Truth or Dare part 1

*This chapter has yet to be edited*

All the zodiacs were in the dinning room eating breakfast. Some people were shocked at how fast Leo ate his food. After they were done the zodiacs went up to their room.


"So when do we get to do anything at all?" asked Leo.

"Yeah," said Sagittarius.

"Today we will be relaxing at the hotel, tomorrow everyone can split up and do whatever they want. After that we follow my list," said Virgo.

"Yeah yeah. We'll "follow" the boring list," said Aries.

"You better follow it or else..." threatened Virgo.

"Or else what?" asked Aries confidently.

"Anyway didn't Libra have a bunch of dares for us?" asked Capricorn.

"Oh. Right." Then Libra got her phone. Everyone sat in a circle in the living room.

"So how are we going to do this?" asked Cancer.

"Someone asks questions and you have to answer or do the dare. If you're caught lying then you know what happens," said Aquarius. Everyone but Pisces (because she wasn't at the mansion yet when this happened) remembered what happened last time someone was caught lying.

"You can't skip any dares or truths either," reminded Scorpio.

"So who wants to ask the questions?" asked Taurus.

"Libra should since it's her phone," said Pisces.

Gemini smirked. "I hope we get some interesting dares."

"Okay everyone! Our first dare is for... All of us," said Libra.

"What is it?" asked Leo.

"We all have to give up our phones for two weeks but we are allowed to use them to call each other and take photos and videos only," said Libra.

"WHAT?!? I can't feed my fat cats for two weeks?" asked Pisces.

"I thought she got mad when I called them fat," muttered Scorpio.

Pisces sighed. "Ugh, fine!"

"Wait... How do we know if someone decided to use their phone anyway?" asked Scorpio.

"Easy. I can check what you use your phones for in your settings," said Virgo.

"Okay then, our next dare is for..." Libra smiled. "Aries and Gemini. They have to kiss passionately for as long as possible."

"Can we do that dare later? When the rest of you aren't here?" asked Aries blushing.

"But we'll never know if you guys did it or not," said Taurus.

"Trust me. They'll do that dare," said Sagittarius.

"Okay fine. You guys can do that dare later," said Libra. "The next dare is for... The water signs. They have to jump in the indoor pool wearing their clothes."

"It would be funnier if they had to do it with their clothes off," said Leo. All the water signs got up and slapped Leo.

"Ow. Pisces and Scorpio hit hard."

"Anyway. The three of you have a dare to do," said Aquarius.

"She's the WATER bearer. Her sign has to do with water too so she should jump in with us," said Cancer.

"Yeah, I don't think so," said Aquarius. Sagittarius went to get the towels and everyone else walked down to the pool.


The zodiacs looked down at the water.

"That water looks freezing cold. You might get frozen alive," tormented Leo.

"Why don't you tell us?" asked Libra.

"Wha-" Then Libra pushed Leo in the water. Everyone cheered.

"What the hell? I'm a fire sign. A FIRE SIGN," Leo who pulled himself up over the edge.

Sagittarius put her hands on her hips. "Yeah but you're annoying and had it coming."

Leo tried to push Sagittarius in the water but she jumped out of the way causing Leo to lose his balance and he fell in again.

"Okay the dare's done, let's go now," announced Pisces.

"No it's not. We're waiting for the three of you to jump in," said Taurus. Libra grabbed Leo's hand and helped him out of the pool and gave him a towel.

Aries crossed her arms. "Any day now."

"Fine." Cancer jumped in. Everyone cheered and Aquarius handed Cancer a towel when he got out.

"Let's do this," said Scorpio. Then he did a back flip into the pool. Everyone cheered, helped him out of the pool and passed him a towel. Then Pisces jumped in the pool. They also helped her out and gave her a towel.


Everyone was back into the living room. Everyone that jumped or was pushed in the pool changed into another pair of clothes. Leo sat down with the towel on his head.

"Okay that one was pretty fun. The next dare is for Virgo. She has to ignore Taurus for the rest of the day," said Libra. Taurus looked like his dog died.

"It will be okay," said Capricorn patting Taurus on the back.

"Aww look at the sad lost puppy!" taunted Cancer.

"Do... I... Have to?" asked Virgo.

"Yup," replied Aries.

"Fine. Sorry Taurus," said Virgo.

"Okay our next dare is for... Everyone but the fire signs. Crap," said Libra. The fire signs cheered.

"What is it?" asked Sagittarius.

"T-the rest of us have to do a dangerous stunt."

"What are we gonna do?" asked Taurus.

"I have an idea," said Sagittarius.

"We are probably going to die," said Capricorn.


"I remember you guys said you love sliding," said Sagittarius innocently. All the zodiacs were on the top of a set of really long stairs in the back of the hotel where there wasn't anyone else.

"ON A FREAKING HILL FULL OF SNOW!" shouted Capricorn.

