62|| Oh god, again? (Part 3)

So the Christmas Special will be coming up, and I have planned something for it, so I am excited.

Also, hope you enjoy the chapter. Let me know if you do.

Also I have planned another vacation for the group (they love travelling, what more is there to say?). They have already travelled 

•.:°×═⭐ 🌟═×°:.•  (Now Zoe and Jay are going to buy a present for Bob)

Levin is sitting on a bench at a park. No one around him because they were his villainization form. Already Levin had scared a couple of children. Unfortunately, the voice inside Levin's head had successfully persuaded him to believe they were running away because they were starstruck for Levin.

Now, the Libra male is taking a break from his 'fame'. The male looked around the areaan noticed it was snowing. The voice inside his head kept mumbling.

"Good job Levin, you did your job well." the voice finally announced.

"What do you mean? I scared children away. Everyone is terrified of me."

"But still," the voice heard Levin grunt, "At least you are louder than before."

".... I guess you're right about that."

"I'm always right. Now come on, break time is over. Let's walk around the park some more."

"But I'm cold."

"And? You can keep warm by walking."

Levin nodded and did just that. But little did he know,  Lily, Phoebe and Tyler were watching him from a bush.

"Ok, so what's the plan Lily?" Tyler asked the Leo female.

"Plan?" Lily questioned.

"Don't tell me you haven't got a plan.." Phoebe frowned.

Lily did a dramatic gasp, "I did so got a plan ready!"

Phoebe and Tyler crossed their arms and raised an eyebrow in an 'you-don't-have-a-plan' expressions on their faces. Lily sighed.

"Ok, I don't have a plan, but we can make one." Lily sighed, "Just so you know, I have no ideas. You?"

"My mind is thinking of cookies at the moment," Tyler admitted. Lily just facepalmed.

"I think I have a plan, but it may not be good." Phoebe mumbled. The Pisces female then smiled, "But I may as well tell you guys. But first, we need food." 

The girl turned and noticed a supermarket  near the park. The girl pointed towards it, "From there."

Tyler and Lily turned to the supermarket and bit their lips. They then turned to Phoebe and gave her a nod, hoping her plan would actually work.

•.:°×═⭐ 🌟═×°:.• (Jay has brought Bob a new laptop for Christmas while Zoe has got Bob an expensive watch.)


She along with Alyssa, Giselle, Colin, Carol, Vincent, Lizzy, Sabrina, Sam, Cleo, Arlen, Aika and Pete were in  House 8's living room decorating it for Christmas. Alex, Gilbert, Leo and Skyler are outside decorating the front of the house for the holiday. As for Tahlia an Cameron, they are nowhere to be found. 

So far they have already set up the tree with christmas ornaments on it already. Currently the group are putting up tinsel on the Christmas tree along with stockings near the fireplace (which stretched out towards the wall nearby). They have also put up an inflatable snowman outside....  of course they have to put that up...

The group just needs to put up the Christmas lights an the star at the top and then they're all done.

"Where's Cameron?" Vincent asked, "What about Tahlia, she's not here as well!"

"Oh yeah," Vivian mumbled, "Where is Tahlia anyways?"

"Here I am!" a familiar female's voice chirped. Everyone turned to find Tahlia who just ran through the open front door carrying a closed cardboard box and a smaller sized white closed shoebox on top of that. "Had to grab the mistletoe box and also the Secret Santa box."

"Of course. Place the mistletoe box on the couch, we'll deal with them." Vivian ordered. At that exact moment, Cameron walked through the door holding a bag with Christmas lights in it. "And there he is."

"Sorry I had to find where we put the new lights we brought." Cameron sheeplishly answered, walking over to Vivian.

"That's fine. Pass me the lights, you can help the boys and Alex outside. They're putting up the Christmas lights for the house."

Cameron nodded and walked out of the house. Tahlia smiled and opened up the box being greeted by lots of mistletoe. Vivian walked over to Tahlia and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Hey! It's not Christmas yet!" Tahlia gasped, turning to Vivian.

