Chapter 7: The promise to keep
We see a camp site within the Takagi's garden being attacked by armed soldiers as they open fire at anyone they see and leave no survivors as they go to tent to tent and open fire at anyone they see while many people start to panic and make a run for it.
At the front entrance we see Takagi's guards open fire at the soldiers and taking some out but they get gunned down by them before a sniper hits one soldier in the head and we see Reznya on the balcony of the mansion and popping heads to the soldiers while Eriz, Rook, Y/n, Takashi, Rei and Kohta were at the bottom floor retuning fire at the soldiers.
Takashi: Who in the hell are those guys?!
Eric: No idea but they are not friendly.
Y/n: What ever is going on we need to push them back!
Rei: Just what the hell do they want?!
Rook: Doesn't matter what they want! We just need to take them out and not allow them to get through!
Yuriko: They have already did gotten through and now we need to get everyone out of here before it's too late.
Then Yuriko walks over to them while she fire her pistol and take out a few soldiers which was impressive.
Eric: Huh nice aim, where did you learn that?
Yuriko: (smirk) Long story for another time.
Reznya: We need to get everyone inside the mansion now!
Y/n: I'm on it!
Y/n rushes towards the soldiers as he pulls out twin swords and once close he slice all three of them up before he turn and kicked the other in the stomach before he turn and slice another soldiers hand off and head as he leap while he spone around to dodge the incoming bullets and land on his knees amd fire his pistol and take out two soldiers.
He turn and block a hit with a rifle with his sword as he slowly stand up and slice off the soldiers arms off before slicing off his head clean off. Once that he turn and fire two shots at two soldiers that were about to fire at the civilians before a sniper fire hits the soldier that was about to hit Y/n at the back of the head.
He turn to see Rei guve him a thumps up which he node while Saeko came and slice another soldiers arm off and stab him in the chest and kick him to the ground.
Y/n: Nice new sword. Better then the wooden one.
Saeko: (smile) Just get everyone from the camp to the mansion.
Y/n node and race to the camp site while Saeko and now Takashi take care the soldiers while Y/n gets to the camp site and took out as much soldiers as he can. He searches around for any survivors but there was no one.
Y/n: (thought) Damn it they killed everyone but why? Why do they have to kill innocent of people for? What is their actual goal.
Bullets fly out behind him as he turn to see a soldier rushing towards him and once close he try to butt him with the end of his rifle but Y/n grabs the rifle and hits the soldier with his rifle that cost him to fell onto the ground. Y/n pount his sword at the soldiers neck as he stumble back while Y/n demands to know.
Y/n: Why are you attacking innocent of people here. We're trying to survive!
Male soldier: Survive? (Chcukle) We don't care, we were given orders to come here and kill any survivors that we see.
Y/n: You fucking monsters.
Male soldier: Orders are orders. We were also give orders to capture you and bring you to our leader.
Y/n: Why me?
Male soldier: Can't say for sure but he really wants you if your that important.
Y/n hears enough and slice the soldiers head off and then return back to the mansion and once there he regroup with everyone else as Crystal, Shizuka, Alice and Zeka were there as Crystal tells them all.
Crystal: The vehicles are fixed. We can get out of here before it's too late.
Takashi: Right. Eveyrone let's get out of here.
Saya: Mum, Dad let's go.
Yuriko: I sorry but we can't leave.
Saya: (shocked) What?! Why?
Souichiro: This is our home and if those soldiers see you escaping then they will go after you all. Someone has to stay here and distract them long enough so you all can escape.
Rook: What about the other survivors?
Yuriko: They are safe. Those who were not at the tents are being lifted off by helicopter and heading somewhere far away from here.
Eric: You do realise if you both stay here, they will kill yo right?
Souichiro: That is the sacrifice we have to take. Commander Y/n.
Y/n: Yes sir.
Souichiro: Promise me you protect our daughter and her friends no matter the cost.
Y/n:......I'll make sure they will be safe sir.
Souichiro: Good now go. Now!
Saya looks at her parents while everyone makes their leave as Saya just shut her eyes and hose with eveyrone else as Matsudo is seen doing his last check before he shut the hood of the vehicles as they all each get into their vehicles.
Matsudo: (smile) Alright everything is check up! You all can go now.
Y/n: What about you? Your not coming?
Matsudo: (smirk) This is my work place and no one isn't gonna ruin my work place without a fight. Now go will ya!
