Backstories part 1
A while ago all the zodiac signs were sent to earth as babies wrapped up in a blanket with their zodiac sign on it. They were all found by a nice woman who owned an orphanage. She named the babies after the signs on their blankets.
I was seven when I was adopted. The woman adopting me didn't want to meet me, or even visit the orphanage first. She just adopted me out of nowhere. Not that I cared, I was just glad I was being adopted. I was going to miss my friends, but I could still see them at school.
The orphanage owner, Tilly, packed a backpack for me. It had a few of my personal belongings, including my blanket that I had since I was a baby. She even put my curly hair in two tiny twin tails on both sides of my head, with a nice dress. I had to look nice while meeting my new family, after all.
I remember stepping into the limo and waving to my new personal driver. I remember how I thought, wow, the person that's adopting me must be very rich! I was very excited. When I got to her mansion, I paused. The mansion had a beautiful garden of flowers, bushes, and trees in the front yard. A cobblestone path lined by hedges led to the front door. There was even a pool in the front yard.
I ran up the steps and knocked on the door. Then the old lady answered the door and smiled. "You must be Aries, you can call me Mom or grandma, either works!"
Ever since that day I lived a happy life. Grandma would play with me, do my hair and she'd tell me funny stories. I was very young when she adopted me from the orphanage. But she never told me her name.
Nine years later, I stepped out of the limo and walked up the stairs to my house. It was Friday! When I walked through the door Grandma was sitting on the couch waiting for me. She looked worried.
I ran over and sat down beside her. "Grandma what's wrong?"
"I have to tell you something," she said looking down at the floor.
"Go ahead."
"You know how I adopted you right?"
"The truth is, I adopted you because I know who you really are."
I looked at her confused."Who I really am?"
"You're Aries, the constellation."
What the hell? "Grandma you're not thinking right. Stay here I'll get help."
"Aries I know what I'm talking about! Listen to me! You and the other eleven zodiacs were sent to earth. I don't know why or how, but it happened. That's why I adopted you, because you're THE Aries. You're the leader of the zodiacs."
"What? You adopted me because I'm some kind of leader?"
"Yes. There are eleven other people out there who don't even know who they are. I need you to explain this to them."
"Even if this was true... How would you know?"
"Because... I'm a constellation like you."
"What? What's your name?"
"My name is Ophiuchus. Seventy years ago I fell from the sky like you. That's how I know." I don't know how I believe this. Somehow I know it's true. Somehow it feels right.
"Why are you telling me this now?"
"Because I'm really sick and you need to know before I die. Don't cry! After I die I'll return to the sky so don't worry about me."
"Aries I'm giving you most of my money and I'll take you to buy a new car. Go find somewhere else to live and find the other zodiacs. They are most likely the people in your classes. You'll know who they are by their name. You should go now."
I gave my grandma a hug. "I love you grandma."
"I love you too Aries."
I walked up to my new mansion. My grandma left me with millions of dollars. I decided to walk around the house. Turns out we have a huge pool room! I instantly ran upstairs to pick out a room for me. I took one of the rooms on the top floor.
Afterwards, I bought furniture and went shopping to put some new clothes in my new walk-in closet. Then I started looking for the other zodiacs.
I remember when I was little. I was so excited to be adopted! I was one of the lucky kids! I got in the car with my new mom and dad. My mom couldn't have kids, so they adopted me. My parents were crazy about fitness so they made me eat healthy and encouraged me to exercise a lot. I didn't mind, although I wish I could eat pizza more than once a month.
I snuck over to the garbage can.
"Taurus honey, where are you going?" asked my mom.
"Finish your broccoli," said my dad.
"But it's gross. We eat broccoli twice a week!" I complained.
"If you don't eat your broccoli, you won't get any pie for dessert," said my mom.
"Seriously?" I sat down and ate the evil broccoli.
"You're named after the constellation Taurus, yet you don't eat that much. I thought Taurus liked food," said my dad.
"That's a stereotype," said my mom. She got the pie and gave everyone a slice.
"Taurus we need to talk to you about something," said my dad.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Well you see, me and your mom are moving to California and we'd like to know if you would like to come or not. If you want to stay until you finish your last year of high school, we'll buy you an apartment while we sell the house. We leave in a month."
"I don't think we should leave him on his own though..." said my mom.
"Mom I'm old enough to take care of myself."
"I don't want to leave you though! Why do we even have to move?"
My dad sighed. "We've discussed this before."
"Where will he stay?" asked mom.
"I could maybe ask Gemini if I could stay with him." I suggested.
"There you go! Perfect!" said dad.
"I'll miss him so much though!"
