66|| The Best Vacay Ever #1: Another roadtrip! :D

So school is almost coming which means I have to spend time studying. I will still update, just not frequent as used to. This doesn't apply to Zodiac Street, this applies to other books as well. So if a book that isn't on hold is taking a while to update. You know why.

Also a heads up, I have a couple of couple scenes in mind and they'll appear throughout the vacation.


Two days after the restaurant incident, everyone was preparing for the vacation. Everyone had brought food as well as new clothing for the holiday (no one brought new swimsuits since they all decide it would be a good idea to use the ones they already had).

The group had also hired a beach house, booked rooms at a hotel as well as hiring a bus (since some zodiacs wanted to ride on the same vehicle as a large group and everyone agreed) for the time being. The group had also planned out the travel routes and week.

It is now 4:30 am on a Monday and Vincent woke up from his phone alarm. The male hopped out of his bed looked around his room hoping Cameron and Tyler wouldn't wake up. He then quickly got himself ready and changed into a plain red shirt with denim jeans. He also got his luggage ready and quickly wrote a message on a yellow sticky note.

After getting ready the male swiftly (and quietly) walked out of his room (making sure to stick the sticky note on Cameron's bedroom door to collect his luggage for him) and made his way to the front foyer. When he got there, the Virgo male got out his phone and messaged Ms Florence.

Why is Vincent getting ready early and waiting for Ms Florence? He was assigned to pick up the bus and drive it to Zodiac Street, and Vincent requested Ms Florence to drive him to the bus the day before the vacation. Thankfully, the teacher accepted the request.

A few minutes passed and Vincent got a message from Ms Florence. The male opened the front door - making sure to close it behind him- and stepped out, noticing Ms Florence in her car. Vincent waved at the female before walking over and hopping in the passengers seat.

"Thanks for doing this, even if it meant waking up early to do it." Vincent smiled, buckling her seatbelt.

"You know, you should be the one to thank. If I wasn't given the request yesterday, I would've not slept early and instead come late." the teacher laughed lightheartedly. She then started the vehicle before backing the car onto the road and driving to their destination. Vincent gazed out the window and decided to start a conversation.

"How's Lucas by the way?"

"Lucas?" Ms Florence asked before giving a warm smile, "He's going well. Says he wants to hang out with you guys more. He has found new friends now."

"That's great to hear." Vincent smiled, "I can't believe his old friends. Not being his friend for who he is."

"Eh, I never really liked his old friends, but I respect Lucas' choice," Ms Florence admitted, "Um, Vincent? Can you pull up the directions to wear the bus hire place is."

"Sure," Vincent nodded before pulling out his phone and going on the maps app for directions, "Just down the road and then turn left."

"Alright, thank you. Just remind me when we have to do."

"Will do Ms Florence."

"Vincent, you know you can call me Fiona. You finished school after all."

Vincent nodded, "I know, but I feel really comfortable calling you 'Ms Florence'."

Ms Florence smiled, "Very well Vincent. Very well."

•.:°××°:.• (Bob is asleep, shhhhhh!)

[Minutes later]

"Where's Vincent? Everyone is here except for him," Giselle heard Skyler complain for the second time.

She along with the other zodiacs were all waiting outside the houses for Vincent and the bus to arrive. They were all either sitting or standing on the front lawns with their luggages near them. Some zodiacs - well mainly Colin, Tahlia, Sienna, Leo, Sam, Phoebe and Cleo- fast asleep.

"Be patient," Tyler rolled his eyes as he carefully caressed Phoebe's hair, smiling softly as the girl rested her head on his shoulder. "He's with the bus remember? He'll come."

"I know that but-" Skyler got interrupted by Carol holding his hand, "Oh, hey Carol, didn't see you there."

"You're stressing too much," Carol whispered, "He'll come. It's not like he has been taken away."

"What if he is?" Sabrina spooked. Cameron heard this and started freaking out.

"IS HE TAKEN AWAY?" he rocked back and forth in fear.

"NO, HE'S NOT, DON'T STRESS." Skyler answered, making sure to glare at Sabrina before turning to Carol, "You're right, he'll be coming with the bus."