"And? Doesn't mean I can't show affection,"Vivian then smiled coyly.

Tahlia giggled, "True."

"EWWWWWWWW!" Alyssa screamed making the others turn to her, "ROMANCE!"

"What do you mean? You're going to go through the same thing as well." Cleo muttered, picking up the Christmas lights and reaching up to the tree to fix them.

"Um, no. I am not going to fall in love, be in a proposal, get kids, have a family and do affection."

"Uh huh..." Vivian smirked, "Alright, let's have a vote here. Raise your hand if you believe in Alyssa."

Only Colin raised his hand. Vivian then gesture to the boy to put his hand down.

"Now raise your hand if you don't believe in Alyssa."

Everyone else but Alyssa and Colin raised their hands. Vivian placed her hands on her hips and smirked, "See? Majority wins."

"Hmph!" the Aries female replied. She then walked away, "Let me fetch my mask."

Everyone else burst into laughter. Carol walked over to the white shoebox and bit her lip, "Hey Tahlia, what's this?"

"Oh that?" Tahlia replied, "That's Secret Santa. We do that for every Christmas Eve."

"Secret Santa?" Sabrina assked.

"I forgot you, Phoebe and Carol are new here and don't know know about how Secret Santa runs around here." Tahlia mutteredd, "Please explain this to Phoebe later on."

Carol and Sabrina nodded.

"This will be a lot of infomation for you gus, but how Secret Santa runs is pretty simple. In this box..." Tahlia patted the white shoebox next to her, "Has 24 folded slips of papers with a name in them. Everyone is basically assigned a name from this box and the have to get them a present for Christmas Eve, but in secret."

"Are we allowed to check the name when we get the slip?" Carol asked.

Tahlia nodded, "Yes in secret. Other people are not supposed to know about the gift. But if you grab a slip that coincidentally has your name in it, put the slip in the box and try again for another name. Got that?"

"Uh.... think so?" Carol replied.

"Wonderful! Until then, we need to wait for the boys outside, Lily, Phoebe, Tyler and even Levin back to normal."

"But we may need Levin right now. I can't reach the top of this tree with these lights." Cleo sighed.

"And we also need him for the star on top." Vivian added. She got out her phone and texted, "Until then, Cleo and Sam, why don't you put up the mistletoe together? Colin and Pete you work together for the mistletoe job as well."

The four blushed red at the word 'mistletoe', "Aye...aye.... Vivian."

"We should help them as well Vivian. The more the merrier."  Tahlia nudged Vivian to the side.

"I mean... sure why not." Vivian smiled at the other female, putting her phone away. At the exact moment Alyssa walked into the house, wearing a mask over her mouth. She had just heard about the mistletoe job.

"Ew." the Aries girl grunted. The others laughed.

"All we need is Levin and the others." Carol mumbled.

"You know, I really hope Lily, Tyler and Phoebe can get him back..." Tahlia frowned.

"I really hope so too. But he'll come back..... I hope." Sabrina frowned.

•.:°×═⭐═×°:.• (Bob is decorating the Christmas tree in his living room.)


"Phoebe, you're confusing me." Tyler mumbled.

Phoebe perked up, "Hm? What about?"

"Why do we need to buy snacks from the supermarket?"

The two along with Lily are hiding in a bush, on the lookout for Levin. They have just brought cookies, crisps and lollies from the supermarket since it would help with Phoebe's plan. 

"It's all for the plan," Phoebe replied with a nod, "For getting Levin back."

"How does a bag of food help get our friend back?"

"I mean think about it. We can offer these snacks to Levin and have a talk over what happened to him. It's not the best plan."

"I mean...." Tyler shrugged, "I have a feeling it may work."

"It will work anyways. I think it is a rather nice plan." Lily agreed. She then turned to Phoebe,, crossing her arms, "But will it be quick?"

"I don't know... why'd you ask?" Phoebe shook her head.

