Chapter Thirty-Four (I)
(A/N; Hey guys! We are back with a new chapter! 😄 This chap will be written by Charlotte. Hope you love it! <3)
Eunwoo's Pov
I didn’t know when the group separated. We were running out from the camp with the back door which only a few of us knew. That’s right, those assholes had another door that were hidden away from other members of the pack, that only a few members had knowledge of, most of us were of a rank. Like me.
I was ridden by guilt. Those bastards, I didn’t know how many people have died because of them, because of me. I had to do it, I have my own family to take care of. They said they would protect my sister if I joined them, and so I did, thinking that it was the only way to survive in this apocalypse. But I just can’t do it. Not when I met them. They had each other’s back and I saw them. They were looking out for each other’s safety as if they would their own. Now that’s a group I’d feel safe with. Maybe if I help them they would let me join them?
There were zombies when we ran out of the main building after we rescued two of their friends, Naeun and Taehyung, if I’m not mistaken. They were lack of one person, Chanyeol, I believe. I felt bad, my mind unravelling the last words he said to me before he was thrown out of the place. His eyes, no, they were not looking at me in anger, but in pity. I knew then that it was a grave mistake, one that will haunt me as long as I’m alive.
We made a bad decision by coming here, I hope you’d never do the same thing, Eunwoo. Chanyeol had said, before someone pushed him out of the gate and closed it. Leaving him to his demise.
He was right, I made a bad decision.
We were running from the horrendous scene that enfold just shortly after we stepped out of the main building. The group were relying on me so I led them to the secret door. Only the passage that I hoped were safe, was not. It was supposed to be clear, we made sure of it in case of emergency. But somehow Mingyu plans were proven a failure when zombies trickled into our views bit by bit, and the number was increasing. That was when we lose sight of the entire group, leaving me with Jungkook and a girl; Chorong. She had wounds and bruises all over her making her look the worst between the three of us. She reminded me of my sister. Oh god, I wish she was alive and well, she have to.
I will go to her once I helped them, soon. I just hoped we get out of this alive.
We just happened to make a run toward a hill just to get rid of the following zombies. Without any weapons, we were nothing, it was pointless to get wounded fighting, or worse, we could die. Jungkook and Chorong appeared to have the same thought as me and we were running away, barely catching our breaths, until I noticed a house from afar. Good, just something we needed.
“Hey, there’s a house up ahead.” Jungkook seemed to have seen it too. I sighed, even a closet would be a safest place right now. I looked up at the sky, Jungkook was right, it was getting dark. Those motherfuckers would be even hungrier at night.
“Think it’s empty?” Chorong whispered, hope lacing in her voice. Girl, you and me both.
“Lights are out…” I trailed off, peering into the distance. Something struck in me, and I did a double take at the building. Somehow it gave me chills…
“Let’s go check it out.” Jungkook said, and walked ahead, Chorong shadowing him and then me, still trying to figure why the hell would I be spooked by a house. Could it be…?
Kai's Pov
I stayed quiet as the girl softly cried, weeping for a fallen love. I desperately wanted to hold her, but as I reached to her back, my fingers curled back. No, it’s not fair for both of them. It’s not fair for her. So I recoiled and watched, feeling the pain in my own heart for not being able to console her like I wanted to.
The dimness of this place helped to mask her tear-stricken face a bit, yet i somehow sensed the agony that she must be feeling. If I could be mad at life for anything, is that how it could break someone’s heart before they could even have the chance to taste a pinch of happiness. It wasn’t unfair, but when does it really?
Her sob was reduced into hiccups and small sniffles, and her breathing regulated. She wiped her cheeks with the sleeves of her uniform. “I-im sorry.” She whispered, almost as if she was afraid that she would break down again.
“What are you sorry for?” I gently said, my soul reached out for this girl, and she had enough broken heart to notice it.
She threw a glance at me, rubbing heat onto her legs with her palms. It was beginning to get dark, I’m sure, as it was late in the evening when we escaped from that wretched place Eunwoo called ‘camp’.
When she didn’t speak, I continued. “If you’re sorry for sparing tears for your friends, then don’t be. It’s a human thing to cry, Eunji. It’s normal to feel. Just because we’re stuck in an apocalypse doesn’t mean we’re required to become robots that only strives to stay alive.”
