(Season 1)Prologue: Just A Normal Day in Raven City. Calm Before The Storm.

Hello my beautiful readers. I am so sorry for the long wait. Planning for this story was a bit more difficult than I thought as I never wrote a zombie story before, it was a bit hard to think on how to start it. But now, I'm ready to write the first prologue of season 1. Hope you are all ready~.

[Part 1]

[Opening 1]


[Narrator Pov]:

Nobody can ever predict the future. It was just one of those things that we need to find out when the future does come around. Life was very hard back in the day as people could not predict of what was to come in the near future. Can it be good or bad? The world can never know. However, there has been good and bad times that future brought. All we can only do is hope that the many years to come can continue to be good and less bad.

Sadly, the future that's to come of 2025 will be one of the worse, chaotic, and deadly bad year as no more good can come after that. Now, let's hop into this story of the undead.

[Third Pov]

(9 hours left before the Zombie Apocalypse begins...)

[Location]: Raven City, Kokoa's Household
[Date]: March 15, 2025 (Sunday)
[Time]: 11:00 am

Today is March 15, 2025. It was a beautiful day as the birds are singing, flowers are blooming beautifully, children are playing in the park, and adults are busy with their day. This is Raven City.

It's a very beautiful city to live in. Of course, it isn't perfect as there is a lot of crimes, accidents, etc, but it's still a lovely city to live in, well, maybe not to close as that's were the chaos usually happens. Anyways, just outside of the city, a bit far, there is a nice neighborhood as we can see the camera zooming in a certain house.

Yes, that red house right there. This is the main protagonist's household. Inside the house, we can see the female protagonist moving some boxes around the house.

???: {Puts a heavy box down} Phew, oh man. These boxes are heavy. Okay, just a few more boxes to move and unpack. For fuck sakes, I hate that I have so much shit.

Meet the main protagonist of this story and one of the survivors of the upcoming apocalypse; Bonnie Kokoa Vanilla, or as people calls her, Kokoa. She is 23 years old and recently moved to Raven City for a better life. You see, Kokoa was from Los Angeles, which is pretty far. Her life back then was bit hard, having to be bullied almost of her school life, getting cheated on by her ex, etc. Her family cared and loved her like how any other family are supposed to care for their children. Sadly, Kokoa decided to move away, leaving her family and a few of her friends behind, as she moved to Raven City. Kokoa has heen living in Raven City for at least 2 month and has a good paying job, that was helping pay her bills, furniture, clothes, food, etc. Unfortunately, Kokoa has a lot of junk, which was taking her a long time to unpack and she was a bit lazy to do most of it.

Still, even though her job pays good, it is very tiring most times as she mostly works overtime to get a little extra money. Luckily, today is her day off and sadly, she has plenty of stuff to do. Firstly, she needs to get on her computer and email her parents, to check on them, take a shower and cook some breakfast, and continued to unpack and organize a lot of things. Her day is gonna be very busy indeed.

Kokoa: {Sighs, rubs head} Why do I have so much junk? Should I start a yard sale? No, I probably don't have enough time. Maybe in the near future I'll start that yard sale if I think I don't need a lot of useless shit. Alright, let's get back to work.

As Kokoa crouched down, she opened up a box and saw it was filled with many books, school related books.

Kokoa: {Smiles softly} Heh, man, I was such a nerd back in the day. I always spend most of my time in these books, just so I can get good grades and head to college, which I didn't go at the end. Man, I wasted a lot of time on these books.

Kokoa then began to grab the books, a few at a time, and began to them in her bookshelf, organizing in alphabetical order, which took a bit longer than it needed to be. Around 20 or so minutes, Kokoa was finished putting her school books away.

Kokoa: There we go. Sometimes, I wondered why I keep these books and no throw them away. Heh, maybe these books will help my future kids for their school....if I plan to have children with the right guy. {Sighs} Damn, it's really hard to find a right guy, but I'll keep looking, eventually. Alright, onto the next box.

Kokoa then moved onto the next book, crouching down and opening it, seeing it was Playstation 5. Seeing this, Kokoa's smile grew.

Kokoa: {Smiles widely} Hey, my Playstation 5! So, this is were it was the whole time. Holy shit, I always spent many hours on this system through my Highschool life. Playing with friends, talking a lot of shit to people online, and just having fun. Sadly, I really don't have much time to play. Maybe one day....one day.

As Kokoa took out her Playstation 5 and set it on the side, her stomach suddenly growled, making her blush a bit and held her stomach. Kokoa just chuckled.

