I can feel my legs threatening to hit each other as I pat heavily, racing up the stairs at the time. It took me approximately ten seconds to decide whether I could help someone or be a witness. A witness because I was watching everything and would be questioned.
Now I realize how huge this school this. My legs are quivering while I'm still running up the stairs since the elevators don't respond quickly. Had no other option but to take the stairs.
Other students passing by just stare at me breathing without rhythm and I honestly don't blame them. My perfectly ironed shirt is now drenched with sweat and I feel it dripping down my body visibly, my chest popping up and down.
I glance up at the last set of stairs then weakly walk up, barely feeling my legs. The last step comes with a deep breath as I rest my hands on my knees, staring around the creepy rooftop. I've never been here in my five years of school because I have no business here.
The arena is quite wide with condemned chairs and desks arranged at a corner. I slowly stand straight, still glancing around like I'm in another dimension entirely. My mind reminds me of why I'm here and I walk further, my feet making soft sounds to how quiet it is. Why if he has jumped already? I shake my head at the thought, almost at the edge of the roof but scared to look down.
I shut my eyes, blow out my cheeks then take the last step before peeping down. Surprisingly, no one is lying on the ground with blood all over. Thank goodness.
I spin around, wondering where the suicidal-looking boy is since he changed his mind about taking his life. Still curious, I move closer to the packed chairs, straining my eyes to catch any slight movement.
"Who are you?" A voice, low yet creepy asks and I stiff immediately. I look over my shoulder, wondering where the voice came from. The person can see me but I can't see him. I've also watched things like this but I've never imagined I'd be in a situation familiar to it. I press my lips together, taking gentle steps backward to leave but the creaking sound of chairs, followed by footsteps makes me stop.
"I...I mean, what are you doing here?" I ask with a shaky voice. I can see a tall shadow drawing close and I move back again, a tad sacred. Of course, I should be scared. I'm in the same space with someone who almost killed himself so I should be terrified. He might try to push me down or something.
I swallow as a tall figure comes in sight, walking towards me with a straight face, and wait... He looks familiar.
"You..." I trail, trying to cover how scared I am by folding my arms beneath my bust. I recognize him, he's the guy I bumped into the other day. The guy with an innocent-looking handsome face. Also, the guy in Zara's class.
He just stares at me, hands deep in his pocket and a blazer jacket flying in the direction of the breeze. His uniform enunciates a bad boy kind of guy but his face...it holds something strong enough that I blink away, yet expecting him to say something. Anything. Like why he wanted to kill himself.
I point to myself, smiling. "Do you...remember me?"
Okay, that was dumb. He would remember me when it's not like he has issues with memory loss. I chuckle at the thought and as I look up again, I see him walking closer to me.
"Of course, you remember me, you are in my best friend's..." I trail off again, not because he interrupted me but because he just walked past me. I turn, watching him leave his scent behind. I put my lips in amusement, following him immediately down the stairs. He has to at least say a word or two, or maybe he can't talk.
"Hey...wait, what were you trying to do back then?" I ask, my eyes on his hair but he just ignores without sparing a glance. This is serious. I stop in my tracks on the stairs, watching him walk out of slight and I shrug, it wasn't and isn't supposed to be my business initially.
I adjust my already rumpled skirt, slipping it down with my hands. My wristwatch comes in view and my eyes catch the tiny stocks pointing in a direction. A direction that reads 8:10. My eyes almost pop out of it's socket as I race down the stairs faster than I climbed. Even if I wish to be late, not for literature class. Not for Mr Alex. Not for the only class that my annoying teacher would reduce marks for late coming or missed class for unnecessary reasons. But well, I had a reason. A reason that involves saving a life, indirectly.
I push the slide glass door to the hallway open and race down as fast as I can. The hallway is almost empty already which means all the serious hothead students are already in class, listening to boring teachers with dedication.
Finally, I sight my class at the far end and a smile pops out, I would definitely be seated before Mr literature enters. I slow down my movement, now strolling lazily to class only to see Mr Alex coming through the other side.
My breath stop in a jiff as I quickly turn back and started walking back. His head was bent down on a book so he didn't see me, Thankfully.
I glance sideways to see a teacher demonstrating inside another classroom and I don't need to doubt that it's science. The students are all looking at her with full attention and I sigh, I'm in for it. Big time.
