Chapter Thirty

(A/N; I'm sad to say that ZA is ending soon guys 😭 Maybe another 3 chapters and then we'll have the epilogue. Thank you to all who continuously read this book. We wouldn't be able to come this far without you guys so thank you once again! >< Anyway, this chapter will be written by me, Bts_JiminsWaifu. Hope you like it 😀)

Taehyung's Pov

I went to take a fresh air mainly because I wanted to get that scene out of my head. I cannot believe Chanyeol kissed Naeun knowing she and Jimin have a thing going on. Man... zombie apocalypse can really drive people crazy.

"You think you're so cool, don't you? Well you're wrong about that!"

"You don't know shit about me, asshole!"

I heard shoutings coming from up front so I went to take a look and caught 2 guys throwing a fit at each other. Both have a gun by their side. I have a bad feeling about this.

They pull out their guns and point them at each other. Now this is going too far.

"You should die like your mother did."

"What did you say? You goddamn son of a bitch!" The older guy said almost pulling the trigger when Kris step in, "Okay, break it up you two!" He push at their chests to keep some distance between them. Obviously they weren't pleased with his interferrence. "Who the hell are you?" The younger man ask still not putting his gun away. Kris sigh trying to talk some sense into them. Something tells me this isn't going to end well. "You better mind your own goddamn business kid or someone's gonna get hurt." That threat doesnt seem like it scares Kris at all, "From the way I see, someone's gonna get hurt whether I intervene or not."

After saying that, Kris tries to calm them down and sway them with words but when the younger man snap at the older man, things start to get worse.

"I'm gonna kill you!!" The older man push Kris out of the way and jump onto the younger man while giving him punches. They both throw punches at each other not planning to give in until Kris tried to break them up for the second time but this time things got out of hand. The younger man gives a few hard punches to the older man and when the older man is exhausted and in pain because of the punches, the younger man take this chance to point the gun at him almost pulling the trigger when Kris push himself onto him stopping him from doing so, "Stop!!" Kris tries very hard to take the gun away from the younger man's grasp.

The others just watch, they don't even have the will to help. I shake my head out of disappointment diving in to help Kris but just when I tried to intervene, I felt like my whole world had stopped. The younger man had pulled the trigger. And Kris was the victim.

Chanyeol's Pov

We heard a bang coming from outside so we immediately got up of our feet and hurried outside to check on what was going on. When Naeun and I arrived at the scene, it felt like a few daggers had pierced our hearts.

Taehyung was holding onto Kris' lifeless body. There's a gunshot wound on Kris' upper left chest next to his heart and this aint looking so good. No, this dont look good at all.

Taehyung's eyes wet from the tears he had shred. He looks up at me still sobbing, "H-hyung... Kris he... he's... h-he's.... dead." He choke out the last word crying even harder. Then Naeun who was standing right beside me dropped to her knees, tears falling out of her eyes. I felt anger boiling inside of me as I look at them. My eyes search for the person responsible for this and the person I saw was a young man shivering in fear. He held a gun in his hand. By the look of his face, it was clearly an accident but an "accident" could not stop me from my rage.

"This is all your fault!" I punch the guy in his face. He fell flat on the floor as I kept punching him. Naeun scramble on her feet and tries to pull me away from him, "Chanyeol, stop it! Please stop!" She grab my arm tightly to keep me from landing another punch on his face. I stop when she burries her face in the back of my shirt, I can feel how hard she tries to hold in from crying.

It breaks my heart to see her like this and I didn't want to make her feel more troubled so I got off from the guy and look at Naeun whose eyes were wet with tears. No matter how hard I try to hold back, I dont think I am able to right now.

I pull her closer to my chest and hug her tightly. She froze as I did  but didn't say anything. How is it that just holding her like this can wash away all my problems?

=  =  =

Naeun's Pov

The guy who killed Kris was sentenced to death as his punishment. I feel slightly relieved to be honest. He brought this upon himself. Poor Kris...

