Chapter 2: The search

On the highway still in New Jersey we see Y/n driving through the highway moving slowly through the destroyed vehicles while we see Crystal on the passenger side seat looking out of the window seeing the veiw of the city and hope her parents will be alright. There was silence in the vehicle as Y/n start off the conversation by asking Crystal.

Y/n: So what dose your parents do?

Crystal: My father works in the factory while my mother works in a school.

Y/n: I see.

Crystal: So you know where they are?

Y/n: I do. If I'm correct there is a bunker near the beach. Once we across here and get to the other side, we might be there a lot more faster.

Crystal: How do you know there is a bunker there?

Y/n: I once came here when I was a Sargent and the captain showed me the bunkers they have in case of a nuclear attacks.

Crystal: (smile) Well at least we know where to go. Thanks you for letting me come along.

Y/n: I can't allow you to be alone in the city after what your so call "Friends" did. It's important we stick together in order to survive.

Crystal: (smile) Yeah that's right.

They continue until Y/n stop his vehicle and they see a block way that looks like the national guards where here to block of the rest of the city to stop the undead to get to the other side. But judging by no soldiers and some military vehicles were flipped or destroyed, it seems it didn't go well.

Y/n: Shit. There is no way we can get through.

Crystal: Is there anyway around it?

Y/n thinks about another way and after a while he got one as he type onto the computer inside his car and a line of the different direction is shown to them.

Y/n: There, we can take that road and go through there. It might take longer but it is the only thing we can do.

Crystal: Let's hope.

Y/n pulls back his vehicle and gose down the ramp and gose through a small town that looks very creepy then the city. Soon they come across a garage which Y/n parks there and once parked they exit out of the vehicle.

Crystal stretch her body and feels good to be out of the vehicle while Y/n leaps out with his rifle in hand as he walks over to the store and turnson his flashlight attached to his rifle and enters inside.

He scans the store and see there is no one here and there was less food and supplies here but it maybe enough to survive as Crystal enter the store with Y/n as he tells Crystal.

Y/n: There is some boxes at the booth of my vehicle. Put the supplies into the boxes and load them to the vehicle while I search around.

Crystal: Okay.

Y/n gose deeper to the store while Crystal dose what Y/n told her and grab seme boxes and start to pack them up and place them onto the vehicle. While she dose that Y/n finds the fuse box and he was about to pull it when he hears someone sobbing and so dose Crystal.

She stop what she is doing and slowly follow the crying as she thinks it's coming from the far back of the store. She turn the corner to see a women on her knees and crying which surprised Crystal to see there is a survivor.

She was about to ask her when a hand cover her mouth as Y/n appears behind her and signal her to leave which she was confused but complay and they leave as they finish loading up the supplies and Crystal close the booth as they enter back to the vehicle and they drove off.

Crystal: So why did you leave that survivor in the store?

Y/n: That wasn't a survivor.

Crystal: What?

Y/n: Those are called Witch. They trick other survivors by pretending to cry to lower the survivors into her trap. If a flashlight was pointed at her then she will attack and kill all survivors that she sees.

Crystal: (shocked) Holy shit really. How do you know of this?

Y/n: I've saw it before. She was tough but I managed to kill us. These undead aren't your normal slow dumb Zombies. Their smart and know when to strike and where to go to lower these prey into their trap. Remember who there was two Zombies coming out of both roads where you and your workers were at?

Crystal: Yeah but we thought they just appear because of sound?

Y/n: That is right but they know where to block their prey and know how to lower their prey into a trap. It's not just the stander undead you should be worry about, there is also mutation once as well.

Crystal: Like what kind?

Suddenly a wall in front of them burst as a large brute zombie came out of the wall and turns to see them as he roars as them.

Y/n: Like that one!

Crystal: (shocked) Fuck! Let's get out of here!

Y/n pulls down the gas as he drive pass the Brute zombie as he roars and runs after them as he flipped many cars aside while chasing them. Y/n try his best to lose it but the zombie Brute was still on their tail.

Y/n: Know how to drive this?

Crystal: Y-Yeah.

Y/n: Good, hold the wheel.

She moves to the driver side seat whike Y/n moves to the back and opens the ceiling door as he climbs on top of he vehicle while he pulls out his grenade launcher and fire a few Grenades at the Brute zombie.

