Chapter 5: Their no longer kids anymore

It has been three days ever since Y/n and his group made it to Japan and took shelter at Takagi's mansion with Takashi and the rest of his group. They felt relaxed and don't have to keep on running away from the undead anymore and they can sit back and relax. We see Crystal in her room that she was given as she gets changed to her clothes and once that she looks at herself in the mirror which she smiled with joy.

Soon her door knock so she walks over and open to be met with Y/n still wearing his armor as Crystal smile at him.

Crystal: (smile) Good morning Y/n. How well did you slept?

Y/n: Pretty good. You?

Crystal: (smile) I've slept like a log. I mean, I don't remember the last time I've lay on bed.

Y/n: I don't blame you. Ready to hea down?

Crystal: (smile) Yep. Let's go!

Crystal shut her door and they walk through the halls of the mansion and they were getting close to the stairs when they hear Rei yell "Get out" follow by Takashi exit out of th room. He turn to the now close door as he sigh and said.

Takashi: What ever she likes it.

Y/n: Yeah she really likes to have her body to steady a rifle and firing very close to her body.

He turn to see Crystal and Y/n as the two walk up to him.

Crystal: How is she?

Rei: She'll be fine. Miss Shizuka place down some cream on Rei's back and she loved it.

Crystal: (smirk) From the screams I've heard when I woke up, I don't think it wasn't that nice.

Takashi: Still she loves it. Anyways what's happening with you guys?

Y/n: Nothing much. Gonan head down to see what is going on.

Takashi: Same here. What about eveyrone else?

Y/n: Eric and Reznya are away on a supply run while Rook is at the garage with Kohta to check on your vehicle.

Takashi: (smile) Cool.

They chat while they walk down the stairs to the main hall when they hear a thud and they look over to see two guys lifting a box until one accidentally drop it onto the floor. Takashi walks over to see he can help then out.

Takashi: Here let me help.

Male person 1: No we're fine kid. How about you let the big boys handle this.

Takashi: The big boys?

Male person 2: Just relax while we do this.

They lift the box and walk away as Y/n and Crystal approaches Takashi while they watch them walk off.

Takashi: What do they mean by that?

Crystal: They just think you will not handle that box but you think it's not that you to summon that you and the rest are young.

Takashi: Yeah. I mean I've left heavy stuff then what ever is in that box.

Y/n: Some adults thinks they know what they are doing but in reality...their just scared. Scared not knowing what will happen next and they can't risk of anyone especially anyone who is young to get hurt. I'm not saying that your too young Takashi, I'm saying that they too have no idea what to do now the whole world turn to shit.

Takashi: See your point.

Saeko: For now we can take it easy knowing that we are safe.

They turn tonsee Saeko wearing a blue Japan like clothes which surprised Takashi and Crystal.

Crystal: (surprised) Wow that looks amazing Saeko! Where do I get that?

Saeko: (smile) I apologise but this is the last one.

Crystal: Damn.

Y/n: Disbite being the apocalypse, goof clothes seemed to always go out very quickly.

Crystal: (giggle) Yeah guess so.

Allice: (smile) Hey eveyrone!

Then Allice and Zeke came into the mansion and walks over to them as Crystal bend down to her and ask her.

Crysta: (smile) Hey Allice and Zeke, how are things with you both?

Allice: (smile) Great! But I'm more then great, better.

Crystal: (smile) Disbite being in an apocalypse and there is Zombies around, there is still nice children znd cute animals to Male us happy.

Allice smiles even more while Y/n get flash backs to the tike he gone pass a room which he looks inside to see Shizuka and Allice cuddle each other while they slept. This remind him of something long ago when he was a child before all this started.

Then he snap back to reality when he and the rest hear Saya arguing with her mother again at the second floor above them.

Takashi: Looks like someone isn't having a nice morning. Guess I'll head up and see what's going on.

Y/n: Alright, take care.

Takashi: (smile) Same to you.

He gose up the stairs and once he is gone Saeko turns to Y/n and look at his twin swords and said.

Saeko: Your swords. Where did you get them?

Y/n: I found them and use them as my melee weapons. Combat is maybe good for stealth combat but when worse comes, I'll use them to take down everything that stood against me.

Saeko: (smile) I see. Still we wouldn't have be here if weren't for you and your group helping us. We own you our lives snd my respect.