"Speaking of the bus, here's Vincent with the bus now."  Gilbert pointed to a bus slowly driving onto the road of Zodiac street with Vincent at the steering wheel.

The male hopped out of the bus with some keys and waved to the others. He then walked over to the side of the bus to open the luggage compartment. He then walked over to Cameron to receive his luggage, "Hey Cam, where's my luggage."

"Right there," Cameron pointed to the luggage bag next to his.

Vincent nodded and picked up his luggage making sure to announce to the others, "Everyone hop on! We have a vacation to attend to!"


[After 2 hours driving]

The bus the zodiacs were taking was exactly the one they used for the nature trip. The bus consists of the driver's seat at the front and three seats at the very back. Between the three seats at the back and the driver's seat were 5 rows of seats (each row had 4 seats, two on the left side and two at the right side of each row).

So far everyone was seated in their seats. Vincent had driven the bus for an hour and swapped with Tahlia at a break stop so that he can sleep. He wasn't the only one sleeping so far; Alyssa, Tyler, Pete, Lizzy and Giselle were also sleeping. Everyone else was either gazing out the window, listening to music, playing games, or talking silently.

"I LoVe It WhEn YoU cAlL mE SeÑoRiTa!" Leo sang at the top of his lungs.

Ok, that wasn't talking or soft.

"I wIsH I cOuLd PrEtEnD I dIdN't NeEd Ya!" Gilbert joined in.

"Can you guys shut up for an hour, Vincent is trying to SLEEP." Alex hushed the two.

Gilbert and Leo turned to Vincent before turning to Alex. The two crazy signs then snickered, "No!"

"What do you mean 'no'?" Alex asked the two, "Vincent really need his sleep."

"WE DON'T CAREEEEE ALEX!" Gilbert replied. Leo ended up bursting into laughter.

"Yeah, what are you guys going to do about it? Kick us out?" Leo retorted back. Alex stroked their chin (stroke stroke).

"In a matter of fact, yes..." Alex then smiled, "In fact, I'll remind Tahlia to kick you out of the bus if you two sing while others are asleep. You can either sing now or wait until everyone is awake so you can sing."

Tahlia clicked her tongue from the driver's seat. After hearing what Alex said, Gilbert and Leo remained silent. Aika -who was half-listening to the conversation and half-listening to music through her AirPods- raised an eyebrow at Alex. "Come on, don't you think that's a little..... harsh."

Alex shook their head, "I didn't say it's for the entire ride. I've told them specifically that they can either sing now or wait until everyone is awake. Their choice."

"Well they chose the quiet option," Skyler chuckled, "Speaking of quiet... Alyssa has not said-"

"Yeah, we know." Vivian, who was sitting next to Alyssa, answered quickly. Alyssa squirmed in her seat.

"Are....we there yet....?" the girl mumbled quietly before turning towards the window and falling asleep. Vivian smiled and stroked the girl's hair.

"Look at my precious child sleeping quietly... it's like a dream"

"Quietly? It's a nightmare, what do you mean DREAM?" Arlen hissed.

"It's a dream that she said that quietly," Vivian smiled. Arlen facepalmed in response.

"So... what's the plan for today?" Levin asked out of nowhere, "Where are we heading to?"

"I think we're going to some kind of hotel if I'm not wrong." Lily pondered aloud.

"Yeah. We are staying there for one night since the drive is long." Vivian shrugged.

"And... how long until we get there?"

"Let's say... we'll get there by evening."

The ones who were awake groaned loudly. Tahlia giggled and focused on the road ahead. There she spotted a rest stop with a gas station and a fast food store, make that a McDonalds store with a playground. The girl smiled warmly, "Anyone hungry?"

"Yes I am!" Sienna called out, "I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse."

"Yeah... don't do that," Skyler chuckled, "But we could all use a break from sitting down."

"We can play on the kiddie playground!" Sienna clapped her hands in joy. Colin heard the female and squealed happily.

"We're playing on the playground?"

