~Zodia's POV~
As I sat between Noctis and Gladio, I skimmed through the grimoire. Myriads of spells caught my attention and I was itching to use a few of them. I took the time to even memorize a few spells for the monsters that lurked within Malmalam Thicket. Closing the book, I heard Prompto begin to whine. "I don't like the woods. Too many monsters."
Gladio snappily closed the novel he was reading with a small scoff. "You kidding? What could be better than roughing it out here?"
"A million other things could be better," Prompto hastily replies.
Gladio shook his head, putting his book away. I smiled at the small banter as Ignis pulled the Regalia into a parking lot.
"I hate hiking more than camping," Noctis groans as he exited the car.
"Of course-you only like sleeping," I said matter-of-factly.
"I don't 'like' sleeping, I 'love' it," Noctis proclaims.
"I feel so bad for Luna..." I murmur under my breath.
"What did you say?"
"Nothing!" I deny and hug the grimoire to my chest. Noctis kept his eyes on me as he whistled for the Chocobos. Ignoring his gaze, I look down the dirt road to see the Chocobos running towards us. "Would it be strange if I named her?" I suddenly ask. Prompto turned towards me with a brilliant smile. "Not at all! Maybe I'll name my Chocobo, too."
My vision was soon obscured by sapphire feathers. Threading my fingers through her soft plumage, I smile at the bird. "So, what do you think about the name Skye?" The Chocobo chirped cheerfully and ran circles around me. I giggle at her sudden excitement. "I'll take that as a 'yes'."
Hopping on her back, I follow closely to Ignis. As we delved deeper into the forest, the foliage began to thicken. A sense of dread overcame me as we crossed a bridge. Ignis must've sensed my change of mood and rode next to me. "Are you alright?"
"I just suddenly got a bad feeling."
I could see the worry growing within Ignis at my words. A guilty feeling soon took over the dread as I saw how tense he became. "Sorry, I should have kept to myself," I apologize in a soft voice.
"Do not apologize, Zodia. Malmalam Thicket is a treacherous forest. It's expected to sense bad omens from such a place."
"I just wish Noct won't become too careless."
"As do I."
We dismount our birds after a long trot up a curvy dirt trail that led us to the entrance of Malmalam Thicket. A suffocating atmosphere seeped through the trees like an invisible fog, covering us in silence. Gladio was the first to speak as we entered the forest. "Are you up for it?"
"Step lightly in here," Ignis warns.
"There's no telling what'll crawl out of the woodwork."
"Wouldn't wanna squish some slimy bug and ruin my nice kicks," Prompto states. Glancing at the blonde in disbelief, I spoke up. "You're worried about stepping on a bug out of all the things that lurk around us?"
"You've got a point there, Zo. But I hate bugs," Prompto shutters.
"Oh, that's right. You and Noct hate any type of bug. Camping must be real torture to the both of you."
"You have no idea," Noctis chimes in.
Our conversation was cut short when a Mandrake appeared in front of us. Noctis, being the careless person he is, warp-strikes without thinking. "It seems our wish won't be granted, Iggy," I said, summoning staff. Seeing that it was a monster that resembled a plant, I simply casted a fire spell and watched as its whole body began burning.
"Noct, you have a brain... right?" I ask. Noctis sent a glare my way with crossed arms as I continued. "Please use it next time. If you don't, it's gonna rot in that head of yours unless... it already has."
A round of "ooh"s from Gladio and Prompto could be heard. Ignis chuckled lightly at my insult and couldn't bring himself to look at my brother. Noctis stumbled over his words as he tried to think of a comeback. Smiling victoriously, I dispel my staff. "Whelp, it seems that poor brain of yours has already been rotted."
Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis couldn't hold back their laughter. The blonde was holding his sides, gasping for air. Noctis tried to glare at all of them but failed. "I hate you," he hisses. I walk over and gently pat him on the shoulder. "Love you too, Noct." Hearing those words was enough for his smile to return. Ever since I was born, he never could stay mad at me for long. I'm glad to see that hasn't changed.
The laughter died down after a few minutes. We pushed forward and ran into a stream that had Shieldshears littered all over. Annihilating them was a cinch and proved to be more of a nuisance than anything else. Our feet became wet as we entered the stream to reach higher ground.
"Take care the current doesn't carry you away," Ignis said as the water rushed under us.
"I'm not sure my footwear is up to this!" Prompto pushes through the raging stream.
"Don't let yourself get pulled in either," Gladio states. Just as those words left his mouth, Prompto slipped. Being the closest to him, I grab on to his arm and steady him. "T-thanks, Zodia," he sheepishly mutters. I smiled and let go of him when he was balanced. "No problem, Prom." His cheeks were a faint red from my sudden touch. That's when I remembered Noctis told me about Prompto's crush on me in high school. I felt a pair of eyes on us after Prompto took a few steps away from me.
