Clubba Hubba

Zora POV

My grandfather and I went to the Country Club today as I met up with the Banks family. Will, Carlton, and I were in a golf cart while Will was driving recklessly

"Brake! Brake! Brake! Hit the brake, Will!" Carlton screamed as Will hit the brakes as Mr. Banks walked up to us

"What, what in the hell are you doing?" Mr. Banks asked

"I'm sorry, man, it ain't my fault. I-I panicked. That squirrel came out of nowhere." Will said

"Philip, I'll call the manager and have him remove the cart." Mrs. Banks told him as we got out as I tied my hair into a bun

"Oh, let's just draw more attention to ourselves. Get in the cart, Vivian." He said

"No!" She told him as he got in the cart and started backing up

"I'm sorry, Mr. Banks but, uh, no golf carts in the dining room." The country club manager said Mr. Banks backed up

"Well, Will, you certainly made a name at this country club. I wouldn't be surprised if they revoked our shuffleboard privileges." Carlton said

"That's fine with me, man. This place is wack. I'm out of here." Will said as we started walking then he stopped

"Ooh, hold up. Ooh, special bulletin.
Hormones to Will. Hormones to Will." Will said tapping his hand over his heart as we saw how he was looking at

"Hold up yourself, Will. That's Mimi Mumford. You can't get to first base with her unless you can impress her father." Carlton told him as Mimi sat down

"He's an eminent surgeon, a championship polo player' and around these parts, he's known as Dr. No." I told him as Dr. Mumford sat down next to my grandfather as they began talking

"Why they call him that?" Will asked

"Because he never says "Yes." No young man is good enough for his daughter." Carlton told him

"Well, he ain't gonna have a chance to tell me no cause I ain't gonna ask." Will said as a boy walked up to the table

"Mimi, if you're not busy on Friday night would you like to accompany me
to the Apple Blossom Ball?" The guy asked

"No! What's your name, boy?" Dr. Mumford asked as the boy started stuttering

"What school do you go to? What
college are you applying to? And what's your career plans?" He kept asking

"I-I-I'm just a sophomore, sir. I don't really know yet." The boy told him

"Out of here, son. You disgust me." Dr. Mumford said as I walked up to the table

"Hey PaPa" I said as I kissed his cheek at sat down

"Hi sweetheart" he told me

"Hello Dr. Mumford" I said

"Hello Zora how are you" he asked

"I'm good" I replied

"You met my daughter Mimi" He told me as I nodded

"Yes sir I have. Hi Mimi" I said

"Hi Zoey" she told me looking bored out her mind

"Actually its" I said as I was cut off

"So are you going to the Apple Blossom Ball" Dr. Mumford asked

"Yes sir. I'm so excited. I just need to go buy my dress" I told him smiling as my grandfather took out his credit card

"Here you go sweetheart buy whatever your heart desires" he told me giving me the card

"Thanks PaPa. I'm going to The Banks House are you going to be okay" I asked

"Yes sweetheart I'll meet you at home" he told me as I nodded and kissed his cheek as I walked over to Will and Carlton

"Wait you know her that means you can put in a goof word for me" Will told me

"Trust me you don't want to date her" I told him as he looked at her

"Trust me. I really do" he said as I rolled my eyes

We were back at The Banks House as we walked into the living room with cups of juice

"So, what kind of guy does Dr. No say yes to?" Will asked

"Fellas with good grades, good manners, good looks. In a word, me." Carlton said

"So why haven't you made your
move on Miss Mimi?" I teased

"Not my type. Doesn't tickle my fancy." Carlton said looking at me

"Yeah, well, she can tickle mine." Will said as I laughed

"If only wishing made it so. Let's face it, Will, ou lack the social graces to impress someone like Dr. No." Carlton told him

"Boy, you must be on dog food. I am the most handsome, the most intelligent
and unequivocally the most flamboyant bachelor since Billy Dee." Will said

"This isn't West Philly, Will. It's Bel-Air.
And the women here are different. I guarantee you, Dr. No will say no." Carlton told him

"Oh, yeah, I bet he won't." Will challenged him

"I bet he will." Carlton said stepping closer to him

"I bet he won't." Will said stepping closer to him

"I'll bet he will." Carlton said as they were chest to chest

"Who says the art of conversation
is dead?" I asked sarcastically

"Alright, Will. You think you can be a gentleman? How do you propose
on going about it?" Carlton asked

"Carlton, it's very easy to be a geek. All I have to do is follow you around for a day." Will said

"It isn't as easy as it looks." He said putting his leg on the table

I sat on the couch and watched Carlton try to teach Will to be a proper gentleman

Carlton sat down on the couch and crossed his leg teaching Will how to sit properly. Will got up and tried to sit like him but fell over on the ground

Carlton asked Will to show him his walk as Will began walking with a limp as Carlton showed him how to walk properly

Will started stuttering and turning his head like he was walking down the runway as Carlton shook his head

I came from the bathroom I walked into the living room as I saw Will down on one knee holding Carlton's hand