"You guys are such children." Alex laughed, "I have a feeling you guys want Happy Meals as well."

"HAPPY MEALS!!!!" Phoebe sang happily.

Sabrina chuckled, "Phoebe, how about you try something different?"

"NO! Happy meal."

Sabrina facepalmed. The bus pulled up to the break stop and found a parking spot. After parking the car, Tahlia turned to the others.

"Wake the others up, we're getting a food break."

•.:°×🌟×°:.• (Meanwhile, Zoe is writing in her diary)

After everyone woke up and the asleep were brushing their hair, the zodiacs dined in the fast-food restaurant. Everyone sat down at four tables (everyone separated into their elements) waiting for their order... well not everyone.

Tahlia, Skyler, Alex and Lizzy gathered everyone's order and ordered at the counter for them. Alyssa, Tyler, Gilbert, Colin, Leo, Sienna, Cleo, Cameron, Pete and Phoebe were playing on the playground, despite younger kids crying and watching with fear. Everyone else was sitting down at their tables, either on their phones or chatting.

After Tahlia, Skyler, Alex and Lizzy got the orders, everyone (including the ones on the playground who got called in) sat down at their tables and ate their meals. After everyone finished their meals everyone took a restroom break before heading back to the bus to continue their drive.

•.:°××°:.• (Jay was searching around his house for ghosts :0 )

[A couple of hours later]

"Are we there yet?"

"No, not yet Alyssa," Tahlia called out from the driver's seat.

The zodiacs were still in their bus driving on the road. It has been a couple of hours and the zodiacs were all bored. Alyssa was repeating her usual phrase, which everyone knows about.

"But we're been driving for hours and I'm bored." Alyssa sighed.

"We know, we're all bored." Vivian mumbled, "And tired."

"Even, even the bus is tired." Cameron chuckled, "Geddit? Wheels? Tires? Bus?"

"Cameron! Stop!" everyone but Vincent yelled. Vincent chuckled at the pun.

"Nice one," the male clicked his tongue giving Cameron the 'ayyy' expression. Everyone else blinked in surprise.

"Cameron, what did you do to poor Vincent?" Lizzy asked the male.

"I did nothing!" Cameron pouted. Vincent, who was next to him, ruffled the male's hair with a laugh.

Sienna spotted a tree, "Wow guys, stop being so sappy."

"If anyone makes another pun, I am gonna cry," Sabrina announced.

"Give them a PUNishment instead," Gilbert winked back. He began to freak out when he saw Sabrina crying, "WAIT I THOUGHT YOU WERE JOKING."


"Not really."

"ARE WE THERE YET?" Alyssa yelled. Everyone else but Tahlia groaned.

"NO!" they all yelled.

"Actually, yes." Tahlia giggled, making the bus pull into the carpark of a hotel that looked like it was a three-star or a four-star hotel.

The hotel wasn't too fancy but it was six storeys high with a restaurant and a pool. Giselle squinted her eyes at the hotel.

"Not 5-star, wow you guys really hate us," she muttered.

"We're only sleeping there for one night so it doesn't really matter," Cleo explained, "It could be great in the inside." Cleo pointed out. Giselle nodded back.

The bus parked itself in a parking spot for buses. Tahlia turned back to the others, "So the rooms."

"We could book eight rooms?" Sam offered.

"I don't want to witness another argument from Grumpy-pants 1 and Grumpy-pants 2!" Gilbert yelled, referring to Arlen and Levin.

The two boys shot a glare back at the Gemini male. Carol admired her nails, "How about we book 4 rooms, with two double beds. One room could be House 1 and House 3, another can be House 2 and 4, another can be House 5 and House 7, while the last one can be House 6 and House 8."

"It's a good idea, but on one condition," Cleo smiled with everyone else nodding in agreement, "No cuddles in the middle of the night."

"Noted." Carol replied back, "Now who wants to come with me to get the keys for the rooms?"

Sam, Skyler and Lily all offered to get the keys. After the four zodiacs boarded out of the bus to get the rooms, Alyssa whispered to Sienna who giggled in response. Aika unbuckled her seatbelt, walking over to the two girls.

