Community Action
Zora POV
I walked into the Banks' kitchen so Will, Carlton, and I can get ready to go to school, today I was driving.
"Good morning" I told Will, Geoffrey, and Mrs. Banks
"Morning Zee" Will told me
"Good morning dear" Mrs. Banks saidc
"Good morning Miss Zora" Geoffrey said then sneezed
"Are you feeling alright Geoffrey" I asked rubbing his back
"I'm fine Miss Zora" he told me then sneezed again
"Geoffrey it sounds like you're getting a cold" Mrs. Banks told him
"Not at all madam it was barley a sniffle" he said as he gave Will and I our breakfast
"Here you go Master William, Miss Zora" Geoffrey told us giving us the bowels
"Thanks G, It looks great" Will said
"Thank you Geoffrey" I told him as I saw he was about to sneeze so I moved my bowel but Will wasn't so lucky
"Yo, Carlton! Breakfast!" Will yelled pushing his bowel away in disgust
I began eating as Will dug his spoon into my food as I shielded my food away
"No get your own food" I told him
"But I'm hungry" Will pouted
"Only because I love you" I told him as we began sharing my breakfast
"That's it. You are officially off duty. Now I want you to go to your room and don't breathe until you get there" Mrs. Banks told him
"As you wish madam" he told her leaving when Hilary walked into the kitchen
"Hey Hil, how was traffic court" I asked
"There is no justice. Just because I had three moving violations and 48 parking tickets the judge suspended my drivers license. Isn't free parking guaranteed by the constitution?" Hilary complained
"Yeah that was what Desert Storm was all about" Will said sarcastically
"And starting tomorrow I have to do community service at The Southside Clinic. I don't even know where that is" Hilary told us
"You poor little rich girl" I said shaking my head sarcastically
"It's on the corner of Plymouth and 3rd right by the nail shop" Will said as we gave him a look of confusion
"Can't a brother get a pedicure?" Will asked when Mr. Banks walked in
"Has anyone seen my bathrobe? Will?" Mr. Banks asked
"Oh not me Uncle Phil after last time I just bought a car cover" Will told him
"Mom I can't find my cassette player. Does anyone know what happened to it" Ashley asked storming into the kitchen and walking straight to Will
"Oh sure blame the black guy" Will told her when Carlton walked in
"Someone took my address book. I would hate to see what would happen if it fell into the wrong hands" Carlton said glaring at Will
"Hola, Amigos" Jazz said walking in with Mr. Banks robe on, listening to Ashley's cassette player, and had his arm around Carlton's current girlfriend
"That's my cassette player" Ashley said
"That's my bathrobe" Mr. Banks continued
"That's my girlfriend" Carlton said as she looked surprised then ran away
"You're out of here fella" Mr. Banks told Jazz as Will stopped him
"Now hold on Uncle Phil. Now picture this. A man down on his luck lost his woman, lost his job, lost his hope, but enough about Marion Barry. Can Jazz stay here" Will asked
"Not a chance" Mr. Banks said
"What Mr. Banks means is that Geoffrey isn't feeling well right now and it isn't the best time for us to have house guests" Mrs. Banks told him
"Mr. Banks I'll earn my keep. I'll do whatever Geoffrey does" Jazz told him
"Geoffrey bathes" Mr. Banks told him
"I can learn" Jazz said shrugging as I laughed lightly
"Look I'll make you a deal Uncle Phil. Jazz will help out around the house and I'll clean up whatever messes he makes. Come on please. He ain't got nowhere else to go." Will pleaded
"No" Mr. Banks told him
"Oh come in Mr. Banks let him stay he's like a little lost puppy. I mean who can say no to this face" I said wrapped my arms behind Jazz and squishing his cheeks
"Why can't he stay with your and your grandfather" Mr. Banks asked as I gave him a blank stare then went pick up the phone
"What's that Papa. You need me to come how right away. Sorry I have to watch the grass grow" I said coming up with something then leaving the kitchen
"Are you still gonna bring us to school" Will yelled
That Saturday Will and I decided to go with Hilary to her community service here at The Southside Clinic. I sometimes come over here to donate blood
Will opens the door for Hilary and I as the three of us walked into the clinic
"Oh my god guys." Hilary told us as she looked around
"What? What is it?" Will asked
All these people are sick" Hilary complained as Will and I pretended to be shocked
"Oh get the heck out of here" I said sarcastically covering my mouth in fake shock
"Mr. Clifford we're ready to check your blood pressure" a nurse told an old man walking up to him
"That cute little tendoroni got my pressure so high I'm about to blow a gasket" Mr. Clifford said looking at Hilary as she looked uncomfortable
"I'm ready to go home now" Hilary told Will and I
"Oh come on Hil it's not so bad." I told her as the old man looked at me
"Will take us home now" I demanded when I saw Dr. Hudson as Hilary kept tapping my shoulder
"I'm right here" I told her as I walked up to him
"Hello Dr. Hudson" I said as he hugged me
"Hello Zora. How's your grandfather" He asked
"He's still kicking" I told him as Hilary walked up to us
"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend" Hilary asked smiling
"Dr. Hudson this is my friend Hilary, Hilary this is Dr. Alec Hudson" I introduced them
"Leave now" she said pushing me away to the door
"Uh rude" I said as I left
Later that night I was in the kitchen with Mrs. Banks and Ashley when Dr. Hudson carried Hilary in his arms
"Baby, what's wrong? Did they wax the floors at Neimans again?" Mrs. Banks as we walked up to them
"Oh, I twisted my ankle" Hilary told us staring at Dr. Hudson
"Which ankle" Ashley asked as we looked at her ankles
"Well, um, it's sort of a shooting pain. It shoots from one ankle to the other luckily Dr. Handsome mean Hudson was there." She told us as he put her down
"Dr. Alec Hudson, M.D" Hilary told Ashley and Mrs. Banks
"Oh, hi. I'm Vivian Banks, Hilary's mom. Thank you for marrying her, I mean carrying her" Mrs. Banks said shaking his hand
"Hi, I'm Ashley. Do you come in smaller sizes?" She asked him
"Nice to meet you but I should get going" he told us as he was about to leave when Hilary "winced in pain". I know what she's doing now and honestly it was quite genius
"My ankle" she told him when Jazz walked in the kitchen
"Unhand my woman's thigh" Jazz told him.