"And with your father's permission I'd love to escort you to the Apple Blossom Ball." Will asked as I smiled at them

"I had no idea you two were getting along so well." Mrs. Banks said walking up to us

"Hey, hey, hey, hey." Will said as she walked away

"What's going on here, Carlton, Zora?" Mr. Banks asked us

"Will's got a thing for Mimi Mumford
so I'm teaching him how to be a perfect gentleman." Carlton said

"Oh! I want a piece of this." Mr. Banks said smiling

Mr. Banks and Carlton were teaching Will how to tie a bowtie as he Will tied it to tight and began chocking as we helped him loosen it up

Geoffrey came in the living room as they were trying to teach Will how to talk to Mimi

"Observe, Will, this is how a perfect gentleman talks to a young lady." Carlton said as he walked up to me and grabbed my hand

"Say there, Zora, might I say that you rate a perfect ten on my niftiness meter?" He told me

"Uh, I don't think so. So, Uncle Phil, uh, how did you used to crack on the girlies?" Will asked as he laughed at sat next to Will

"What I'm about to tell you is going
to change your life forever. Are you listening?" He asked as Will nodded as Mr. Banks grabbed my hand

"First, I take her hand then I stroke it gently but imperceptibly look deep into her eyes, blow gently in her ear let my mouth curl up into a smile make a low, rumbling, hypnotic sound." He said as I looked weirded out as Mrs. Banks walked in

"Ooh! Philip, that's what you did
on our first date." Mrs. Banks said hugging him

"That's right." He said smiling

"You're lucky you got a second one." She told him walking away

"Allow me, sir." Geoffrey said

"Certainly, Geoffrey, if you think you can do any better." Mr. Banks said as Geoffrey cleared his throat and kneeled in front of me grabbing my hand

" life was but
a mere whisper until you entered into it. Whether it was chance or blind fate
or kismet, if you will, that brought us together.....I would be remiss to let this moment pass without telling you
how deeply you have affected the very core of my being." Geoffrey said

"Aww" I said

"Ooh, baby!" Will joked as he tackled Geoffrey on the ground

We were all teaching Will about the types of silverware as I laid my head on Carlton's chest curled up to his side

"The fish knife." Will said

"Yeah, right." Carlton said sarcastically as I leaned up and looked at it

"No, it is right. He got it right." I said as I shook Carlton

"He got it right! He got it right!" Carlton cheered

"He did?" Mr. Banks asked

"He got it right!" Carlton said shaking Geoffrey

"Get your own geisha." Geoffrey yelled as he looked at Carlton

"Excuse me, Master Carlton. You were saying?" Geoffrey asked

"Will, he picked out the fish knife." Carlton said

"Will, I want you to pay very close attention. Which one is the shrimp fork?" I asked as he picked up the shrimp fork

"By George, I think he's got it." Geoffrey said as we smiled at him


The next day we went to the Country Club as Will was dressed like Carlton

"Okay, now, just remember you're from Connecticut and you're transferred
to Bel-Air Academy and you row
on the crew team. Now, where did you
transfer from?" Carlton asked

"Bendover." Will said

"It's Andover. We're going back home." Carlton said as Will stopped him

"I was joking, man. Relax. Hook-hook it up." Will said as we walked up to Dr. Mumford

"I beg your pardon, Dr. Mumford. I have a friend who's new in town. He's the new star on the crew team. Would you like to meet him?" I asked

"It's a boy? No!" He said

"I respect your wishes, sir. But I'd just like to say kudos on that polo match. Super form." Will said

"Ah, you saw it, huh? Excuse me. Uh, I didn't get your name."

'Smithers. Kip Smithers" Will said

"Well have a seat Smithers" Dr. Mumford told him

"May I join you sir" Carlton asked

"No" he said as I grabbed Carlton's arm dragging him away

Carlton and I went to go walk around as we walked back in the dining room

"Yo, C! Zee! Come here!" Will yelled as we walked over to him

"Mimi. Kip." Carlton said

"Carlton, Zora, would you please tell
her who I really am?" Will asked us

"Who you really are?" I asked as he nodded 00

"He is Kip Smithers, from Connecticut. He transferred from Andover
to Bel-Air so he could row.with the crew." Carlton said

"No, no, no. Tell her where I'm really from." Will said

"England." Carlton said as Mimi walked away and Will began chocking Carlton as I ran over to them to separate them

We were back at The Banks house as Ashley was sitting on the couch and I was standing behind the couch massaging Carlton's neck

We were watching Will pace around the living room

"For future reference, Will our club frowns on strangulation." Carlton said

"This is all your fault, man. You got me into this mess." Will said

"Me?" Carlton asked

"Y-yeah! T-this preppy nonsense. I knew women didn't like that mess.
If I would've had my way, I would've had my way." Will said as Hilary walked into the living room with shopping bags

"Congratulate me. It took all day
but I finally found the perfect pair
of alligator pumps to wear to the Save the Everglades rally tonight." Hilary said

