Taurus (f) x Aries (m) x Leo (m)

*** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

Taurus walked into her new school. She looked around. This place is a maze. Where's the office? Thought Taurus. Then she saw a woman.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for the office," said Taurus.
"Are you a new student?" asked the woman.
"Yes, I am," said Taurus.
"Cool. I'm the art teacher. Follow me." Then she showed Taurus where the office was.

"What's your name?" asked the secretary in the office.
"Taurus," replied Taurus.
"You're the new student?"
"Yes, that's me."
"Okay, here is your schedule. Would you like a tour of the building?" then he handed Taurus a sheet of paper.
"Um... sure. I don't know my way around," said Taurus.
"Alright. Sit down and I'll call the president of the student leadership committee," said the secretary. Taurus sat down in one of the chairs.

A few minutes later a boy walked into the room.
"Aries, can you show this girl around?" asked the secretary.
"Sure. What's your name?" asked Aries.
"I'm Taurus," replied Taurus. Then she got up and followed Aries out the door. The hallways were covered in something sparkly.
"So, what brings you here?" asked Aries.
"My parents just wanted to try living in a new country," replied Taurus.
"Oh. So you're not from this country?" asked Aries.
"I literally just said that I wasn't."
"Oh... you did. Sorry."
"It's alright."
"Okay, so-"
"What's the sparkly stuff all over the walls and floor?"
"That's from our glitter war."
"Glitter war?"
"Yeah. Instead of going to class almost everyone brought a glitter gun and we had a glitter war. We planned it all out and the teachers didn't even know. Anyway, the teachers weren't impressed and over half of the school has detention for a week."
"Did you get caught?"
"Of course not!"
"Do you guys usually do fun things like this?"
"Sometimes. Anyway here's the music room." Then Aries knocked on the door. Someone opened it. Aries and Taurus walked into a room with shelves full of instruments everywhere. A bunch of students sat in a circle with drums in their laps. The music teacher sat in the center of the circle and he stood up when he saw them.
"Hello Mr. Baker, I'm giving our new student a tour of the school," explained Aries.
"Nice to meet you. Did you take music this year?" asked Mr. Baker.
"Nope," replied Taurus.
"Aww, well anyway this is the music room. Right now we're doing a unit on drumming," explained Mr. Baker.
"Can I give the cute girl a tour instead of being here?" asked a guy.
"No Virgo, I think Aries has it under control," said Mr. Baker.
"I guess we'll leave then. Bye," said Aries. Then him and Taurus left.
"I signed up for gym this year. Can you show me where it is?" asked Taurus.
"Sure," replied Aries.

Aries and Taurus walked into the gym. There was a class playing Basketball. The gym teacher blew the whistle and looked at Aries and Taurus.
"This is Taurus the new student. Is it okay if we sit down on the stage?" asked Aries.
"Yeah, sure," replied the gym teacher. Then she motioned for everyone to resume the game. Aries and Taurus walked over to the stage and sat down.
"Gym class is fun here because our gym teacher explains the rules well, and if you mess up it's no big deal," explained Aries.
"Who's that?" asked Taurus while pointing to the boy who was scoring the most points. Aries looked a bit uncomfortable.
"Oh. That's Leo, he's one of the popular kids," explained Aries.
"Is he snobby or self obsessed?" asked Taurus.
"Not really. He has a bit of an ego but he's really nice to everyone," said Aries. "Why? Do you have a crush already?" Taurus elbowed Aries.
"What? No way! I was just asking, you don't have to jump to conclusions so quickly!" said Taurus.
"Relax I was kidding... maybe. Anyway I'll show you the cafeteria," then Aries jumped off the stage and Taurus followed.

