º chapter eight º

They reached Fluttershy's home and Pinkie and Fluttershy got to making hot cocoa for everyone, which was greatly appreciated.

After they finished their cocoa, and their conversations about an hour later, Applejack's stomach growled, significantly loudly.

"How are you hungry darling? Doesn't cocoa fill you up?" Rarity sighed, giggling. "Oh! No don't tell me! You're always hungry, right?"

   Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. She'd never really taken an immense liking to Rarity for some reason. She did not, however, dare to look at AJ.

"Ah'm sorry, but can we please get some food?" Applejack groaned.

The six other girls nodded, grabbed the essentials, and joined Applejack who was already headed out the door.

"Where are we going then?" Sunset asked.

"Well there are some fast food places in town. We could go there?" Twilight suggested, the others welcomed the idea.

     Sunset was cautiously grabbing her phone the entire time, which Dash couldn't help but observe.

    Rainbow Dash wanted to find out who the cat fisher was as much as Sunset did. Dash got her food first, and when she returned to Sunset, she found that the 'anonymous contact' had decided to text again.

      "So apparently this person is closer than we thought," Sunset said as Dash joined her.

     "And why is that?" Rainbow asked, and Sunset showed her the conversation.

? - So, you've figured out that this isn't actually RD. All I want to do is give you advice Sunset. Don't talk to Rainbow Dash, she's a betrayer, a liar, and a bully. I'm trying to keep you safe :)

     Sunset and Dash exchanged glances.
    "Well this literally proves it AJ doesn't it?" Rainbow sighed and shook her head. "Applejack just doesn't want me talking to you because she thinks I'll hurt you. But I would never do anything like that, I promise."

    Sunset smiled, "I know."

Once they had all got their food, the seven girls settled in a small spot where the sun was just about hitting. It was a cold day so they were lucky to have found a warm place.

The chattered about school, and about the upcoming school trip to camp everfree, which the students had received a newsletter about the details.

     Rainbow Dash gazed around. She was constantly finding herself staring at Sunset. It was a feeling she didn't know how to control. She then spotted something. She spotted the exact hill that she and Sunset had met on a few nights back, when Dash needed comforting. If Rainbow was being honest, it was a painful evening that time. She had so much she wanted to say and couldn't say it. She still couldn't say it. She didn't have the words to tell Sunset how much she meant to her.

      Dash groaned, looked at each of the girls. and then gently nudged Sunset, somewhat hesitantly. Sunset met Rainbow's eyes, and Dash gestured to the hill. Sunset gazed knowingly at Rainbow Dash, who then chuckled to break the silence between them.

"What's so funny you guys?" Pinkie Pie yelled, as always.

"Nothing!" both Sunset and Dash promptly replied simultaneously, only causing them to burst out with more laughs. They couldn't stop themselves. It lasted a while.

The girls decided to walk around town a bit until it got to late evening. They popped in and out in random shops, buying a few things here and there, and went back to Fluttershy's at about 7:30pm. They weren't hungry as they had had a late lunch, and were intending to eat midnight snacks, supplied by Pinkie Pie.

     They sat in a circle in Fluttershy's home. Fluttershy, Pinkie and Twilight sat together. Rarity and Applejack leant against each other with their backs supported by the wall behind them, and Rainbow Dash and Sunset did the same.

"Is it snack time yet?" Rainbow Dash complained, and the others chuckled.

"No Dash! But we can play a game?" Pinkie yelled.

"Ok, but it's gotta be good. Suggestions guys?" Rainbow openly asked.

"Truth or dare?" Twilight suggested.

"Nah too old. Next?" Rainbow asked. Sunset laughed at her seriousness.

"Spin the bottle?" Rarity piped in, and Rainbow faked a gag.

"Ew no! We're not twelve!"

        "Well this is gonna sound stupid but 'never have I ever'?"  Sunset laughed.

        "Sure... Does it include drinks?" Rainbow giggled with a glint in her eye. Sunset chuckled.

      Twilight shook her head, "No, and since it your first time playing with us Rainbow Dash, there won't be a punishment for the loser. It'll be a 'just getting to know each other type game..'"

   The others happily agreed, and Dash did too, after a little complaint.

       They played until late, and it was 11:45 when they were finally neck a neck. It was a tiebreaker between Sunset, Rainbow Dash and Applejack. It was Rarity's turn to make a statement.

       "Ok Rarity, you can't just say something that obviously applies to only one of us... ah know what you're like..." Applejack sighed, and Rarity happily nodded.

       She pondered on it for a bit, and said her statement, "Never have I ever been in a relationship..."

        "What?!" All five other girls cried.... apart from Rainbow Dash who apparently hadn't quite known Rarity well enough. The fashionista shook her head... partially proud. None of the girls, to their surprise, put their finger down.

        "Sunset, haven't you?" Applejack questioned the girl who still hadn't put her finger down.

       "Flash Sentry doesn't count!" Rainbow and Sunset said at the exact same time which killed them. They were in heaps of laughter.

      "Oh my god... oh my god... my stomach hurts!" Sunset said between trying to catch her breath from helpless laughter. "But I guess if it's fair..." Sunset put her finger down, jokingly sad as she had obviously lost the game.