Kokoa: {Chuckles a bit} Heh, looks like I'm hungry. I should get something to eat, but maybe after a warm and nice shower.

Kokoa then got up and began heading upstairs to her bedroom. When she got to her bedroom, she went to her dresser and got out some fresh pair of clothes and a towel. Why didn't she get any panties or bras? Simple, she doesn't like wearing them, that's all you need to know. Anyways, Kokoa then headed to the restroom and when she arrived, she turned on the water and began stripping off the turtleneck sweater she has worn as pajamas. As she stripped, she was now in her full naked glory as she got into the shower and began to clean her body.

Kokoa: {Smiles} Ah~, nothing beats a good warm shower.

After around 30 minutes, Kokoa has finished her shower, dried off her body and put on some new set of comfortable clothes and put on her glasses.

(She is clearly wearing her glasses, not on the head obviously)

Kokoa: {Stretches a bit} Mm~, I feel refresh as hell. Now, time to cook some good ass breakfast.

Before she exited out of the bathroom, she put her dirty outfit in the laundry basket and began heading downstairs to the kitchen. As she arrived at the kitchen, she opened the fridge, only to find some eggs, butter, milk, some cheese, and some bread. Kokoa's eyes widen in shock.

Kokoa: {Shocked} What?! That's all I got? God fucking dammit, I knew I should've gone shopping sooner. Welp, gotta make what I have and I'll go shopping later.

Kokoa grabbed the ingredients, the pans, some seasoning, and got the fire started. As the fire began to warm up the pan, Kokoa put a half spoonful of butter on the skillet, having it melt after less than a minute. Kokoa then grabbed a bowl, a fork, and 4 eggs. She then cracked 4 eggs into the bowl, poured some black pepper and garlic salt into her eggs as she began mixing it. After at least a minute of mixing the eggs, Kokoa then poured the eggs into the skillet, as it began to sizzle. While the eggs were cooking, Kokoa then grabbed 2 slices of bread and put them in the toaster for at least 3 minutes. While the bread began to toast, Kokoa then put some cheese into her eggs and began to stir it with a big spoon, making sure the eggs don't begin to stick. The delicious smell hit Kokoa's nose, making her sniff it as she drooled just a bit.

Kokoa: Mm~, this breakfast is smelling good so far~.

Just then, the toast was done as Kokoa took them out of the toaster and began spreading a bit of butter on in and put them on her plate that she has set on the counter next to her. After her eggs were done, she then poured them on her toast and slice both of her toasts apart.

(Just pretend that there are 4 pieces)

All Kokoa did was smile and put her hands on her hip as she looked at her work.

Kokoa: {Smiles} Heh, it might just be plain, but that looks delicious.

Kokoa then grabbed her plate and set it on the table. Next, Kokoa went and grabbed a glass cup from the cabinet and a jar of milk from her fridge, poured some in her cup as she put the milk back, and sat down. Kokoa rubbed her hands, prayed a bit, and began eating her breakfast. And let me tell you, it was pretty delicious.

Kokoa: Mmm~, so good~♡.

What can I say, Kokoa loves food a lot. Kokoa then began to think about her lonely life and living alone can be quite lonely, but she is doing fine on her own. When she first moved here, she was a bit shy, but she learned to be brave on her. In fact, she did planned on moving out right after graduating Highschool, but plans got made and she didn't move until a few years later. Anyways, after breakfast and finishing her milk, Kokoa put all of her dishes away, deciding to clean the dishes later.

Kokoa: Yeah, I'm gonna clean my dishes later. I promised myself to email my family to see how're they doing.

Kokoa then went upstairs to her bedroom and sat at her desktop, opened her computer, and began typing to her parents.


KokoaVanilla34: "Hey mama and papa, I hope you both are doing excellent back in Los Angeles. I apologize that I haven't text you both sooner. I've been a bit busy and I've lost track of time."

After Kokoa sended the message, it wasn't too long as she received a message back.

PapaXMama202: "Oh my sweet baby, it's okay. Me and your father have been doing pretty well over here. Nothing bad has happened so far. Sorry that your older brother couldn't be here as he is pretty busy. -Mother."

KokoaVanilla34: "I understand. Big bro is always busy. I'm also glad you both are doing well."

PapaXMama202: "How's life over there at Raven City, kiddo? I hope you are eating and sleeping well. You aren't dating any boys lately, have you? That little shit of an ex broke your heart. -Father."