I felt her eyes on me as I continued. “But i hope, no, i would like you to stay strong. It’s a harsh life, but Luhan would want you to fight too. I’m not pushing you to move on, but the fast you can let go of him the better. But don’t forget, Eunji. I’m sure he loves you as well. Keep that in your mind to stay alive.” I looked at her and held her gaze. “That’s how his memory lives on.”
Our eyes stay locked for a few moments before she broke it with a teasing smile, the corner of her eyes crinkled a bit as she tilted her head to the side. Adorable.
“I didn’t know you could be such a motivational speaker, Kai.”
Blood rushed to my cheeks, and I wrapped my arms around myself. “Shut up, I was just trying to make you feel better.”
She let out a small laugh and I instantly felt energized. Damn, Eunji, the things you do to me.
“Aw, he’s embarrassed too!” She cooed and I huffed. “Is there anything else about you that I should know of?” She grinned as I turned my head at her. The smile didn’t quite reach her eyes, but she was trying, and I’ll make sure it stays.
This time I will.
Naeun's Pov
I can’t believe I fell for that. I am such an idiot. I glared at the culprit who was standing not far from me talking animatedly about his profound idea that might save our asses. Well, I beg to differ! There’s just so much I can take, and not to mention I nearly lost him once because he’s separated from me! Not going through that again, nuh’uh. Over my dead body.
“So we’re ju- Naeun, are you listening?” His sexy voice caught me out of my reverie and he looked at me confused as of why I was already staring at him like he was the last piece of meat.
“No.” I bit out, crossing my arms over my chest.
He sighed. “Well, we’re talking about how we-“
“Did I say you should explain them to me again? I’m saying, no, I oppose of this idea.”
“Well do you have a better one?” A chirpier voice butted in and I gave her a deadly glare. She instantly flinched and kept her tongue quiet. Smart girl.
“If that is what you call an idea, then no. I am not dividing this group into two again.”
Jimin sighed, his frustration was apparent this time. Bitch, how dare he!
“It could save us a lot of time.” He started before I cut him off.
“And probably get us killed!”
“Naeun…” I held my hand up and he immediately shut up. I stared at him, “I’m not going to accept that, and more if she gets to work alone with you.”
I pointed at the girl who stood next to him and she even had the audacity to look innocent. Well look could deceive!
Jimin looked incredulously at me. “Babe, I thought we went through this in that room, I-“
“You thought! You just came at me with that toe curling kiss, what did you expect?” I huffed and he chuckled. Acting like I wasn’t ashamed at all, I moved to the front door which separated us from the outside world. “Well y’all coming or nah? I’m not getting younger here!”
I didn’t know how convenient they made the subway and mall close to each other until I got caught up in a zombie apocalypse. I grumbled as I shivered, damn, I should really get out of these clothes before I freeze to death! Seulgi was quiet as we made a stealthy way to the mall next to the train station. I scoffed, why did I feel guilty again? It’s all Jimin’s fault, if only he stopped being so charming and sexy…
I face-palmed myself. Goodness grief, Naeun, you are whipped!
“What is going on in that beautiful mind of yours?” His low voice attacked my ears and heart, making me jump and nearly lost my balance if it wasn’t because of his sturdy arms that kept me on my feet. Well, am loving this position.
After a few moments trying to win this battle of gaze, I pushed him away. “Keep your dirty palms away, mister!” I scolded, jabbing my index finger to his chest. He raised his hands in mock surrender.
“Okay, okay. I won’t touch you again.” He smirked evilly, walking away and my eyes bulged out. He didn’t just say that!
“Take that back.” I said, pursuing him. We kept bickering until we reached the mall. It felt nice and normal for once, just being with him and joking around. But i can’t help but to feel bad for Seulgi.
Am I a bad person?
Taehyung's Pov
“We just need to find the office. I’m sure the things we need are there.” Naeun murmured and lead the way into the semi-dark mall. The automated door was wide open, so I guess it’s broken. Things were scattered around and dark splatters ruined what once was pristine floor. I smelled something weird and instantly shuddered. Don’t tell me the smell came from me.
I jogged to Naeun and fell into steps next to her.
“Wow you sure know your way around, Naeun.”