Right now, the 3 of us; me, Chanyeol and Taehyung are gathered in the living room thinking of what just happened. Taehyung decided to break the silence, "What are we gonna tell the others? I mean, they'll be back soon enough.." we look at each other, sighing.

"We have to tell them the truth. Kris was murdered." -Me

"Why did this have to happen to him?" -Taehyung

Taehyung is sitting right beside me, his hands shaking from what just happened and he couldn't stop himself from breaking down into tears. Looking at each him like this just breaks my heart.

"Taehyung ah..." -Me

I said trying to scoot closer to him but he quickly got up on his feet, harshly wiping away his tears. He gulp down his saliva and said, "I'm going to take a fresh air." He walk right out of the house without saying another word. I worry for his sake.

I feel scared and anxious at the same time. What should I do? I'm so lost. I look up at Chanyeol who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed hoping to get an answer out of him but it seems like he's lost as well.

"Chanyeol-" I barely called his name when he ruffled his hair and let out a long sigh. "This wont do. I have to go and find the others," he finally said.

"What?" -Me

"I can't just sit around and do nothing. And I feel like there's something wrong with this place. I didn't want to tell you anything because I didn't want to jump to conclusions without any prove." -Chanyeol

"What is it, Chanyeol? What did you find?" -Me

"I was taking a walk when I overheard Minggyu and a guy- I-dont-know talking. They mentioned about human bodies and sacrifices. And things would get complicated if they were to found out." -Chanyeol

"Human bodies? Sacrifices?... Now that's definitely weird. What the hell is going on here?" -Me

"I don't know but I got a bad feeling. We need to get Taehyung and get the hell out of here while we still have the chance." -Chanyeol

The only thing I can do is nod my head. I dont really know what to say or do at this point. Better let Chanyeol take the lead this time.

We were about to go out and look for Taehyung but instead he came right from the front door.

"Taehyung!" -Me

He looks from Chanyeol to me, eyes furrowing with confusion. "Whats with the faces? Dont tell me another kiss happened while I was away?"

"No of course not!" Chanyeol reply almost instantly. I look at him surprise by his immediate reply but I shrug it off.

"Taehyung, we need to get out of here. Something's not right." -Me

"Huh?" -Taehyung

We fill him in on what is going on and what Chanyeol overheard. He had an unreadable expression at first but he agreed with our plan. Its better to risk our lives out there then stay in here not knowing what's gonna happen to us.

Our plan is to sneak out from this place and that's what we're currently doing. Apparently, Taehyung managed to fool the guy in charge of the front gate by telling him their leader wants to see him. After he's gone and no one's looking, Chanyeol quickly pull the lever to open the gate and just when we thought we finally able to get out, our luck failed us.

"And where do you think you 3 are going?"

We turn our heads to the familiar voice and it was none other than Minggyu, an unhappy expression written all over his face. The rest of the gang beside him. Chanyeol who was gripping on the lever had no choice but to let it go and step out of the control room. The 3 of us held our hands up because they were pointing guns at us.

"Do you think we'll let you go just like that?" -Minggyu

"You'd think we're stupid enough to let you slip out of here that easily." -Eunwoo

This is not working out like we hoped. What's going to happen to us now that they've figured out our plan.

"What do you intend to do with us?" -Chanyeol

"I don't know. What do you think?" -Minggyu

"My guess is.... you've been secretly feeding the zombies, haven't you? And you're using human bodies as sacrifices to feed them." -Chanyeol

I can feel myself throwing up in the back of my throat. He say what now? Using human bodies to feed the zombies? What kind of sick trick is this?

"What? Is that true?" Taehyung looks at Chanyeol then at Minggyu with wide eyes. Obviously having the same reaction as me.

Minggyu flash us an evil grin, "Your guess is absolutely right. We figured... if we can use human bodies to control the zombies then... why not?"