Y/n node and once that the two vehicles turn on and they drive out of the garage and race towards the gate while the soldiers make their way towards the mansion and once through the gate they drive off as Saya looks back to her home for the final time before we cut inside the mansion as the door was kicked and soldiers enter the mansion and search around for any more survivors.
They split up as some take the kitchen while some search the living room. Two teams enter the rooms and search around but there was no sign of anything. Then the soldiers within the kitchen heard screams and gunfire in tbe living room so they rush over and once inside they see the dead bodies as body parts were sliced off.
Male Sargent: Search around and find this fuc-
Then a gun shot hots the commander in the throat and he fulls down while the rest Aim thier weapons Yuriko before they were quickly taking out by Souichiro as he appear oit behind them as he slice off their heads.
Once they were taking out the two share a smile to each other before the ceiling breaks through the robots landed onto the main hall as Souichiro turns and swing his sword onky for thr robot to grab the blade and break the blade.
He grab Souichiro's neck and lift him up in the air while Yuriko fire as much bullets at the robot but there was no affect as another came down, crashing through the ceiling within the living room and grab Yuriko by behind.
She drop her pistol as she try to get free but the robots were too strong as they were forced to kneel down while soldiers enter the home and aim their rifles at them.
???: Hold your fire men.
They all turn to see a figure as he enter the mansion while they stand in attention as their leader dress a white general uniform came into the home and looks at the two and smirks.
???: Souichiro Takagi and Yuriko Takashi of Tokyo's famous people in all of Japan and one of the most powerful people in all of Japan. Nice to finally meet you both.
Souichiro: Who are you?
Jasiah: (smirk) The name is Jasiah, leader of the military faction known as "The New Generation." Our goal is to element the old Generation so the new Generation will rise to take earth's place.
Souichiro: Your a psychopath. Killing people for what, to change the world?
Jasiah: (smirk) They are the old generation Souichiro, the whole fucking planet is dieing because not just the undead but the people from the past as well. We're here to element people from the past and allow the people of the future will rise and make this planet stronger then ever.
Yuriko: So what are you going to do right us? Kill us?
Jasiah: No. You both are shown to be very powerful and you both know what you are doing. I think I can make some usefulness for the two of you.
The robots grab them and force them to stand up as a lieutenant came into the home and tells Jasiah.
Male lieutenant: Sir we search everywhere. No sign of Y/n.
Souichiro: Why do you need him?
Jasiah: Because he is a threat to all of us and he must be destroyed before he can even do anything to ruin our goal. But something inside of him is very useful to us as well. Take these two to my dropship, we're leaving.
Male lieutenant: Yes sir.
Other soldiers place down bombs around the mansion while Yuriko and Souichiro were being dragged out of the mansion and be forced onto a dropship as Jasiah walks in as other soldiers gets and leave the area. A soldier gives Jasiah a button which he takes and looks at Yuriko and Souichiro and tell them.
Jasiah: (smirk) Never let the past hold us down. If it dose......
He press the button and the mansion blows up sky high qs Yuriko and Souichiro watch as their home gets destroyed as Jasiah finished off by saying.
Jasiah: (smirk) Burn it all to hell.
We see two military vehicles driving through a quiet and dark city in silence as they look around for any undead that might attack them. Both groups were silent as they drive through the city as Y/n pulls out his radio while he looks at the street and calls up on Takashi.
Y/n: Takashi you and your group okay?
Takashi: (radio) Yeah we're fine. Yours?
Y/n: All good here. Let's get to the docks and find a boat to get us to the islandl
Takashi: (radio) Roger that.
Eric: Okay so who in the hell were those guys? I never seen those soldiers in my life before.
Reznya: They're not some survivors who got themselves military weapons, armor or dropships. They were actual soldiers that we've just faced.
Rook: Still why did they attack us? They do know we're only survivors right? Why the hell did they attack us?!
Crystal: I don't know but I don't like this.
Y/n: None of us doesn't like this. But as long we stick together and have our mind focused, we should be fine.
They agree and soon they arrive to the dock as they park their vehicles and climb out to search for a boat to get to the island.
As everyone else is searching around for a boat Y/n noticed Saya just staring at the sea as he walks over to her and ask her.
Y/n: You alright?
Saya: Do I look alright to you.
Y/n:.......I'm sorry.
Saya: (sigh) No I'm sorry, I know you're just wanna check up on me. It's just.......hard for me to leave my parents like that. True we may have argue but I still love them.
Y/n: I understand. But I promise I will keep you and everybody else safe from anything. I promise you that.
Saya: Yeah guess your right. Just.....don't break my fathers promise will you.