"What are you guys talking about?" the girl asked. Alyssa and Sienna whispered back to the girl. Aika  gasped and laughed, "Oh man, they're going to hate you for this."

"Good thing I've brought the thing for it to happen." Alyssa winked.

"And I'm not in any way taking part of it," Aika laughed.

"What are you talking about?" Phoebe asked, wanting to join the conversation.

"It's nothing Phoebe," Sienna answered. The Pisces female raised an eyebrow.

Soon the four people that went to grab the room keys (which were cards that need to be scanned) arrived at the bus.

"Okay, so we got the keys along with their backups. Also, we're all on the fourth level. House 1 and House 3 are Room 41," Sam informed the others.

"House 2 and House 4 are in Room 42," Skyler added.

"Houses 5 and 7 are in Room 43," Lily smiled

"And House 6 and 8 are in Room 44," Carol finished, "Let's grab our luggage and settle in for the night."


Soon everyone had collected their luggage and settled into their hotel rooms. By the time they settled in the rooms, nobody unpacked too much since they all know they would be heading off the next day.

In the four hotel rooms they booked for the night it had two double beds with a table at the counter (with a coffee machine and a mini-fridge) and a mounted flat-screen TV in front of the beds. The rooms also provided a bathroom with towels and soaps.

Most of the zodiacs were in their rooms, however some zodiacs wandered off to visit the other rooms.

Colin and Pete were in their hotel room playing a MarioKart game on Pete's Nintendo Switch (which he brought along). The two boys were too focused on the switch screen racing through the map. So far Pete is in first place with Bowser while Colin is in 3rd place as King Boo. They were both on the final lap

The two were racing until Pete crossed the finish line, "WOO HOO! I WON!"

"Aw, I'm third place." Colin pouted. Pete chuckled and pecked the other male on the forehead. Of course, Colin blushed bright pink.

"At least you're improving," the black-haired male ruffled Colin's hair and focused back on the game, "You're improving to hopefully beat the champions one day."

"At least that," Colin laughed, "If I were to be honest, I feel really comfortable racing with you. In a 150cc cup as well."

"I feel that way too," Pete smiled, "Although I wish the others in this room can cheer for us."

"Where ARE the others anyways?"

"Well Vincent and Cameron are visiting the restaurant section here," Pete answered, "Tyler and Skyler are helping Gilbert solve the feud between Levin and Arlen."

"My goodness, they need to stop arguing. It's annoying!"

Pete raised an eyebrow, "The ostrich lover has spoken."

"You make it sound like I'm that one person who mentions a lot of gibberish."

"Well........ yeah, that's kinda true?"

"Kinda?" Colin laughed. Pete raised both his hands up in surrender.

"Ok ok, maybe not 'kinda' but you get what I mean. Wanna play another round."

"No, I want to talk," Colin replied, rolling over and staring at the ceiling. Pete nodded and turned off his Nintendo switch before doing the same thing, "I've heard Alyssa got a surprise for Room 44."

"Really, I wonder what the surprise is?"

"It's a speaker. She gave it to Tahlia," Colin answered.

"How did you know that?"

"I spotted her giving Tahlia the speaker."

"That's a sweet gift, suspicious but sweet."

"Yeah. Anyways what do you think the beach house is going to look like?" Pete asked, turning over to his side to face Colin.

"Well we have 24 people, so the beach house could be huge. With a pool!"

"And a large TV screen."

"And access to the beach!"

"And an arcade!"

"Ok, that's bizarre. But imagine if it had that!"

"We would have non-stop gaming!"

"And arcade machines and..."

"TONS OF RACING!" the two boys gasped before bursting into laughter.

Colin then turned over to face Pete before yawning, "Well I'm going to sleep. Big day tomorrow anyways."

"You're right, I should head to sleep as well," Pete smiled softly before yawning. He noticed Colin snuggling up to him, "Colin?"

"I like snuggling in my sleep, okay?"

Pete chuckled and caressed the other male's ginger hair, "Sure you do. Night Colin."