Allice: (smile) Yeah you all were amazing!

Crystal: (smile) Thanks but we just do what we thought is right.

Y/n: I'm gonna explore a bit around the outside mansion for a while.

Saeko: (smile) Of course. See you later.

Once that Y/n exit out of the mansion and explore around the outside mansion as he sees many guards with weapons, trucks that people were loading out and set them to the storage room while other people wonder around at the tents as Y/n enters and looks around at the feared people who are walking about and trying to scrap as much food as they can.

Soon he enter a tent and see Shizuka sleeping again as she bavehee head on her breast like a pillow while her breast is on a table. He sigh as he walk over and wakes her up.

Y/n: Nures Shizuka wake up.

She then woke up and sat up straight and turn to see and give hi a nice cute smile.

Shizuka: (smile) Hello Y/n. I've must have slept again.

Y/n: Seems like it. How are you doing?

Shizuka: (smile) Pretty good. So how long have you been surviving along with your group?

Y/n: For a while. You?

Shizuka: (smile) A few days but we survived by sticking together.

Y/n: I see.

He sat on the bed and took off his helmet and sat it beside him while Shizuka stare at him with a smirk look.

Y/n: What?

Shizuka: (smile) Sorry but I can't help to see your handsome face.

Y/n: (little blush) Th-Thank you. So nures Shizuka-

Shizuka: (giggle) You can just call me Shizuka if you like?

Y/n: Okay. Shizuka, can you tell me how this infection started in Japan?

Shizuka: Well I'm not too sure because I was asleep but I did remember the principals screams and then chaos started at the school. I would have been dead if aren't for Saeko and the rest.

Y/n: So eveyrone in that school was already turned after you all escape?

Shizuka: Yes but some students manage to escape with us.

Y/n: Who were they?

Shizuka: They were from Shido's class and we split off after some.....arguments.

Y/n: Let me guess, he was taking hold to his students qnd their fear?

Shizuka: Yes, something like that. Soon we met Allice and Zeke and then...Well the rest is history.

Y/n: (thought) So Japan weren't ready for the infection that is coming and before they can do anything I was already to late. Shit, let's hope Dr Kohaku is alright and he is in a safe place.

Shizuka: (giggle) He's a handsome man. Maybe I can get to see more the his handsome face.


Eric and Reznya came back to their supply run and we see them and the rest at the bedroom with Rei still laying on the bed while she is annoyed with eveyrone being in the room while she is naked.

Rei: I don't know why everyone has to be in here.

Rook: You can barely move so relax.

Eric: So what is this meeting about anyways?

Saya: We are discussing if we go on has a group of not.

Rook: What do you mean by that?

Y/n: this place will get overcrowded if more survivors come and even though this place is a safe place it will not last. It's important we try to keep moving.

Saeko: Right but there'll still be to many group and it's wise if we go with eveyrone else or ho our own way.

Takashi: Yes but look what is going on. Your parents know what they are doing and with enough people here, I think we have a chance. Trust me, I think they know what they are doing and they have a plan.

Saya: Sure they always know do they. Always think that they know what to do in the times of need, always know what they are doing but in reality they don't know what the hell is going on out there.

Y/n see the anger in Saya walks up to her and tells her.

Y/n: I know this ain't my business but you got to trust your parents. They may not fully know what is really happening behind those walls but they know what to do and they will make sure thqt eveyrone will be-

Saya: (anger) Did I ask for uour option! You don't know anything about my parents at all fo you! You don't know they have to do to make things perfect! How perfect thier life have to be and more importantly ohow perfect their daughter is!

Y/n: Saya calm down.

Saya: (anger) Don't tell me to calm down! You don't know how I feels like to have your parents have to dress you up perfect or are perfect and how they always have to show everyone how perfect they are! They always have to be perfect while their own daughter is oit there fighting against those undead while they try to make this place, this mansion perfect as they can be!

Y/n: Enough!


Y/n: YES I DO!

Everyone was silent while Saya just glare at Y/n while he gose on to tell him.

Y/n: I do have a family but the onky person hated was my father. He abuse me eveyr day due to me not being his perfect son, even if I try my best to impress him he always beat me down and treat me like hell! By my mother was like angel to me, disbite everyone I did not perfect my mother never cared how perfect they might be and always be proud of me for the things do. But she wasn't with me for long because soon she gotten sick and died. What make things even more worse is my father disown me and kick me out of the house when I was 10! I was alone without a family for a while but when I join the military and was giving a squad, I can call my squad as like my new family now but....they were always taking away from me at the start of the outbreak and I...have to pit them down.

