º chapter seven º
"Come sit down Rainbow!" Windy smiled, patting the sofa next to her. Rainbow Dash closed the front door once Sunset was out of view. She was about to roll her eyes to her mother, but something in her heart stopped her. Dash joined her mom on the sofa.
"So, I must say, I'm proud of you for finding such a lovely girl to be your friend," Windy grinned.
"Yeah well, maybe... I mean, AJ kind of introduced me to her, and I have other friends too..." Dash shrugged, "Sunset's just..."
Windy cocked her eyebrow, "More special? I get it. You know, when I was your age—"
"Oh no please, mom! Not again! I don't need to hear more childhood stories!" Rainbow groaned, with a glint in her eye. Her mom picked up on this and threw a pillow at her daughter, both of them falling into easy laughter.
"What's the deal with AJ anyways?" Windy asked, tucking her legs up onto the sofa to get comfortable, "I mean, you used to talk about her loads, and now..."
"Yeah well, I guess since I've found new people at Canterlot High, me and Applejack haven't been... as close..." Rainbow cleared her throat. She wanted to tell her mom about the whole situation with Applejack. It was just so much easier to tell it to Sunset, and talking about it with her mom would be so awkward, so she left it. She hadn't even come out to her mom yet, and she had to Sunset! That girl was so easy to talk to, and she was so sincere, and smart, and talented. Oh she was so falling for her, it was hard to keep a lid on her feelings sometimes, but she knew she had to.
Meanwhile, Sunset was walking down the lonely pavement of the dark street. It, for some reason, had got significantly colder. She was in the middle of a pointless, but fun texting conversation with Twilight. Twilight knew everything about Sunset, literally. Like, she didn't even have to tell Twi most things, because she would end up figuring it out. Twilight had even figured out Sunset's feeling for Dash, before Sunset herself had, but Sunset didn't know that.
Twilight: So? Were her parents nice? What did you guys talk about?
Sunset: They were so nice! Dash is so lucky! And we didn't talk about much...
Sunset tried to resist the urge to tell Twilight all that Dash had been through with Applejack. She really tried, but she couldn't stop the temptation.
Sunset: Okay, you cannot tell anyone that you know this, but there is literal drama going on between Dash and AJ
Twilight: Oooooo. Do spill x
Sunset: Bear with me....
This excited Sunset. She hated keeping everything to herself.
Sunset: So basically, they were... you could say childhood friends, like Dash said before when I asked them how they knew each other. But you remember there being a little tension between them, right? Like, you saw AJ's eye roll?
Twilight: Yes.... Continue
Sunset: Apparently, Applejack actually used to be crushing on Dash a while back, and when Dash found out, she teased AJ, and it kinda turned into bullying, because Dash didn't know how to react... right? Not her fault.
Twilight: I think you might be biased, but carry on.
Sunset ignored Twilights comment and continued.
Sunset: But then, AJ was really hurt apparently, and she says that if Dash does anything like that to any of us then AJ will tell everyone what Dash was like and tell her that she liked her.
Twilight: And Applejack is in the wrong?
Sunset: Your missing the point! AJ doesn't want Dash to hang out with me because she thinks that I like Dash and that Dash will hurt me in the same way she hurt AJ.
Twilight: Damn, AJ was crushing hard on RD then. Also, your being biased. I'll speak to AJ, just please don't.
Twilight: Is it true?
Sunset: Of course!
Twilight: ...
Sunset: Wait, is what true?
Twilight: The part where you said that you like Dash. Is it true?
Sunset: Oh! I didn't know you were talking about that! 😅
Twilight: Answer the question
Sunset put her phone in her pocket so she could enter her home. She could feel the notifications spamming. She didn't want to answer Twilight's question, because she didn't want to admit that it was true. She did like Dash. It's not like she was ashamed. There was no reason to be. Rainbow was gay, so she had a chance, and her friends were accepting, but she herself wasn't. Sunset tried to push away the feelings. It was the weekend anyway, she didn't need to worrying about this now. And tomorrow, Rarity needed all the girls help for her fashion.. thingy, plus a sleepover at Fluttershy's place.