"Don't worry it shouldn't hurt... Much," said Aries. Then the fire signs high-fived.

"Libra. Tell your best friends I said they came up with awesome dares," said Sagittarius. Then the nine zodiacs climbed onto the extra long sled. Most of them were holding onto the person in front of them for dear life.

"Okay I'll go when everyone is ready," said Scorpio who was at the front.

"Okay just let me mentally prepare myself," said Virgo.

"Times up," said Leo. Then the fire signs pushed the sled down the stairs. Almost everyone on the sled screamed but a few zodiacs cheered. At the bottom the sled tipped forward and everyone fell out except for Taurus  who held a tight grip on the sled and Virgo who held a tight grip on Taurus. Then the fire signs slid down the rail of the stairs and made sure everyone was alright. Gemini jumped up.

"LET'S GO AGAIN!" cheered Gemini.

"NO!" said everyone else.

"Footsteps! Quick let's go," said Cancer. Then everyone got up and ran abandoning the sled. A worker ran over after the zodiacs left to see what the screaming was about. Then he wondered why the hell there was a sled in the hallway and how who ever used it even got it in the first place.


Most of the zodiacs were laughing as they sat back down in their circle. A few looked traumatized.

"Okay our next dare is for... Me. I can't talk for the rest of the day," said Libra. Then she rolled her eyes and got a sticky note and a pencil.

Someone else has to tell the dares then. I choose Aquarius.

Libra passed her phone to Aquarius.

"Okay, our next dare is for Scorpio to tell one of his darkest secrets," said Aquarius.


"Go on," urged Cancer.

"W-Well I... Uh... Secretly like romance movies and dancing to romantic songs," said Scorpio with his head down.

"YOU DO?!?" squealed Pisces.


"Omg me too!" said Pisces. Then she hugged Scorpio.

"Our next dare is... Uh oh," said Aquarius who's eyes grew wide.

"What is it?" asked Aries smiling.

"For Aries to prank call room service." Said Aquarius. Aries smiled and walked over to the phone.

"No! Aries has experience with prank calls!" said Virgo. Libra handed Virgo a sticky note.

A dare is a dare.

"Ugh," said Virgo.

"Hello is this room service?" asked Aries.

"Yes," replied the voice on the phone.

"Hi. I was wondering if... AHHHHH IT'S BACK!"

"Um... ma'am, are you alright?"


"I hope she doesn't call the police," said Capricorn.

"The next dare is for... Me. I have to tell everyone a secret that no one else knows or I can't hold Cancer's hand for three days. Wait what?!?" asked Aquarius.

"You have to do it," said Taurus.

"Okay. I hid Leo's bag of gummy bears and I secretly plan to eat them all myself," said Aquarius.

"Are you kidding me? I was hoping for a good secret," said Gemini.

"Anyway, the next dare is for Virgo to bash romance books until we finish playing the game," said Aquarius.

"What did the poor books do?" asked Virgo. Libra handed Virgo another sticky note.

The books didn't do anything. Have fun!

Virgo got a romance book that she didn't like and slowly started bashing it.

"Our next dare is for Libra to sing."

"But isn't she not supposed to talk?" asked Cancer.

"Singing isn't talking," said Capricorn.

"Okay..." Then Libra started singing. Her voice was beautiful.

"I didn't know she sang like an angel," said Leo.

"That's because I'm awesome," sang Libra.

"Okay. She can sing instead of writing on sticky notes," said Virgo.

"Our next dare also involves me. I have to tell everybody if my hair is naturally blue or not," said Aquarius.

"Now we finally get to know. This is the moment of truth," said Gemini.

"For the purpose of this dare I'm going to rename Pisces "Everybody" since no one said anything against it," said Aquarius. Then she whispered the answer to Pisces.

"Oh come on. That was lame," said Cancer.

"No, it was smart," sang Libra.

"Lame. We wanna know," said Gemini.

"And our next dare is for Libra to kiss Leo," said Aquarius.

"I like this one," said Leo. Then Libra kissed him.

"Alright, our next dare is, haha. Pisces has to tie up Scorpio and lock him in the closet until his next dare," said Aquarius.

"Kinky," muttered Leo.

"What? She'd never do that," said Scorpio.

"Where's the rope?" asked Pisces.

"Here. Just use this towel." Then Gemini passed a towel to Pisces and she tied Scorpio's hands.

"What if I don't get another dare?" asked Scorpio.

"Then you stay in there the whole night," replied Sagittarius. Taurus helped Pisces lock Scorpio in the closet.

"Our next dare is for Pisces, again. She had to be mean to the first three people she sees or she can't hang out with Scorpio for four days."

"But Aquarius-"

"No buts. Now let's go." Then the zodiacs walked down to the lobby leaving Scorpio in the closet.


There was an old man sitting in the lobby.

"Guys I don't wanna!" protested Pisces.

"It's a dare," said Sagittarius.

