8|| Aika's Birthday
"Vivian, calm down!" Tahlia cried out, "It's going to be ok!"
She and Vivian along with Gilbert, Sienna and Alyssa were all in Vivian's 7 seater car driving to the mall. It is Aika's birthday and the group decided to make a surprise party for her. Leo had decided to take Aika out somewhere fun, while the others are planning the birthday in House 7. Vivian's group was sent to fetch Aika's family from the airport for Aika's party.
Vivian was seated in the drivers' seat taking the wheel. Tahlia was next to her in the passengers' seat. Gilbert, Alyssa and Sienna, however, were seated at the three seats in the back row.
"It's not going to be ok. What if we come late?" Vivian asked, focusing on the road, "What if the Saito family leave with another group similar to us?"
"They would never do that." Alyssa pointed out, "Also why are WE dragged over to pick up two people at the airport?"
"I don't think you three can be trusted to be left back to decorate." Vivian sighed.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN???" Alyssa, Sienna and Gilbert yelled.
"COLIN AND PETE MISBEHAVE AS WELL." Sienna pouted, "WHY ARE WE THE ONES GETTING THE BLAME?! THAT'S SO UNF-" She was cut off by Vivian putting a song on the radio. The three in the back began dancing in the back. Vivian and Tahlia did a fist pump at the front row.
"Works like a charm," Vivian whispered to Tahlia, "No one messes with me."
"Tell me about it," Tahlia whispered back with a giggle.
"We still have a fair bit to go..." Vivian mumbled, "But I hope things are ok back at the party..."
"To be honest....same." Tahlia agreed.
"Pass me the blue streamers," Sabrina called out as she balanced on a stepladder to put blue streamers above the doorframe.
She along with Colin, Pete, Lizzy and Alex were in the living room putting up the decorations. The others were doing other things.
Giselle, Skyler, Carol, Cameron, Lily, Levin and Vincent were in the kitchen making the cake and the snacks, while Sam, Cleo, Tyler, Phoebe and Arlen were running around the house smacking each other with blue balloons. Ah yes, childhood.
Pete got out some blue streamers and handed them to Sabrina. Sabrina smiled continued hanging the streamers. She looked over at Lizzy, who was also on a step-ladder. The girl had just finished hanging up her bunch of streamers and looked down at Alex who was near her.
"Get ready to catch me!" Lizzy cried out.
Alex chuckled and got their arms out to catch her. Lizzy smiled and jumped off the ladder landing in Alex's arms bridal style. Alex then twirled around making Lizzy howl with laughter.
"GET A ROOM!" Skyler shouted from the kitchen.
"How about you do the same with Carol?" Alex retorted back.
"OOOOOOH!!!!!" Sabrina, Cameron, Giselle, Pete, Vincent, Lizzy and Colin teased. Carol and Skyler blushed red. Carol had covered her face with her hands.
Skyler ignored them, "I give up with you guys. I hate you all except for Carol."
"Awww love you too." Cameron teased.
Sabrina chuckled and she got off the step-ladder. She then turned to Colin who had his sketchbook with him. In the sketchbook, there was a detailed design of what the living room would look like with the decorations. Sabrina admired the sketch, "I am guessing we have to do the balloons next."
"That's right," Colin replied.
"Thanks for designing the entire deco." Sabrina added, "What can we do without you?"
"A lot of stuff actually like sleeping, and eating and-" Colin pointed out.
"YEESH, I DIDN'T MEAN IT THAT WAY." Sabrina laughed. She rolled her eyes and looked around, "Say, where are the balloons? I believe we have to do them next."
"I believe Sam, Cleo, Arlen, Tyler and Phoebe have them." Pete shrugged. He smiled when he noticed Cleo, Sam, Arlen, Phoebe and Tyler ran into the room with blue balloons. Pete laughed, "Perfect timing."
"Did someone call us or is it just me?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, can you guys help with the balloons, I believe we just need that and we're done and ready," Lizzy replied.
"Not yet!" Cameron called out from inside the kitchen, "The cake still needs to be decorated."
"And Vivian, Tahlia, Alyssa, Sienna and Gilbert are supposed to come with Aika's family," Sam added.
"Now we must wait for the cake as well as the parents and then we are ready for Aika's party...." Phoebe sighed.
Aika beamed as she and Leo were going against each other in a racing game. The two were in the arcade playing many games. They went from bowling games to games involve luck to games based on competition. At one of the games, Leo won Aika fluffy white teddy bear, and Aika ended up loving it.
