Prologue: How the outbreak start
We see many stars up within space and some planets around. It is quiet with no life around the open void of space. That is until a meteor flies by and we follow this meteor as it's leaving a green trail of smoke while it gose pass several planets.
It travels a long distance as it gose pass Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Mars and then we see it going straight to one planet ahead of it. Earth. The meteor enters Earths atmosphere and heats up as it burst through the cloads and soon crash landed somewhere in a large feild.
We see the meteor heating up before it cools down as we a nearby farm as lights inside turn on and minutes later a farmer step out towards the meteor with his shotgun at the ready as he walls over to the crash site and looks downnto the hole to see the meteor.
Male farmer: Um honey? What is the number for the government?
Little did this farmer or the world knew, their meteor will be humanities end very soon.
(Four weeks later)
(Unknown enemy Island)
(Year: 2066)
We see military Helicopters bursting oit through the clouds as it makes it approach to an island that has been taking over by terrorist as a rockets fly by with one of them hitting one Helicopter and it blows up while the rest make it's landing at the beach with the other troops as military soldiers exit out of the Helicopter and marches towards cover.
Military soldier: Go Go Go!
Explosion happen around them as they rushes towards cover while some soldiers get taking out left and right. Soon they leap into the ditch where the rest of the soldier were along with the Sargent as he try to request air support.
Bryce: This is Sargent Bryce we need that air support right now! Enemy forces are giving us hell here!
Command: (radio) I'm sorry but the skies are too hot with their anti air cannons blowing up our plans. Your on your own until you take down those cannons, over and out.
Bryce: Shit!
Male soldier: What should we do sir?
Bryce: We're on our own, they won't sent in air support until we take down those cannons.
Male soldier: But there's too many of them sir! We won't make it!
Bryce: You saying we should give up! No way! We are going to complete this mission and we are going to even we die trying!
Male soldier 2: Incoming!
They look up to see a Helicopter going down and it's going to crash near them so they all take cover and the Helicopter crashed near them followed by an explosion that sent a few soldiers flying and either were killed or injured.
Bryce slowly sat up and see most of his squad were killed while some were injured. Then Enemy soldiers exit out of the woods and they make it approach towards them with Bryce sees that this is were he will die.
Suddenly bullets fly by as the enemy soldiers were taking out immediately as Bryce turn to see someone on the turret of one of the broken down vehicle and clearing out the area of enemy soldiers.
After a while the enemy soldiers were taking out as the soldier leaps out of the turret and walk towards Bryce as he looks to see Y/n looking down at him as he reach out his hand and Bryce takes it and Y/n helps him up.
Bryce: Commander Y/n, I wasn't suspected you be here in this battle.
Y/n: (smirk) Well now you know Sargent.
Bryce: Where is the rest of your squad?
Y/n: Oh they should be done right
Then there was an explosion where the cannons were at and then a large explosion that damaged the enemies main base and killing some enemy soldiers. Bryce is surprised by this and order his men to charge which they did as they lend out a battle cry.
Walking by them was the rest of Y/n's squad as they walk towards them while Y/n walks up to them and tell them.
Y/n: Great work. Looks like this mission will be done as soon as possible.
Amir: Let's hope so sir. Because if I have to sneak through a vent near lava, oh boy that will be too soon.
Chase: (smirk) Your telling me, I feel like I was cooking like chicken!
Juan: Well at least the mission will be complete.
Itzel: What our new orders?
Y/n: Let me check.
Y/n gets on comms and ask for any orders. After a few nods there is a surprise look on Y/n's face as he nods once more and after that he turn yo his squad.
Y/n: We got new orders. We're heading back to base.
Amir: Really? What for sir?
Y/n: They said they have a surprise for us.
Chase: (smirk) Surprise huh? Must be my birthday or something because I love surprises.
Juan: We all do Chase.
Y/n: Come on. Let's grab a Helicopter and head back.
The five of them walk towards a landing Helicopter that will take them back to base and once they claim on the Helicopter takes off returning them back to base.
(Military base: 56)
(Location: Classified)
The Helicopter arrives at the military base: 56 and once there it lands at the landing pad and Y/n and his squad exit out of the Helicopter and walk through the base as we see military soldier marching around the base, military vehicles being parked and Chase and Juan were surprised to see military robots and large mechs at the base.
Chase: Looks like the age of machines is coming.
Juan: (smirk) Maybe so man.
Amir: Oh will you both shut up about the machine apocalypse type of crap. It ain't going to happen.
