Chapter 3: Meet a friend
The sun rises in the distance of a new day as we see the large open space with a road completely empty except some destroyed vehicles left by those who used to be alive. We see Y/n's vehicle came into veiw driving throw the road as we cut to Y/n and Crystal as Y/n have his helmet off and take a drink of his coffee while Crystal is sleeping with a blanket over her putted there by Y/n to make her warm and comfortable while she slept.
Y/n have been driving all night but shown to be not tired as he stare at his front window screen. He take a quick look at Crystal to see her sleeping and a small blush appear on his check as Y/n thinks that she is kinda pretty sleeping so peacefully like that. But he shakes it off and taps on the computer screen in his car and map is shown and pointing him to a right coordinations.
Y/n: (thought) Just hope they are alright. Still I need a Plan B if Plan A doesn't work. I'll figure about that once we arrive at the base.
Y/n looks at Crystal once again and thinks about all the things she has to go through and he felt bad for her life that suddenly turns up side down for her. Still he won't rest until he'll bring thid world back to the way it was.
Then Crystal yawns in a cute way and then wakes up as she open her eyes and sat up straight.
Crystal: (yawn) Morning Y/n.
Y/n: You can go back to sleep if you like. It's a little bit early in the morning.
Crystal: (giggle) Sorry I have a habit of waking up early. Guess it's probably the woke i have to wake up for.
Y/n: I see.
Crystal notice the blanket and doesn't remember it when she realised Y/n must have put it over her while she slept. She blushes a bit for his care to her. Soon Y/n drive for a while until they see a military outpost in the distance as they drive towards it.
Crystal: Is that it?
Y/n: Yep. Let's hope someone is home.
Crystal: How can we tell?
Suddenly explosions blow up around them as Y/n move his car around to dodge the incoming explosions fired by cannons firing at them as Y/n gets on radio and calls out.
Y/n: This is commander Y/n! Hold your fire! Holf your fire! We're making our approach towards your base, I repeat hold your fire!
Soon thencannons stop firing and a gate opens for them. Soon they drive through the gate and once that the gate close behind them and they parked qnd exit out of the vehicle and look around to see some military soldiers there doing their job while Crystal looks around in amazement.
Crystal: (surprised) Wow I never been in a military outpost before!
Y/n: I can tell we're gonan be going into a veiw in the future.
???: Son of a bitch! I can't fucking believe it!
They turn to see Y/n old friend walks towards him with his soldiers behind him as he approaches Y/n and the two shake hands.
???: (smirk) And here I thought you'll be taking by those undead fuckers. Nice to see you alive and well.
Y/n: (smile) Same here. Crystal I like you to meet Eric, a old friend and Lieutenant of this base. Eric this is Crystal, a survivor that I've helped in New Jersey.
Crystal: (smile) Hello.
Eric: (smile) Same to you. So where is the rest of your team?
Y/n looks down and Eric realised and felt bad and try to apologise but Y/n just said.
Y/n: It's alright. You didn't know.
Eric: Well then (clear throat) So what brings you two here?
Y/n: We need a transport ship to get to Japan. There's a scientist there that can help us cure the world.
Eric: (smirk) We're thinking the same idea as well. Well except that scientist thing.
He then takes Y/n and Crystal to the hanger where the transport ship is at and while walking Eric gose on to tell the two.
Eric: We heard that Japan wasn't hit by the virus yet so we were thinking we get the transport ship working and fly over there to warn the Japanese government and stage and safe zone for all survivors. Unfortunately the dropship we're about to use was damaged but I have my two best engineers to repair it.
Y/n: And by Engineers you mean your girlfriend and rather then going there and help her, you came over and talk to us?
Eric: Yeeaaahhhh.
Y/n chuckles a bit while Crystal giggled a bit as they arrived at the hanger. There we see two soldiers one male amd one female as one male soldier tools from the tool box and handing it to the female soldier.
Eric: Help has arrived!
The two look over to see Eric with Y/n and Crystal as they approach them as the female soldier drop her tool and the two approaches them.
???: (smirk) Guess we git some help after all.
Y/n: Indeed. Names Y/n and this is Crystal. What's your name soldier.
Rook: The names Mike but you can call me Rook.
Y/n: Nice to meet you Rook. And good to see you Reznya, how is your boyfriend been treating you.
Reznya: Well thought he'll he'll me repair this drop shop right now.
Eric: (smirk) Hey I'm here now right?
Reznya: (smirk) Sure, I can give you that.
Y/n: So any problems of the drop ship?
Reznya: Not really. I repaired the damages and all we need now is some fuel and we can get this thing rolling.
