sent the message.

Mildred look at how my grip tightens around the small device and back to my face.

It's Salome.

Been childish is definitely not enough for her.

She had the actual guts to send me a message about how she truly feels about me trying to help her.


Pls vote vote vote, and comment how Alex's POV is✨
See you in the next chap!🙈💕

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