
~Zodia's POV~

Ignis raised his daggers and stood in front of me protectively as Ravus sauntered over to us. The former prince's forces surrounded us as he stood before us with an unreadable expression. Then, the MT behind us lunges forward, its blade aiming for me and Ignis. In the blink of an eye, Ravus had stabbed the daemonic creation right through its central core. With his back turned to us, Ravus readied his blade for another strike. "I've no quarrels with either of you. Join me. I can secure us a way to the King and the Oracle."

"How do we know we can trust you?" Ignis asked, his grip on his daggers tightening.

"Have you any other options?" Ravus asked in return.

"You have a point," Ignis admitted reluctantly.

"Then it's settled. Let's make this quick."

"I'll handle them all at once," I announce. Both men looked at me as I casted a powerful lightning spell. A flurry of lightning strikes hits Niflheim's loyal men and daemons, frying them to a crisp. Ravus was in shock while Ignis gave me a proud smile. Returning back to reality, the high commander cleared his throat. "Impressive. I've heard tales of your abilities, but your gifts are far more than how they are portrayed. Now, follow me-if you're ready."

Leaving the Padore District, we head up a flight of stairs behind us. Weaving through dead troopers and Magiteks, we push forward towards the altar. As the distance between us and Noctis shrunk, the debris grew immensely. I prayed to the Six that no innocents were caught up in the fighting. As Ravus kicked a door down, my mind raced back to the moment I had snapped. The feeling of something clawing at my heart to escape lingered heavily. The monster my heart had brewed was more terrifying than any daemon I've seen. Though I was consumed by the shadow, I heard Virgo's word clearly. If it were to happen again, Ignis and the others would be in danger.

"Zodia." Hearing my name, I snap my gaze upwards to meet Ignis' worried one.

"I-I'm fine. Just... just still taken aback from the Arcane incident. I had no idea such malevolence was inside me." I clenched a hand over my heart, looking away from his emerald eyes. Ignis lifted my chin up, preventing me from looking away. He leaned forward, resting his forehead against mine. "If it were to occur again, I will do all in my power to alleviate the malevolence. Do not fret, my dear."

I hummed in acceptance and thanked him. We caught up with Ravus, noticing he was crouching behind a small stone railing. We followed suit and remained low, keeping our eyes on the imperials. Ignis seemed to wish to jump out and start brawling, but Ravus stopped him. "You needn't waste your time. I've ordered a full retreat. They'll be gone soon enough."

"Very well," Ignis replied, crouching next to the high commander. I could tell from his hard expression he was pondering about what to ask the silver-blonde haired man. "Why turn against the empire? Why now?"

"My sister's life is at stake. Is that not reason enough?" Ravus' tone was much sharper than usual. "The paths we tread may differ, but the blood coursing through our veins is one. So, too, is our calling. I must protect her."

My heart aches for Luna. She didn't ask for this, and yet, she's pushing through it all by herself without questioning anything. My hand accidentally skimmed over the ring that was hidden under the zodiac pendant. Mentally, I was debating if I should tell them of how close the ring truly was.

"The empire is after the Ring of the Lucii. If the ring falls into the wrong hands, I fear there's little hope for either of them. It must be found at all costs."

"Then we must hurry," Ignis said, standing up to his full height.

"We haven't much time," Ravus informs.

"We'll make it," I reassure. Ignis sent me small smile before we descended the ruined stairwell.

A MA Pisces stood in our way, searching through the rubble as if hoping to find something. Ignis grabbed my arm as we hid behind a pile of debris. "Remain here. We shall handle this."

I nod in understanding and watch as Ignis and Ravus sneak up behind the machine, taking it out within a few hits. Two more machines were just down the street. The men continued their stealth mission to take out the remaining two MA Pisces. Nimbly and quietly, they annihilated the first machine, only to be spotted by the second. Ignis threw his javelin into the central core of the machine, sparks flying as the life left the metal vessel.

"Don't get in my way," Ravus sneers.

"So long as you stay out of mine," Ignis retorts.