KokoaVanilla34: "Yes Papa, I am eating well and sleeping well. Although, I have to go to the store later to stock up. And to anwser your other question, no I haven't began to date any other boys. I'm not ready after what happened, plus you literally ran that asshole over with your vehicle, which it's going a bit overboard."

PapaXMama202: "Nothing about that is going overboard. He broke my baby's heart, so I broke his everything. Simple as that. -Father"

KokoaVanilla34: "Papa, you literally crashed your vehicle into his parent's house after that."

PapaXMama202: "Well, I never liked them and they didn't care what their brat did. -Father."

KokoaVanilla34: "I love you Papa, but you tend to go overboard with a lot of things. I'm literally surprised you haven't got the police after you."

PapaXMama202: "Anyways sweetie, I hope you come visit us someday, whenever you got time. -Mother."

KokoaVanilla34: "You're in luck, because I'm coming to visit next week on my day on off. Anyways, I gotta go as I have things to do."

PapaXMama202: "Okay sweetie, please be safe out there and we'll see you next week. I'll make sure your brother will be here to see you as well. Your father says he loves and I love you as well. -Mother."

KokoaVanilla34: "I love you all 3000."

[Email Messages End]

After Kokoa finished messaging her parents, she stretched a bit and yawned.

Kokoa: {Yawns} Damn, I'm actually a bit tired. I should actually sleep more often. What time is it?

When Kokoa looked at her alarm clock, she was a bit surprised that is was close to 1 o'clock.

Kokoa: Damn, it's almost 1 o'clock already? Time sure does fly by fast if you're not paying attention to it. {Sighs} Alright, I gotta do my shopping now, rather than later.

Kokoa got up from her chair, grabbed her keys for her vehicle and headed downstairs. As she gotten downstairs, she went out the front door, locking it behind her as she headed towards her vehicle. And let me tell you, it was a pretty nice looking car.

This car wasn't cheap as it cost her quite a fortune and luckily, she didn't go bankrupt at the end. Well, her parents did help her out a bit with buying the vehicle, so it's thanks to them. Anyways, Kokoa got into her vehicle, turn on the vehicle's engine and began driving to the grocery store. Considering it was gonna take almost 30 damn minutes to get to the store, Kokoa thought she might as well listen to some music. Kokoa then turned on the radio.

[Q/A: What are your favorite songs to listen to? What songs do you even recommend? For me, it's any song that gets my body moving these days]

Kokoa began to bop her head a bit to to music as she continued to drive to the store. Around 30 or so minutes, she has finally arrived to the grocery store. As Kokoa found a parking spot, she got out of her vehicle, locked the door, grabbed a cart, and headed inside. Kokoa then began looking around, seeing what she would need.

Kokoa: Hm, Let's see...what do I need? Maybe some more bread, meat, cheese, fruits, some vegetables? I'm gonna be here for awhile.

As Kokoa began to brainstorm on what to get, she then heard a familiar voice that she hasn't heard in years.

???: {Happily} Are my eyes deceiving me?! Is that you, Kokoa?!

Kokoa turned around and gasped in happiness. Kokoa was definitely happy to see her favorite person in the world after all these years.

Kokoa: {Happily} Katelyn! It is you!

Introducing Katelyn Milky Rose, (who is my other author insert from my other account: MilkCreamStudioz . Still trying to think of a new surname for her though), who is the cousin of Kokoa. Even though her name is Katelyn, a lot of people calls her Milky. Milky is just a few years older than Kokoa and they have been very close many years ago. Sadly, Milky had to move away and Kokoa hasn't seen for so many years until today. Anyways, Kokoa ran and hugged Milky tightly, stuffing her face between her breasts. All Milky did was giggled, took off her headphones and put both of her headphones and phone in her purse as she hugged back.

Kokoa: {Extremely happy} I am so happy to see you again! It's been so many years! Have you gotten bigger? Your breasts are huge!

Milky: {Giggles} Hehe, I can say the same to you. Your breasts have grown quite a lot. I remember you were almost flat chested many years ago.

Kokoa: Same to you, although your were just a tiny bit bigger than mine back in the day. Anyways, how's life going with you?

Both Kokoa and Milky began a conversation as they both continued to shop for food.

Milky: Heh, well my life has been a bit of a roller coaster lately, but it has been getting better. I usually just hang out with my friends and spend time at a bar. Nothing much to say about me. How about you?

Kokoa: Well, my life wasn't all to great. Back in school, I used to get bullied almost all my life, for reasons I still don't know. I used to date a guy for quite awhile, until he cheated on my with one of friends. Yeah, all that betrayal broke me, but I'm fully healed and move on.