I peep over my shoulders slowly to see Mr Alex walk into the class. My class. And he won't need another glance to know that I'm absent since I seat in the middle roll and since he always ask me questions after class.
I drop my face in my palms, thinking of a wiser way. It's either I drop my pride and try to enter and he send me out for late coming or I just absent myself throughout his class then there would be no embarrassment whatsoever.
I nod at my second choice, holding the straps of my rucksack as I walk back out of the hallway to the most comfortable space in school. The sickbay. Yes, I'm skipping class. It doesn't feel so bad after all.
After severe acting of menstrual pains, the strong headed lady accommodates me in and I thank her for it, truthfully. She just saved a life, gladly.
"Are you sure you don't need some painkillers?" She asks for the umpteenth time, staring at me and I fight the urge to roll my eyes. How many times do I have to tell her that I just to sleep and I'd be fine? She's been a pest.
It's her job for all I know but she doesn't have to be so adamant. Right?
"What class are you? I'd need to inform your teacher." The Lady picks up a plain paper and pen from her desk opposite the bed. I stare at her in awe, my brows knitting in confusion. She sighs, walking towards me in her coffee brown dress covered with a lab coat.
Why does she need to inform my teacher?
I divert my eyes to the curtain covering me from seeing the bed by my side, pretending like I didn't hear her. Can someone please tell her to just go?
"Hey!" She snaps, drawing my attention back to her. She looks a tad frustrated now as her arms are folded and foot stamping the ground in impatience.
"Grade 12 sapphire." I mutter, adjusting to lay down. The sickbay is ventilated so the smell of drugs isn't too choking. Luckily, she took me to the bed close to the window.
"Name?" She asks after jotting what I practically don't care about. She shoot me a look and I answer immediately.
"Salome Alan."
She writes that down again and gesture to leave. Finally. I take my legs on the bed, stretching afterwards.
"Shoes. Take them off." The nurse point to my feet. My mouth form an 'o' as I peel my sneakers out and throw them on the floor. The annoyed looking nurse shake her head before retiring to her desk at the opposite side. I quickly draw my bag closer to me pull out my phone and ear pods.
Time to watch some Michael Jackson's music videos and funny moments. Michael Jackson has always been my all time favorite, from his dance moves to his amazing voice. Even though he's late, he's still very much alive to me. I pull the bed cover over my head, giggling at myself for been such a smart girl.
I feel hands on me. Hands shaking me without pity that I have to force my eyes open, frowning. Groaning, I turn to the other side of the bed, flatly neglecting who is attempting to wake me.
"Salome!" The person yells, followed by a loud slap on my butt.
"Ouch!" I shout from my sleep and turn rapidly,holding my butt at the pain. "Seriously?"
Zara shrugs,standing akimbo. Of course she's the one. I glare at her, getting up sluggishly from the bed.
"You've been sleeping for two hours." She raise two fingers to my face. "Two hours, Salome. Are you pregnant or something?"
I roll my eyes,tucking in my shirt because it's all rumpled. "I'm more than pregnant babe", I lean in to her,smiling evilly. "I'm energized." I whisper,chuckling.
Zara playfully push me back, laughing. Only God knows how she found out I'm in the sickbay, enjoying my awesome permit.
"Hurry up, it's time for sports." Zara says, peeping through the window. The message hit me right as I adjust my tie quickly and pick up my bag on the floor.
"I'm ready!" I say excitingly, drawing the straps of my bag to fit my back.
"We move." Zara spins around in a flash and walk out. I pick my phone and throw a smile to the nurse who has been watching us, I bet she's happy we're leaving. She just nods and continue what she is doing. Arrangement.
"I think our school nurse is depressed." I whisper as I close the door of the sickbay. Zara pouts and shrug.
"That's not my business, she should just get married. Maybe with that, she'd be happy with her life." Zara says.
We are walking towards the changing room to get ready for sports. Some students are already in their sportswear,walking pass us in twos and threes.
"Yeah,she should." I nod in acceptance, the nurse is pretty after all.
Zara turns to me, "I've been seeing her with your teacher."
I open my mouth to ask who the teacher is but Zara completes her words in a second.
"Mr Alex..." She draws and I burst in laughter. Even if my literature teacher is with the President's daughter, that wouldn't be of any concern to me.