“I don’t, we just have to find the building map, they usually have it near the escalator or next to the elevator for the visitor to see. My mom’s a mall announcer in Seoul, so I just know how things are. I mean, surely things works the same in here too, right?” She asked, and I nodded. Well it could be, but hey I don’t know anything.
“She gave announcements about retail shops and promotions. I went into her workplace before, it was just like a small studio with a lot of radio broadcasting stuff.” She whipped her head around to the pair behind us, they were chatting softly and I noticed Seulgi avoiding Naeun’s stare.
“That’s all you need right? Radio stuff?”
Jimin rubbed his nape. “Well yeah, the ones in the station was broken so…”
“OMG.” I breathed, taking in the room before me. It was nothing like the office outside where it looked like someone poured blood all over the place. The announcement room looked empty, like no one’s been there for months. Dust was beginning to collect, covering the surface. I quickly scanned the room for something and ran towards it when I spotted it.
“This chair’s mine!” I yelled, sighing in happiness when I feel the soft cushion under my butt. God, I know now what I want to be when I grow up. This thing was comfortable as fuck!
No one answered me, they basically ignored my very existence as they busied themselves with the things inside the room. Well, not my loss.
“I found it!” Seulgi gasped, and in an instance we flocked behind her, I brought my chair of course. It had wheels so it made it easier for me to move around.
She flicked on a switch and everything turned on, a notification bell rang throughout the building and we froze. We’re so going to die.
“I’m…I’m…” She stuttered, Jimin placed a hand on her shoulder.
“It’s okay. We’re just need to work quick and get the hell out of here.”
“I think we should turn the announcement speaker off. We’ll be doomed if it rings again.” Naeun added and reached out to pull something down from the mixer. She took a deep breath and tried the mic.
We sighed. Okay, one thing settled.
“Alright, let’s start by trying the local line to see if we can get any help around here.”
“That failed, so what next?” Seulgi sighed as she plopped on the carpeted floor next to my chair. We have spent the last 30 minutes trying to get a line and help, but to no avail. I figured it’s because we’re bunch of noobies that didn’t know how to use the radio for talking, but Jimin said that plan just wasn’t meant to work.
“I’m going to go and get some decent clothes. We’re in the mall anyway.” Naeun said, and walked toward the door. Jimin shrugged and went after her.
“She’s right. I could use extra clothes to cover my skin. Wouldn’t want to get bitten where it shows, right?” She chuckled and stood up.
“Tae, are you coming?” I patted my chair sadly. Guess our relationship only lasted that long.
We walked into the nearest retail shop. It was enormous, and screamed girls. I scrunched my nose when I see short leather skirts hanging by the rack.
The girls were gone, pfft, what did I expect? I peered into the vast place and spotted Jimin. He was flipping through dresses.
“What are you doing?”
He smiled at me. “I’m helping Naeun shopping.”
I grimaced. “Have you ever shopped with a girl before?”
He shrugged. “Have you?”
“Yeah, my sister…” Then a bone-chilling scream was heard. Jimin and I shared shocked look before we rushed to the source.
What I saw in front of me would never leave my mind. Naeun was sitting on the floor in the aisle of changing rooms, cradling something. Her dress was half zipped, with tag hanging out of the back. I tried to ignore the fact that I get a view of her bra and rushed to her after Jimin.
She was full blown on crying, trails of tears left streaks on her cheeks. The ground beneath her was full of blood and the nauseating smell almost made me gag.
“She, she…” She sobbed. My eyes fell to the lifeless body next to her. Seulgi.
I backed away and fell down.
“She… she was just getting into one of the rooms when it came out. I killed it, but I was already late. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Naeun sobbed and looked down. My eyes trailed along the body and noticed a huge gash on her throat where a huge chunk of her skin was gone. Her esophagus was noticeable and only covered with the remaining of skin and blood. She was pale white, like paper.
Jimin pulled her off Seulgi’s body and hugged her, whispering sweet nothings to her. I gathered up my strength and walked to the nearest changing room and pushed the door open. There it was, laying with its back on the full body mirror, a broken hanger was stuck in its skull.
I slumped on the floor, tears gathering on my eyes. Yet again someone died, it made me wonder if we could even survive in this hell.
Hi! Its charlotte here ;D i took some time to write this chapter but i hope you liked it (maybe a bit?) Part ii is coming up in a short while, so wait for it please! *wink* there’s more action in there *wink* maybe.
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