Leo was in the changing room after gym.
"That new girl was watching you," said Libra.
"So?" asked Leo.
"I bet she thinks you're cute," said Libra.
"Seriously Libra?" asked Leo.
"I bet she does," said Libra.
"Whatever, I didn't really look at her," said Leo.
"She was talking to Aries. They'll probably be sittin together at lunch. You should go say hi," said Libra.
"Why?" asked Leo.
"Because then you can make a new friend," said Libra.
"Stop trying to set me up with potential girlfriends," said Leo.
"I don't do that," argued Libra.
"Last week you invited me and Scorpio to sit by you at lunch. Then you conveniently disappeared after telling us that we have a lot in common," explained Leo.
"Pfft, coincidence!"
"Whatever. I guess it won't hurt to make a new friend anyway."

Taurus walked into the cafeteria. She looked for a place to sit when Aries waved to her. Taurus sat down across from Aries. There was a boy and a girl who were also at that table.
"Hey. Guys this is Taurus, Taurus these are my friends Sagittarius and Capricorn," introduced Aries.
"Hi," said Taurus. Sagittarius waved while Capricorn said "hi" shyly.
"Mind if I sit here?" asked Leo who appeared behind Taurus.
"Go ahead," said Capricorn. Then Leo sat down beside Taurus.
"So you're the new girl? What's your name? Taura? Taurus? Something like that?" asked Leo.
"Your second guess was correct," said Taurus.
"Really? Awesome!" said Leo. Taurus looked over at Aries. He was staring at the table not making eye contact with anyone. What's going on with him? Thought Taurus.
"So... why are you here Leo?" asked Sagittarius.
"Libra told me to talk to the new girl. I figured I could use a new friend," said Leo.
"Aww we're not good enough?" asked Capricorn who made a pouty expression for a joke.
"The more the merrier," said Leo.
"True!" agreed Sagittarius.

A month later Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius and Capricorn were sitting at their lunch table. Everyday at lunch Aries looked tense and he barely spoke.
"Is Aries always like that?" whispered Taurus to Capricorn.
"No. He only acts like that at lunch," explained Capricorn.
When the lunch bell rang everyone got up.
"Aries, wait!" Said Taurus.
"What?" asked Aries. Everyone else left.
"Are you okay? You looked distracted during lunch," said Taurus.
"It's nothing," said Aries.
"Everyday at lunch you have this weird look and it looks like you'd rather be anywhere else. I want to make sure you're alright," said Taurus.
"I don't want to talk about it." Then Aries got up and left the cafeteria.

Ending 1: Aries x Taurus

"Aries stop!" Taurus chased after Aries in the hallway.
"What?" asked Aries.
"If there's something wrong I want to help you. You don't have to tell me what's going on, just tell me what I can do to help," said Taurus.
"Sorry, the only way you can help me is if I tell you what's going on," said Aries.
"Then just tell me. The first day I got here, during lunch you looked a little odd, but your behaviour has been growing even more strange everyday. Tell me why so I can help you," said Taurus.
"You won't want to be my friend if I tell you," said Aries.
"What? Yes I will," promised Taurus.
"Are you sure?" asked Aries.
"Absolutely!" said Taurus.
"I like you. When I first met you on your first day of school I immediately felt like we were going to be good friends. After a while I realized that I kind of like you. I realize that Leo is a very attractive guy and he usually gets whatever he wants. I guess I was scared from the start that he'd take you away from me, I was always a little jealous of him," explained Aries.
"I... I wasn't expecting that," said Taurus.
"Yeah. So now you know," said Aries.
"So, you want to be my boyfriend?" asked Taurus.
"No when I said I liked you I meant that I wanted to only be friends," said Aries sarcastically. Taurus chuckled. Then she wrapped her arms around Aries.
"How about we go watch a movie tonight?"
"You're serious?"
"Aries, you know I wouldn't joke about something like this."
"I can't believe this is happening." Then the bell rang.
"I have to get to physics, bye Aries!"
"Bye Taurus. See you tonight!"