"I think I should cast a spell on you so that you'd be drooling over him because this is getting serious." Zara spill,looking all serious but that don't bother me.
We enter the changing room and stop in our locker, I take off my bag and zip it open, deep in my hand to take out my key. The room is scanty since the others are already in the field.
"To add to it baby girl, I didn't attend his class today." I keep my bag on the long bench and face my locker, pushing the tiny key into the hole.
I can imagine the look on Zara's face at what I just said. The lock clicks open and I take out my sportswear. A pair of white shorts and gold shirt with the name of our school and house written boldly at the front.
"Why did you do that?" Zara finally asks after watching me do my thing. I raise my shoulders in a shrug as I take off my tie then blazer jacket. She is already dressed so I'm the one to hurry up. "You guys had that class for two period straight and you were in the sickbay?"
"Yep!" I giggle at how serious Zara looks. After all,I think I had a good reason to be absent. "It wasn't really intentional so..."
"Even though!" She snaps and I look at her. She fold her arms beneath her bust and look away. Don't tell me Zara is annoyed because I didn't attend a class. My class. Not hers.
I fold my uniform neatly and stuff in the locker before slamming it shut. Turning back, I see that Zara already is already heading to the door. I grab my bag from the bench and follow her, stopping right in front of her.
"Are you mad at me?" I ask, I have to ask because this is unusual. Zara rolls her eyes and I smile, I'm very sure when I tell her about running to the rooftop to save her strange classmate and how I'd be sent out of Mr Alex's class if I attempted to enter, she'd be as thrilled as I was.
"Maybe." She reply emotionlessly and walk pass me. I think I know why she's acting this way, because it was Mr Alex's class. The only teacher that most girls would say his breath alone is breathtaking and his manly scent is out of this world. Blah blah blah.
I meet up with her, keeping up with how fast she's walking. "Zara, your classmate almost committed suicide this morning." I tell quickly and she look at me with what looks like 'you must be joking'
"I'm serious, it was that strange guy in your class." I elaborate and she unconsciously become slow in her movement. "He was on the rooftop this morning." I glance at Zara to see if she will react. She press her lips together, probably thinking of what to say.
We push the slide door and walk out to the field. Some students running around the track while the sport coach is trying to get the attention of the others to join in.
"I'll just have to...maybe try and talk to him." Zara suggests with a shrug, just when I thought she isn't going to say anything about it.
I nod with pursed lips, someone would have to talk to him about thinking of killing himself.
We got closer to the others and I keep my bag on the beach close by then tuck it to the edge in case anyone would like to seat. The coach blows the whistle again, looking directly at us and standing akimbo. There's no doubt he's calling us since all grade 12 are now gathered together, excluding me and Zara.
"The man looks vexed." Zara whispers as we walk fast to meet up. I press my lips to stop the snickers from coming out. She isn't lying though, he looks frustrated already.
"Finally they are here." The tall man glare at us then face the others who are making side talks about how funny our coach's shoes look. "So, we are going to start now." He clap his hands to get all our attention and all eyes face him immediately.
A junior student in Ruby house timidly walk over to us and our coach, Mr George groans at the sudden distraction. The boy fidgets with his hands, stopping right by his side.
"Any problem?" Mr George asks quickly, taking out the whistle rope from his neck. The boy leans in and utter some incoherent words I barely heard. Our coach nods rapidly at the message from the boy before fanning him off. The junior boy ran out of the field without looking back.
"Salome?" He calls and I jerk at the mention of my name. He look at the crowd surrounding him and I exchange glance with Zara.
"Here, sir." I raise my hand and the others turn to me. "I am Salome."
"Good, you're needed in the principal's office."
My eyes grow wide as I gently drop my hand. The principal's office? What for?
"Did you do anything?" Zara asks,staring at me with equal bewilderment and the only thing I can do is shake my head. I don't think I've done anything bad enough to be requested to see the principal.
"Okay...sir." I mutter and slowly walk out of the others on the field. My brain is still in turbulence as I grab my bag from the bench and walk into the glass door of the building.
Mrs Devi, Principal of Victoria High School is a highly authoritarian woman. I don't need to have a one on one conversation with her for me to know she is strict and disciplined to the core. Her speeches during morning assembly is enough to know she doesn't take nonsense. I gulp, standing in front of her office door and still wondering what and why.