She set down her phone. The last notification from Twilight read 'I'll see you tomorrow at the sleepover Sunset. I didn't mean to pressure you into talking about that stuff. I know you don't like it. Goodnight x'
Okay, no replying. Sunset hastily showered and got into bed as quick as she could. She thought that sleep could clear her thoughts, but clearly, it couldn't, because the next morning she felt worse than ever.
She was pleasantly greeted to three 'Good Morning' messages. One from Twilight, and two from Rainbow Dash. Two? From separate contacts? She once again blamed it on her phone and groaned. She opened one of the Rainbow Dash texts and replied.
Sunset: Good morning!
Rainbow: Actually, no. How could you?
Well this was confusing, and Sunset really could not be dealing with right now, but she did. This was Rainbow Dash after all.
Sunset: Sorry, did I mis something?
Rainbow: Shut up! After you promised, you go and blurt out to Twilight everything we talked about last night! What sort of a friend are you?!
But, how? How did Dash find out about her messages to Twilight? Twi wouldn't have told her, they hardly ever spoke!
Rainbow: Don't even speak to me today.
Sunset switched off her phone in rage, opened it again to talk to Twilight, but resisted and turned it off. She wanted to get ready for the sleepover. She gathered her things in her school bag, which was the only thing she had nearby to shove her belongings in, and scoffed down breakfast. She walked to Fluttershy's and it turned out that she was the first one there, apparently. Oh wait no, maybe she heard Pinkie yelling.
"Oh Sunset! Hi! Come in! Pinkie Pie is here," a smiling Fluttershy greeted her and opened her home. Sunset set her stuff down by the door and went into the kitchen where she wasn't surprised to find Pinkie Pie.
"Sunshim!!! We should head over to Rarity's place now. The others are there. She just wants help with some dressmaking apparently," Pinkie squealed and Fluttershy nodded, opening the door again.
"Wait, aren't the others coming to the sleepover?" Sunset questioned, following them down the road. Fluttershy and Rarity lived quite far away, so it would be quite a long walk.
"Oh they are, but they didn't think there would be any point in coming to mine first," Fluttershy explained, and Sunset nodded. She checked her phone. No new notifications. She was so frustrated with Rainbow Dash, even though she didn't have a right to be. Sunset broke a promise, she was just confused about how Dash had found out about her texts with Twi.
The trio arrived at Rarity's in no less than 45 minutes, and the others seemed to be busy at work when they arrived.
"So glad you could make it darlings!" Rarity greeted them, handing them each a different unfinished item of clothing, which they guessed that Rarity wanted them to stitch. She didn't have to say anything, and got to work. Sunset made brief eye contact with Dash, who for some reason warmly smiled back. She then turned to her geeky friend.
"Hey Twi, how's it going?" Sunset grinned.
"Good, good. I'm not the best at... this..." Twilight laughed elaborately. "I'm sorry again for all the questions last night. I didn't mean to pressure you."
Sunset nodded, "Its ok. Um... can I ask you something?"
Twilight sat upright for a moment, and looked directly facing Sunset, "Anything!"
"Ok...uh... Did you tell Dash about our conversation last night... you know, about her and AJ?" Sunset asked Twilight, who widened her eyes.
"Of course not! Why?" Twi said, questionably.
Sunset looked down, "No, don't worry."
Well someone must have told Rainbow Dash about they're conversation. Maybe Dash had hacked her phone. It had been playing up and everything, like constantly glitching and giving Dash a double contact. Nah... would Rainbow Dash hack?
After a while of endless chatter and painful sewing for most of the girls, everyone started clearing up.