"Cause Vivian texted saying that they need Levin for the lights and the star."

"But in other for that to work, we need Levin." Phoebe pointed out. She then looked around around and noticed a puppy, "Awww cute! A puppy!"

Lily and Tyler chuckled at the girl's behaviour and looked out the bush. The two noticed a familiar male wearing a familiar black hoodie with a symbol of an unbalanced scale walking past. 

The two gasped. Phoebe, who stopped admiring the puppy, notied and gasped as well.

"There he is!" the Pisces girl cried out, standing up, "There's Levin! Get up you lazy sloths! Before he walks away."

Lily and Tyler rolled their eyes and stood up, following Phoebe's order. The two zodiacs then followed Phoebe to catch up with Levin with the food. Levin turned and noticed the three with the snacks.

'Ignore them.' the voice inside his head whispered.

".... Do I have to?" Levin whispered back.

'Yes. Trust me.'

Levin turned to his three friends and noticed the snacks, "They have snacks though. I think they want to talk."


Levin stayed silent after that. The male then nodded and turned his back to the three zodiacs with the food. He was about to stride away.... when he got tapped on the shouler by Phoebe.

Levin frowned at the sight of the three zodiacs, "What do you want?"

"Hey Levin, we were just wondering if you want to chat and have snacks with us." Lily smiled, "It seems like the perfect moment to do so anyways."

Levin raised an eyebrow, "It's cold. And are you doing this to persuade me to do something I am not aware about?"

"NOPE! Who would do that!" Tyler fake laughed. Lily and Phoebe also fake laughed but it was... awkward.

"Anyways, want some snacks? We have cookies, crisps, lollies including gummy bears."

"GUMMY BEARS???" Levin aske suddenly. Themale then chuckled and put his hands behind his back, "Sorry, I just love gummy bears."

"I am a-" Tyler began tosing before he got kicked on the shin by Phoebe, "Ow."

"I think you mean 'Owie'" Phoebe smirked.


'Don't believe in them. Believe in me instead.' the voice in Levin's head snarled.

"Thanks for the food, but you're just wanting me to return to you guys. So I have to turn it down." Levin replied in a serious tone. Tyler gave a frustrated cry.

"You were literally excited about gummy bears, and now you don't want the food???"

"Tyler. Chill." Lily scolded the Taurus male. She then smiled, "We understand Levin. But can you at least tell us what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong with me!" Levin  replied, turning his back on his friends with an attitude.

"Clearly something is and that's why you're villianised," Lily  walked up to the male and turned him towards her, "Now tell us what's wrong."

"It's just.... I really hate being the shy one..." Levin sighed. He then hugged himself, "I hate myself for not speaking up. I hate it when I have to rely on you guys for help. It makes me feel like..."

"A coward?" Phoebe finished the sentence.

"Yeah.... basically that."

"Levin... it's ok to be quiet and shy. There's nothing wrong with that. You won't get into trouble." Tyler reassured his friend.

"And it's okay to ask for help. We're all here to support you." Phoebe added. Tyler and Lily noded in agreement.

"We would do anything to protect you from Lila and her boyfriend." Tyler continued.

"And how would you guys know?" Levin asked, "How would you know it is okay to ask for help?"

"Levin, you do realise we all went through the same thing as well. For instance I got help from the others for going to school on time, even though I despise it." Tyler muttered.

"And I needed help for taming the wild housemates I have. I love them and all, but it can be exhausting at times But like we mentioned before, it's okay to ask for help." Lily pointed out. The girl got out herphone and scrolled through it, "In fact, we know some people who could really use your help."

"And who would that be?" Levin asked softly.

Lily chuckled, "You'll see." 

•.:°×═⭐═×°:.• (I'll admit it. I didn't like writing that section. But here's Bob sitting near the fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate.)

"And that's another mistletoe done!" Cleo smiled looking up at the mistletoe. 

The girl was currently balancing a small stepladder, admiring the misteltoe she had putup. She had looked down to find Sam standing near the step-ladder and turned to him, ready to jump off, "Sam, catch me!"