"It's my ankle" Hilary told him annoyed
"Maybe if you would give me some thigh I would know the difference" Jazz told her
"That's it Jazz. I've had it with you. I'm about to..." Will yelled walking into the kitchen then he saw Mrs. Banks confused face
"Thank you for starching my lucky drawers. There so clean and supportive" Will said holding up a stiff pair of boxers
"Not only that. They're bulletproof" Jazz said knocking on them
"Dr. Hudson this is my nephew Will and his friend Jazz" Mrs. Banks introduced
"Nice to meet you man" Will said shaking his hand
"Call me Alec Oh Malcolm's one of my heroes too" he told Will no his photo necklace
"Oh I-I idolize Malcolm. He's the only reason I watch The Cosby Show" Hilary told Alec as we all gave her a blank stare
"You're so pretty" I told her playing with her hair
"That's weird ever place I've gone today. I smelt garlic" Mr. Banks said walking into the kitchen as Jazz took something out his pocket
"You didn't eat your lunch. After I spent all morning frying the salmi" Jazz said as Mr. Banks glared at him and was about to charge but I stood in front of him calming him down
"Um, Uncle Phil look what Hilary brought home. He's a doctor. Without a wedding band. And check it out he black." Will told him excitedly
"Well I wasn't always but it was the only way I could get a scholarship" Alec joked as they introduced themselves
"So you're not married. Have a seat son" Mr. Banks said as they sat at the table
"Jazz I told you not to touch my clothes" Carlton yelled walking into the kitchen with a shrunken sweater
"Hey I bought you that sweater. It was my favorite one" I said walking up to Carlton grabbing the sweater and looking at it
"And this label clearly says hand-washed" Carlton told him
"That's exactly what I did. Before I stuck it in the machine, I washed my hands" Jazz told him holding out his hands
"Well time for dinner" he said as he grabbed a box of Fruit Loops
"Jazz, honey, you are a guest in our home. Now baby, why don't you sit down and never get up" Mrs. Banks told him pushing him away from the stove
I grabbed an apple out the fridge and began cutting it into slices. I grabbed a slice and fed it to Carlton as he smiled and grabbed a slice and feed it to me too as we smiled
Geoffrey then walked into the kitchen blowing his nose. He looked worse than before
"Look it's Geoffrey, doesn't he look wonderful" Mrs. Banks asked
"Actually I just spent the last half hour regurgitating" he told us as we all looked disgusted
"Ew" I told him
"Thank god because I thought you was singing" Will told him as Dr. Alec walked up to him
"May I" he asked Geoffrey as he nodded. Alec felt his throat and forehead
"This man is burning up. Look I want you to go in bed and stay in bed" He told him
"I think we need a second opinion" Carlton said
"All right Geoffrey. I'll help you to the room" Mrs. Banks told him leaving the kitchen
"Gotta go. It was nice meeting you all" Dr. Alec told us
"No" she yelled following him as he say she was standing
"More pain." She told him covering it up
"How can I ever repay you. I know why don't you stay for dinner " Hilary asked grabbing his hand
"There ain't enough in here" Jazz said stirring a pot
"Are you staying for dinner" Will asked as I looked at the pot
"Oh. Yum. I would love to but I just don't want to" I told him as I walked out the backdoor
That night my grandfather and I were sitting in the living room about to watch a movie. I don't really spend to much time with him anymore so I thought this would be fun.
He's to tired to do anything anymore even go to the Banks' like he used to and most of the time he's sleeping. The doctors say he doesn't have much time left but I try not to think about it because if I do I'll cry.
