º chapter two º
"Hey Sunset! Meet today in front of the statue with the others! AJ told me to text you." - Twilight
Sunset grinned, and replied, her musty morning vision not letting her see half the screen. She leapt out of bed, slightly less enthusiastic than the day before. She didn't have anything to especially look forward to today, but she still got dressed and ready all the same.
She left the house reasonably early compared to usual time, before making a return trip to her house as she had forgotten her guitar, which she would be needing in her music class today.
Sunset promptly got to school to find a smiling Twilight awaiting her arrival. "Hiya Sunset!" the girl waved.
"Hey! Where are the others?" Sunset asked, checking her watch. She wasn't particularly early.
"They went inside, near the cafeteria, but I wanted to wait for you," Twilight explained with a smile that could almost be passed as suspicious.
"Ok...." Sunset said in a questioning tone. She followed Twilight inside and, like she said, the others were chatting by the cafeteria.
"Hey Sunset!" Rainbow greeted her, and the other girls waved. Sunset and Twilight both smiled and approached the group. As Sunset stood next to where she was sitting, Dash suddenly jumped up and slung her bag over her shoulder.
"Guys me and Sunset are going to music class. See ya later!" Rainbow Dash said, without evening taking a second thought. Sunset waved at the girls and was forced to follow Dash.... until she no longer knew where she was going.
"I take it you enjoy music?" Sunset asked. Rainbow did seem to be in a hurry after all. She glanced at her.
Rainbow nodded, "I guess." And said nothing more. Sunset narrowed her eyebrows as she watched the girl walk proudly into the classroom, her messy rainbow mane getting tangled in the zipper of her bag. She shook her head. What was it about her? What was it about Rainbow Dash that made Sunset so damn curious.
She set her guitar against the back wall and lounged on the table. The rules were relaxed in the 'arts' type classroom, so it was always a treat. Rainbow Dash joined her, and they ended up leaning against each other as they waited for the profesor.
"Ok everyone! Welcome back. Today we will be working on your own composed pieces, and... oh— New student?" the profesor smiled. Rainbow gave a small nod and a wave, bluntly stating her name as the entire class turned to face her.
"Nice to meet you, Rainbow Dash. Sunset Shimmer is bound to help you out round here while you learn the ropes," he nodded, and Sunset nudged her friend in reassurance. The class began and everyone got settled. Some working on computers, some singing in the practice rooms, and some with their own instruments, like Sunset who was tuning her guitar. Conversations were quietly scattered around the room.
"So what kinda music do you like?" Rainbow Dash asked, trying desperately to start a conversation. When she spoke, she looked Sunset dead in the eye.
"Uhhh, a lot. I'm trying to write more of my own songs though..." Sunset laughed nervously. She didn't know why, but she just didn't feel as comfortable with Rainbow Dash as with her other friends, or anyone for that matter. Sunset would always seem to catch herself losing her trail of thought during a conversation with Dash, or hopelessly staring for no reason. It didn't make sense, and she blamed it on the assumption that Rainbow was messing with her mind...
But then she looked again, and saw the smirk of the girl in front of her, and couldn't help but smile.
"That's awesome! Have you finished a song yet?" Rainbow asked, clearly interested, by the tone of her voice.
"N-no, I... Well I'm just trynna finish this one for the assignment, but after that I'll probably focus and write more..." Sunset replied, scratching the back of her neck. Rainbow smiled, and Sunset laughed... one again, nervously.
The atmosphere was actually getting weird. Sunset had one ear covered with her headphone, working with both her guitar and the computer, and Rainbow Dash was still trying to figure out how to login to the computer. She kept glancing over at Sunset who was concentrating hard. You could tell by the face she was pulling, which caused Dash to laugh.
"What?" Sunset laughed in confusion to Rainbow's sudden outburst.
"Nothing nothing..." she replied, "Do you listen to other music a lot?"
Sunset took off her headphones, "Yeah I do. It calms me down. I listen quite a lot... mostly cause I spend a lot of time home alone..." she laughed.
Rainbow nodded before adding, "That got deep."
"Did it?" Sunset replied, still grinning.
"To me it did. I don't talk about feelings a lot..." Dash scoffed.
"I noticed," Sunset said, and two started laughing together. That was more like it. Sunset admired Rainbow Dash at that moment. The first time she actually looked relaxed. Then Sunset one again caught herself staring and stopped, getting back to her music task.
When the bell rang to signal the end of second period, the students turned off computers and put instruments away.
"What do you have next?" Sunset asked Rainbow Dash, who was now trying to figure out how to switch the computer off. Sunset laughed and helped her.
"Hehe... Uh... I think I have a free period. You?" Dash said, following Sunset out the classroom door.
"Awesome! Me too! Rarity and AJ also do, so we can hang out with them!" Sunset exclaimed. The pair walked to the school field and settled on the grass. They were shortly joined by Applejack and Rarity. They waved.
"Hi y'all! What's poppin?" Aj asked as she and Rarity took a seat, much to the other girls' amusement.
"What's poppin? Hehe," Rainbow scoffed. Applejack rolled her eyes.