       "Heh, that was fun. Especially amusing to see you lose, Sunset," Rainbow grinned and Sunset whacked her with a pillow.

       The girls burst into laughter and joined in on the pillow fight.

     It didn't last long, because Fluttershy got scared and ended hiding for five whole minutes before Twilight noticed she was missing. They had fun though.

      Amidst their pointless chatter, Pinkie suddenly squealed, "Midnight walk!"

     "What? You wanna go outside now?" Fluttershy asked softly.

      Rarity put her hand on Flutter's shoulder, "You'll be fine darling. Now let's go shall we? I think it'll be fun!"

      The girls smiled at the idea. They grabbed their coats and wrapped up as best as they could, and headed for the park. It wasn't far, but there was a lot of trees to cover the moonlight, so the seven of them had to make do with flashlights and camera torches.

      They neared the park. Fluttershy, Twilight and Pinkie Pie were ahead, the three of them helplessly clasping on to each other, clearly startled by something; Rarity and Applejack were walking together behind them; and Sunset and Rainbow Dash further back.

      Applejack shivered.
       "Are you cold darling? Or scared?" Rarity joked, glancing at the smug looking Applejack beside her.

       "Quite a breeze here tonight..." AJ states through chattering teeth. Rarity glanced over and gently embraced her friend. They continued to walk, holding each other the whole way.

       Rainbow Dash from behind them scoffed and nudged Sunset's side. She gestured to the two in front of them. Sunset looked at them, wide eyed, "I knew something like that would happen at some point..." she smiled at the pair.

      "Yeah..." Rainbow sighed and lightly chuckled. "But it doesn't mean that AJ isn't still our top suspect for the texts. Sunset nodded to show she agreed, without questioning Dash's hilarious knew found seriousness.

    As they walked further, Sunset noticed that little hill again, where her and Dash had sat a few days ago. She turned to find that Rainbow seemed to be having the same thoughts.

     "Ok guys, we're gonna stop for a bit!" Twilight called from in front, where the three girls had sat down near a tree.

     The girls nodded, and Rainbow Dash suddenly glanced at Sunset. She had an idea.
   "Ok! Me and Sunset are just heading over there!" Rainbow replied, grabbing Sunset by the arm and pulling her away towards the hill.
      Sunset went along with it. They hurried up the hill, and in the place where they chose to stay they were out of view of the others. Rainbow Dash rested against the grass, before Sunset chose to do the same. There was something looming between them, again.

      "This place is has become pretty significant hasn't it?" Rainbow chuckled.

      "Yeah... you're right." Sunset helplessly gazed at her friend. She couldn't help but desperately want to kiss her, even if it was 'crazy'. It was such an out of the blue feeling, but it wasn't unfamiliar. It was at that moment when Sunset finally forgot everything that was going on, for example, all of the drama with the text messages, and her worries about Rainbow not liking her if she told her that she had... feelings, stronger feelings, for her. All of it left her mind.

       Rainbow Dash returned the gaze and smirked. She looked at Sunset directly in the eye causing her to shiver, but not from the cold of the night, from the nervousness of the moment. There was definitely something going on between them, that they both picked up on.

      Rainbow gulped, moved in towards her friend, and lightly chuckled,
    "I'm sorry, but if I don't do this now, I'm gonna regret it..."

    Sunset had a quarter of a second to feel confused before Dash reached over. She held the back of Sunset's cool neck and brought her head forward, crashing their lips into each others.

    Sunset's eyes widened. She couldn't see anything, so she closed her eyes and returned the kiss, very happily. She couldn't help but beam which broke the kiss. The girls paused, and then chuckled.

        Dash held her breath, then gasped through a laugh, "Sorry."

      "Well, I dunno what you're sorry for. That was awesome," Sunset grinned.

      "Tell me about it!" Rainbow replied.

      The two simultaneously chuckled, pondering on a second kiss. Yet they heard a distant voice approaching. It was Twilight. Dash and Sunset sat back a little before Twi came into view.

      "Hey guys. What are you doing up here?" Twilight asked. She looked quite tired, and her eyes were red.

     "Just... uh... talking about songwriting. Sunset wanted me to write lyrics for her song," Rainbow coughed, way too elaborately to be convincingly true. Sunset nodded.

    "Oh, well Sunset why didn't you ask? I write songs too!" Twilight said with a little hesitation which didn't go unnoticed.

      Sunset gave a quick confused glance to Dash before smiling at Twilight. "Oh! You should have... uh... let me know sooner! Maybe for my next song?"

     Twilight nodded. "Okay! Well, they others are heading off, and I was coming to get you."

     "Ok, we'll be right there!" Dash said. Twi smiled and walked off.

    "Did that seem... weird to you?" Sunset asked a Rainbow who was helping her up off the floor.

    Dash shrugged, "I dunno, and frankly, I don't really care at the moment. This is been the best night of my life Sunset. Let's not think about other stuff." Rainbow chuckled. The pair gathered their stuff, and gave each other a quick, cute little kiss, before heading off down to Fluttershy's place.


A/N Shorter chapter than usual, but I wanted that to end there because I didn't need to write anymore, y'know?

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