Sam nodded and held his arms outready to catch the Capricorn female. He laughed when he caught Cleo in his arms. The male then twirled the girl around before placing her on the floor.

"Nice catch!" Cleo giggled, wrapping her arms around Sam's waist.

"What about the twirl?"

"And twirl."

Sam chuckled. He pecked the girl on the cheek. At that exact moment, Sienna peeked out of the couch with a pillow balancing on her head, "ADDING THAT TO THE KISS COUNT!"

"Kiss number 15..." Alyssa muttered, also peeking out of the couch while typing something on her phone. Cleo and Sam pulled back from each other and crossed their arms turning to the two fire sign females.

"Kiss..... count?" Sam inquired.

"Do we have to go into explanation?" Alyssa muttered.

"You guys notice it's not as serious as Christmas," Vivian mumbled walking over to the couch, "Besides the mistletoe job is done."

"Thank goodness. Time to yank this mask off." Alyssa cheered.

The Aries female  took her mask off her mouth and breathed a sigh of relief. She then sniffed, "Ahhhh.... the nice smell of non-romance. Is that how you say it? Oh well."

"Hello." Skyler greeted, walking into the house and standing next to Carol. 

Alyssa screamed and flopped down on the couch. The others stayed silent then shrugged after realising it was completely normal for her to act that way.

"Hey Skyler, are the lights up outside?" Tahlia asked the Scorpio male.

Skyler nodded, "They are. And let me just say, Gilbert, Leo and Cameron weren't exactly helping. They were dancing crazily along to 'Fancy'. Not complaining about that part, but it would be easier if those three helped out instead of dancing."

"I mean, that is expected of Leo and Gilbert, but Cameron used to help out too!" Vivian frowned.

"But now he ditched the sane side for the crazy side."

"Oh dear."

"Oh dear indeed. Is everything done yet?" Skyler questioned.

"Not exactly," Sam pointed out, "We still need to put up the lights on the Christmas tree aswell as the star."

"DID SOMEONE SAY 'STAR'???" a female's voice called out from the front door. Everyone turned to find Phoebe, Lily and Tyler standing there along with Levin. The four walked into the room and noticed the decorations.

"Looks amazing everyone!" Lily smiled as she and the other three walked into the house. 

"It's not finished yet." Tahlia pointed out, "We just need help with the Christmas lights and the star on top."

Levin crossed his arms and stepped forth. He then turned to Lily, "Is this what you guys mean by 'some people who need help'."

"I mean we techniclally do need your help here." Vivian pointed out, "We need you to help with the Christmas lights on the Christmas tree and star on top. You're perfect for that job."

"Now do you believe us?" Tyler added.

"I believe you.." Levin mumbled. He slid a steplader near the tree and climbed up it, "Lights."

Cleo ran over to where she put the Christmas lights and passed them to Levin. She watched as Levin carefully wrapped the lights around the tree.

"Cleo, can you do the bottom part?" Levin ordered.

Cleo nodded and did just that. Lizzy walked over holding a golden star decoration, "Need the star?"

"Well, yes I do." Levin replied, recieving the star from Lizzy. He the balanced on thwe stepladder and gently placed the star on top (making sure to adjust it firmly so it wouldn't fall). At the exact same time, Cleo had just finished wrapping the Christmas tree lights around the tree.

The two then stepped back before fixing up the placements again. Levin turned to the group, "Can someone switch on the Christmas lights?"

"I'll do it." Skyler offered. The male walked over to the the Christmas light switch and turned it on. The lights flashed in four colours: red, greem, blue and yellow. The zodiacs all cheered.

"Now we're all done!" Cleo smiled, doing a grpup hug with Sam and Sabrina.

"See? Everyone would need help at some point and that's okay." Lily smiled, "As for staying quiet, it's ok to be that as well."

"But you can speak up, when you're ready." Phoebe smiled.