The four of them chattered about their lessons, school, and other stuff. Sunset however was lost in thoughts, and was curious. It was... strange... She didn't know anything, but she could almost sense that there was something going on between Rainbow Dash and Applejack, and she didn't know why. It was as if they were pretending to be friends? No. No way. But, Rainbow Dash looked so uncomfortable, and almost scared when she spoke to Applejack. If only—
"Sunset? Are you ok darling?" Rarity asked, stopping her train of thought.
"Oh y-yeah I'm good, what were we talking about?" she laughed.
"We were talking about how Rarity decided to put paint on mah ear..." Applejack shook her head, turning to demonstrate the blue blobs of paint behind her ear.
Rarity laughed, "I told you! It was an accident!" she smiled, with a known look. Rainbow Dash playfully rolled her eyes.
"Hey, are you sure you're ok?" Dash asked the girl next to her, who had got lost in her mind again. What she hadn't noticed was that she was actually staring at Rainbow Dash whilst daydreaming, and when she did notice, she got flustered.
"Sorry sorry! Yeah, I'm sure," Sunset smiled.
"Ok. Well if ya need to talk, I'm here," Dash said in an unusually chipper voice.
The girls spoke a little more before splitting up for third period. Sunset had her creative writing classes next, which she shared with Pinkie Pie (and so it was never really dull). She went to her locker and fetched her books, only to be pushed straight into the locker beside her.
"What the f—"
"I am so sorry Sunset! I was trynna surprise you but I pushed you by accident and I'm just so sorry I can't—" Pinkie Pie. Just Pinkie Pie. Sunset laughed.
"It's ok. Let's get to class," the girls giggled.
They took their seats next to eachother and began their tasks without a fuss. It was quite quiet for a typical class with Pinkie Pie, until she finally opened her mouth.
"Sunset, can we talk about something?" she asked. The question would have been serious if it weren't for Pinkie's signature smile.
"Sure," the girl nodded.
Pinkie took a breath, "Have you ever had a girl crush?"
Sunset narrowed her eyebrows, "A girl crush?"
"You know what I mean silly! When you have a crush on a girl," Pinkie exclaimed.
"Yeah yeah I understood that. Why are you asking?" Sunset chuckled, still confused.
"I dunno. I just need to get my facts straight. Or not straight if you know what I mean," Pinkie's expression didn't change, but Sunset suddenly fell deep in thought. A girl crush? She thought about it. No, she thought about Rainbow Dash...
"I just feel left out," Pinkie sighed, out of nowhere.
"Why? We include you, all the time!" Sunset started.
"It's just that everyone has a girl crush except you and me, but then I was getting suspicious of you and I was worried you were gonna leave me out!"
"Pinkie what are you on about?" Sunset began to laugh, but then saw the seriousness in Pinkie's eyes.
"You can't pretend like you haven't noticed. Applejack with Rarity, Rarity with Applejack, Twilight with you.... and I think poor Fluttershy might just like me a little bit.." Pinkie whispered.
Sunset was so confused, "What? No! Twilight with me? And what about Dash, you didn't mention her!"
Pinkie shook her head and tapped the side of her nose, before doing a weird hand movement, which could only be recognised as the 'Pinkie Swear'. She said nothing more of it, and it was soon lunchtime, so the conversation was over, leaving Sunset confused as ever.
The seven friends met around the table. While they were talking, Sunset glanced over at Twilight several times. Was what Pinkie said really true, about Twilight having a 'girl crush' on her? No way... Although, she did keep looking at Sunset.... Then Sunset averted her eyes to Rainbow Dash. How her hair fell onto her back, but it was perfectly not perfect, and how when she was talking she would stare directly with her deep magenta eyes, until she lost interest and would fiddle with her sleeves. It was those quirks that Sunset was constantly picking up on. It hadn't taken her that long to realise that she had develop a 'girl crush' on Rainbow Dash, as Pinkie called it.
"Sunset? You're zoning out again.. Come, let's head outside..." Rainbow Dash smiled, whilst also raising her eyebrows.
Sunset froze, and then stood up and followed Dash out into the corridor, and then into a small space behind the school.
The pair sat against the wall outside the school. Lunch break was nearly over, but Rainbow Dash had insisted that they could squeeze in a convo.
"You didn't need to come out here by the way. I'm fine," Sunset said, almost truthfully. Her feelings were getting out of hand. She was constantly thinking about Rainbow Dash, and it was getting ridiculous.
"Well, I was getting bored in the cafeteria anyway..." Dash shrugged. A buzz sound was heard, from one of the girls' phones. Rainbow Dash sighed quietly as she pulled out her phone and read the message on the screen, which she seemed to want to hide from Sunset.
"Everything okay?" Sunset asked. She was being nosy.
"Yeah yeah, all good," Rainbow replied, putting her phone back in her pocket. Sunset however knew by the look in her eyes that it wasn't 'all good'.
Unfortunately before Sunset could investigate more, the bell rang signalling the end of lunch break.
"Ugh I have history!!" Rainbow Dash groaned as she stood up and slung her bag over her shoulder, before offering her hand to help Sunset off the ground.
Sunset chuckled, "Unlucky. I have a free period. Me and AJ have a free period together," she smirked. Rainbow stuck out her tongue before scurrying off to her lesson, and Sunset just laughed.
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