"Fine." Pisces put on a scary mask to hide her face.

"You shouldn't be wearing that mask indoors. You might hurt yourself or scare someone," said one of the people that work at the hotel.

"Well it's supposed to be a mask of your face," said Pisces.

"Watch what you say young lady," said an old man.

"You're not my parent, you aren't in control of what I say."

"Pisces is getting sassy." whispered Gemini. Then Pisces walked over to a woman walking by.

"Where'd you get your shoes? The garbage?" asked Pisces.

"Where'd you get your attitude? A cereal box?" asked the lady before walking away.

"Okay my dare is gone goodbye." Then Pisces ran into the elevator embarrassed. The others followed her.


"What's the next dare?" asked Leo. Aquarius burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" asked Taurus.

"Libra has to do Gemini's make up and he has to flirt with a boy in the lobby," said Aquarius.

"No," said Gemini.

"This is going to be so funny," said Aries.

"I'll get the make up." Then Virgo ran into Libra's room.

"Awe Gemmy is going to look nice and pretty," said Leo.

"Who's a pretty girl?" asked Scorpio from the closet.

"You are Scorpy," replied Gemini.

"Sorry Gemini, you have to flirt with a boy in the lobby so Scorpio doesn't count," said Cancer.

"I was not flirting with him," said Gemini annoyed.

"If you say so," said Pisces.

"Libra should also style his hair," suggested Sagittarius.

"And make him wear a pretty dress," added Aries.

"And give him a pair of high heels," sang Libra.

"Wow. You guys are evil," said Capricorn. Then Virgo came back and gave Libra her makeup bag. Then Libra started doing his make up.


A while later, Libra finished Gemini's make up.

"Wow Gemmy, you look prettier than I do," said Leo.

"Everyone does," said Scorpio from the closet.

"I look like a clown," said Gemini.

"Let's go already!" said Sagittarius.


  As the zodiacs except for Scorpio sat in the lobby. Strangers were giving Gemini funny looks or laughing at him. Then a guy walked by. Aquarius and Aries were taking a video. Gemini walked up to the guy and started flirting with him. Then the guy looked embarrassed and literally ran out of the hotel. Then Gemini turned around and realized they took a video of him. Then he chased Aries and Aquarius up the stairs. The other zodiacs laughed and went back to their room.


"Our next dare is for Libra to tell everyone her celebrity crush," said Aquarius while Gemini washed the make up off his face in the washroom.

"Well that's easy, I don't have one," sang Libra proudly.

"Then who's your real life crush?" asked Virgo.

Libra smiled mischievously. "The guy that was in the lobby."

"WHAT?!?" asked Leo.

"He's so tall and cute," sang Libra.

"I'M tall, I'M cute!" said Leo.

"Yeah, but you're Leo," said Cancer.

"But Libra, I made you that cupcake the other day. I even gave you a gummy bear! I knew I should of ate that cupcake instead. LIBRA PLEASE JUST LOVE ME!" said Leo hugging her.

"You are a guy that was in the Lobby, aren't you?" asked Libra.

"Oh." Leo sat down embarrassed. Everyone else laughed. "What's the next dare?"

"Wow. I love this one," said Aquarius.

"Uh oh," said Leo.

"Leo has to sing the song Chandelier at the top of his lungs in the lobby," said Aquarius.

"Leo is going to sing?" asked Capricorn.

"Don't worry bro, I've got ear plugs you can use," said Taurus. Then they fist bumped.

"Can I borrow some too?" Asked Pisces.

"Let's untie Scorpio so he can watch. It would be cruel not to," said Capricorn.

"I'm good!" said Scorpio. Then they untied Scorpio and let him out of the closet.

"Come one guys. Leo's gone. Quick catch up to him so we can take a video!" ordered Pisces. Everyone ran downstairs.


"What are those kids doing back in the lobby again?" asked one of the workers.

"Probably playing some kind of game where they do stupid stuff," replied the other.

"Should we stop them?"

"They left a two thousand dollar tip, so no we should not."

"How are those twelve teenagers so rich?"

"I don't know. They probably have rich parents or something."


"Any day now, Leo," said Aries.

"IM GONNA SWING FROM THE CHANDELIER, FROM THE CHANDELIER..." Leo continued to sing. Then he jumped up and started swinging on the chandelier. "I'M GONNA SWING FROM THE-" Then Leo screamed as his hands slipped and he fell down.

"Are you alright?" asked Virgo. Leo's eyes were closed.

"He's not answering. I think he needs mouth to mouth," said Gemini.

"You do it then," sang Libra smirking. Then Gemini pushed Libra on top of Leo. Leo opened his eyes and kissed her.

"No making out in the lobby," said the worker.
Libra jumped off of Leo and ran into the elevator blushing madly.


When the other zodiacs got into the room, Libra was still embarrassed and blushing.

"The next dare is for all the guys to sing shake it off in the lobby at the top of their lungs."

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