"Will has a crush on Mimi Mumford." Ashley said

"That fat girl?" Hilary asked

"Mimi is not fat." Will told her as she scoffed

"Not today. Liposuction. She's been vacuumed more times than a hooked rug." Hilary said

"Well, she looks good now, right?
I don't see your point." Will said

"Just wave a chili-cheese dog in front of her nose and see how much of your arm you come back with." Hilary said as she walked away as Mrs and Mr. Banks walked into the living

"Will! So, how did it go with Mimi Mumford?" Mr. Banks asked

"He struck out." Ashley said as I stopped massaging Carlton's neck and sat on the chair with him and curled up to his side

"Okay, Will, you've taken advice
from Carlton from Philip, and Geoffrey
but you have not gone to the most logical source the woman of the house.
Now, before I was married, I had my share of admirers." Mrs. Banks said

"A sorrier bunch of deadbeats you'll never meet." Mr. Banks said walking away

'The ones that I was most attracted to were the ones who were secure enough
to just be themselves. And that's my advice to you. Just be yourself." Mrs. Banks told him

"Thanks, Aunt Viv." Will told her

"Come, sweetie." She said as her and Ashley left

"So, Will, are you going to take her advice?" I asked as Carlton stood up

"Man, you got to be crazy." He told me

"Mimi wants a street-wise, Harley
ba-ba-bad-to-the-bones type guy, man.
If I could show her that I'm dangerous
I'll have her like that." Will said as I rolled my eyes

"I'll bet you wouldn't." Carlton said

"I'll bet I would." Will said standing up

"I'll bet you wouldn't." Carton said

"I'll bet you wouldn't." Will said

"I'll bet you would." Carlton said

"See, I fooled you." Will said as I laughed


It was the night of the Apple Blossom Ball as I had my hair in low bun with flowers pinned in my head

Since I didn't have a date Carlton and I were going together as friends.

We walked into the ball as Will walked behind us with a black fedora and shades on

"Alright, now remember, I'm wanted in five states. I'm hidin' out from the police for robbin' a gun store. And what did I do before then?" Will asked

"You went to Penn State." Carlton said

"I went to the state pen." Will corrected him

"Sorry. I thought Penn State was bad enough." Carlton said as we walked uo to Mimi

"Mimi, top of the evening." Carlton said

"Carlton, for the 900th time, no, I will not go out with you." Mimi said

"I thought you said she wasn't your type." I asked

"She isn't. She's too negative." Carlton said

"I'm not here for that. Although if you just gave it some objective thought.." Carlton said as Will cleared his throat

"Anyway, I'm here for him" Carlton said as Will began rocking back and forth

"Does he need to go to the bathroom?" Mimi asked

"No, he's just being his bad self. What you saw before was just a charade." Carlton said

"Kip is his street name. K-I-P. It stands
for "Conceived In Prison." I said

"He's my cousin and he's from
the Bedford-Stuyvesant region of Brooklyn wherein he is a felon." Carlton said

"Okay. Then what is he doing here in Bel-Air?" She asked

"He's living with us to escape,
and I quote, "The man." I said

"Voila." Carlton said as Will walked closer to her

"I thought you said he rowed crew?" She asked

"Huh, no, no, baby. You misunderstood.
They said I wrote for the 2 Live Crew.
But, see, they kicked me out because my lyrics was too abrasive." Will told her

"He's as nasty as he wants to be.
I kid you not." Carlton said

"Hey, baby, you look so good I wish I could plant you and grow a whole field of y'all." Will said

"Yo, baby, Fresh Prince in full effect. It's time to get busy." He said as he began dancing

"Oh I see you can't hang baby" he asked as I tapped on his shoulder and pointed to Dr. Mumford as he took off his hat and shades and ran over to him

After the dance I was at the Banks house sitting down playing Chess with Geoffrey as Will was telling us a story when Hilary and her friend. Toni walked in the house

"Oh! Miss Hilary. Did you have a good time at the Save the Everglades fund raiser?" Geoffrey asked

"Geoffrey, these events are not about having a good time. They're consciousness-raising experiences.
When you hear about all of the species
that are on the brink of extinction
it's grim, grave, and very, very sobering." Hilary said

"Tom Cruise was near tears." Toni said

"Oh, wasn't he gorgeous?" Hilary said as they both laughed walking away

"So there I was, G, Zee Then this real fly honey walked by, right? So I decided
I'll just be myself. I said, "Yo, baby. Yo, baby. Yo." And she loved me!" Will told us

"Then what happened?" I asked

"Well, then her husband
came in." Will said taking off his glasses revealing a black eye as Geoffrey went get some ice

"Look Will you're great. You're charming and sweet amd funny and you'll fund someone out there who accepts you for you" I told him as he smile

"Thanks Zee" he told me as I stood up

"Well I should get home" I said

"You want me to walk you" he asked

"Uh no its alright you need to stay here and rest your eye" I told him as I walked out the house.

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