They approach a general of the base who is talking to q scientists and soon Y/n and his squad approach him and they salute to the general once he turn to them.
Noel: At ease. Sorry to pull you all out of the mission today but there is a interesting and surprising reason for this.
Amir: (whisper) At least it isn't bad news.
Y/n: What ever it is sir, we're ready for anything.
Noel: Let me ask you all a do you feel to be super soldiers?
They look at each other in both surprise and confusion while he scientists who Noel is talking to walk up next to Noel as Noel introduced the scientists to them.
Noel: This is Dr: Ohta Ito from Japan. He has been researching a chemical that can allow soldiers to be super soldiers. I'll have him uo explain more.
Ohta: Thank you general. (Clear his throat) Four weeks ago a meteor crash landed at a nearby farm in Washington and we discovered it gives off this enegry and inside of it was some sort a green liquid. When we researching this liquid we found out that the liquid inside the meteor can turn normal human into strong amd very intelligent type of humans. We decided to put this to the test by having you five to be our first soldiers to be super soldiers. This might be a lot to take in but think about the opportunity you could do for your country.
Noel: I think it's best we get them to decide. What do you think, you five want to be super soldiers?
They were surprised by this but Y/n have a bad feeling about this but Chase step in and said.
Chase: (smirk) I'm in! I wanna see if i can get a girlfriend more quickly and also beat up some soldiers.
Amir: Yeah like any girl wants you? But sure, I'm in as well.
Juan: Same here sir.
Itzel: Me too.
All eyes were on Y/n as he looks at everyone and since he doesn't want to be left out he agrees.
Y/n: Sure, sign me up sir.
Ohta: (smile) Perfect! Let's being and the whole world will know of the super soldiers in the world.
We see Y/n and his squad in a lab naked while inside a glass case with needles around them and at the other side of the window we see Noel and Ohta along with the rrst of the scientists as they push some buttons and levers as the glass case closes on them.
Male scientist: Everything seems stable.
Male scientist 2: Life line checks out.
Female scientist: We're ready for the first experiment.
Noel: Good. Dr Ohta.
He nods and he pushes the last button and the needles injected into Y/n and his squad as the chemicals were injected into their bodies and after a while their bodies start to shake for a bit.
Suddenly alarms start to go off around the base and scientists panicked trying to see what's wrong while Noel and Ohta watched as Y/n's squad screams in pain except for Y/n who is shown to shaking his body but not showing any pain.
Noel: Shut it down now!
Ohta: Wait! Nothing is happening to Commander Y/n!
Noel: Not to him but his squad is! SHUT IT DOWN!
He dose so as the glass case open and Y/n slowly moves out of his glass case and slowly gets out. He stumbled around q bit but feel like he has grown as he look at his body and he now has muscles and feels like he is strong.
Soon Noel, Ohta and some soldiers enter the testing room and the Ohta checks on Y/n while the soldiers and Noel check on his squad. Y/n turns to see his squad were dead.
Y/n: No. No No No No!
Ohta: Y/n calm down! I'm sure they are unconscious they will wake up.
Y/n: Hope so.
Male soldier: Their waking up.
Y/n looks back to see Amir move a bit as the soldier looks at Amir. Soon he open his eyes and they were red as he launch at the soldier and pinned him to the ground and the start to eat him as the soldier scream with blood spreading out onto the floor.
Y/n: (shocked) What the fuck!
Soon the rest of his squad wake up and they too launch launch the soldiers and start to eat them alive as they scream while Noel is shocked by this and pulls out his pistol when Juan looks at him and growls and then launch at him but Noel fired his pistol and shot him in the heart.
But to his shock this doesn't kill him or hurt him as he launch at his general and eat him alive while Y/n try to stop them but Ohta grab his arm and tell him.
Ohta: We must move now before we are next!
Y/n: I'm not leaving my squad!
Ohta: Their not your squad, not anymore now let's go!
Y/n is shocked by this but with no choice they exit out of the lab while more soldiers run pass them to try to stop this but judging by the screams they too were taking out.
Y/n turn around to see not only his squad were turned but the soldiers and Noel were turned as well as they sprint after them. After a while the two enter Ohta's lab and once inside Ohta shuts the door and lock it.
There were banging at the other side while Ohta gose up to his computer and try to see what happened while Y/n looks at the door and turn to Ohta and demand to know.
Y/n: What the hell just happened!? What the hell did I just saw?!
Ohta: This isn't possible. How can this be-
Ohta sigh and turn to Y/n and then tell him what is going on.