Ending 2: Leo x Taurus

Taurus walked to class and sat down. Leo sat beside her.
"Hey Leo!"
"Hey Taurus!"
"Do you know why Aries keeps acting strange?" asked Taurus.
"What do you mean?" asked Leo.
"At lunch he always looks really uncomfortable, but it only happens when we're all sitting together at lunch," explained Taurus.
"Do you know what's going on?"
"I think I do."
"Can you tell me?"
"Here." Then Leo wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to Taurus.
I think Aries is scared that you'll want to hang out with me instead of him. Him and Capricorn were best friends since third grade. Then Sagittarius came along and Capricorn started hanging out with Sagittarius more than Aries. You two have been friends for only a month and you're already pretty close, but you still talk to me too. I think he's scared that you'll start hanging out with me instead of him.
Taurus read the note.
"That's just stupid. I can hang out with both of you," said Taurus.
"Aries doesn't think about it that way. He probably thinks if you hang out with me you'll stop hanging out with him."
"So he's jealous?"
"I guess."
"Aries is my best friend and I want him to know that I'm not going to replace him," said Taurus.
"Aww, I'm not good enough to be a replacement for Aries?" asked Leo. Taurus chuckled.
"I just wish I could prove to Aries that no matter how much I talk to you, he'll still be my best friend," said Taurus.
"Well... I can think of a way to do that," said Leo.
"How?" asked Taurus.
"We could become a couple. Then Aries will know he doesn't have to worry about me being your new best friend," said Leo.
"Did you just ask me out?" asked Taurus. Leo smiled.
"Are you asking me out just to prove to Aries that I won't replace him? Or do you really like me?" asked Taurus.
"I really like you Taurus. I've wanted to tell you for a while and now was the perfect opportunity," said Leo while blushing.
"I like you too Leo," said Taurus.
"Really?" asked Leo.
"Yeah." replied Taurus.
"So... maybe we should go on a date tonight,"
"I think that's a great idea. I'll pick you up around seven?"

Ending 3: Leo x Aries

The next day Aries was sitting down on a bench in the hallway. Taurus sat beside him.
"What's up?" asked Taurus.
"Not much. You?" asked Aries.
"I really want to know why you're always so nervous at lunch."
"Taurus I already told you-"
"I know! But I want to know what's going on so I can help you."
"It's nothing!"
"Hey Aries! Hi Taurus!" said Leo who walked by.
"Hi Leo!" said Taurus.
"H-hi," stuttered Aries.
"You like him don't you?" asked Taurus.
"What? That's crazy-"
"So... you have a crush on the popular guy but you're too scared to tell him how you feel?" asked Taurus.
"That's not-"
"Aries don't lie to me." Aries groaned.
"F-fine. You're right." Taurus squealed.
"Really? I need to get you guys together!"
"WHAT? NO! Taurus don't interfere!" pleaded Aries.
"But if you don't confess you'll never be able to be with him!"
"This is why I didn't tell you anything! Also he's probably not even gay!"
"I think he is."
"How do you know?"
"Just a feeling."
"What if your feeling is wrong?"
"Aries focus on the positive side of things. If you confess to him there's a chance you guys could be together!"
"Bye Taurus." Then Aries got up and left.

Leo was in class when Taurus sat down beside him.
"Hey Leo, do you like Aries?" asked Taurus. Leo blushed.
"What do you mean?"
"Would you ever date him?"
"Taurus are you alright?"
"Answer my question!"
"I do t see how this is any of your business."
"If you don't answer I'll tell Aries that you like him." Leo thought for a second.
"I don't like him but I'd go out with him if he wanted to."
"No talking!" barked the teacher.
"Aries likes you. Go ask him out." whispered Taurus.
"What? I can't-" then Taurus gave Leo a rose.

Aries was sitting down at lunch. Taurus, Capricorn and Sagittarius weren't anywhere to be seen. Where are they? Thought Aries. Then Leo walked up to him.
"Hey Aries."
"Hi Leo."
"Wanna go out sometime?" asked Leo. Then he gave Aries the rose that Taurus gave him earlier. Aries stared at Leo in disbelief.
"You're asking me out?" asked Aries.
"Yeah," replied Leo.
"What? I- I can't believe this is happening."
"Maybe we can go watch a movie later?" suggested Leo.
"Yeah! That sounds nice."

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