I sighed. "Don't worry mom, I'll be fine."
I packed some things. Dad was going to help me bring my stuff over to Gemini's house. They were leaving tomorrow, so I'm going over to Gemini's house today. I still don't know why they're moving without me though. I was going to miss my parents, even if they weren't my real parents.
I remember the day I got adopted. I looked at my new mom for the first time and thought she was going to eat me. She was tall and her icy blue eyes glared at me. I don't know why she adopted me, she didn't really care about me. Maybe because she wanted another kid so Kylie wouldn't be lonely.
My mom was divorced and she had a daughter named Kylie. Kylie was younger than me, she was a little snobby but she was really nice. Mom kept trying to give me a "normal" name and called me Garrett. I kept telling her that my name is Gemini and she has to deal with it.
"GeMinI tUrn thAT MusIc DowN!" I said in a mocking voice as I turned the music in my room down.
Someone knocked on my door. I sighed and opened it.
"Which dress would look better on me?" asked Kylie.
"Neither, you're ugly as a rat."
"Shut up, idiot."
"The blue dress."
"What hairstyle should I try?"
"Kylie you don't need a cute hairstyle, a pretty dress or any make-up! Somethings just don't get better no matter what you do."
Kylie rolled her eyes. "Fine I'll ask mom." She ran downstairs.
"Gemini!" yelled my mom.
I walked downstairs. "What?"
"Do you know when you're going to move out or find somewhere else to live?" asked mom.
"Trying to get rid of me?" I asked her.
She dropped a pile of bills on the kitchen table. "I can't afford to pay bills for you and your friend. I don't have enough money."
"Wow, thanks mom."
"I don't want him to move out," protested Kylie.
"If he moves out we might to be able to afford that prom dress you like," said mom.
"I don't care! Gemini is way better then a silly prom dress!"
"Kylie don't you have a date to get ready for?"
"Oh, right!" She ran upstairs.
"Well, Taurus is moving in with us so I guess Kylie can say bye-bye to that prom dress."
"Watch how you speak. Also that's why you should find somewhere else to live and get a job. You and your friend with that weird name are going to cost a fortune and I don't think I can afford it."
"Umm... As my mom you shouldn't be trying to get rid of me. Why did you even adopt me if you don't care about me?"
"Gemini it's not that I don't care about you, it's just that you have caused me a lot of trouble over the years."
"Fine I'll look for somewhere else to live."
She sighed. "I love you Garrett."
"No, you don't." I walked back upstairs.
"What do you want to do?" asked Taurus. All of Taurus' stuff was still packed up, sitting around my room.
"I don't know. My mom wants me to move out so she can afford a stupid prom dress."
"Yeah, I want to get out of here anyway."
"Want to go for a walk?"
We were walking around at the park. The only other person there was a girl who was just walking around like us. I later saw that the girl was Aries from school. Damn, she's gorgeous. "Isn't that Aries?"
"The Aries from our class?" asked Taurus.
"How many other girls named Aries do you know?"
"Oh. Right. The one you've had a crush on since-"
"Maybe I should tell her you purposely choose advanced courses that you can barely handle just to end up in the same classes as her."
"I'll kill you."
Aries looked up and she walked over to us. "Gemini and Taurus!"
"Uh, hi." said Taurus.
"It's you guys! Now I just have to find the other nine."
"What are you talking about?" I asked her.
"Oh. Umm... How do I explain this to you guys?"
"Explain what?" asked Taurus.
Aries looked around to see if anyone was nearby. Then she explained everything to us about how all the zodiacs were sent to earth and how we're the actual zodiacs.
"How do you know this?" asked Taurus who was shocked.
"I was told by Ophiuchus."
She told us something that was impossible, something very unbelievable. Yet somehow I knew it was true.
"For some reason I believe you."
Taurus nodded. "Me too."
"Yeah, I knew it was true when Ophiuchus told me. So I figured you'd believe me."
"So... What do we do now?" asked Taurus.
"Oh! Do you know anywhere we could stay? My mom is kicking me out of my house so I was wondering if you'd know anywhere." I asked her.
"Not really. Except for my mansion. You guys can stay there if you like," offered Aries.
"Really?" I asked. A chance to live with Aries? What did I ever do to deserve this?
"Really. I'm kind of lonely in that big house by myself."
Aries told us where the mansion was and I hurried home to tell mom the good news.
When I was a little boy, I was adopted by two women that owned a pet shop. It was too confusing to call them both mom, so I called them by their real names. One had long red hair and she asked me to call her Amy, the other had black hair and I called her Susan.