I won't lie,I'm scared. I place a hand on my chest, taking deep breaths before looking up at the sign that wrote clearly, 'Principal's office'.
Firstly, I adjust the shorts I'm putting on which is above my knee,showcasing how thick my thighs are. I need to get a new one, not now but if that's the reason I'm been called here, then now.
I raise my hand to knock, only for the door to open with Mr Alex walking out. He seem a bit stressed but before I can decide, he already walk pass me without saying anything. I swallow again, stare at his retreating figure before using my last bravery to enter the office, closing the door behind me.
I'm greeted with the scent of freshness of mild cologne pecking my nostrils. I look up to see my principal already staring at me and I bite my lips.
"Good morning ma, I'm-"
"Salome?" She cuts me off and I nod, muttering a 'yes ma'.
"Have your seat." Mrs Devi gestures to the foamy chair in front of her. I quickly do as she says,waving my bag to the front as I seat. She place her hands on the desk and I look down at my hands, too scared to see her orbs staring at me. "How are you?" She asks and I raise a brow. Okay, that question was unexpected.
"I'm fine ma." I answer in a heartbeat and I hear her exhale calmly. She rubs her palms together then sat upright. "Do you know why I called you here?"
I blink up at that question, gracefully taking in the sight of the office since I entered.
"No...no ma."
The office is painted white, a shelf by the corner then a door which I guess lead to the restroom beside it. Also, a huge television hanged on the wall.
"I'll just go straight to the point Salome, you're in your final year right?" She takes off her glasses and place it on the table.
"Yes ma."
"And I know you're very much aware that your external examinations is in few months time." She drag her drawer open and take out some papers, glancing through them before looking up at me again. I almost sink in the seat. "From my observations, you're excellent in your subjects."
Her last words unknowingly make me smile. She look through it again and sighs before keeping the papers on the table.
"Except Literature."
Her voice came out low yet audible, I sense a bit of disappointment in it too.
"What's going on? Is it the teacher or-"
"No ma," I gently interrupt, my dislike for that particular subject has nothing to do with Mr Alex. It's just me that don't find it interesting.
"Then why?" She leans in and I chew the inside of my mouth, looking for the best way to say it. "To the extent you skip classes."
I slowly separate my intertwined fingers while my principal patiently waits for me to say something.
"It's not in my profession ma, my desire course also don't have anything to do with literature in English." I say, overly sure of what I mean because I googled it already. Courses that is not related to literature.
"And what course is it?" Mrs Devi asks, She must be so interested in me for God knows why.
Mrs Devi nods then take a deep breath, probably inwardly feeling satisfied with my choice. I glance at her for like the second time since I entered.
"That's good. But you know Salome, that doesn't mean you shouldn't take literature seriously now." She advise and I think it's time to tell her how I just don't flow with the whole poem and novel thing.
"I try too, honestly," I add, now looking at her with a spark of confidence. "It's just...I try as much as I can but I just don't get it."
"Mm..." Mrs Devi hums, popping her jaw on her palms. "Okay... I don't know if this would help but how about taking extra tutorials on literature for like, a month and see if you'd change your mind about it."
She raise her brows at her indirect offer. I open my mouth to speak but she continues talking, making me just seat and listen.
"We have two literature teachers and you can pick the one you're comfortable with." I purse my lips, digesting all what she's saying. "I'm doing this because I can feel it, that you Salome would do spectacular if only you give the chance. Besides, your exams are fast approaching and you'd need to perform very well. In all subjects."
I'm dumbfounded in thought.
Should I say my principal is giving me a special offer to do better in literature because she thinks I can do better or, I'm just thinking that way.
But she clearly said it.
And even if I consider taking extra classes, the two teachers definitely won't take it easy with me. Mrs Wright taught me back in grade 10 and 11. I swear that woman demonstrates what I still do not understand. She demonstrates a lot and no matter how I patch them together, it doesn't end well. At all.
Mr Alex's presence alone is intimidating. He would walk into the class with full confident, staring blankly at everyone and goes straight to teaching and I wonder how my classmates pass his tests with flying colours. Well, I'm not surprised, they probably just want him to be impressed with them because of how handsome they say he looks. They even say his voice is sexy. Imbeciles.