The Brute zombie gets hit by the Grenades a few times and he even fell as he rolled onto the ground while smashing into several destroyed vehicles before Y/n fires a singal grenade and it land on the zombie brutes mouth and a few seconds later the Brute zombie blows up with guts and blood spread everywhere as Y/n climbs back inside and Crystal moved back to where she was while Y/n takes the wheel.

Y/n: Nice driving.

Crystal: (smile) Thanks. Look we're almost there!

They see a sign to the beach meaning they are close as they go pass the sign and after a while of driving they arrived qt the beach. Crystal and Y/n hop out as Crystal looks around to see a lot of military vehicles and tents around but no one around to greet them.

Y/n walks up to Crystal and tells her.

Y/n: I'm sure they might be at the bunker.

Crystal: Still what was happening here?

Y/n: It looks like they were getting people out of this city until something happened.

Crystal: Let's hope we're the only once here.

Y/m agrees as they walk into the empty camp site and they search around for anyone that can point them to the bunker. They have a creepy feeling as they thought they hear movement behind them but they turn to see nothing.

They keep on moving and curious got to them as they check inside the medical tent and Crystal was shocked to see body bags with some are open while some are still inside as they look at the body bags and Crystal really hopes her parents aren't in one of the bags.

Y/n: Looks like they were collecting bodies.

Crystal: For what?

Y/n: Not to sure. Probably to find a way where this virus started.

Crystal: Any idea where dis this virus started?

Y/n stood there in silence as he looks down as he breath in a sigh and turn to tell her.

Y/n: In order for any of us to survive we must be truthful to ourselves. I'll start by telling you that I know how this virus started.

Crystal: (surprised) Really?!

Y/n: Indeed. A meteor crash landed on this planet and a group of scientists found out that the meteor have some sort a liquid that they believe can guve the person Unbelievable power such as strength and speed. Me and my squad were apart of this project and I was successful while my squad.......they were turned.

Crystal was shocked by this as gose silent as Crystal place a hand on his shoulder and tells him.

Crystal: I'm so sorry for your loss. It must be hard.

Y/n: was.

Before Crystal ask any further something fast rush in front of them outside of he tent as they chase after what ever it was as they burst out of the medical tent and turn to see what looks like a dog that turn around the corner.

Crystal: You think it's a stray dog?

Y/n: I don't think so.

Then the dog return back but with more dogs as they came around the corner in front of them as the first dog looks up at them and they see their infected and their now undead.

The undead dogs rush towards them while Y/n acts fast and fire his rifle at them and take some undead dogs out while the first dog launch onto Y/n and tackle him to the ground.

The undead dog barks at him and try to eat his flesh but Y/ stays strong and pulls out his knife and stab the undead dog in the dead and kill it.

He throws the body away while he sat up and looks to see another undead dog leaps over and was about to eat him when a gun fire kicks the undead dog. Y/n sees Crystal wig his rifle as Y/n stood up and she hands him his rifle back.

Y/n: Thanks Crystal. You own me one.

She smiles while blushes when they hear some yells as they see another undead came around the same corner but this one have a strap cout on him as he yells a few times until he turns to see them.

He then lend out one loudest yell, soo loud that it cost Crystal to cover her ears as he yells before he was immediately killed by Y/n as he fire his rifle at his head. But it was too late as they hear roars of Zombies behind them as they turn to see Zombies rushing towards them as they tear down tents as Y/n calls out to Crystal.

Y/n: Run!

The two make a run for it while the undead chase after them. They turn to different paths and leaping over objects so they can slow them down but they still keep coming and there is no way to slow them down. Then they exit out of the camp site and see a metal trap door that can lead to the bunker.

Crystal: That's it!

They get to it as Y/n turn to fire his rifle to give Crystal cover as she pulls the lever and opens the trap down ams she climb down first. Y/n stop firing and climb down while he shut the door just as the undead piled over the close door.

Y/n made it to the bottom and turns to see Crystal not near him qnd must have ru off to find her parents. The bunker seemed to be quiet so he pulled out his shotgun and slowly moves through the halls of the bunker to find Crystal and anyone else.

Y/n: (whisper) Crystal! Crystal! Where are you?

He see blood on the walls and the floor which he realised that something bad happened down here as he continues on. He turn around the corner and see Crystal facing away from him and stareing through a window as he walks over to her and once he gets up to her he can see tears in her eyes like she is sadden by something.