Susan and Amy let me help out with the pet store. I fed the animals and even played with a few of them after the store closed. I always loved animals ever since I was a little kid. I always knew I could trust my moms, I told them everything.
I was in my room when the phone rang.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hi," answered Taurus.
"What's up?"
"I need to talk to you about something. Meet me at the bubble tea shop." He hung up. Weird.
I walked downstairs. "Susan! Amy! I'm going for a walk!" Then I left.
When I got to the bubble tea shop, I got a bubble tea and then sat at a table in the back beside Taurus. Gemini and this girl from our class Aries was there too. I wonder what's going on.
"Only eight left," said Aries, who was smiling.
"Only eight left for what?" I asked.
"Well you see..." Gemini explained everything to me about how I'm the actual zodiac Cancer and they're the actual signs too.
"How do I believe you?" I asked.
"I don't know. We all felt the same way," said Taurus.
Something's not right. I should have freaked out or I should have been shocked. How is it possible that I can just accept this? Now that I think about it, I've always felt different. Somehow I know what they're saying is true. It makes sense though, that would explain our names.
"How did you guys figure this out?" I asked.
"Keep your voice down!" whispered Gemini.
Aries pointed to Taurus and Gemini. "Ophiuchus told me, and I told them."
"So you're all best friends now?"
"We live together in a big mansion. Want to join us?" asked Gemini.
"I don't know. I don't want to leave my moms... But I do really want to come live with you guys since we're all zodiacs."
Taurus thought for a second. "Ask what they think."
"Alright." I got up to go ask what Susan and Amy thought.
"What?" asked Amy.
"I-I would like to move in with a few of my friends." I told them.
"That's not a good idea," said Susan.
I told them everything.
"So you're saying that you're the constellation Cancer?" asked Amy.
Susan shook her head. "I-I don't understand. What you're saying is ridiculous! But you've never told a lie your whole life."
"You have to believe me."
Amy put a hand on Susan's shoulder. "Honey, maybe he's telling us the truth. That would explain his name and why he always had that blanket with a Cancer sign on it."
"So these friends of yours..." said Susan.
"They're Aries, Taurus and Gemini. The other three constellations."
"I think I might believe him," said Amy. Amy was a dreamer, and she often believed a lot of stuff.
"Will you still call us sometimes?" asked Susan.
"Yes I will."
"O-Okay then. But if you're lying then you will be grounded for a very long time."
"I love you guys." I went to pack my stuff.
I walked in my new house. Taurus and Gemini were going to help bring all my stuff over later. Aries could have helped since she's a strong girl, but she didn't want to. I looked around impressed. This was a really big house, but still a little empty. Then I saw Aries and Gemini who were playing a game on their phones.
"Hi." I waved nervously.
"He's here!" said Aries.
"Where's my room?" I asked her.
"Pick one on the second floor. The third floor is for girls only since Aries makes the rules," said Gemini.
I knew right away I was going to like it here.
Like most of the zodiacs, I was adopted. I was adopted by a guy that recently lost his wife. He adopted me because his name is Leon and I'm Leo. That and we look alike. Out of the zodiacs, I was tormented the least since Leo is an actual name.
My dad is really athletic and he loves playing sports with me. Especially basketball. It's my favourite sport.
"Awww come on dad! Can't you let me score at least one point?" I whined.
"Sorry Leo. Maybe you should get better." He threw the ball over my head, scoring on a basketball net in our driveway.
"I'm the best basketball player in my school." And I was proud of it. It's not that I'm bad at basketball, it's that my dad is really good. He's amazing at it! "Dad I have something to tell you."
"What is it son?" he asked with a concerned expression.
I snatched the basketball and got it in the net. "I wanted to tell you not to let your guard down." I smiled.
"Should've known. I'm thirsty, want me to make some lemonade?"
"Oh yeah. Kristine is coming over, later on today."
Kristine is my dad's girlfriend. He really likes her and she's very nice to me. She calls me lion since my name is Leo. I tried to spend as much time with them as I could because dad and Kristine were moving in a few days. Dad was going to be part of the olympics this year, so he wanted to move somewhere else so he could practice. He had a few friends that were professional athletes, so he was going to move closer to them. I didn't want to move so I told my dad I'd find somewhere to stay before he leaves.
I looked at the message on my phone to make sure I was at the right place. Taurus was aware of my situation and invited me to live with him, Gemini, Cancer and Aries from our class. Of course I'd want to move into a mansion with four other people! I've been an only child my whole life. I hope these guys like parties. Me, Taurus and Gemini have been friends forever. It will be fun to get to know the other two. Poor Aries though, she's the only girl with four boys.