"Gentlemen, no fighting amongst ourselves. We've got more important matters to attend," I state as I walked next to Ignis.

They both fell silent until Ravus sliced through it. "Tell me: do you both believe Noctis is the one true King?"

"I believe it goes without saying," Ignis harshly responds.

"Yet when the flames of wars enshrouded Tenebrae, his father spared us nary a second thought. No "savior king" could possibly be born of such cowardice."

I gritted my teeth and aimed my staff at Ravus' neck. The man froze in shock at my sudden actions. I glared sharply at him as I forced him back a few steps. "Do not call my father a coward! He was a great man and King. He was a father before a ruler. Noctis and I were cared for not as royalty, but as family. It's not "cowardice" if you place your family above others. Noctis will become the true king and vanish the darkness. The Starscourge will no longer be a threat to Eos with him as the next King, I promise you that."

"Your will is strong, Princess, but your words ring on deaf ears for those who have already lost hope," he retorts.

"Hope is not something easily given up. Hope is a light in the darkness that you wish to nurture and flourish. Hope is not a fleeting emotion for it remains in everyone's heart, whether prominent or not," I retort sharply, my glare growing more harsh. "It seems you're weak-minded to believe hope is gone from this world."

Ravus stared into my sapphire eyes with his heterochromia ones. No words rolled of the man's tongue as his stare grew weak. I removed my staff from his neck and stepped away from him. When I saw Ignis' expression, I noticed he was taking my words to heart.

"It seems you've more hope than your brother," Ravus comments.

"Our destinies may differ, but I will stand by his side until the end. Support is all I can offer him. He cannot do this alone. You would do the same for Lunafreya, yes?"

"Without question."

"Then do so. She and Noctis will survive this endeavor."

Ravus caves under my words and nods. I walk away from the former prince and stand next to Ignis. "No words have ever been spoken more loving and faithful." He ran a hand through my midnight locks gently.

I smile up at him. "You're the reason why I still hold strongly to those beliefs. Noctis and I still need you."

Ravus intervened in our moment as we entered the Pitra District. "I grow tired of this." His scrutinizing gaze fell upon Niflheim troops as they blocked our path.

"Then let's end it," Ignis declares, summing his elemental daggers. With my staff, I stayed out of range and tended to healing and elemental enhancement spells. Troopers and Axemen stormed down the stairs as we annihilated the first wave of enemy forces. Ignis and Ravus worked in sync to rid the area of the remaining adversaries.

Successful, the Pitra District was liberated from the clutches of the empire. Now, there were no more obstacles. We could finally reach the Altar of the Tidemother. As we stared across the waves, we could still see the brilliant light of Luna's healing magic. Ravus stood at the edge of the destroyed street and stared at the altar. "If Noctis is the true King, he still has much to prove. The darkness will not wait for his ascent. It will consume our star and all upon it."

"He may not yet grasp the gravity of his calling, but once he does, he will rise to the occasion and fulfill his destiny!" Ignis quickly came to Noctis' defense.

"One can only hope you're right," Ravus' tone deepens.

"Let's hurry," I said. Both men agree and we navigate through more debris and dead machines. With the altar finally in our reach, we ran as fast as we could to help Noctis and Luna. The sky above clouded over ominously, pouring droplets of water upon us as if to mock our excruciating labor.

When my brother and Luna came into view, her healing magic ceased. I ran to the Oracle and administrated first aid. As I was healing her, I saw her chest rise lightly. Before I could tell Ravus the good news, he began to slowly stalk over with his sword drawn at his side. I was in complete shock as he closed the distance. "First, the Lucians stole from me my mother. And now they make a sacrifice of my sister!"

I was paralyzed to the spot as he raised his blade as he stood in front of me. Before Ravus could swing his blade down on me, Ignis blocked the sword with a single dagger. He pushed the man back, away from me and Noctis.

"Get out of my way!" Ravus bellows.

"What are you doing?!" Ignis demands.

"What I should have done long ago: ridding us of these menaces! Stand in my way and you, too, shall meet the same fate: death!"