Eveyrone was shocked by his tragic past even Saya was ashamed as well as Y/n stare at her and tell her.

Y/n: You may have hate your parents but you gonna learn that this is the apocalyptic and if you leave here qnd soon later on find out that your parents are dead, the last thoughts you gonna think of is all the arguments you have with them including them as well. It is important to spend the last few moments with the family you have left because as soon they are dead, they will never come back.

Then flashes of Y/n as a child at the hospital crying to his dead mother appear in his head as a singal tear pier down underneath his helmet as Saya step back a bit and she doesn't know what to say.

Takashi: Damn....we didn't have a rough childhood life.

Y/n: It's fine. It made me stronger now that I have a new family that I will protect and I will not lose that again.

Eric: (smirk) Hell yeah on that.

Reznya: So what is our discussion?

Before they could think about it, they hear the sound of trucks as they make their way out of the balcony and see many trucks and calls drving by with helicopter flying over head znd made it's landing at the landing pad.

Takashi: Is that who I think that is?

Saya: Yeah that's him alright.

Spon the Helicopter door open as a man step out of the Helicopter with Yuriko there to welcome him home.

Saya: That's Souichiro Takagi, my father.

Rook: (shocked) Wow. Now that's a man in serious levels. Maybe over 100!

Eric: If was in the military then he'll be a nightmare to qny enemies that they come across him.

They watched as people gathered around him by the foundation as he stand onto the stage with a foundation behind him as he looks at eveyrone and tells them.

Souichiro: This is a new world we are now living in. Those "creatures" are now out there walking around eating and killing eveyrone we love and care for. But do not let this be the end of all of you. If you ever come across a love one that is turned to one of them, the do not be sadden by their deaths and grant them only one thing....freedom.

Then a cage was set in front of Souichiro and inside is an zombie as he growls as he looks at Souichiro while two guards walks over and unlock the gate and the Zombie breaks out and rushes towards Souichiro as he grav bi's sword and then...


We then see a Zombies heaf floating at the fountain behind Souichiro as stare down at the people below him as he raises his sword and tells everyone.

Souichiro: This is the world that we must overcome. If you all want to survive, then you must fight!

Once that Y/n watch as Souichiro walks over to his wife as she share a kiss to his cheek and they walk off.

Crystal: He's one scary person I have ever seen. I mean no offence Saya.

Saya: It's cool, I know what you mean.

Rook: (smirk) Maybe Y/n and will be best friends.

Y/n: What?

Rook: (smirk) Well you are strong, serious most of the time and knows what to do so...yeah you and him will be like friends.

Y/n doesn't say nothing but nods to him before they head out to do thrir own things.

(Short while later)

It was the afternoon as we see Y/n at the front entrance watching the sun setting down while he hold his helmet while Allice slowly approaches him from behind.

Y/n: Is everything alright Allice?

Allice: Y-Yes sir.

Y/n turn to her and walk over to her and kneel down to her and tell her with a comfortable smile.

Y/n: (smile) No need to be nervous around me Allice.

Allice: I'm sorry. It's just....I've never met a soldier before, especially once that look scary.

Y/n looks at his helmet and understood what she ment by that and tell her.

Y/n: That maybe so but I'll keep you and your group safe. I promise.

Allice: (smile) Yeah and thank you for saving us. If we're weren't for you then I'll be alone again. After my father died I felt alone and don't know what to do until Takashi and the rest took me in and they took care of me.

Y/n: (smile) Well I'm glad for that Allice. Now you go on and play around with Zeka, I'm just gonna be here for a while.

Allice: (smile) Okay.

She then runs back inside while Y/n smiles a bit and decide to take a walk around at back and Allices story reminds his own and how he felt like being alone after one of hid family was dead. He knows that feeling and wants to do everything in his power to protect her and eveyrone else.

Kohta: No I won't!

He hears Kohta as he followed his voice and see five guys around him while Kotha is holding guns as one of the man ask him.

Male person 1: A kid like you shouldn't be holding so many guns for yourself. Hand then over.

Kohta: I won't! I'm taking care of I for my group!

Male person 2: That's it. Give us the weapons or we will beat you up.