"Night Pete," Colin yawned before both boys slowly went to sleep.

•.:°××°:.• (I literally fangirled so hard writing Pete and Colin's scene)

"Wow, I can't believe it.." Tyler sighed, "Since Christmas Eve, those two have been fighting for a while."

He along with Skyler, Vincent and Cameron were walking down the corridor to their room. Cameron was skipping ahead while Vincent followed behind while checking his phone. As for the other two boys, they were having a conversation at the very back.

"Yeah, it's annoying, but I understand what the problem is," Skyler agreed with a nod, "Both boys like the same person, and they're mad about it."

"It's like Love N all over again, instead it is a love triangle." Tyler twirled around and walked backwards, "It's complicated, now I see why Phoebe claims shipping can't be easy at times."

"You know what's funny?" Skyler smirked before ruffling Tyler's hair, "How the shipper ends up having a ship. You and Phoebe would always deny liking each other."

"Hey! At least I'm not Vincent who denied it for MONTHS," Tyler huffed, turning his back to Skyler and crossing his arms. Vincent stopped in his path and turned back to the two boys.

"I heard my name. What's up."

"Nothing much," Skyler replied, "Just talking about denying."

"I see," the other male nodded, "Sabrina texted the group chat earlier. She and her hotel roommates are having a truth or dare game and wonders if we can come."

"Sign me up!" Cameron called out from the front seat.

"Sign me up as well. It's fun!" Tyler agreed. Skyler gave a thumbs up in agreement.

"Well I guess it doesn't hurt to play," Vincent grinned, "I'm joining."

"What about Colin and Pete? Would they want to join in?" Skyler asked.

"Well, they're in our room so there's only one way to find out," Cameron shrugged, as the four boys arrived at their room. When Cameron opened the door, the boys ended up finding Colin and Pete, both sleeping on the same bed together. Pete had his arm wrapped around Colin while Colin was snuggled in tight.

The four boys 'aww'ed at the two before closing the door.

"On second thoughts... let's play Truth or Dare with the others." Vincent smiled at his four friends.


*plays the trumpet*

What's this? Another update of this book?

Anyways, welcome back to another update! :D

*plays party horn*

Unfortunately, I wrote this on my last day of the summer holidays and school is back meaning longer waits.

*plays a sad tune on the trombone*

But I'm here! How are you guys?

So the zodiacs are back with another trip, cause if I were to be honest, they are really fun to write. I have already planned for what the trip has in store which is exciting.

Among that is a 'Who is More Likely' chapter. You guys may remember when I asked if you preferred 'Truth or Dare' or 'Would you Rather'. Then I asked if you guys want a 'Who is More Likely to' chapter instead of a Would You Rather. (If you don't remember that's okay. It's a while ago).

Since Truth or Dare is commonly used a lot, and the group had already did 'Would You Rather', I have finally decided to do a.... drumroll please.....

Who Is Most Likely chapter thingy. And you guys are going to request the questions

For those who don't know how to play the game, basically who ask questions like "Who is Most Likely to [insert question]"

However there are certain requiresments for these questions.

They must be in any way appropiate and respectful. So nothing too bad.

Some examples are shown below:

- "Who is more likely to fall in love first"
- "Who is more likely to do a wild stunt at a circus?"
- "Who is more likely to not keep a secret"

So what are you guys waiting for? Suggest 'Who is More Likely' questions in the box below.


Also one more thing, some of you guys may have questions for me on this book or writing in general. Like the 'Who is More Likely' questions, it must be appropiate and respectful.

Examples are down below:

- "Musa, what's your favourite colour?"
- "How do you feel about writing"
- "What character is your favourite in this book"

The answers would be answered in an author note of another chapter, probably the 'Who is More Likely' chapter/s (depending on how many questions there are. So if you have any questions for me to answer, plop them in the heart emoji below

Aaaaand I am really bad at ending author notes, so I'll see you guys in the next chapter, even if it takes a while because of school.

NOTE: There is no need to suggest more Who is More Likely questions since the Who is More Likely chapter is done.

Later guys! :)

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