Chapter 12: The mall survivors (Arc 4 final)

We can hear the screams and cries outside of the malls doors follow by gunfire and explosions as we see everyone inside the mall and staring at the door and worrying that they might break in. Suddenly the front entrance was slammed and then slammed again as everyone with guns aims at the door and waited for them to break in.

Soon the banging stopped and they lower their weapons a bit when suddenly a truck crashes through the door and immediately stopped while we see Y/n being thrown across the mall and slamming into the wall and land hard onto the ground.

Crystal rushes over along with Shizuka as Y/n has Amy round his arm to protect her from getting ran over as he slowly gets up while helping Amy up as Crystal and Shizuka rushes up to him.

Y/n: Get Amy out of here now.

Shizuka: Sure thing.

She takes Amy away and before Crystal can ask what happened, they heard gunfire and see Shido's group coming out of the trucks and coming inside the building, firing back at the zombies only to turn and open fire at the survivors in the mall.

Chaos came out as those without guns scream and run away while some do open fire and a firefight happed that shattered windows, blow up chairs and killing a lot of innocent people.

Eric: Y/n catch!

He tossed him his assault rifle which he catches and once he cocks it he and Eric rushes towards the battle.

Eric: What happened?

Y/n: The peace talk didn't work. Now not only we have Shido's group to deal with but zombies as well outside.

Eric: This place is going to fall apart.

Y/n: Yeah. We have to get everyone out of here. Take second floor to the left while I got the right.

Eric: I'm on it!

Eric climbed up the escalator while Y/n leaps ont top of a vending machine and leap up once more and grab the edge and climb up onto the second floor. He look over to see Shido's group already at the second floor as they turn and notice him.

They open fire but he dodges the bullets and charge towards them while firing his rifle at them, taking a few out as he ram one to a wall with his shoulder then turn to grab a barrel of a rifle as Shido's men open fired at the floor as Y/n hits him with his rifle amd he pushed him off the second floor, breaking his neck on the way down.

Bullets hits his armor shoulder as he quickly pulls out his knife and throws it at one and stabbing his on the head as he rushes forward, grabbing his body and using it as a shield to the block the incoming bullets.

Then he pull a pin out from the guys grenade on his bed and push him towards the rest which there was an explosion follow by most of Shido's men screaming as Y/n look down and open fire a few rounds at Shido's men on the ground floor.

We cut to Eric across the second floor as he pulls out a grenade and tosses it to Shido's men that blows up, sending them all flying back.

We see Rook and Reznya racing over as Rook pulls out I'd machine gun and open fire at Shido's men while Reznya leaps up, landing on top of one of them and cutting his throat as she turn and cuts up the rest with her sword.

She then throws her sword at Shido's men in the chest which he fells onto the ground and died.

Kohta: (surprised) Wow! So cool!

Saya: Stop day dreaming and keep shooting!

Evelyn: We got under freaks coming in!

The zombies starts to come in and bites a few of Shido's men while they open fire at them.

Y/n: We can't take them all on! Everyone, we need to get out of this mall now!

Eric: You heard him, let's get the hell out of here! Go! Go! Go!

They all start to evacuate while Eric and Y/n give them some cover, taking out some zombies before running away.

Rei: (radio) Y/n! Do you hear me! We need your help!

Y/n: Rei what's wrong?

Rei: (radio) We got ambushed! Shido is here on the roof and we need some- Takeshi, behind you!

Then there was gunfire and the communication ends.

Y/n: Rei! Do you copy! REI! Fuck! Eric Rei and Takeshi are in trouble! I'm going up to the roof and help them.

Eric: Right! We get everyone out of the mall.

Y/n: Right and don't be afraid of leaving us! If that happens meet us at the airport!

Eric: We'll try to wait on you three! Good luck.

Eric runs off while Y/n watch him go and then heard zombies coming so he turn to see zombies on the second floor and 3udhing towards him. He tosses his grenade at them which blows up and rushes to the door as he slammed it and lock it and then make his way to the roof to help Rei and Takeshi.


We see everyone getting inside their vehicles and ready to leave as Eric and the rest climb onto their own vehicles with Eric climbing onto Y/n's vehicle as Tohka gets on top of the roof with hid heavy machine gun that Rook have given him to use.

Rook: You sure you know how to use that?

Tohka: (smirk) Absolutely!

Rook: Sometimes you scare me kid.

Saya: What are we waiting for let's go!

Eric: Y/n, Takeshi and Rei are not here! They're still up in the roof.

Saeko: I'll go and help them!

Eric: No! I can't risk of losing anyone else!