Anyways, Aika is beaming because she is so far in the lead. Leo, however, is purposely doing bad to make Aika win. The next moment you notice, Aika had jumped up from her seat cheering.
"Congrats Aika." Leo smiled, chuckling a bit when he saw Aika do some weird celebration moves.
Aika slumped back in on the seat again, taking a deep breath, "I thought I would lose against you since I am a horrible driver and you are experienced."
"You are not a horrible driver. You just won against the expert." Leo laughed.
Aika joined in with the giggling as well. She then tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "You really don't have to go this far and take me to an arcade on my birthday. Thanks for that by the way."
Leo scratched the back of his head and chuckled, "You're welcome. It is YOUR birthday after all and you are now-." He then focussed on the screen, "INevermind."
Aika smiled, then she frowned, "I'm grateful you remembered your birthday. The others didn't give me presents... do you think they forgot about my birthday?"
Leo bit his lip. "No. If they did I am sure they would remember."
"They better remember, it is evening and so far the only epic part of my birthday is spending time with you in the arcade," Aika replied. She then laughed at how red Leo's face is, "You look like a tomato!"
"Well, I am honoured that you like spending time at the arcade." Leo blushed, "Stop laughing at me!"
He then sighed and looked at Aika, "So... what are the things you want on your birthday."
Aika bit her lip, "A car, preferably red and new. I mean I want to drive a car." She then sighed, "I would also love to see my parents again. I mean, I am close with my mother, but my father..."
"Isn't on good terms with you?" Leo finished for Aika.
"Yeah, I guess you can say that..." Aika replied with a sad smile, "My father isn't that close with me... he actually wanted me to do something academic like my older brother... but instead, I decided to go with music and my father wasn't happy about that."
She took a deep breath, "My mother fully supported me, so does my older brother Riku. But I don't understand why my father doesn't like me, I feel like this is my fault."
"It's not your fault!" Leo cried, "You are doing what is right for you. Even though your father doesn't support it, at least your other two family members support it. You are Aika Saito, the legendary musician I've ever known. If you want to achieve that goal, you should never let someone take it down for you. Trust me!"
Aika was astonished. She nodded, "Wow, I never knew those words could actually motivate me. Thanks, Leo."
"No problem." Leo smiled. He noticed a ding from his phone. Leo got it out and noticed a message from Lily, "There is another surprise for you Aika. And it is at your house."
"Another surprise?"
"Yep. It's best if I lead the way." Leo laughed.
It was finally time for Aika's surprise party. Alex, Alyssa, Tyer, Tahlia, Gilbert, Giselle, Colin, Carol, Lily, Vincent, Vivian, Levin, Lizzy, Skyler, Sabrina, Sam, Sienna, Cameron, Cleo, Arlen, Pete and Phoebe were all hiding the dark living room, waiting for Aika and Leo to arrive. Aika's brother and mother were also in the room, hiding as well.
"When are they coming?" Gilbert whispered.
"They are on the way," Levin answered, "Leo texted me that he and Aika are almost here."
"What were they doing while we were busy?" Alyssa smirked. Sienna frowned and punched her friend on the arm.
"SHHHH! I think they are here!" Levin hushed.
Meanwhile, outside House 7, Leo was leading Aika to the house. Aika was laughing while she had a purple blindfold over her eyes.
"Where are you taking me?"Aika asked with a light-hearted laugh, "Somewhere dangerous?'
"To your next surprise....well surprises." Leo chuckled.
"Surprises?" Aika asked in a sassy tone.
"Yeah surprises, now take off your blindfold."
Aika giggled and took off her blindfold. She was confused when she noticed the front door to House 7, "I am guessing my surprise is inside?"
"Find out for yourself," Leo whispered with a nod.
Aika frowned and slowly opened the door. She looked back at Leo before continued. There she was greeted by lights turning on and...
"SURPRISE!" a loud cheer erupted from inside the house as everyone hiding came out of their hiding spots, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"
Aika was speechless. She looked around the house and noticed the room decorated with blue decorations. Aikas eyes twinkled when she saw Vivian walking over with a birthday cake.
The birthday cake had white icing with blue dollops around the edge. The words 'Happy 18th Birthday Aika! :)' was iced on the cake, and not to mention there is an 18 shaped candle lit up.
"For me?" Aika asked in shock.
"Of course. Happy birthday Aika!" Vivian smiled.
Aika blew out the candle and smiled when everyone else cheered. She then looked at each of her friends and bit her lip, "I thought you guys forgot my birthday... well except Leo."