Y/n: That drop ship can't take a whole army of soldiers in there. You do know that right?
Eric: We know that, the rest of the soldiers agree that me, Reznya and Rook will take the drop ship and get to Japan while the rest will find another way to get there.
Y/n: So we need fuel right?
Reznya: Yeah but we're a bit low on fuel and we don't know where to get more.
Rook: There is a nearby town and we sent a squad over to get some fuel but they haven't return.
Y/n: Must be crawling with undead. Well we have no choice but to go there.
Eric: Mind we came with you? It be easy if we go in a large group.
Y/n: Sure thing. Let's go people.
(A while later)
They make their approach to tbe nearby town in Y/n's vehicle as they see that the town is completely empty with no life what so far as Y/n slowly drive through town.
Crystal: So how long have you and Eric have been together for?
Eric: (smirk) For 5 years.
Reznya: (smirk) More like 20 from all those times you were away on secret missions and haven't returns for a months or so.
Eric: (smirk) That what I am.
Reznya: Still yeah, we have been together for 5 years, we met during boot camp and we start to fall for each other.
Crystal: (smile) Aaawww that's cute.
Eric: (smirk) Yeah whike she became a badass soldier when she took part of a experiment.
Crystal: Experiment?
Reznya: I took part of a experiment to increase my strength, speed and thinking. After a while I was discharged but took a job as a hunter gatherer in the trail division corporation. I'm not an actual soldier but I hang around the base we're Eric Station before this outbreak began.
Crystal: So your just like Y/n?
Reznya: What do you mean by that?
Y/n: I too took up an experiment just like you not too long ago.
Rook: (surprised) Wow so we have two badass super soldiers? Sweet! That means we have a chance to survive this horror.
Eric: Just hold your horses Rook.
Rook: (chuckle) Sorry sir.
Reznya: Look, we're here.
They arrived at a fueling station and once Y/n park the vehicle they climb out of the vehicle and they look around for any undead but nothing.
Reznya: Looks like the area is clear?
Rook: Wonder what happened to the last squad that enter this town?
Crystal: No clue but i do not wanna know.
Eric: (smile) Alright people, let's fill up those cans and let's head back to base.
They nod and Y/n and Eric be guards while Reznya, Rook and Crystal each grab and gas cans and start fulling it up with fuel. To their luck there is plenty of fuel that can take as they fill it up and the load them up to the boot of the vehicle and grab another one.
Crystal: So Rook, what did you do before this outbreak began?
Rook: Nothing really. I was just transferred here right before the outbreak and I didn't do much. Just doing some patrols around the base and checking if the base is working alright.
Crystal: So how did you know about the outbreak?
Rook: Well I was on my patrol with another soldier when we're approached a blood up guy. He looked like a business man and my soldier buddy approach him and then he attacked him and start eating him. I was in shock by this and I fire my rifle and killed it. Then the soldier just stood up and walk towards him while reaching out towards me. I have a bad feeling so I booked it out of there and locked down the base. Then a while later it was all over the news.
Crystal: Well at least that was close.
Rook: I know right? Man, if I was a stupid fucker from a horror movie, I might have been turned into those things as well.
Crystal: (smile) Guess we thank horror movies for that at least.
Rook: (smile) Yeah. Say are you and Y/n are in a relaxing or what?
Crystal blushes bright red from that question while we see Y/n and Eric on the road near the fueling Station. They don't see anyone or anything around but we see something crawling on the roofs of buildings follow by something growling as the two heard it and nod to each other.
Then they suddenly has a feeling that someone is watching them as we see more and more of those things crawling on the roofs of buildings approaching to their location.
Eric: Reznya, get inside the vehicle now.
She nods and she signals Crystal and Rook to follow and they did as they make their way to the vehicle.
They turn to be met with a creature on a wall as he looks towards Rook and roars at him.
He then launches towards him only to get immediately shot by Y/n's shotgun. Rook looks over to see Y/n with a shotgun as he and Eric turn and see more of those things come out of dark areas and make their way towards them.
Y/n: Take them out!
Eric: That you never ask!
Eric pulls out his assault rifle and fire his rifle while Y/n fire his shot gun at the undead creatures as they make their way towards them. The rest get into the vehicle and once of those creature land onto the roof of the vehicle and peaks over the open door and roars at them onky for Reznya to fire at it with her big mag pistol.
Reznya: Come on, let's go!
Y/n: Let's move before we get overwhelmed.
Eric nods and they rush back to the vehicle. Once they are inside Y/n start the engines and drive off, running over those creatures along the way as well. Once that they got away as Crystal and Rook look behind them to see those thing trying ti catch up to them.