"Right, and I'm gonna do it now." Levin declared.

'Don't tell me you're going to get rid of me that easily' the voice hissed.

'Sorry mysterious voice. I think it's about time you leave' Levin thought.

The voice snarled 'This isn't the end for you guys. This may be the beginning but it will get harder later on.'

'And what is that supposed to mean?'

The voice chuckled, 'Let's say. Two is better than one. Before I leave, take this as a Christmas gift from me'

Before the voice (and smoke cloud) got out of Levin's head, an image flashed inside his head. Levin touched his head before turning back to his normal self.

"Sinister grin..." Levin muttered. The male then noticed Tahlia typing it down on her phone. He then got interrupted by a tight hug from Tyler, Lily and Phoebe,"Hey! Too tight!"

Everyone else chuckled. The smoke, however, slithered its way out the door. Soon Alex, Cameron, Gilbert and Leo walked into the house.

"What did we miss?" Gilbert asked the others.

"Oh, just decorating." Giselle answered from the couch.

"Gilbert, Leo and Cameron weren't much of a help." Alex complained, "Do you want me to tell you guys what they did?"

"I think we already heard," Lizzy chuckled, "Skyler told us."


"Now that the decorations are up, it's time to discuss about Secret Santa." Vivian smiled, picking up the white shoe box. She opened the box lid, revealing 24 folded slips, "When I come over with this box, please select a slip and check if it oesn't have your name on it. Don't show your slip to anyone else, you will be buying a present for that person."

The girl then picked up a slip from the box and checked it, not showing anyone. The girl then put the slip in her pocket and walked around the room, allowing the others to haave their go picking their slip.

Soon everyone had collected their slip and made sure to put it in a safe place. Vivian closed the box and tossed it onto the couch.

"Now that's done, what should we do now?" Vincent asked the group.

"LET'S DANCE TO FAN-" Cameron called out before he was interrupted by Sam.

"No. Let's admire the lights outside instead." 

"Good idea."Levin agreed before he and the others walked outside to admire the lights.

•.:°×═⭐═×°:.• (Why do I picture Vineron moments with that 'Fading Starlight' "Shalalala" part playing in the background?)


While the zodiacs were having fun together, Alastor was watching them through his big screen. He was also sipping hot chocolate in his 'I am the best villain ever' grey mug. He turned off the screen and sighed, staring blankly at it with a straight face. All was silent...

Until there was Christmass music playing behind him.

Alastor turned to find a Christmas tree with music playing Christmas lights (they exist). Next to the tree was one of Alastor's new guards (which Alastor had recruited a few weeks ago).

The guard's eyes twinkled whe he admired the lights. Alastor sighed and walked over to the guard, still holding his mug.

"What are you doing?"

"Just admiring the lights sir."

Alastor bit his lip, "You mean those Christmas music playing lights. It's too bright."

"Yet fascinating."

Alastor rolled his eyes.

"Anyways Alastor, you look thoughtful. What's up?"

"You know... I have been thinking about this villianisation. It clearly isn't working but yet it keeps getting me ideas. You get what I mean?"

"Uh huh.."

"I've underestimated these zodiacs. They are able to overcome the entire thing."

"They are bright."

"Yes, I guess you can say that."

"No, I was talking about the Christmas lights."





"Tell me why I hired you again?"

"You needed help?"





"....Right. I forgot about that."

"Anyways, you told... whoever-that-boy's-name-is that 'two is better than one'. What do you exactly mean by that."

"Levin. The boy's name is Levin," Alastor frowned, "As for the phrase, I'll leave you to figure that out."

"Oh...... um Alastor, quick question."


"Do you like the Christmas tree I decorated for you?"

"......It's nice."

"That sounded like you don't like it."

"I said it was nice."

Alastor then turned to the big screen and turned it on again. The screen flashed footage of the zodiacs admiring the lights. Alastor smiled, "Oh zodiacs, I can't wait for you all to see what I have planned next. I really can't."

He then repeated again, "I really can't."

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