Noctis walked over to the blonde and began whispering in his ear. Whatever he'd said, Prompto's cheeks ignited into a deeper red hue. Noctis laughed and ignored the desperate shouts of denial from the sharpshooter. Gladio, Ignis, and I were confused at what had just transpired in front of us. "Definitely figurin' out what that was about later," Gladio said.
"Make sure to get lots of details," I spoke.
"I've got you covered, Zo."
Gladio smirked and returned to Noctis' side. We walk up a trail alongside the waterfall and reach a small tunnel. Faint rays of sunshine could be seen from the other end. As we reach the other end, Prompto inhaled deeply. "Man, am I glad to be out of there."
"Don't speak too soon," Gladio replied. Just as the shield had said that, our eyes spy a Bandersnatch. Prompto quickly changed his mind. "Not so glad anymore."
"Out of all the monsters that could be prowling around, why did it have to be a Bandersnatch?" I groan. We prepared our weapons for battle and were immediately detected by the huge creature.
Noctis was about to warp, but I quickly stopped him. "Zodia, what are you-"
"Let me call upon a zodiac. Their help will improve our chances of winning. It'll also decrease our number of injuries."
"Go right ahead, sis."
My bracelet radiates with a blinding light as I call upon Aries.
(A/n: This picture will be reoccurring as will the other pictures I have for all the zodiacs. It's to help you visual them so you don't have to search for the image in a previous chapter)
The first zodiac stood in front of me, analyzing the Bandersnatch in silence. He tapped his staff on the ground, resulting in it shifting into a sword. With his shield in hand, Aries charges into battle without needing me to explain anything.
"Impressive," Ignis compliments. Our eyes watch as Aries attacks the Bandersnatch head-on. The blade he wielded was consumed by flames as he jumped on the monster's back. Seeing that it was weakening, the rest of us join the fray. Aries delivered a heavy blow, causing the creature to fall on its side. Our next blows were the finishing ones as the Bandersnatch became silent. Aries returned to my side and I thanked him for his help.
"A pleasure to assist you, Daughter of the Zodiac." With that, he vanished.
Noctis headed to the royal tomb with Gladio while Prompto, Ignis, and myself searched for the zodiac ruins. We had trouble finding the door until Prompto delved into a thick barrier of foliage and found the ruins. He pushed branches back and shimmed through bushes to reveal the door to us.
"Nice job, Prom," I comment. He smiles with a faint blush as he makes room for me. I open the stone door and enter the ruins while feeling eyes on my back. Inside, the orb was gleaming with a green tint.
"Earth. This must be either Taurus, Vergo, or Capricorn," I mumble to myself. My hand touched the orb and the tenth zodiac stood before me.
(A/n: I realize Capricorn is half goat, half fish-but it was difficult to find a good picture)
Capricorn wrapped his long, fish-like tail around me. By his expression, I could tell he was trying to scare me. Once he realized his tactics weren't working, he recoiled his tail and a deep laugh rumbled from the zodiac. His eyes gleamed while his mouth didn't move as he began speaking.
"Most would be shaking in your place, young one."
"I would be scared, but seeing my brother try to flirt is the scariest thing on all of Eos," I huff with laughter. Capricorn let out another deep chuckle and lowered his head. "Word of your strong and pure heart has traveled far. Alas, it has also gained the attention of enemies who will try to use you against the rightful king. As future Queen of Lucis, you will work alongside the King and your future spouse to restore this land to the glory it once held. Once done, the world will be in peaceful harmony."
"Hopefully, that day is closer than I pray for."
"As do I, young one. You have much to learn in such a short amount of time. I shall guide you along with the other zodiacs as well. Your power is mine and mine is yours. Stay vigilante, Daughter of the Zodiac."
Capricorn leaned his head foreword until I rested a hand against his muzzle. Just like Pisces and Aries, he vanished and a charm was left in my hand.
I attached it to my bracelet and left the ruins. The sun greeted me as I emerged from the shadowy ruins. Ignis and Prompto stood where I left them with Gladio and Noctis chatting away. A smile graced my face as I announced my successful encounter with Capricorn.
"Another royal arm and zodiac ruin down," Gladio said.
"So... does this mean we get to return to Lestallum and sleep in soft beds?" Prompto asked with a gleam in his eye.
"We won't make it before morning. Camping will have to suffice," Ignis replied, shooting down Prompto's gleeful expression. He slumped forward at the news and Noctis groaned loudly.
"Let's get back to the car before the daemons come crawlin' out," Gladio said, pushing the two pouters forward.
"Would you like me to carry the grimoire for you, my dear?" Ignis asked as we trekked back through Malmalam Thicket.
"Oh, I completely forgot I had it with me. Thank you for the offer, but it's no trouble. If we ran into an enemy, you wouldn't be able to summon your daggers with this in your grasp."
He gave a small nod and smiled. We caught up with the others just as the entrance was in view. Free of the dreary forest, we ride our Chocobos back to the Regalia as the sun began to set. Our next destination was Telghey Haven-a place to rest for the night. No daemons made an appearance on the road, which made all of us jubilant. With help from everyone, we set up camp, enjoy a delicious meal, and call it a night.
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