Chapter Thirty-One (2)

(A/N; Here is chapter Thirty one part 2. Enjoy guys! 😁😁)

Luhan's POV

It's only been a few minutes after Mingyu dropped the bomb, yet it felt like years. The time seemed to have stopped as everyone entered a state of shock. I didn't even remember how we got into the familiar room. Although how familiar it was, it was different. Our friends were gone.

Jimin kept sobbing. I think he didn't even care about his looks anymore. Seulgi looked like she wanted to run toward him and hold him tight, but she was occupied with Chorong who seemed to have lost her mind. Silent tears poured down on her cheeks and wetting her blouse, but she didn't make any move to stop them.

I wiped away on my own tears. Kris, Chanyeol, Taehyung, Naeun... they were all friends. We watched each other's back, and fought together. Circumstances forced us to meet, and now that we meant something to each other, we have to face that they were gone? How cruel was this world?

I looked around me and saw Jungkook and Kai who sat next to each other, watching the fire in the portable pit crackling. It seemed colder tonight, and they seemed to find comfort with each others presence in silence.

Before I knew it, my eyes fell to the silhouette of a girl who sat far from us. Her beautiful face was illuminated by the fire, looking serious as ever. I didn't think she even cried. Although I know she liked to appear emotionless, there should be times when she would break down too, no?

Ever since Mingyu told us that our friends want to search for us and was attacked by the massive herd of zombies that coincidentally stood outside the gate, she was rather quiet. When Jimin cried and called Naeun's name countlessly, and Suho kept hitting walls with his bare hands, she remained stoic like a statue. And when we arrived to the room, she shut herself from everyone else, sat far from us, where the light from the fire barely touch the shadows.

"I failed her." Someone said, and I shifted my eyes to Suho.

"What do you mean?" Kai's voice was small, tired. "Who did you fail?"

"Naeun." Suho whispered the name. A tear fell and he brushed it away brusquely. "I promised her that we would return safely. But we lost them." He took a deep breath and lowered his voice until it was almost inaudible. "I lost her."

"Stop," a harsh voice said, and all of us looked to the guy whose eyes were puffy as hell. "She's still alive, I can feel it."

Kai sighed. "Jimin... you heard Mingyu, she's..."

"DON'T YOU DARE! Naeun is still alive! SHE IS ALIVE!"

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. "Jimin I think-"

"Finish that sentence and you die." Jimin snarled and we fell back into silence.

"It's your fault isn't it?" Suho started. "You always acted like a leader. You separated the group into two, when we were supposed to move together!"

"What do you mean it's my fault?! It was for the importance of our group! Did you think I would wish this to happen?"

"You acted recklessly!" Suho shouted. He stood up and pointed to the guy. "Now look what happened? We lost them! I didn't even have the chance to say anything to her." He laughed humourlessly. "Now I don't have the chance to!"

Jimin stood too and for once I'm worried that hell might break loose. In this situation we should stay together not fight with each other.

"Say what?" Jimin said lowly. "Do you, by any chance, are harbouring any feelings for Naeun?"

Suho turned at him and stepped closer. "And if I say I am? What are you going to do huh? Kill me? Like you did to her?!"

Jimin jumped to action and planted a fist on Suho's cheek. Seulgi yelled for them to stop and Chorong cried even louder. Kai and Jungkook quickly pulled them off from each other, or tried to. Suho got the chance to hit Jimin's eyes and I could see a bruise forming. It became heated every second and even Kai got a few punches coming on his face because he was trying to keep those two from killing each other.

In the midst of the ruckus, I heard a soft click of a door closing and when I snapped my head around, Eunji's spot was empty.

*  *  *

I saw her talking to the person in charge of the gate. I guessed the shift changed as Eunwoo wasn't the one who stood there anymore. The guy nodded and opened the small door leading to the outside. My eyes widened and I ran faster.

Before she could walk even farther from the camp, I grabbed her wrist just as I heard the metal door close behind us. She turned around and her eyes widened in fraction.

"What are you doing?" I hissed. Her mouth opened and closed like that of a fish's, before she pulled them in a grim line.

"Let me go Luhan."