Suddenly they hear the zombies banging at the door and trying to break in. Some survivors can't take it and drive out of here while Eric and the rest stay there for a moment and after they realise they are not coming, Eric grinded his teeth and then drives off with Shizuka follows them with her car with everyone else inside as they exit out of the mall and make their escape.

Alice: Do you think Y/n, Rei and Takeshi are going to be alright?

Eric: I hope so. I just hope so.


Y/n kicks open the roof door and aim his rifle around and scan around for Rei and Takeshi or Shido. He slowly moves through the roof and looking around only to hear Shido voice behind him.

Shido: (smirk) Look who finally showed up.

He spin around and sees Takeshi on the ground injured from the shot on his waist while Shido holding Rei as a hostage with a pistol pointed at her head.

Y/n: Let her go.

Shido: (smirk) You really think you can be a good soldier do you? Look what has the world become. It became and chaotic and destruction world all because of the military and government trying to play God by creating super soldiers like yourself.

Y/n: And your suppose to be a hero?

Shido: (chuckle) Now. I'm this world's messiah, the one that will show them the path of a great future, a path that can last forever. A path.....where I have power.

Y/n: Your nothing but a psychopath teacher who wants nothing more but to bring nothing but suffering to others just to pleasure yourself.

Shido: (smirk) You may think that. To me, I'm just doing what is necessary to gain power in anyway I can. I'll even punish those who step out of line starting with her.

Rei closes hee eyes as she can feel the gun squeeze in at her cheek while Takeshi groans in pain but he groans in rage.

Y/n: What has Rei done anything to you?

Shido: (smirk) Nothing. I just want to watch hee suffer as not only I was the one who ruined her life but I will kill her in a world of chaos.

Y/n: Not what I have to say about it.

Shido: (smirk) Try to stop me.

Thetwi glare at each other for a moment while Takeshi slowly pulls out a knife behind his shirt and then he stabbed Shido in the foot, making him scream and dropping Rei onto the ground while he turn and aim his pistol at Takeshi before he was gunned down by Y/n as he open fired at him.

Bullets fly through of his body and after he ran out of Meg Shido stumbled back while coughing out blood from hid mouth as he slowly look over to Y/n and the smirked at him and then he will off the edge as Y/n ans Rei look over to see him fall and splat onto thr ground within an army of zombies rushing inside the mall.

Takeshi cough out blood while Rei and Y/n rush up to him as Rei kneel down next to him, grabbing his hand while Y/n pulls out his medical kit and start wrapping up the wound.

Y/n: Your going to be okay.

Takeshi: Yeah. Thanks.

Rei: Yeah. Thank you Y/n.

Y/n: No problem.

Once he was done he look out of the edge to see the vehicles driving off as he turn to the door, knowing that zombies will be waiting for them. He sat down next to Takeshi and tells the two.

Y/n: Those zombies ain't gonna leave so it's best we wait up here for the time being.

Takeshi: I see. Too bad we didn't bring some food up here.

Y/n: I have.

He pulled out some candy which he hand some to Rei and Takeshi and they have a bite.

Y/n: Got some inside the mall before the attack started. Guess I have a right feeling to do it.

Takeshi: (smirk) Guess so.

Rei: (smile) You know......this reminds me of our first date. Don't you remember Takeshi?

Takeshi: Oh yeah I remember that.

Y/n: What happened?

Takeshi: (smile) Well....we were having our first date and our original plan was to head to the mall to have some fun but when the mall was closing, rather then leave, I took Rei to the roof and stayed up there and watch the stars.

Y/n: Huh, where youse caught?

Takeshi: (smile) Yep. Pretty much.

Rei: (smile) You nearly have my dad to not allow me to see you again.

Takeshi: (smirk) Hey, at least he given me a second chance.

Y/n: (chuckle) Guess that what teenagers do when on dates.

Takeshi: Would you do something like that as well?

Y/n: Yeah. I sometimes do that.

The two smiled as Y/n took off his helmet and set it beside him as he smiled back while they look up to the sky as night  is coming for them as Rei ask Y/n.

Rei: You think the rest are going to be alright?

Y/n: They'll be fine. As soon we get out of here, we get to the airport and we get of of here together.

Takeshi: If there is a plane.

Y/n: (smirk) Same some fate Takeshi. I'm sure they will find a plane somehow.

He then gets up while he grabs his rifle and tells the two.

Y/n: You two get some rest. I'll be look out.

They agree and they get some rest while Y/n be look out as he turns and look at where the vehicles went and hopefully they all made it out of the mall alive and hopefully will ne meet them up again once they get out of the mall and get to the airport while we see the mall floors filled with zombies and destruction as Y/n, Rei and Takeshi are stuck there until the zombies all leave.

To be  continued.........................................

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