"That's insane! How do you even control the zombies? They're dead, they don't listen to orders." -Taehyung

"It's true they can't take orders but try to think of it this way. If we keep feeding the zombies, do you think they'll even have time to come after us? It all comes down with 'time'. If by doing this can save my people from being eaten by those meat-eating zombies, then I'll do it with no questions asked." -Minggyu

"You said something about a 'leader'. There is no leader, is there? Because you're the leader." -Chanyeol

"You're quite smart for someone who has a big mouth." -Minggyu

"I've done my maths." -Chanyeol

The smile never left Minggyu's face and to be honest, I'm feeling kind of nervous. It looks like they wont be letting us go anytime soon.

And my prediction was right...

"If you're smart, then surely you can use that brain of yours to survive out there. With all those zombies walking about." -Minggyu

Oh no, I don't like the sound of this. I didnt even realize my hands were shaking. I look at Chanyeol for some reassurance but I didn't get any when I saw his eyes trembling with fear. We're dead meat, aren't we?

"So, Chanyeol shi... what do you say? Don't you want to know how long you can survive in a herd of zombies?" -Minggyu

"Nope. Not really." -Chanyeol

Taehyung and I were pushed to the side making way for Minggyu's men to grab hold of Chanyeol's arms. Chanyeol did everything he can to break free but they were just too strong for him.

"Chanyeol! Chanyeol!" I shout at the top of my lungs trying to run over to him but I was held tight by a pair of strong arms. Taehyung was in the same situation.

"Let's start this project, shall we?" Minggyu wave his hand in the air ordering his man to get on with whatever they had in mind. They pull Chanyeol to the gate forcing him to step out of it.

"Chanyeol! Andwae!!" This time I try even harder to break free but still no use.

"Hyung!!" -Taehyung

Both of us; Taehyung and I try very hard to let ourselves go but with these strong arms gripping onto us, there's no way we'll ever break free.

"Wait!" -Chanyeol

Everyone stop what they were doing and stare at him. Chanyeol turn around to look at us. His face was all red.

"Let me say my final goodbyes.." -Chanyeol

Tears were already flowing out of my eyes by the time I knew it. Minggyu nod his head and signal his men to let Chanyeol go.

Chanyeol lets out a long sigh and walk over to me. He was so close that I can literally see the inside of his pupil.... how beautiful his eyes were. He flash a small smile, "I'm sorry I have to go so soon but I promise I'll see you again," I shake my head vigorously, trying to hold in from crying, "No, don't go... please..."

The smile never left his face. He lift up his hand and touch my cheek, "I'm glad I met you. And I don't regret falling in love with you..." I feel like my heart is falling to pieces listening to his words.

"I know this is wrong for me to do this... but I dont want to go with regrets. This time, I'm really not sorry..." he said and before I can even say anything, I felt something wet and soft touched my lips. Once I came to realization, Chanyeol had kissed me. And he was crying.

The kiss lasted for 5 seconds before he pulls away and step further away from me. He turns around and starts walking to the gate but stops at his track. Without turning around, he said, "Please take care of her. I'm counting on you."

He didn't look at anyone or mentioned a name in general but I knew he was addressing that to Taehyung and it seems like Taehyung knows that as well.

Those were his last words as he set out into the danger zone with the gate closing behind him. There are hundreds or could be thousands of zombies out there and all he has is a baseball batt.

"Chanyeol... C-Chanyeol... no no... no! Chanyeol!!" I came to my senses too late. Chanyeol was already gone. I keep screaming and screaming and even though I was being dragged away, I still don't bother to take my eyes away from that closed gate.

"Hyung!! Chanyeol hyung!!" Taehyung scream at the top of his lungs.

We were dragged to an unknown place and we didnt have a clue of what was about to happen to us....

I'm sorry this is such a short chapter! ><
I wrote this on my spare time so it can't be any longer than this. Anyway, I assure you that next chapter will be longer so please anticipate it!

And hopefully you wont dislike this chapter... I tried all I can to think of a plot so please spare me 😅

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Lots of luv! ♡♡♡

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