"Not until you follow me back to the camp."

She snatched her hand back. "No." She fixed the strap of a bag which she kept her bow and arrows on her shoulder and turned to walk away from me. "Go back Luhan."

"Where are you going?" I asked, running after her. It was a luck that the streetlights were still working, or it would be even harder to move in the dark. But I was still worried that we might encounter the same zombies that attacked our friends.

"What I do is none of your concern." She replied coldly and i felt a pang on my chest. Did she dislike me that much?

"Yes because you are a friend. We don't want to lose anyone anymore."

She stopped walking and turned around to face me.

"Is that what I am? A friend?" She spoke slowly, eyes burning into mine.

I was lost in her eyes for a while as my head spun, trying to think of what to say. "Err, yeah."

She shifted her gaze away, and i regretted my words.

"I see." She whispered. "Well then, friend, go back in there. I have something to do. I don't want to lose you." She said and turned around rapidly, walking away in a fast pace while I stood still, stunned by her words.

What did she meant by, I don't want to lose you?

I snapped out of my haze when she was a good few feet from me. I pushed my legs to work and I did what I wanted to do.

I hugged her.

She struggled against my hands but I tightened my hold. It took me half of my strength straining her, and I had to tune out her curses toward me, all of them which I know she didn't mean.

She stopped struggling after a few moments and we stood there together in silence. Her, standing like a statue, and me, brushing on her hair while whispering sweet nothings to her.

"How did you manage to keep it all in?" I asked, and it wasn't even a few seconds before she broke.

She cried and I was there to hold her.

It felt like a long time until she recovered. I stayed and I didn't say anything. She needed it and I'm glad that this time I was the one to hold her whilst she cry. Kai might've been there to make her laugh, but I was there during her most vulnerable state.

She pulled away and stepped back. She wiped her tears but when I reached out to her she shook her head. Keeping her head bowed she said,

"Go back Lu, please. I can't bear if I lose you too."

"I'm not leaving you."

She brought her red-rimmed eyes up to mine. "Yes, yes you are. We are friends, aren't we?" I gulped. It was hard to hear her say that, I wanted her to know that she meant more than that, but...

"I want to find them Lu. I know they're still alive, but I can't have any risk... I-I want keep you safe. I can't do this knowing you're in a risk of getting attacked by zombies. I know you can fend for yourself but... please? For me?"

She looked fragile then, like she was holding her heart out for me. A friend, she said. Why can't I just tell her the truth?

Not trusting my tongue, I nodded and she smiled. A beautiful smile just for me. Yet it might be the last time I see that beautiful smile. No, I won't let it. She will stay to smile if it was the last thing I do.

She tipped on her toe and brushed her lips on my cheek.

"I'll see you again, Luhan. I'll be back, I promise."

Eunji's POV

I watched as he retraced his steps toward the camp. I knew it will be hard for me to keep my promise, but as long as he's safe, I'm grateful.

I wiped excess wetness on my cheeks and went to work. I knew something wrong was going on. There was no way they would be dead by zombies. Chanyeol and Kris were there, Taehyung too. And even though I hated to admit it, Naeun was a pretty good fighter. I won't even be surprised if they could kill all the zombies loitering around here.

But Mingyu said they're dead?

Now that's something hard to believe.

I mean, there was no way they would get killed together. I cringed at the thought. Friend, Luhan had said, my heart contradicted with the thought but I deemed it as the truth. If they were not friends, I won't even be bothered by them. Yet i took it to this extent, they had to mean something to me.

So I'm not giving them up.

I pulled my sensed up and got ready with a bow and arrow. I also had a knife hidden under my skirt, where I placed it in a sheath and wrapped it around my thigh. I've always thought it was never too safe to not bring any extra weapon. I just hoped my arrow was enough for tonight's kill.

Just as I was getting a bit bored, two zombies charged to me. I stayed unmoving and quiet until one of them were in front of me. Deciding that pulling the bow will be too extra for a short distance, I took the arrow out and plunged it into its neck. It fell on the ground and made gurgling noises. The other zombie was nearing me in a fast pace and I took the arrow which I used on the first zombie and planted it into its head. Then I buried it into the first one's skull too since to kill a walking dead you should either decapitate it or make a damage on its head.