Ohta: It appears the liquid from the meteor were......infected. according to these computers it appears it turns any humans into undead creatures that eats humans and infects them.
Y/n: So it's like a zombie virus.
Ohta: Yes.
Y/n: Then how come I didn't turn?
Ohta: No idea. Give me your arm.
Y/n dose so and he injected some of Y/n's blood and place I into his computer and after a while he is shocked on what is seeing.
Ohta: (shocked) Unbelievable.
Y/n: What? What did you found out?
Ohta: (shocked) Your immune to the infection. In fact, the chemicals are now apart of your bloodstream meaning you have new blood that makes you even more stronger, even more faster and even more smarter.
Y/n: How is that possible?
Ohta: No idea but if this is true that would mean....your a super soldier.
Y/n is shocked by this but suddenly there was an explosion that shoke the base as Ohta check the computers and tells Y/n.
Ohta: (shocked) Oh no. They've breached out of the base and now they're free to spread this virus throughout the world.
Y/n: There has to be a way to stop them!
Ohta: It be too late. As soon we get out of this base they will already spread their virus throughout the world. It's the end of the world.
Y/n is shocked by this then they hear a bang form the door as they turn to see the metal door getting damaged by something large as it roars while Ohta type something to his computer and a secret door opens near them as Ohta tells him.
Ohta: Go through that door, there is weapons and your power suit waiting for you at the other side now go!
Y/n walks over to the door but he turns back and ask.
Y/n: What about you?
Ohta: Someone has to close the door. Good luck Commander, your our humanities last hope.
Y/n: Thank you Doctor.
He turns and gose through the door while Ohta shuts the secret door as he turns back to the door as the door were suddenly ripped open and a large brute like zombie roars and stare at Ohta as he stare back at it.
Ohta: May God help us all.
The Brute raised it's large fist and then pulls it down and smashed at Ohta and killing him as the zombie outbreak now spread through the outside world and it will be the start of the end of the world.
A door open as Y/n exit out of the hallway as the door behind him closes and the room was at first dark but soon the lights turn on and he sees he was in a armoury with weapons, ammo and gear around him along with a military car facing the garage doors and waiting for Y/n to ride it.
Y/n can see this vehicle was for his squad as he press his hand onto the vehicle and wished his squad was with him now. But this ain't the them to be sadden as he looks over to see a glass case and inside was his along with his squads power suit as he walks up to his and opens it.
He grab the helmet and looks at it for a while and knwo that he is humanities last hope so he put on his power suit and after that he gathers as much weapons, ammo, gear and supplies as he can and load them up into his vehicle.
Once that he opens the driver side door and he claims on and once he claims on he sat there for a bit and remember his time with his squad as they cheered and smiled before this all started. After a while he shut his driver side door and after they he start up the engine as the garage doors open and once that he drive out of the garage and arrived at the military base and see Zombies around him as they turn and they charge towards him.
He sees this and rather just run away and escape he decided to clear this base up as he pulls the gas and he runs over all the Zombies around the military base as blood splatted onto his windshield and after a while he stop his vehicle and exit onto the roof of his vehicle with his grenade launcher in hand as he see the Zombies and brute Zombies making it's way to him but he isn't scared.
He leaps off the roof of his vehicle and fire his first grenade and he battles all the Zombies on his own as he fire, his grenade launcher while beating up the Zombies on his own like they were nothing. There battle was tough but after a long while of blood splatter, bones crushing and parts flying around......the bass is clear and the only thing stand is Y/n who walks back to his vehicle but a hand grabs his leg and he looks down to see Itzel who growl at him while she has no legs.
Y/n looks down at her as he pulls out its heavy pistol and aims it at her head.
Y/n: It's been an honour being your team leader, your relief of your duty.
(24 hours later)
(New Jersey)
(Jersey city)
We see Y/n driving through the empty street sith destroyed or abandoned vehicles everywhere as Y/n make his way to Jersey City and soon he stop his vehicle and he leaps out of his vehicle and walk up to a hill and looks over at the ruined Jersey city as he sees smoke in the air and soke explosions in the distance.
Then he hears what sounded like someone calling for help through his radio.
???: (radio) Help! We need help! We're being chase by Zombies and heading to the parking lot! If anyone can hear us, we need help!
Y/n claims back to his vehicle and trace the call to it's location and once that he drive off to do his job of protecting humanity from the Zombies and be humanities last hope as the last super soldier on Earth.
To be continued..............
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