Milky then comfort Kokoa by hugging her close as Kokoa hugged back.

Milky: Aw, I'm so sorry Bon Bon. I hope that two-timing bastard got karma.

Kokoa: {Giggles} Oh trust me, he got more than karma. Anyways, have you gotten a boyfriend or maybe a girlfriend yet? I mean, with that bombshell of a body and your personality, I guarantee you would've find a special someone by now.

All Milky did was scratched her and nervously chuckles, as Kokoa was putting some meat in her shopping cart as Milky was putting a pack of cookies in her shopping basket.

Milky: {Nervously chuckles} Eh, I was kinda in the same boat as you. A few years back, I found a cute guy and we got to know eachother and began dating, but a year later, I found him cheating on me with another woman, saying I was taking too long for sex. I was heartbroken, but I quickly moved on and decided to date a woman this time. Although, a few months into the relationship, she began to become a bit controlling and aggressive, so I have to escape from her. After that, I haven't got into any relationships at all after that.

Kokoa was shocked to hear that Milky was in the same boat as her. She felt really bad for her.

Kokoa: Oh, Milky...I'm so sorry. I hope those fuckers got what they deserved.

Milky: {Smiles} They sure did! I burned my first ex's house down and I broke my other ex's arm and leg with a sledgehammer, since she think she owns me.

No words can describe what Kokoa just heard from Milky. She was shocked to hear that Milky did that. Damn.

Kokoa: ...Holy shit. Remind me to never get on your bad side.

Milky kissed Kokoa's forehead, making her blush a bit.

Milky: {Giggles} Hehe, don't worry your pretty little head. You'll never be on my bad side~.

Both Kokoa and Milky continued their conversation until they paid for their groceries and exit the door. As they exit, they were both heading to their vehicles until Milky began a different conversation.

Milky: Hey Kokoa, you drink, right?

Kokoa: Huh? Uh, yeah, I tend to drink. Why do you ask?

Milky: {Smiles} Wonderful! I asked because there is this popular bar not to far from here. I was wondering that me and you meet up at the Crimson Steamy Bar tonight and catch up on more of our lives. We'll drink and maybe, we'll end up making out with some hot guys or maybe some cute girls~.

That last part made Kokoa blush a bit. She didn't know about that as she has never made out with anyone, and knowing full well what will happen if things get steamy when drunk.

Kokoa: {Blushes} I-I don't know, Milky. I mean, I will never pass up with drinking the night away, but making out with people? I'm not sure about that last part.

Milky: {Smiles} Oh, come on. You need to get laid, sweetheart. You're not gonna spend your life as a virgin, right? Trust me, this will be a one night stand and nothing bad will happen. I mean, I did this many times and nothing changed. It made me happy at least. Trust me, finding the right mate is pretty rare these days. You need something fun in your life. Come on~, live a little~.

After thinking about it, Kokoa smiled and agreed with Milky.

Kokoa: {Smiles} You know what, you're right. I'm gonna spice up my life a little bit. It's time to have some once in awhile~. I have been a bit stress lately with work, so this'll help out.

Milky: Hehe, awesome! Remember, we'll meet at the Crimson Steamy Bar at 8. Make sure to wear your best and sexy dress~. You gotta get these men and women's attention somehow~. You better look pretty.

Kokoa: {Smiles} Roger that.

After saying goodbye and exchanging numbers, they both went to their vehicles and drove off to their homes. With Kokoa, she finally got back to her house and began bringing her groceries in. This took her about a few minutes, considering she bought a lot. After she was done bringing the groceries in her house, she began putting her groceries up, in the fridge, cabinet, or whatever goes where.

Kokoa: {Putting groceries up} Damn, I bought a lot. Hope this'll last me for a few months, considering how much I love to eat and snack on things. Oh, wait, I gotta stack some snacks in my room in a secret place. Heh, just in case I want to get a midnight snack.

Kokoa then began to put her emergency snacks in a bag, which includes: pork & beans in a can (x4), a medium size load of bread that's perfectly wrapped up, one medium size of beef jerky teriyaki flavor, a pack of oreo cookies, Hershey's candy bar (x2), and a full bottle of water in her jug, that she lastly filled up.

(Just a small and quick edit. I don't care if it's not perfect. It's just a simple edit of this things Kokoa has. I'll be doing plenty of more of these in the future of this story.)

[Q/A: What are your favorite snacks or/midnight snack?]

After putting her delicious emergency snacks in a secret location in her room, Kokoa quickly went back to the kitchen to put the rest of her groceries up. This took almost 5 or so minutes and after she was done, Kokoa closed and her fridge and cabinets and then stretched.

