Chapter 14: Reunion (lemon)

We see Y/n, Takashi and Rei walking down the terminal as the place seems empty as they soon arrived at the waiting area where they only see empty chairs, luggage on the floor and other things.

They ready themselves in case there was any undead as they search around for Rika or anyone they can find. Suddenly a door open which they quickly turn only for Rika peaking her head out of the room and spotted them.

Rika: About time. Get in here, this place isn't exactly safe.

They agree as they go through the door while Rika keeps an eye out of any undead and once the ghost is clear she closes and locks it. We see the four walking down the steps which Y/n ask Rika.

Y/n: Where is this lead?

Rika: The airports underground basement. Its usually for storage but now its a bunker for any survivors.

Takashi: How many survivors is there?

Rika: Not many. Some were killed by the undead while some......took their own lives. We try not to think about it and try to focus on surviving.

Y/n: We were hoping if there is a plane we can use to get out of this country.

Rika: Well that's gonna be a huge problem but we'll talk about that another time.

Soon they reach the final step and walk down a long hallway towards twin doors which Rika open to reveal a group of survivors as they all turn to see three more survivors.

Alice: Y/n! Takashi! Rei! You all are okay!

Then Alice and Zeka rush over as Akice hugs Y/n and soon the rest of their group came over and they were glad the trio arrived here alive.

Eric came over and the two high fived.

Eric: (smirk) I never doubt you'll go down that easy. Good to have you back.

Y/n: (smile) Good to see you Eric. Any problems on the way?

Eric: Not much, unless you wanna talk about the plane situation Rika?

Rika: Yeah about that. There is good news and some bad news. Good news is there is one plane that is ready to go but bad news being its in the hanger where their nest is.

Y/n: Nest?

Rika: Yeah those unread freaks are using that hanger as a nest. I know this because we saw an army of them enter that hanger and never came out.

Y/n: Strange.

Rook: Right now that plane is our only ticket out of here and we need to clear those zombies out of it.

Rika: Yeah but you three must have travelled hereand you must be tired. How's about I get you some food.

Rei: (smile) Sounds good thanks.

The group follow Rika and Eric was about to follow when Y/n grab her shoulder and singal him to have a private talk. We see them somewhere they will not be disturb as he talks about the unknown soldiers that he, Takashi and Rei have encountered.

Eric: Those are the same soldiers that attack Saya mansion? Why are they here?

Y/n: Not sure. Whoever they are it seems they are not looking for any survivors.

Eric: Yeah but why though and what's their goal?

Y/n: Not sure what is their goal but something tells me it cannot be good.

Eric: Wait a minute. What if they come here and investigate this airport. All those people will be killed.

Y/n: If that were to happen then we have to keep them safe.

Eric: Even though we are outnumbered?

Y/n: Maybe but we won't back down without a fight.

Eric: (smirk) Like the sound of that. Say wanna grab something to eat?

Y/n: Nah I might just rest.

Eric: Sure. Take care man.

Eric walks off and once gone Y/n walks down the hallway and soon finds a room to take a rest. There was a bed so he took off his helmet and his armor and place them onto the floor.

Once that he collapse onto the bed and let's out a sigh when Crystal appear in front of the door and enter as she shut the door behind her and lock it.

Y/n: Oh hey Crystal. You okay?

Crystal: Yeah. What about you?

Y/n: Tired. But alive.

Crystal: That's good.

Y/n:......Something on your mind?

Crystal: I was.....worried that you might make it. I was afraid that mall.....was the last time I ever see you.

Y/n:....Sorry if I worry you Crystal. It won't happen again.

Then she approach him and sat down on the bed beside him as she ask him.

Crystal: Promise?

Y/n: Promise.

The two of them stared at each other for a moment and soon Crystal lend over and the two of them kissed. The two of them started to make out and soon Crystal gets on top of him and they go at it.

(Lemon start)

They let out moans as they continue kissing and touching each other. Crystal felt turned on hearing his sexxy moans so she started stripping off her clothes and tosses them aside.

She was now wearing her bra and underwear which makes Y/n blush in surprise seeing how turned on she is. They then continue making out and soon he felt turned and after a while he too started to stripe and now the two were now barely naked as Crystal pulled down his pants, revealing his dick.