He looks through the window and what he is seeing shocked him. Through the glass window there was dead bodies everywhere as they enter the room to get a closer look as they look at the piles of dead bodies.

Y/n kneeled down and check the bodies and see bullet holes on them which ment they were gunned down.

Y/n: What ever happened here they were killed by gunfire. Possibly by the military. Crystal....I think your parents are-

Crystal: No! NO! They have to be alive! Mom! Dad!

She then rushes off to find them while Y/n chase after her. Crystal doesn't want to believe they are gone as she enter the barracks and check every signal barracks for her parents.

She opens the last door and her eyes widen in shock and soon tears start to fall to her knees and start to cry as Y/n catch up to her and see what she is seeing. On the bed were are parents holding hands and dead. Judging by the gun that Crystal's father have, they must have take their own life not knowing their own daughter is still alive.

Crystal continues to cry foe her dead parents while Y/n place a hand onto her shoulder and tell her.

Y/n: I'm truly am sorry Crystal. I'm truly am sorry.

She then hugs Y/n while she let's everything out while Y/n let's her as he hugs her back as her cries are heard echoing through the bunker as she let's everything out nowing that her parents....are gone.


We see her at tge cafeteria sat on a table looking down not feeling her own self while Y/n looks around for any food in the kitchen. He found some can of beans so he cooks them up which is a good thing there is still power here and once thqt he pours the beans in a bowl and came back and hands Crystal a bowl while he sat across of her.

He took his helmet off and grab a spoon and start eating while Crystal looks at the bowl as Y/n looks to see her not eating and tells her.

Y/n: I know your parents are gone but you can't give up hope.

Crystal: It's just. My friends turn on me, I got fired, my city is gone and parents are dead. What is the point of continuing on anymore?

Y/n: There is always a point to keep on going. Even if we loss everything around us, we can't give up.

Crystal: How can you do it?

Y/n: Excuse me?

Crystal: How can you still have your hope on you after everything has happened to you?

Y/n: I don't know really. I just remember that no matter what happens, I can still fight for this planet and what's left for humanity. It's my job as a soldier to save this planet, what ever the cost.

Crystal is silence a bit and was aboit to Askham something when a large fart sound came out of nowhere which scared Crystal a bit. She then noticed blushing a bit as she realised Y/n farted which she laughed a bit while Y/n smile a bit to see her a bit better.

Crystal: (smile) Guess too much beans huh?

Y/n: (chuckle) Seems like it. Excuse me.

Crystal: (giggle) I don't know what's sinker, the Zombies or you?

Y/n: (smirk) Well sniff it?

Crystal: (smile) Oh god no way! Gross!

Thay share a laugh and Crystal feel much better and understand that she can't give up, as long there is still other people out there in the world. They can make it and keep on fighting no matter what happens.

(A Day later)

The trap door open as Y/n peaks out to check for any undead and once the ghost is clear he climb out with Crystal follow as well as they make their way back to their vehicle. They were surprised it's still there and still attached as they climb inside and once inside Crystal ask Y/n?

Crystal: So where should we go now?

Y/n: I think I know another military base that still have soldiers there and I think I know a old friend of mine who might still be alive there as well.

Crystal: Okay and after that?

Y/n: My goal is to try to find a way to stop this undead and I think I know who can help.

He type onto his computer as a picture of a scientist appear on screen.

Y/n: His name is Doctor Kohaku Kono, he is a scientist and I believe he knows the way to end this outbreak.

Crystal: (surprised) Really, that's amazing! Where is he?

Y/n: He's at a small island in Japan, we head to my old friends location and grab us as a Helicopter to get to Japan and find him.

Crystal: (smile) Guess that means we're going on a road trip.

Y/n: (smile) Seems like it. Try not to sign any country songs while on this trip, alright.

Crystal: (giggle) I can't promise that.

Y/n chuckle as he start up the engine and they drive off as they make their way out of New Jersey and they were on the road to their location to find themselves a helicopter to get to Japan.

Then we cut to the inside of a scope of a sniper as the person zooms in his scope to spot Y/n's vehicle driving through as we see a soldier wearing all black armor as he stood up and turn his head to one of his soldier behind him.

Soldier: He's on the move. Contact the boss and tell him he is on the move.

He nods as they climb back onto their vehicle and they drive out of the area while they call in their boss about Y/n on the move and wait for any orders from their boss.

To be continued................

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