"You can think about it and give me an answer tomorrow," Mrs Devi pierces through my thoughts and I nod.
"Yes ma, I'll think about it." I say in a low voice and I notice my principal face became a tad softer and she smiles afterwards.
"After that, I'll try convincing the teacher about it, I believe they'd be happy to help you," She pick up her glasses again and gently place it on then draws a stack of papers. "You can leave now."
"Thank you ma." I stand to leave, finally feeling at ease and breathing properly. I wave my rucksack over my shoulders and walk out of the office, closing it softly behind me.
I blow out my cheeks, walking down the empty hallway since all the students are on the field. Reminiscing what went down in the principal's office, my heart suddenly feel heavy and occupied. I'm literally so bad in literature that my principal herself, is offering to assist me. I felt a pinch of care in her voice and words so I couldn't flatly say 'no'.
The teacher's staffroom comes in view and my eyes meet the transparent glass door, then the teachers inside. It's Mr Leo and Mr Alex. They are both talking and laughing, Mr Leo's chair dragged close to the latter. I don't know how my feet take me to the edge of the door, partially wanting to hear what's making them so engaged that they don't even sight me.
"Why are you been so cold to her Alex, that girl loves you..." Mr Leo drawls, giggling right after and I hear Mr Alex hiss and wave him off.
"I'm not interested." He simply says and I nod at the corner, finally believing that he's an asshole publicly and privately.
Mr Leo folds his arms, watching how his friend just type God knows what on the laptop in front of him.
Mr Leo is the physics teacher and even though he doesn't teach me, I have a feeling he's nothing like his friend. Mr Alex.
"You can have her if you want." Mr Alex says, not looking up and the latter burst into laughter. Who are they talking about anyway?
"Trust me bro, I've tried but it's you she wants, it's obvious." He tugs Mr Alex and a snicker leaves him. A real snicker. A kind of laugh I've never seen on his face before.
I tear my eyes from them, the thought of choosing one of the teachers suddenly clouding my mind again. I don't why it seem to weigh me down like it's that serious.
I glance at them again and the urge of taking a sneak pic tortures me. In a breath, I pull out my phone from the side of my bag, slide into camera and take few snaps. I don't know the outcome of this but this-
A voice call sharply, jolting me to drop my phone mistakenly. My eyes grow wide as I peep into the transparent glass door, the two teachers heads are turned to my direction and I stiff immediately.
"What are you doing?"
It's Fabiola. She is walking towards the staffroom with books in her hands and I low key wonder why she had to yell me name that way. I quickly pick up my phone, not answering.
Fabiola glance at the teachers with a wide greeting smile and turns to me who's just waiting for her to go in so I'll pass without them seeing me. Even though one of them would know I was eavesdropping.
Thank you Fabiola.
"Eavesdropping?" She asks, standing in front of the door. I just roll my eyes and pass by her, my shoulders slightly hitting hers in that way. There's something called, 'Mind your business' and Fabiola is the total opposite of that.
I didn't turn to see but I feel her open the door and walk in, greeting the two teachers in her Fabiola kind of voice.
It's fifteen minutes left for sports and since it's something I enjoy, I can't afford to miss the end of it. I drop by in class and keep my bag before jogging off to the field. Even if there'd be some thinking and suggesting to do, that would be later. For now, jogging to the field and running in lapses is what I can think of.
As expected, the coach is already sectioning people who would run either relay or in meters. I stand beside him, breathing heavily and he smiles, knowing his best runner is present.
Eight hundred meters race it is...
I squat and tighten the lace of my white sneakers. Running has always been a thing for me and what astonishes most people is the fact that I'm a bit weighty, especially in my lower body and still manage to run as fast as a jet. Well, almost.
I move closer to the other girls at the side who I'd be running with and they exchange looks between themselves while I mutter a 'hi'. Of course I didn't get a response because why? Their winner is present and they know it.
I giggle at the thought, then drift my eyes to the runners who just took off at the sound of the whistle. I've not even started and I'm already thrilled all over, at least for an amazing reason this time.
Maybe when I'm breathing without rhythm after taking some dose from running, I'd be able to decide if I'll bother taking any extra classes or not.
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Till we see in the next chapter, take careeee and do good💖🌚
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