Y/n node to her as she walks back to thr group to help them search for a boat while Y/n stare at the sea just as Shizuka walks up behind him.
Shizuka: You okay?
Y/n: Yeah just thinking about something.
Shizuka: (smile) Well I'm thankful you allow us to come with you. We promise we will do our best.
Y/n: You don't have to promise me that Shizuka. It's I who will do our best and that is keeping this group safe from what ever threats that comes at our way. I won't lose another group of people that I care about.
Shizuka: (smirk) Of course you won't handsome.
Y/n: Wait what was that last part?
Shizuka: (smirk) Oh nothing~!
She giggle while Reznya and Eric cover eveyrone else as they scan through the street for any undead when Reznya spotted one.
Reznya: Holy shit. Guys you better come and take a look at this.
They walk over to Reznya while Kohta, Alice, Zeka and Takashi find a boat while the rest see in the distance a large undead walking pass the street that looks very deadly then a Brute zombie was.
Rei: (shocked) What in the world is that.
Eric: No idea but something tells me we avoid the guys at all times.
Y/n: Agree. As long we leave that thing alone, he'll just wlak away.
He was proofing right when the it just walk away withoit noticing them and once that Takashi and the rest found a boat. They head over there and they see a fishing vessel which was pretty lucky for them.
Saya: (shocked) Wow that was pretty lucky.
Alice: (smile) Yeah I know. We can all fit in perfectly.
Kohta: Dose anyone know how to drive this thing?
Reznya: I know how to drive it. I used to work for a fishing company before I join the army.
Eric: (smirk) Yeah and she complaint how smelly the fishes all and that's why she hates fish.
Reznya: (smirk) Like you complaint about the tank that nearly blow up the base.
Eric: Hey we agree it malfunction!
Reznya: (smirk) What ever you say tank boy.
Eric smirk while they enter the vessel as Reznya get into the cockpit and start up the engines. Luckily the engines dose work and fual is full so they head off to the island. This will take a while to get there so everyone find some beds inside the vessel and head off to bed while Reznya sails the boat while she noticed Y/n looking at the sea as Y/n thinks about what that soldier tells him and knows there is something going on which he must find out.
Alice: Hey Y/n.
He turn to see Alice as he bend down to her.
Y/n: Hey Aluce, aren't you supposed to be asleep.
Alice: I can't sleep.
Y/n: Too many bad thoughts?
She node which Y/n understood so he sat down and tell her to sit with him. She complay and sit next to him as Y/n took off his helmet and set it next to him.
Alice: Can you breath while wearing that helmet.
Y/n: Yeah I do.
Alice: Oh okay.
Y/n: What were you thinking about that you can't sleep?
Alice: Everything that has happened. My father's death, the undead, the deaths, those soldiers....just...everything. It scared me.
Y/n: I know. The world is scary for many people. But you need to be brave and be brave to those around you. Because when things go down, you need to be the person to be brave in front of everyone that you care for.
Alice: I don't know If I can be brave.
Y/n: That's okay. It's not easy to be brave but...sometimes you need to be brave so you can be stronger for the people around you. It doesn't matter if you need to show your bravery now or later but when it comes, your be strong enough to face the fears that will come at your way.
Alice:.....Before you became a soldier, we're you always brave?
Y/n: Not always kid. I was not always brave before I became a soldier but that's okay. Not all of us especially those who are higher ranked aren't brave. You may not see it to some people but deep down, they are scared but they will do anything to be strong, even by means hide he fear to anything that comes.
Alice: Guess so. I'll try to be brave as best I can.
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing Alice.
She slowly start to drifted off to sleep and soon she fall asleep as she lend her head onto Y/n's shoulder which he sees her fall asleep. He smile as he picks her up and carry her back to bed which Reznya who was watching this smile as Y/n set her in bed with Zeka as he stare at her as she cuddle up with Zeka while Zeka nuzzle her while Y/n smile and looks a eveyeone else who is asleep knowing they have been through a lot.
Alice: (mutter) Mommy....daddy.
He turn back to Alice to see tears in her eyes while she slept so he bend down to her and wipe the tears off her. She smile once more as Y/n smile back exit out of the room and shut the door behind him to allow eveyrone else to sleep while he walks off while he thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) I don't care if those soldiers have thousands of maybe millions of them including the undead. I don't care anything about that, I'll keep my group safe from anyone who try to harm them. Even by means sacrificing my own life for them because they are the only people I care for and.....the only people I can call family now.
To be continued...............
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