Ravus pushes Ignis back, but it wasn't enough to keep him away. He summoned his other dagger and kept Ravus' sword from piercing him. "Come to your senses, man!"

Finding my voice, I shouted desperately at Ravus. "Luna's alive and breathing! Stop this nonsense!" Both men froze at my revelation. Their blades stilled, neither of them fighting back. With a deep breath, I continued. "I will have Pisces take her somewhere safe only the zodiacs can reach. There, she can heal properly. But... she will lose her abilities as the Oracle."

Ravus was in more shock than Ignis. He sheathed his blade and came over to me, kneeling next to Luna. "Then, she will be liberated of her calling?"

I nod. "Yes, but the Starscourge will spread like a wildfire without the Oracle. Noctis will be the one to bring back the light. That, is his destiny as the true King. Luna will become a normal woman once this is done. I won't do it if you oppose."

"No... no... I shall leave my sister in the care of the zodiacs. She will have a chance at a normal life, free of her Oracle status."

"Alright, I shall summon Pisces and he will take her from there."

Ravus nods, watching as I called upon the twelfth zodiac.

Without needing to mutter a word, Pisces knew what I wished of him. He gingerly took Luna's body into his arms and nodded to me. I smile and thank him for all he has done. With a blinding light, Luna and Pisces are gone.

"I... cannot express how joyous I am of your benevolent deed of extricating my sister," Ravus said. Even though I haven't known him for long, I could tell he was more than relieved. His stiff expression washed away as he got to his feet, the tension leaving his body.

With Luna now in safe hands, I directed my full attention to Noctis. Luckily, he wasn't hurt and Luna had healed all of his injuries. He would be out for awhile due to a minor concussion. Ignis kneeled beside me, wrapping me in a warm embrace. "You are a phenomenal woman, Zodia."

I hugged him back in silence. The hug didn't last long for we heard a familiar voice calling our names. "Iggy! Zodia!"

Ignis and I got to our feet when we heard Gladio shouting. The tactician stepped forward, shocked to see the shield here of all places. "Gladio! Are you alright? Where's Prompto?"

Something felt off about Gladio as he didn't answer Ignis' questions. I grabbed his arm just as the brute eyed Ravus. "Ignis, that's not Gladio," I whisper to him.

The high commander drew his blade, picking up on the same feeling I was sensing. "You..." Ravus quickly stood his ground. "Ardyn!"

"Oh, dear. Was I that transparent?" Ardyn grins before revealing his true self.

Riflemen stormed onto the altar, following Ardyn's orders. Ignis tried to protect me, but I was pulled away roughly from him as they pinned my arms behind me. He tried to shove past the men to reach me, but one hit him in the leg with the butt of a rifle. Ignis fell to ground with a grunt of pain. Two riflemen pinned him to the ground, one pushing his head down while the other restrained his right arm behind his back. He struggled underneath them, desperately trying to break free. Ardyn loomed over him, a smirk playing on his lips. "The game's up, my boy."

"Release her!" Ignis demands, struggling even more. Ardyn glances at me while still wearing his menacing smirk.

He turned his full attention to me and crept towards me. "Now, why would I do that? One by one, I shall pluck those lovely petals of hers, starting with the only family she has left." I glared at the man as he grabbed my jaw, forcing me to look into his sinister eyes. I gritted my teeth as he ran his fingers against my cheek. He then directed his attention back to Ignis. While he was busy talking to my fiancé, I whispered an incantation under my breath, killing the two men who were restraining me with large, sharp icicles. Now free, I had drawn everyone's attention. With a strong tug, I broke the chain of my necklace. The zodiac pendant clattered to the ground while I held onto the ring.

"Zodia, run!" Ignis begged as Ardyn, once again, gave me his full attention.

The chancellor eyed my hand, his eyes widening once he saw what I held. "The ring..."

"I know this is what you're truly after, Ardyn. It seems I've gained the upper hand in this little squabble."

"My dear girl, you've no clue how much power you're grasping," he said.

"Trust me, I know exactly how much power I wield. With my zodiac blood and the Ring of the Lucii, I will protect those I love!" I slid the ring onto my finger without hesitation.

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