Rook: Okay what the fuck are those things?
Eric: Well judging how they like sticking their tongues out, I suggest they are called Lickers.
Reznya: Lickers, really?
Eric: (smile) What? It makes sense.
Y/n: Still we have a fuel we needed, now we just need to head back and get out of here.
Reznya: you hear that?
As after she said that, Y/n turn the same street they came in with only to be blocked by a army of Zombies as they trun and yell as they rush towards them. Y/n reverse the vehicle back and spon around and drive off while a army of undead rushes towards them.
Eric: I guess your vehicle doesn't have any defences or weapons on right?
Y/n: No it doesn't.
Crystal: Look out!
They see a Brute zombie in front of them as Y/n pulls down the gas and slams his vehicle onto the Brute zombie as the Brute zombie grabs hold of the vehicle and try to flip it over.
Then Reznya peaks out with her SAW and fires a round of bullets at the Brute zombie which overwhelm the Brute zombie and Y/n rans it over as his wheels crushes the Brute Zombies head and they drive off.
Rook: So how the hell are we gonna get out of here?
Crystal: There is another way. There is a draw bridge we can take to get out of here.
Rook: You sure about that?
Y/n: Only one way to find out.
Y/n drive the vehicle around town to find this draw bridge while undead comes out each corner of the alleyway or street trying to get to them. After a while they see a draw bridge but the bridge is up but Y/n isn't slowing down.
Eric: Dude what are you doing? The bridge is up!
Y/n: Hold on.
Reznya: Hope you know what you are doing!
Y/n: Hold on.
Crystal: He knows shat he is doing.
Then Y/n drive the vehicle up the bridge and flies oit of the end. They fly over the river below them and soon they crash at the other side as they cheered for Y/n's awesome driving.
Eric: (smile) Holy shit man! If I was your driver teacher I'll give you A ++++ for your driving skill.
Crystal: (smirk) See, told you he knows what he is doing.
Rook: Yeah and I didn't panic at all.
Reznya: (smirk) Right, so that "Fuck we're gonna die!" Came out of nowhere?
They chuckle while Rook feels embarrassed while Y/n cracks a smile and this reminds him of his squad and glad he isn't alone as they make their way back to base to fuel up the drop ship and be ready to make their way for Japan.
We see them at the base as Reznya finish up the last fuel for the drop ship while Crystal and Rook loaf everything to the drop ship while Y/n and Eric walks back to them and all of them regroup.
Eric: Just told the men that we be leaving and they told us good luck.
Reznya: So once we arrive to Japan, what's pur first step?
Y/n: We need to find a place to make a base then we find this island and find this scientist.
Eric: You think he knows how to cure the world?
Y/n: He's one of the greatest scientists we know. If anyone knows about how to stop this outbreak, it would be him.
Rook: I know you wanna save the world but what if there is nothing that we can do? I mean don't give me wrong but I'm just saying.
Y/n: Then we do our best to survive and wat it out. Those undead might be undead but not immortal.
Crystal: He's right. If possible then maybe their bodies will rot but it will take a long away until their bodies will be useless.
Rook: For how long?
Crystal: Is not too sure but probably for a very long time.
Rook: Well crap.
Reznya: Which is why we need that scientists from Japan that can help us. If he knows how to cure the world, them we can save everyone who were infected.
Eric: And if not?
Y/n: Then we have to wait it out. Alright eveyrone, next stop Japan.
They enter the drop ship and once inside Y/n sat at the pilot seat while Eric take co-pilot seat as they switch on buttons and switches. The hatch door closes and the engines fired up as they fly the drop ship out and hoover over the base and before they leave, Y/n lower down the drop ship and attached his vehicle underneath the drop ship and then they fly off.
Eric: You really have to bring that along?
Y/n: (smirk) It help me to survive long so she's coming with us.
Eric: (smirk) She? Your calling a vehicle a she now?
Y/n: (smirk) Yeah. I was thinking of Naming her as well. Like Rose.
Eric: (smirk) What ever you say man.
There were a few chuckles behind them while they fly off to Japan to find any possible survivors and find this scientist. Then we see the same soldiers from before watching them leave as one looks at the rest and nod.
They nod back and they get on radio and after a while a fighter jet fly over the military outpost and drop down something then seconds later there is a large explosion that blow up the whole base within seconds.
They drop down a nuke and kill all the soldiers at the base as the unknown soldiers enter back to their vehicle and they drove off, leaving the area while they continue their hunt on Y/n am his friends.
To be continued.........
(I wanna thank @Izanagi_Kuno for the OC's and one of the oc characters imagines. Anyways take care and I'll see you all in the next chapter.)
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