I walked a bit more and encountered a few more zombies, none that I couldn't handle, until I saw a silhouette from a far. The silhouette was walking slowly on a deserted street. My forehead crinkled as I took careful steps toward it.

From the back, it looked like a tall man. It didn't look shabby like a zombie would. Usually, a zombie will look like it was taken out straight from a Hollywood movie, torn and dirty clothes, wound and bruise scattering all over the dead body, and the skin will look as dead too. The skin will peel off of the bone as the body's dead and decomposition take over naturally.

But this one didn't look dead.
Sure the guy had torn clothes, I did too. He had bruises, not that I could see it since he was clothed in long sleeves and pants, but I have bruises too. And i am alive.
But he looked frighteningly familiar from his back. Don't tell me...

"Chanyeol?" I whispered. He didn't turn around so I walked quickly and patted him on the shoulder. "Chan-"


My eyes went wide when he turned around. Reflexes kicked in and I stepped away quickly, just a few feet away from him. I understood now why he was walking slow, his leg was still hurt from the beating by the bearded man, but his eyes...

Tears pricked as I took in of his appearances. A huge gash was on his inner hand and it looked like he was bitten and his eyes were white with no irises. I released a choked sob, this can't be. This can't be real, he can't be dead.


He was dragging his leg to reach me, I could see that it wasn't going to recover, since he wasn't living anymore. Then I broke down again for the second time. It pained me to see that he was struggling to get to me with his leg, so with my tears blurring my vision I stepped closer to him. He reached out to me with one hand, I took it and pulled him closer harshly. He stumbled a bit and I took the chance to bury my knife into his head.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't get to say it for when I killed your best friend. I'm late again, I'm so sorry. You're a great person, Chanyeol. I'm sorry you had to leave like this."

After that encounter with Chanyeol, I became reckless. The need to find my other friends were huge, to know that they were fine. That they were doing better than him. I didn't even care to hide and move stealthily, I just went out and kill everything that moved; zombies.

I should have known when to stop, but I was enraged. I was blinded by my anger that I felt the need to kill. Until it was too late. I accidentally made a noise when I was fighting two zombies on the street, not knowing that there were hundreds of them behind the building. That empty trash can clanked loudly when I kicked it away as I killed the last of two zombies just to get more of them. And they were surprisingly fast too. I guess they were hungry.

I fought alone with a few that arrived near me, until the number increased. But i wasn't alone anymore.

"Fucking Luhan!" I yelled, as I snapped a zombie's neck. "What are you doing here?"

"Is that how you thank your prince charming?" He said, getting his hands full with three zombies which he killed in no time with a metal bat he got somewhere.

I scoffed. Of course I was glad the risk of me dying was reduced by 0.01%, but it meant he had a risk of dying too. The thought got me stopped fighting for a while until I felt a harsh tug on my wrist.

"Run!" He yelled and we did.

"You're stupid, do you know that?"

He rolled his eyes and sat on the floor heaving his breaths. "You're welcome."

"What were you thinking?" I whisper-yelled, "You could've died!"

"Yet I didn't."

"Are you seriously going to say that now?" I was fuming mad. I thought I sent him to safety, but here he was.

We got into a shop and closed the front door. Luckily it was made of metal gate, and there was also glass doors so it wasn't easy to break in.

"I can't leave you alone."

"But I -" he shot me a look and I stopped my tongue. Over all, I can't stop feeling safe now that he was with me.

"I saw Chanyeol." He said after a few moments. "I'm sorry you had to do that."

I didn't reply. Somehow, I knew he understand me.

"So wanna explore this shop? I'm hungry. Perhaps we could find ramyeon." He laughed and stood up. He held out his hands to me which I received.

We found a few bottled drinks and chips, and we're about to bring it back to our spot when we heard a loud clang at the back. Luhan swiftly took a place in front of me as the sounds get louder. I held my breath until the door where a sign say 'authorized personnel only' was opened, and there it was.

A huge, tall, fat zombie. Dressed in a uniform. And he looked hungry.