Kohtq still refuse so he nods to one and he was about to when Y/n approaches them and said.

Y/n: Leave him alone. Their his and his groups weapons and you shouldn't bother him.

They turn to see Y/n with Kohta being surprised as one said to him.

Male person 1: Stay out of our business man! This kid has no right to be carrying so much weapons in his age.

Y/n: He's a good shot I can tell along with his group. Just because he is younger then you that doesn't mean you can treat him like a kid.

Male person 1: (anger) Like you treat us? Yeah, you soldiers think you all the best but now they are gone. So much for that! Now get out of here or we else.

Y/n: You be wise to leave him alone or I'll make you.

Male person 1: Your threatening us? Do you even know who you are speaking to?

Y/n: Don't give a shit. Now you all best leave or I'll make you.

The five of them now turn to Y/n as he put on his helmet as he knows what is about to happen and it did happen.

(Fight music start)

One guy rush at him and pulls back his fist to make the first strike but Y/n grabs his fist and throws his fist and him away as he stumble away while the other charge at him and try to throw punch but Y/n move his head and then lands a kick at his waist which hurt and then he spone around and trip him in the leg with his own.

Then another try to strike a blow but he dodges and grab his fist and then start to twist his hand slowly while he grown in pain while two other guys try to charge at him at the same time but Y/n see this and push the guy that he is grabbing towards the other which vost him to fell while he duck his head to a incoming fist and then he upper cuts him in the face sending the guy flying a bit qnd land on the pile of leafs.

The leafs blow by Y/n as he grabs both fist and elbows the guy in the stomach several times and then spone him around while he let's go his fist and he lands face first onto the ground.

Another guy finds a steel pipe and charge towards him with it but Y/n turns around quick and grabs the steal pipe and slowly he start to twist the pipe which shocked him and the rest as he kicked the guy, forcing him to let go the steel pipe as he slams onto the tree follow by leafs fall on him.

Y/n throws away the twisted steel pipe away while he slowly turns to the still four guys as tuey breath heavily while Y/n pulls out his arms and wave his fingers signalling them "who's next?"

Soon they all charge at Y/n at the same time thinking that will overwhelm him but it doesn't as he dodges their blows and land some blows to one of them without any of them even punching him. Sooner or later they were down on the ground tired and beat but not dead as Y/n stood up anddust off his hands while Kohta was shocked by this.

Y/n turns to leave while the other guy suddenly pulls out a pistol and aims it at him but Y/n pulls out his knife and quickly turn around qnd tossed his knife that knock the pistol off of his hand znd it land on the floor where a feet sees on it as Souichirou arrived to see what is going on here.

(Fight music ends)

Souichirou: What is going on here?

Male person 1: Sir we were trying to get the guns off of that boy when he came and beat us up.

He turn to Y/n and Kohta as Kohta was scared while Y/n wasn't as he stare back at him. Souichirou approaches him and the two stare down at each other.

Souichirou: What is your name?

Y/n: Command Y/n L/n. I'm a soldier.

Souichirou: Your more then soldier after what my wife told me about you and your group. You've shown to have some skills and strength.

Y/n: Thank you sir. We be leaving, come on Kohta let's go.

Kohta: S-S-Sure thing.

Kohta stood up with the weapons in hand as the two walk away when Souichirou calls oit to Y/n.

Souichirou: Commander.

Y/n stop and turn his head to Souichirou.

Souichirou: You have my thanks for saving our daughter.

Y/n: I'm just doing what soldiers do best. Fight, protect and most importantly....survive.

Souichirou respects that as Kohta and Y/n walk off while Souichirou watch them leave and then he gose off as well while in the bushes we see what looks like a student spying on them as he gets onto his phone and tells someone qt the other end.

Male student: I got them, especially that soldier that you ask for.


Rain start to pour down as we see some military robot soldiers around the small bus while we see three robots inside the bus while moans of the students are heard around them but they weren't phase by this qs he tells the person in front of them.

Military bot: You will enter inside the mansion and once inside you will clarify our target and if the target is I there then we will assault the mansion and capture him. You and your students will get to live after our job is complete. Do we have a deal Mister Koichi Shido.

A smirk appears by the figures face as he turns to the military bots and said.

Koichi: (smirk) Of course. After all, I'll do anything to protect my student....from any harm.

To be continued..................

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