"You got the popcorn" I asked my grandfather sitting on the couch
"Yeah. You got the Trail Mix" He asked as I nodded
"Popcorn mix it up" I asked shaking my trail mix
"Please" he said as I dumped my trail mix into the popcorn when there was a knock on the door
"I got it" I said as I got up to answer the door and saw it was Hilary which is weird because she never comes over
"Hilary, Hi. What are you doing here" I asked letting her inside
"I need to be more like you" she told me as I looked confused
"Excuse me" I asked
"You're the type of girl that Alec is attracted to smart, beautiful, loves to read girls, help me be like you" she pleaded
"You really think all those things about me" I asked smiling
"Of course I do, plus you have a homely look about you" she told me as I looked offended
"As flattering as that is why can't you be yourself" I asked her
"Are you kidding I can't be myself. He probably thinks I'm just an airhead" she told me
"Well yeah you are but you are so many other things like" I said as I started to think. Hilary is an airhead but she never cared before why start now.
"You're outfits are always cute" I pointed out as she giggled
"I know right but can I borrow some of your clothes" she asked as I nodded
"Sure" I told her as we began walking up to my bedroom
"Oh and can you do my hair like you wear yours. Those things you put in your hair" she asked me
"Box braids" I asked her as she nodded
"Yes. Those are what they are called." She said
"Okay" I told her as we finally made it to my room
"It's okay I'll watch the movie by myself" I heard my grandfather yell
The next day I was at the Banks' House. I finally finished Hilary's hair
"How do I look" Hilary asked as I looked at her entire look
"Like a librarian. He owns 30 cats" I told her. This is so different then the Hilary I'm used to. She's usually in designer with a hat and shoes to match
"Perfect" she said smiling as I walked down the stairs
"I apologize for what you are about to witness" I told Will as he looked confused
"Yo Will" Hilary yelled walking down the stairs
"Yo no" he told her when Jazz walked in with a Bill Cosby cut out
"Yo baby I'm Jazz. Personal friend of Bill Cosby. Did I mention you are the only woman I've ever loved. Don't mention that to my fiance Hilary" Jazz told Hilary
"Jazz that is Hilary" I told him as he looked closer
"Well if you gave me the attention I deserve I wouldn't be fulfilling my needs else where" Jazz told her as Mr. and Mrs. Banks walked in
"Has anyone seen my briefcase" Mr. Banks asked
"No" Jazz answered a little to quickly
"Hilary, why in the world are you dressed like that" Mrs. Banks asked looking at her daughter
"I hope you don't think you're leaving the house like that" Mr. Banks said
"But this is what will attracted Alec" Hilary told them
"I'll drop you off at the clinic" Mrs. Banks told her
"Wait are we really teaching your daughter it's okay to change your appearance to please others" I asked everyone
"Yes" they all said
"Has anyone seen my briefcase" Mr. Banks asked again
"Am I on trial here? I mean the minute something is missing they blame the help" Jazz said
"No one's blaming you Jazz" Mrs. Banks said
"Good I'm glad we got that cleared up. Will may I see you in the kitchen for a personal matter" Jazz asked as they walked into the kitchen
Later that I was back at my house. My grandfather was asleep and I was sitting in in the kitchen reading a book. When Hilary walked in crying.
"Hilary what's wrong" I asked putting down my book and walking up to her
"I completely embarrassed myself why didn't you tell me Alec had a girlfriend" she told me as I looked confused
"I didn't know. He never talked about her" I told her honestly. I would have told her he has a girlfriend if I knew.
"I feel so stupid" she cried sitting down at the table with her head in her hands
"Oh honey, but you know what I learned this year. Things will always get better" I told her hugging her side as she looked up
"How do you know" she asked me
"I don't. That's what people always tell me." I told her
"Have you ever felt so much pain before" Hilary asked me
"Do you remember my love triangle fiasco" I asked
"Yeah that was a disaster" she told me
"Yeah, but look at me. I got through it. I'm happy. Will and Carlton are still my best friends. You're gonna feel pain and hurt but those feelings are just temporary and they go away and when they do you are a better person in the end" I told her as she stood up and hugged me
"Thanks your the best sister ever" she told me as I was about to object
"I'm not your...okay" I said hugging her back. I decided to just go with it
I grabbed to the gallon of ice cream of the freezer and two big spoons
"Now do you want to eat this until we're sick" I asked here as she grabbed a spoon
"Sure" she said as I took the lid off the ice creams as we both sat at the table and dug on spoons into the outfit
"On a side note can I have this outfit" I asked her. I love everything about it from the baby blue top to the multicolored shirt and the red headband was just the cherry on top
"Sure you know I will never wear anything this ugly" she told me as I gave her a look
"But it'll look good on you though" she comforted me as I rolled my eyes and put ice cream on her nose as she laughed and put some on my nose as we both laughed and continued eating the ice cream
A/N Sorry about to long hiatus the website I usually get the script from vanished so I had to do everything by going back and forth throughout the episode
Also Alec did Hilary dirty. He lead her on this entire episode. He knew Hilary was clearly into him and he should have said he had a girlfriend earlier
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