"Thank you ever so much everyone! I don't know what I would have done without you," Rarity smiled at each of them gratefully. The seven of them left Rarity's home and headed for the café, ran by Mr and Mrs Cake. It was a usual hang out for each of the girls, except this was Dash's first time.
"Ok girls, what can I get you? The usual?" Mrs smiled at each one of the girls. When she saw Rainbow a Dash however, she pondered.
"Mrs Cake, this is Rainbow Dash, she just moved here few days ago. She'll have what I'm having," Pinkie Pie smiled.
"Okie dokie!" Mrs Cake exclaimed. The seven girls took their seats. Sunset sat next to Rainbow Dash on purpose, but to her surprise, the girl was eager to talk.
"Hey. You ok today? You seem a little... down?" Rainbow asked the confused girl.
"Yeah... I was, cause I thought you were mad at me," Sunset said. She was super puzzled. Rainbow was as well at the moment. They exchanged confused glances.
"What? Why?" Dash scoffed. Sunset pulled out her phone without hesitation. When she showed Rainbow Dashthe messages that she and Sunset had apparently been sending each other that morning, Rainbow pulled out her phone and showed her version of the conversation, and there wasn't anything about her being mad.
"Someone's pranking you. Cat fishing you," Rainbow said quietly. "And also, you told Twilight?"
"Yeah..... sorry....." Sunset said, rubbing the back of her neck.
Rainbow looked at her for a second, "You know what, it's ok. If AJ finds out, I don't care. I've nothing to lose anyway."
Sunset nodded, then looked back at the screens. "So, someone, for some reason, is pretending to be you, and is texting me?"
"Yes Sunset, fantastic observation. Have you considered.... being a detective?" Rainbow asked with a suspicious hint. She then burst out laughing. Sunset too.
"What's the joke you guys?" Twilight butted in.
"Oh no, don't worry," Dash chuckled. Rainbow looked over at AJ who was in deep conversation with Rarity. She then looked back at the phone.
"It's Applejack," Rainbow said promptly.
"What? You have no proof," Sunset shook her head.
"No seriously. She doesn't want us two hanging out right? So clearly, she's trying to stop us liking each other... a-as friends. Clearly," Rainbow stuttered, not intending to at all. Sunset nodded. What Dash was saying seemed to be almost completely true, but she knew better than to frame someone without evidence. She sighed, and zoned out for a bit, slightly listening in to the others' conversations. Soon enough they were all clearing up and heading out, but Sunset couldn't stop thinking about the mystery texts. She deleted that contact and replaced the name with a single question mark, so she would know. She would find out who it was, no matter what it took.
"Stop thinking about it! We'll figure it out," Dash comforted her worried-looking friend. Sunset nodded, and Dash suddenly jolted, "Oh! I've come up with lyrics for your song! I can show you later!" Rainbow smiled. Sunset returned in and gazed at her friend as they followed the group down the road. The wind was starting to pick up, Sunset noticed the athlete beginning to shake from the cold.
"Would you like my scarf darling?" Rarity looked concerned at Rainbow Dash.
Dash then shook her head and gestured towards Sunset, "Nope, Sunset's warm, I'm fine!" Rainbow laughed.
Sunset gave her a comfused glance, but understood what Rainbow meant as soon as the girl huddled closer to Sunset. Sunset tightened her grip around Rainbow Dash to ensure she kept warm.
"Woah, your like a living heater!" Dash laughed. Sunset smirked and then joined in on the giggles.
There was tension in the air between Sunset and Rainbow Dash. It was as if both of them wanted to say the exact same thing, or something similar, but they both couldn't quite grasp it.
Sunset cautiously held Rainbow's hand tighter.
"Are you cold now too?" Rainbow Dash joked. This caused Sunset to loosen her grip. Was she being too obvious? But then, thankfully, Dash lightened the mood.
"I'm joking! Don't let go!" Rainbow laughed.
They didn't loosen their grip until they reached Fluttershy's place.
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