"We didn't forget it." Cameron pointed out, "We all created this surprise party for you. Heck, even Leo was involved in it."
"It's true." Leo pointed out.
Aika gave all the girls a hug. She then gave a bro hug to each of the males except for Leo, "Thank you, guys! You are the best!" She turned to Leo and gave him a huge hug, "And thank you, Leo!"
Sienna bit her lip and looked away. Alyssa noticed and nudged her friend. Sienna gave an 'I'm fine' look.
"You know who else didn't forget about your birthday?" Tahlia asked.
Aika frowned. She looked at her friend, "Who?"
"Your brother and mother."
Aika noticed her mother and brother and hugged them immediately. She looked around for her father, and her immediate response was a frown when she didn't see him. Leo noticed the gloomy look on Aika's face and cleared his throat, "Perhaps it is time to show Aika her next surprise."
"Good idea..." everyone else but Aika replied.
Aika was confused, "There's another surprise?"
"Yep. And it's outside." Levin replied, offering Aika a blindfold, "Wear this."
"So what is this surprise you guys want to show me?" Aika asked as her friends dragged her outside, "Are you kicking me out?"
There were some chuckles from the others.
"Is that a yes?" Aika panicked.
"No, we're not kicking you out.... in fact, we are leading you to your next surprise." Giselle giggled, leading her friend to House 1.
"Which is?"
"Guess." Cleo giggled, "It's huge."
"A giant banquet?" Aika suggested.
"Nope." everyone else replied.
"Uh...um.... a concert?"
Aika sighed, "Is it a new pet?"
"Nope.. keep guessing." Lily smiled.
"HHHHHH!" Aika frowned, "I give up!"
"It's fine, we are at the surprise anyways," Alex pointed out, "Take off the blindfold."
"That was a short walk to the surprise..."Aika mumbled, taking off the blindfold. She looked around and her eyes widened at the sight of the next surprise, "OH MY GOD!!!!"
There, in front of her, on House 1's driveway, was a shiny new car with a ribbon star at the front. The car is in a shiny red colour and it was a 5 seater one. Aika looked at all her friends, "You guys-!" She teared up and did a laugh, "Thank you!! How do you guys know that I want a car?"
"You told me about it before." Alyssa pointed out, "So I told the others about it in secret."
"We all paid the car FOR YOU." Tyler pointed out, "And Leo offered to give you driving lessons."
Aika's eyes widened and she looked at Leo, "Really?"
"Yep," Leo replied proudly. He got interrupted by Aika hugging him. Sienna bit her lip and stared at the sky.
Leo was surprised about the hug, so he had to do what he had to do........hug her back, "You're welcome."
This time Colin frowned and stared at the sky. Cameron noticed Sienna and Colin looking off, "You guys ok?"
"We're fine." Colin and Sienna replied quietly, looking back at the group.
Phoebe began to take notes in her notebook about the behaviours. Aika pulled back from Leo's hug and turned to her friends, "This is the best surprise party ever! Thank you all!"
"No problem Aika." Gilbert smiled, "But can we get back and start partying?"
The other giggled. Aika chuckled and looked at her friends, "Yes, we shall. Let's head back and PARTY!"
{In Phoebe's room, after the party, 12:00am}
It was midnight at House 8 (and I am sure you readers/Novas know about that).
Phoebe was seated at her desk typing on her rose gold laptop. She was finishing off a 'Gilbert X Sabrina' one-shot about the two being lovey-dovey to each other. She was also admiring the 'Lizzy X Alex', 'Vivian X Tahlia' and 'Carol X Skyler' pictures on the walls and is writing down some notes on her pastel themed notebook with her kitty themed pen.
Phoebe took a deep breath. She finished typing down the one-shot and saved the document. She then shut down her laptop, "Finally, the one-shot is done."
She yawned and decided to check her notebook to read over her story ideas. She kept wondering about the behaviour between Colin, Siena, Leo and Aika before.
With a sigh, Phoebe turned to a blank page in her notebook. She began to calculate and write down the events that happened between the four at the party. After writing them down she began to analyse and her eyes widened to the size of saucers. Her face turned pale and she was, for the first time, being worried over her notes.
"Oh no..."
So.... looking back at this chapter, as expected I am cringing at the end due to my brain being blocked with thoughts.
In advance, I apologise if I was not updating in time, school has come back for me and I have to balance between here and my studies meaning updates would be slow.... ;-;
I am so sorry...
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