"Aw damn." Luhan muttered and we ran to our weapons.

The zombie groaned and chased after us. In an instant it was behind us and Luhan was already fighting with it, hitting it with his metal bat. I released an arrow and it hit the zombie on its neck, barely missing Luhan's head.

He stepped back and glared at me. "Seriously, Eunji?"

I was about to say sorry when the zombie swung its hand and hit Luhan on the face. My eyes widened in worry when I saw Luhan sprawled on the floor, but my worry quickly dissipated when I crashed hard onto the floor with the huge zombie on top of me. My bow flew from my hand when I fell and now I didn't have any weapon aside of my own hands.

Just as I was getting tired, the zombie was pulled off of me. I laid on the floor still feeling dizzy as hell from when I crashed hard on the cemented floor. I saw Luhan fighting under the zombie. He was trying to push it away but it was huge. My eyes blurred, I desperately blinked it a few times to get my sight straight but the impact from the fall was too much.

In my blurred vision, I saw Luhan fighting for both of our lives, and I barely saw the scene until the zombie plopped on Luhan's side, dead with my arrow on its temple. Luhan managed to kill it.

He scrambled to me and sat me up, searching for any damage caused by the zombies. I swatted his hand away but grabbed his hand again when he groaned in pain.

"Oh my god!"

"Yeah..." he trailed, trying to push me away from him. "Don't worry about me. Just return to the camp."

"Idiot! Look what happened." Tears sprung but I didn't care anymore. My eyes were fixed at the huge wound on his wrist. "We have time, we need to cut your hand, before the venom seeped in." I started to look around furiously for anything sharp. Damn, where was the knife when I needed it?

"Eunji listen." He started, his voice was getting tired and it drove me crazy. Not Luhan, not my Luhan. "Listen!"

I stopped moving and stared at him, tears were in full swing now, and I was even sobbing. His eyes softened and he caressed my cheeks with his unwounded hand.

"Don't cry please, it hurt me to see you like this."

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry." I bowed and he patted my head like a child.

"It's okay. I never regretted coming after you. In fact, meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me."

What was he talking about?!

"You can't do this to me! We have to fix this, let me find something to cut it off."

"It's my body Eunji, I can already feel it shutting me down."

I hugged him hard and he let out a pained chuckle.

"Is my Eunji start feeling soft? Not that cold anymore, huh?"

I was crying uncontrollably and he kissed my head, comforting me like he did before.

"You were never my friend Eunji, because you're something more than that."

I was stunned by his words but as soon as he finished talking he fell onto his back groaning. I crawled next to him.


"P-promise me you'll kill me. I don't wanna be a flesh eater."

"No! Please, you can't leave me. Not you too! I don't have anyone else." I stuffed my face into his chest. "Lu- please, I feel the same way toward you too. It's always been like that."

I felt a hand on my head.

"I'm glad. For once, it isn't an unrequited love." He said, and then he stopped breathing.

Chorong's POV

Pain. That was all that I felt now. Even then it wasn't enough to explain how deep the sorrow was in my heart.

Suho and Jimin was on it while Kai and Jungkook tried their best to prevent it from getting worse. I can feel that Seulgi was panicking too, but she remained on my side. The fight went on until the door was slammed open.

"What's happening here?"

Our eyes were on the guys which stood at the door looking at us in shock.

Jungkook groaned. "God, Eunwoo, I wished you'd come sooner." He pulled Jimin off of Suho whilst Kai did the same with the other guy. Both of them bristled when their fight was interrupted, but stopped nonetheless.

"Is everything okay?" Jungkook asked to the guy again.

"Wait, where is Eunji and Luhan?" Seulgi asked and I looked around. Yeah they're missing.

Eunwoo shook his head. "I don't know where they are, but I know where's Taehyung and Naeun."

Jimin's eyes widened. "Where, where is she?!"

Eunwoo but his lip. "She's alive, but barely. Thats why I need you guys to come with me. Mingyu's up to something bad."


Hey! A long chapter for our lovely readers! I hope it met your expectations or close ~ :') It is coming to an end ;^; but we have a few more chapters! Please stick with us till the end ❤ and thank you for your endless support

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