I knocked on the door. Cancer answered it. "Leo!"
"Hi Cancer."
"LEO'S HERE!" yelled Gemini. He pushed Cancer out of the way and we did our cool handshake.
"Shouldn't we tell him?" asked Cancer.
"Tell me what?" I asked.
"Come in." I walked inside, took off my shoes and sat down on the couch.
Cancer explained everything about how we're all zodiac signs and how I'm Leo the lion. "This may surprise you but I swear it's true."
"Huh? How can you have no reaction to that?" asked Gemini.
"Oh my godddddd. I'm a zodiac? Seriously oh my fucking god I'm gonna faint." I dramatically dropped to the floor.
"Is he dead already?" asked Aries who just walked in.
"Seriously though, your story is just so believable. Like your names match up with your sign. That and it's strange but I kind of know it's true."
"Why does that happen to everyone?" asked Taurus.
"No idea, but at least he doesn't think we're crazy," said Cancer.
"So you're trying to get all the zodiacs to move into one house?" I asked them.
"Not really. This loser needed a place to stay so I let him and Taurus stay here. Then Taurus invited you and Cancer," said Aries.
"Pick out a room on the second floor. Third floor is girls only," said Cancer. I walked up the stairs. My dad said he'll sent me lots of money every week. So, that's going to be fun.
I watched as another kid got adopted. All my friends were being adopted. Day after day. I waited for my perfect family to come choose me. I often dreamt about the day where I would bake cookies or play board games with an actual family. I didn't care if I had an annoying brother or a snobby sister. I just wanted a family really bad. Eventually I realized something, no one was coming for me.
The orphanage where I lived wasn't that bad. I mean, we were treated very well. I shared a room with two other girls. Their names were Alexandrea and Dawn. Alexandrea had brown eyes and her hair was in long pretty black ringlets. She was really nice and she had lots of friends. Dawn had blond hair with green eyes. She hated it here and like me, she wanted a family more then anything in the world. My life isn't all sad. I mean, I'm a smart girl and I'm super rich because I invented a cure to a horrible disease. Just kidding! I'm actually smart though.
Someone knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" asked Alexandrea who was braiding my hair.
"Time to eat," said Tilly.
Tilly is the girl that runs the orphanage. We walked downstairs to the dinning room. There was fifty two kids in our orphanage so Tilly only calls a few people down at a time. I sat at the large table beside Alexandrea. Dawn was already here. One of the girls that volunteers here gave us a plate full of food. Then a few more people came and sat down. One girl sat by me. I know her because her name is Libra. She has a zodiac name like me!
After lunch was finished, I walked back to my room. I was studying when Tilly knocked on my door.
"Yes?" I asked.
"There's a few kids here that want to see you."
A few people want to see me? Probably dumb kids that are trying to bribe me into doing their homework for them. That happens more often than you'd think.
I walked outside the orphanage. There was a girl with curly brown hair and and a guy with blond hair. I took a closer look at them and realized it was Aries and Gemini from my class.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them.
"We need to talk to you," said Aries.
"Not here," said Gemini. They walked away.
I followed them. "So what's so important no one else can hear?"
"She might be a little hard to convince," said Aries.
"Hard to convince me of what?"
Gemini explained everything about how they're zodiacs signs and I'm the zodiac Virgo. Somehow I know they're telling the truth.
No! That's can't be right! There's no way. What they're saying makes sense and explains a lot but that's impossible!
"She doesn't believe us," said Gemini.
"Think about it. Why is your name Virgo and why don't you have any parents? Why do you have a blanket with the Virgo symbol on it?" asked Aries.
How did they know I had that blanket? I've never shown it to anyone. Either they're telling the truth or they're creepy stalkers. How is it that I feel like they're telling the truth? What would they gain from lying? They must be telling the truth."How do you guys know this and why are you telling me?"
Aries sighed. "Ugh why does everyone ask how we know? Ophiuchus told me everything and told me to tell the others who they are."
"Wait! Are there any other people in your orphanage with a zodiac name?" asked Gemini.
"Yeah, there's Libra and Scorpio," said Virgo.
Aries nodded. "We'll tell them later."
"So are all the other zodiacs friends?" I asked them
"We live in a mansion. Please move in. WE NEED ANOTHER GIRL!" begged Aries.
"Sure. I'd be glad to leave this place."
I walked into the mansion. Turns out there's three other guys named Taurus, Cancer and Leo. Aries was really happy to have a friend that's a girl for a change. I got to pick a room on the top floor because only girls get rooms up there. The house was a bit of a mess, probably because of the four guys. Looks like someone's going to have to make a few rules around here...
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