She grab it and started to shake on it which made Y/n moan  as she keeps going, giving him a hand job as this made Y/n turned on as she keep going and going. Y/n hold tight on the blanket and letting out moans of pleasure as this keep going until his dick erupted.

Y/n let's out a loud moan of pleasure before Crystal blocks his lips with her own and the two begin making out as they soon toss away their underwear onto thr floor.

We see Y/n on top of Crystal as he inserts his dick into her and starts thrusting his dick which made Crystal let out moans as he keeps going.

He grab both of her breast and keep going which made Crystal moan more and more as the best moves back and forward as they keep doing it as he goes faster while Crystal roll her eyes back a bit and gets ready.

When it does come she let's out a loud moan and the two made out once again. They soon collapses onto thr floor and soon Y/n pinned Crystal onto the wall and thrusting his dick upwards as the two let out moans of pleasure as they kept going for 1 and a half minutes until Y/n goes faster and faster until it happened.

Crystal let's out a loud moan and then Y/n sat back onto the bed with Crystal wrapping her legs around his waist and kissing him on the lips. The two of then making out as Y/n can feel her breast preasted against his chest as they make out and after they stop to catch some breath he kisses her on the neck which make her moan as he did so.

The two collapses back onto the bed and Y/n starts sucking on her breast. Licking her nipple and moving them which made Crystal moan as he did so. She never felt something like this in her whole life and it felt amazing and after a while he does down to her vigina and start licking it which made Crystal gasp with pleasure as he does it.

She let's out more and more moans as he keeps going, getting his tongue deeper and deeper until she couldn't take it anymore and let it out.

She was sweating like hell including Y/n as he crawl his way up to Crystal and the two kissed and then make out some more as they continue making love.

(Lemon ends)

We find thr group along with Rika having some food as they are digging in the food as Rika sat down with Shizuka.

Alice: Say Where's Crystal and Y/n? Aren't they wanna join us?

Eric: Y/n is getting some rest.

Reznya: And I think I saw Crystal looking for Y/n.

Rook: Wonder why.

Takashi: Look I know this might be a bad time but is there anyway we can get ride of those zombies at the hanger?

Rika: Well.....there is one way but it might be risky.

Kohta: Not like we've been through risky stuff.

Rika: We believe the only way we can draw away the undead is at the control tower outside of the airport and turn on its radios. The noise will distract the undead and we get out of here. However the problem being those undead freaks are fast so someone has to get inside the tower and out very fast.

Rei: Can we not climb down the tower outside?

Rika: We don't have climbing equipment so that out of the window.

Reznya: Maybe me, Saeko and Rei will take the tower and-

Rika: Actually it would be quicker if one person goes into the tower instead of a group. We can't have anyone left behind on the tower when that happens.

Reznya: I see.

Rook:.....(sigh) Guess I'll do it.

Eric: You sure?

Rook: Yep. I'm sure. Besides I'll be in and out quick.

Rika: The elevator will not work.

Rook: (smirk) Meh, not gonna ask.

Evelyn: So what if that plan doesn't work?

Rika: If that happens well.....get comfy because you might gonna live here for a long time.

Rei: How's about we get some rest and do this tomorrow.

Rika: That's what I was thinking. I bet both of your friends found a place to sleep.

Shizuka: (smile) Bet there is room for me to sleep with.

Rika: (giggle) You like that guy?

Shizuka: (smile) Yep.

Rika: (smirk) You know....he is hot so I can't blame you. Never see a badass man like that guy in my life. I can tell he seen some shit.

Takashi: You have no idea.


We see these soldiers at the mall as they search around and searching for anyone live. After a while of searching there was nothing as the commander calls in Jasiah.

Male commander: Sir the mall is clear. No sign of survivors.

Jasiah: (phone) Are you sure? Cause I got a report of three survivors high jacked one of our dropships.

Male commander: We are searching sir. We might investigate the airport tomorrow.

Jasiah: (phone) Good and remember. Let the past die.

Male commander: Yes sir.

The call ended and the soldiers enter their military vehicles and once inside they drive away so they can set up camp for the night as the sun slowly disappeared and now night has come as we see the city being completely covered by total darkness.

To be continued.............................................

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