Kokoa: {Stretches} Mm! Alright, what time is it?

When she checked the time, it was almost 3 o'clock. Time sure does fly by fast.

Kokoa: Almost 3, huh? Well, I got some time to kill. Gotta unpack the rest of these boxes.

For the next 3 or so hours, Kokoa continued to unpack her her stuff, such as pictures of her family and friends, and from her childhood when she went to the park and played with her older brother. Kokoa actually misses her older brother, as they haven't talk in a few years, but she completely understands about his busy life as he has his own family and busy job. Maybe, when Kokoa visits, she can catch up with her brother. Anyways, Kokoa continues to open many boxes and organizing her stuff, like some Manga that she used to read back in the day, many of her dvd movies she bought, her other game systems and video games, etc. Kokoa even took a break to hook up her Playstation 5 to play some God of War to past the time as she did put most of her stuff up and she only have a few more boxes left to unpack.

After playing on her game system for awhile, Kokoa then checked the time as it was around 6:45 and she remembered that she need to get ready to meet her cousin at the bar.

Kokoa: Oh shit, I gotta get ready.

Kokoa then turned off her PS5 and went to her room to pick out a very nice dress. She began to go through her closet to find a nice dress, after looking through some choices, she found the perfect one and it hasn't been touched in awhile. So, Kokoa began stripping off her outfit and began putting on her dress and her heels. After that, she put on a little bit of makeup and fixed her hair a bit. After that, she was looking herself in the mirror.

Kokoa: {Smiles to herself} Hehe, I'm not looking half bad~. Alright, time to go as I don't want to be late.

It was around 7:15 and Kokoa got into her vehicle and drove off the the bar. Around 30 minutes again, she arrived at the city and began heading towards the bar.

Kokoa: Alright, the GPS tells me that the bar is just straight ahead. Heh, I can't really wait to get my drink on. It's been awhile since I some good ass beer or wine as a matter of fact. Work can be so stressful, and my boss can be a bit of a dick, but it pays well. Still, it's stressful to deal with a lot of people and paperwork. Who knows, maybe after this night, I'll feel refreshed and this bar can be my new place to chill. Milky is right, I actually need to get laid. I never had any action since I've been cheated on and finding a right guy or girl is hard. Oh well, it'll just be a one night stand.

As Kokoa continued to drive, she slowed down since a lot of traffic was feeling the streets. This made Kokoa raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Kokoa: {Confused} Huh? Traffic during this time? Is there an accident or something?

Suddenly, a small explosion was heard from up ahead and Kokoa saw many police lights up ahead. The explosion made Kokoa jumped a bit as she saw many citizens running for their lives, screaming.

Kokoa: {Shocked} W-What the hell was that?! Did an explosion went off!? What the hell is happening over there?! I have to turn around and-

Before Kokoa can finish her sentence, just as she was gonna make a right turn, a car came speeding and crashed into the side of her door on the right, making the car rolled and crashed to the side. Her car was upside down and Kokoa was incredibly injured as she was bleeding as a small pole stabbed her through the stomach.

Kokoa: {Coughs blood, in pain} Ngh! Ah, f-fuck! O-Oh god...t-this hurts! A-Anyone...please help......

Tears began to pour down from Kokoa's eyes as she was scared and her vision was beginning to go dark.

Kokoa: {In tears} I-Is this....how I die...? Mama...Papa...big brother...Katelyn..... I-I'm scared....please....I...I don't want to go....

However, just as Kokoa's vision was consumed by darkness, she could've sworn that she saw people attacking eachother and biting into them.

[Prologue Part 1 End...]
[To be continued...]

[Ending 1]


There we go! The first part of the prologue is finally done. Hope you love it so far. Sorry it took so long, as I needed more planning on where was I going with this story. Anyways, I should've used some images for a few scenes or something, but I don't want to trigger Wattpad, so please use your imagination.

I can't keep any promises, but I'm going to try and have this book upload a chapter once every month. Again, can't keep any promises.

Ara, remember to vote, comment, share, and add this story in your reading list. Pretty please and thank you♡. If you want future updates, notifications, and more future stories, please feel free to give me a follow. You can also request any story you want me to write that's located on story idea book.

Thank you so much for taking your time on reading my stories and leaving a vote. Please help yourself to some Choccy milk for your troubles and please enjoy our finest milkyshakeys~.



January 15, 2024


Time: 3:42 pm

Words: 4,659

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