chaptr threee!1!1!1one!1! were what???/?/??/?😱😱😱😱😱 zodiacs!?!?!1@×??+🤔🤔🤔
[Ps britich peepl succ!!!!1!11!1!11!]
Just then somethng crasses into tha windoe.
Its bob duncan!!!!!1!1!11!1!1!1!11! He descends on a unicorn, the small hairs on his head glistening in the florescent lights overhead the classroom. He glows a godly light, blinding us temporarily.
Next 2 bob duncan is alex claremont-diaz and prince henry od whales wow 😍😍😍😍
"Omg" sayed cancur. Then she started criing
"Hey kidz. Were heer to save u and tayk u to the wheyte howse😎😎😎" says alex claremont-diaz
"No were goong to britin" 😡😡😡😡😡 says henrererey. Then they get in a fist fite.
"Ok lets go to colorado" sayed bob duncan. "I think its in mexico or smth"
The teecher os mad!!2!1!1 "u cant tayk thees kidz!1!11!" He sayed "theyre in big trubl for shagging each other!"
Bob duncan uses bobster magic 2 wisk every1 away. Henereeerey and alix stop fist fiting for the moment.
"Wow were r we bob" asked Viagra. What a nurd!1!11!😎😎😎😎
"Oh, scheiss drauf" showted prins henerererey. Wow he kan speek germany so kool.
"We r in calarado" sed our kewl guardian deity Bob Duncan (but hez nawt as kewl as greg) [scorpee killd greg tho so greg is stoopid lol!]
Cancurr scremd loudlee and crid moar. (Ugh shes so annoyong!!1!1!!)
SajitauriASS laft. "I showd hur that cofee comershul with the zombey"
"Haha wimp" showtd alex claremont-diaz
"Y r wee eevn stil heere" sayed prince henreeererry of whales.
the bobster led us to his howse in denver caloradoh
"Hoo r thees" says graveyard duncan
"Bee kwiet grapefroot thees r my frends 😡😡😡😡😡" showtd bob duncan
Then GAYb strtid criing like a wimp lol!1@11!1!1!!!!!!!!!!!😎😎😎😎😎
Bob duncan, alix and prenc henerererererey led us 2 a seecrit baysmint
'OoooOooh" we Owo
"Bob r u gunna kidnap us" uwus princ henererereeerey of whales
"Shut up u britisch scum" sayed bob Duncan.
Every1 lol ed.
Daddy bob wurked his majik. Their we're sparckls evrywere!!11!1! N all ov da zodiacks we're gl0w1ng!1!1!!
„u all r da zodiax" sed our lord, savior, supreme god, magistrate, president, holy Bob duncan. "N u haev powurs but no1 haz good onez ecksept piecesses, arees, leeo, and liek kinda scorpeeo
.,what aboot me daddy bob"" crid prince henrerererererererey of whales. alix da furst son of da younited stayts punched him.
"I don't give powurs to britisch peepl,, sayed daddy bob
8i will now tell u ur powurs lol sayd our lord and saviur daddy bob.
"arees got da powur 2 contril fire, fli, breeth underwuter, and teleport" sayed daddy bob
"torass got da powur 2 mak a gud omlet"
"gemineye cna fly, butt onlie wen shez abot two poop"
"Cancurr got da power 2 cri torteeyuh chipz"
"leeo cna becum a lyon, resurekt hemslef, nd luk hawt az HE'LL"
"viagra got da powur two b smrt or smth idk"
"Leebruh cna pley miynecrafft rllyyy guuud"
"Scorpeeo got da powur 2 stign ppl 2 deth" I sw00nd. How hawt.
"sajjtauriASS can nevur get cawnstipayted"
"kaprikorn cna talk in a kool britisch acent"
"aqwarious got da powur 2 roller skTe reel nice"
"pceis can control life, death, and the universe. She is the chosen one. The one that will save our planet. The savior"
"alix da furst son of the younited states can cri reel nice"
"princ henreerrererererererererey of whales be britisch so he get n0 powurs lol"
Pringle henerererererererrereerereerererererererey of whales waz sad boi
"Now u hav 2 fite ofeeichus the evel zodiak"
Just then bob duncans fone rang so he piked it up
:hello" sayed daddy bob
"hey there friends how's it going, my name is Kevin and today we're doing something a bit different" sayed the fone.
daddy bob hung up beefor continung.
"anywae princ henreeerrererererererererreerrerrererererererersrery of whales will sh0w u were ofeeikhus be"
henrerererrererrererererrey t posd and sayed 'histury hUh'
just then pajama duncan wulked dohn thu staars
"omg dad stop kidnaping kids" he lololed
daddee bob tuk alix da furst son of the younited stayts pistol and shut paragraph duncan.
ok lets gu find ofeeikushdhhs daddy bob owoed
[If ur britisch then u can stop reeding now+!1!1!1!
No, it's Jojobama -greg
J O J O B A M A -Quack
petition to leave the above conversation in the chapter when we publish it say "aye" if you agree - greg
AYE -q u a ck
I'm so sorry -grega
O H M Y G O D -Quack
You can make more of these cursed images by getting FaceApp - MistQuill
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